Basic php read xml fileроботи
...status of each booking (pending, confirmed, completed). User Data Management: Easy access to customer info (name, vehicle type, requested service, contact details). Reports & Analytics: Basic analytics or integration with Google Analytics for traffic and booking data. User Privileges: Director (full rights) Administrator (manage daily operations) Optional: Additional roles (mechanics, accountants) in the future. 6. Additional Features / Considerations Integration with CRM (optional, but desired if feasible): So we can track repeated customers, provide loyalty programs, and store vehicle service history. File Upload / Gallery: Showcases our equipment, workshop images, or success stories (before/after repairs). Security & Backups: SSL certificate, GDPR compliance, r...
Завдання: Система представляє собою "хаб" API інтеграцій між іншими системами. Необхідно вміння роботи з різноманітним API. Розуміння та вміння налаштовувати CRON задачі. Робота з БД mysqli. Ключові навички: php, mysqli, фреймворк, cron, API, keitaro/tiktok/facebook. (removed by admin)
Треба переписати сайт з html на php, створити вкладку "login" де можно увійти у режим адміну де можна керувати сайтом, та підв'язати до цього всього датабазу
З приводу обмінів залишків API. Ми надаємо дані у вигляді xml-файлів, які з вашого боку підхоплюються скриптом і впроваджуються в CMS (це повинні зробити програмісти на вашій стороні). Плюс програмістам з вашого боку потрібно буде налаштувати та поставити в крон парсер, який звертатиметься за xml-файлом розвантаження. Для отримання доступу до вивантаження файлу - підтвердьте IP-адреси вашої мережі, з якої надходять запити. У вкладенні – інструкція щодо формування запитів. У ній є опис наших тегів і три приклади коду на PHP, C# і AJAX (залежно від мови, яка використовується у вашій системі або зручна для програміста). Звертаю увагу, що у запиті вказується e-mail та пароль, які використовуються для входу на наш портал. Адреса сервісу вказана в інструкції, дублюю ...
Потрібно налаштувати вже робочу синхронізацію прайсу між сайтом та Prom ua Сайт віддає прайс у форматі xml, який формується за допомогою плагіну у виді як на скріншоті. 1)Необхідно налаштувати двомовність фіду, зараз тільки одна мова 2)Правильне визначення категорію товару промом - "Категорія на маркетплейсі" 3)Налаштування переміщення товарів із свого розділу на сайті до аналогічного розділу на промі (категорії збігаються)
Потрібний спеціаліст для редагування 4 XML фідів на платформі Внесення змін у доставку, зміна цін, заокруглення, зміна параметрів товарів а тд. Або потрібне інше рішення яке дозволить автоматизувати створення XML фідів на основі таких правил Працюємо до коректного відображення всіх змін на вихідному фіді.
Нужен скрипт для загрузки товаров на сайт из фидов форматов xml/yml/api. Товары от разных поставщиков нужно обьеденить согласно категорий и подкатегорий сайта. CMS Wordpress. Также скрипт должен автоматически обновлять информацию о товарах (наличие и цена) 1-2 раза в день.
...user (basic level+) Japanese language - Upper-Intermediate to Advanced level is a must Мы предоставим готовый premiere pro проэкт и инструкцию (на японском) в качестве примера. We will provide a manual in Japanese and the sample project file for reference. Видео будут предоставляться на постоянной основе. Оплата по инвойсу в конце следующего месяца. Например - с 1 по 31 августа было отредактировано 10 видео. Оплата за все 10 будет в конце сентября. Videos will be provided on a regular basis. The payment will be done at the end of the next month (if you finished 10 videos during August, you'll get paid for all 10 videos on the last week of September). Оплата начинается с базовой ставки за 1 видео и может возрастать в зависимости от качества и скорости работы. The f...
Робота для програміста з досвідом роботи в Python + XML. В додатку є svg файл , що по суті є XML документом. В цьому файлі де-які відрізки є ідентичними за своєю довжиною, розміщенням і координатами і дублюються. Мені треба якось підрахуати скільки разів зустрічається кожен відрізок у файлі та створити новий файл у якому будуть всі відрізки з початкового файлу але без дублікатів + в атрибутах відрізків буде новий атрибут "numba", значення якого дорівнюватиме кільксті дублікатів цього відрізка, що було знайдено в початковому файлі ''" Хочу отримати ipynb файл, який би я міг запустити на виконати його і отримати Перевага виконавцю з України.
Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завдання: Шукамо фрілансера для розвитку наших веб-магазинів електронної комерції за допомогою найсучасніших веб-технологій для різних пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)
Потрібно поступово (по частинах) переписати застарівший самописний PHP інтернет-магазин з асортиментом декілька тисяч товарів на фреймворк Django, розширюючи його теперішній функціонал. Обов'язково: - попередній досвід веб-розробки на Django; - досвід створення RESTful API; - розуміння PHP. Бажано: - досвід на подібних проектах в ролі Senior; - досвід роботи з Flask; - досвід роботи з Vue.js; - досвід роботи з PostgreSQL.
needs to be finalized - add btc, payeer, perfect money, yandex money, visa / mastercard, pay pal payment methods. And also to add the calculator of interest calculation concerning the purchased investment packages by the client (so that the client can see the purchased package and accruing on it depending on the elapsed time and for the current period after payment in his own office). Change the site's payment currency to dollars, euros, rubles, pounds. The project budget is 50 Euros, but we can discuss.
Рекламна агенція Афіша Прикарпаття шукає PHP-програміста для виправлення технічних помилок на сайті Сайт написано за допомогою фреймворку Laravel, попередній програміст пояснить всі технічні деталі. Приблизна вартість всіх виправлень на сайті - 10000 грн. Можливо будуть добавлятись нові пункти, за додаткову оплату. Якщо працювати 5 днів в тиждень то все можна закінчити приблизно за пару тижнів, залежить від ваших навичок. Нам потрібна тільки людина з Івано-Франківська(та області) для того, щоб ми могли зустрічатись в офісі Афіша Прикарпаття, також при необхідності можливе виділення робочого місця.
Доброго дня. Я партнер міжнародної IT-компанії, яка займається розробкою додатків та сайтів (від звичайних лендінгів до повноцінних адмін-сторінок) для американського ринку. Ми шукаємо працьовитих і готових до навантаження PHP девелоперів. У команді мало людей, тож усі мають достатньо роботи і справді дружні між собою. Майже усі наші працівники з України, тож проблем з комунікацією немає. Більшість контактів будуть здійснюватись через менеджерів компанії та мене, тож безпосередній контакт з клієнтами англійською буде відсутній. Однак володіння англійською хоча б на простому розмовному рівні потрібне, оскільки мій парнер по бізнесу - американець, і комунікація з ним у вас буде. Розпочати роботу ви зможете після кількох етапів відбору (тест на навики та коротка скайп-розмова) та р...
Я маю довгострокову роботу, яка пов'язана з нашим попереднім проектом 'Change Framework CMS from Shopify to Prestashop - PHP, HTML, CMS, SQL'
I need translate French to German A column - TEXT B column HTML
...Eco-conscious Gen Z prefer brands with sustainability efforts—eco-friendly wristbands can boost brand affinity. Branded wristbands create a premium experience, associated with exclusive access, giveaways, and VIP perks. Design Requirements: Modern, sleek, and nightclub-inspired design (dark backgrounds with neon or vibrant highlights preferred). Use of bold typography, engaging icons, and an easy-to-read layout. Optimised for both digital and print (high-resolution PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats required). Incorporate branding elements where necessary (logo placeholders, colour scheme, etc.). Final files must be editable (preferably Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or Canva files). Deliverables: 1 x high-resolution infographic (A4 or square format for social media use). Editable s...
Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь або увійдіть в систему для перегляду деталей.
...For AI-driven features, including content analysis and intelligent learning paths. Customizable Learning Modules: Adaptable content and interfaces for various learning styles. User Authentication and Data Security: Robust user management with secure login and session handling. Interactive Chat & Collaboration: Real-time messaging and document sharing during conferences. To ensure that you have read the full description, please include the phrase "AI-driven learning" in your bid. We are looking for dedicated professionals who can deliver high-quality work within deadlines while maintaining strong communication throughout the project lifecycle....
I'm in need of an experienced app developer to create a new, innovative application for both iOS and Android. The app will connect two phones together for seamless file sharing. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a cross-platform application. - Implement robust and efficient file sharing capabilities between connected devices. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in iOS and Android app development. - Previous experience with file sharing applications. - Strong understanding of cross-platform development. - Excellent UI/UX design skills to ensure a user-friendly interface. - Skills in optimizing battery usage to ensure the app runs efficiently without draining device power. - Knowledge of various connectivity protocols like Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth, and NFC. - Ex...
...promote our website development services to interior design agencies across the US, UK, Canada, and UAE. Your main goal will be to generate interest and secure appointments for our sales team. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct outbound calls to a provided list of interior design agencies - Pitch our services and elucidate how we can enhance their online presence - Navigate objections, respond to basic inquiries, and cultivate a rapport with prospects - Arrange meetings for our sales team with interested parties - Keep precise records of all calls and responses Ideal Candidate: - Fluent in English (neutral or slight accent preferred) - Previous experience in cold calling, telemarketing, or appointment setting - Flexible to work during business hours of US, UK, Canada, and UAE - Po...
I'm looking for a blockchain developer to help me create smart contracts. Key Requirements: - Ideal candidates should have a strong understanding of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency development. - Experience with privacy-focused features in cryptocurrencies is a plus. - Strong knowledge in implementing basic transaction obfuscation techniques is essential. I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver a secure and efficient smart contracts. Proposals should include examples of similar projects you've worked on.
...and UAE. This role primarily involves pitching our website development services, generating interest and scheduling appointments with potential clients. Key Responsibilities: - Contacting small/start-up interior design agencies using a supplied lead list - Presenting our website development services and illustrating how we can enhance their online visibility - Addressing objections, answering basic inquiries, and establishing rapport with prospects - Setting up appointments for our sales team with interested parties - Keeping precise records of calls and responses Preferred Skills and Experience: - Fluent English speaker with a neutral or slight accent - Prior experience in cold calling, telemarketing, or appointment setting - Availability during business hours of the US, UK, C...
...The logo should incorporate the initials HA , the logo should be potentially interlinked. It's crucial that the logo embodies a modern style, as well as using a serif font for the initials. The color scheme is to be white and gold. Below the main logo, it should read "Nurse led Clinic by Annmarie Hartley". Key Requirements: - Logo should be modern and using a serif font. - The color scheme is white and gold or even maybe black or white - It should incorporate the initials HA possibly in an interlinked fashion. - Text should read "Nurse led Clinic by Annmarie Hartley" underneath the main logo. Ideal skills and experience would include a strong background in modern logo design, proficiency in using serif fonts, and experience working with a white...
I'm looking for an experienced designer/developer or a team to create a full-fledged E-commerce application for both iOS and Android, along with a responsive website. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: A seamless, user-friendly shopping cart feature. - User Reviews: A system for customers to post and read reviews on products. - Product Recommendations: An intelligent recommendation system for suggesting products to users based on their preferences and purchase history. - Seller and Buyer Profiles: Dedicated profiles for both sellers and buyers, with appropriate features and functionalities. Additional Functionality: - Payment Gateway Integration: Secure, smooth integration with multiple trusted payment gateways. - Order Tracking: Real-time order tracking capabilities. - Customer ...
...provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) LG TWINTEL, Samsung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06168 • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit gu... a form that is immediately understandable. I use a rigorous methodology to identify the most relevant parts of the content and present them in a structured way so that the reader can get a complete and accurate overview without having to read the entire original text. My approach to summarizing is flexible and adaptable to the client's needs. I can create detailed summaries suitable for academic contexts or shorter, more concise summaries for professional or business contexts. In every case, I am committed to delivering content that is easy to read but does not sacrifice the completeness and accuracy of the information. I consider myself a highly organized person with excellent skills in analyzing texts, identifying key points, and reducing the information so tha...
PLEASE READ BEFORE PLACING A BID. -------------------------------------------------------------- I have a functional Zabbix 7.2 setup and need expert assistance to implement comprehensive monitoring for both cPanel and DirectAdmin servers. The hosts are already added to Zabbix (active/passive agent), but I require a tailored configuration to ensure robust and visually appealing monitoring. Scope of Work Your responsibilities will include: Items: Configure metrics collection (e.g., CPU usage, memory utilization, disk activity, etc.). Triggers: Set up thresholds and alerts based on best practices. Graphs: Build intuitive and detailed visualizations for key metrics. Dashboards: Design sleek, professional dashboards for a clear overview of server health. Discovery Rules: Automate th...
... The system should be deployed as a cloud-based application. The developer is free to choose the most suitable technology stack for the system. The system does not need to be compatible with any specific external integrations. The UI/UX design should follow a modern and minimalist style. The system should allow for high levels of customization to meet specific operational needs and workflows. Basic maintenance and support are required post-launch to ensure smooth operation and fix any critical bugs. The expected timeline for this project is 3-6 months. The system should support advanced customization options, allowing for detailed adjustments to workflows, user interfaces, and operational processes. The system should be tailored for the construction industry, considering its uni...
i need a modoule that i can make xlm exporter or inporter
...UI designer to enhance the visual design of my Android lottery app. The primary goal is to improve the app's overall look and feel, making it more appealing and user-friendly. Key areas of focus: - Improving the visual design of the app - Creating an engaging and attractive interface I need only 2 page design- Home page and Logged In page. My app is already functional. I will give you existing xml code. You need to design the pages keeping variables same. Add appropriate background, color, etc. to look the pages professional and engaging. This is a very simple task and should not take more than a day for the right person. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in UI design, particularly for Android apps - Strong understanding of visual design principles - Expe...
I'm looking for a professional to prepare groundwork for a project aimed at teaching elderly office workers (with basic tech knowledge) to master digital communication tools. The project should cover 2 parts: 1. Introduction to Digital Technologies for Office Use, which includes: - The Role of Technology in Modern Offices - Digital Transformation and Shift towards Digital Tools - Digital Technologies and Productivity - Types of Digital Technologies for Office Use 2. Security and Data Protection in Office, which includes: - Fundamentals of Cybersecurity - Privacy Tools - Securing Remote Work The teaching materials should be detailed at an intermediate level for key platforms, with a focus on setting up and using video conferencing and chats and collaborative features. T...
...Media Marketing Intern, you will: Develop and execute a social media content strategy aligned with our brand goals. Create engaging content (posts, reels, stories, and videos) for Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms to improve reach and engagement. Edit and enhance content using basic graphic design and video editing tools (e.g., Canva, CapCut, Adobe tools). Monitor trends in the short-term rental and travel industry to create relevant and timely content. Assist in managing and updating our website (basic knowledge of website management is a plus). Plan and implement paid ad campaigns to drive bookings and increase visibility. Track and analyze social media performance using insights and analytics tools to optimize content. Engage with the audience, respond to commen...
...structures is a plus. • Knowledge of Indonesian building codes preferred. • Deliverables include Revit files, PDFs, and BOQ. Project Timeline: Completion expected within [insert desired time frame]. Budget: Please provide a detailed quote and timeline with your bid. How to Apply: Include your portfolio, relevant experience, and a brief outline of how you would approach this project. If you actually read this to the end, you will send me via dm an example of your work, and we can discuss in dm. ...
Job Title: Webcast Freelance Monitor Company: Premier Global Webinar Platform Location: Fully Remote About the Role: We are partnered with a world-class, gl...18ed40eccd5403. Submit your proposal starting with the final word from the video as the reason for your booking. Your proposal must include your CV as an attachment in either a readable PDF or Word Doc. If you do not use the word in the video nor attach your CV I will delete your bid - sorry but I get so many time wasters on here "autobidding" on things they don't really understand and have not read. This freelance role is perfect for those looking for flexible, interesting work with top-tier clients, providing a unique addition to your professional experience. Some of our freelancers have been with us in thi...
I have a PNG logo that needs a thin white border around it. I also need a separate file for the logo text (Just pulled from the existing logo) so I can get apparel printed. Please use the same font for the text as in the logo. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Graphic Design - Experience with logo modification - Proficient in using design software - Able to create files for apparel printing I would like very high resolution PNG and JPEG files created from this
...The ideal candidate should possess: - Proficiency in web development with a portfolio of similar projects. - Experience with AI integration in web applications. - Expertise in creating user-friendly, professional web interfaces. - Capability to deliver high-quality work within a short time frame, as I have several similar projects lined up. Include the ability to create resumes in French. Offer basic themes for resume templates. Include an admin panel to manage content and user interactions. Include options for high customization of CV templates, allowing users to adjust layout, fonts, and color schemes extensively. Please use the lamp technology stack for this project. Include options for advanced AI-driven resume customization. The resume builder should support common language...
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks...
I am in need of a mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms that connects motorcycle and bicycle drivers to collect orders from our inventory and deliver them to brand customers. The key features of ...for customers to rate drivers and provide feedback on their delivery experience. The delivery requests should be designed in a way that drivers can pick available requests on their own. Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in developing logistics or delivery mobile applications, with a strong understanding of order management systems and payment integrations. Provide basic access for drivers and customers without specific user roles. Include real-time notifications for drivers and customers. Please include payment integration for credit and de...
I'm seeking a talented Laravel PHP developer to assist in the development of my application. The specifics of the application have not yet been determined, so a flexible and versatile developer is preferred. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel and PHP - Experience in developing custom applications - Ability to work with unstructured requirements Experience with third-party services is not a necessity, but is a plus. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate on the design and development of a custom application - Provide expert insight on the capabilities of Laravel and PHP - Adapt to changing requirements and contribute to the application vision
I need a scenario that will trigger when a new file is added to my FTP server. This scenario will parse the information from a CSV spreadsheet, relay it to a ChatGPT assistant, and then take the assistant's output to create a new Google Sheet or Doc. Key Requirements: - The CSV file contains all the information that needs to be processed. - The scenario must be able to relay all data from the spreadsheet to ChatGPT. - The output from ChatGPT should be organized into a new Google Sheet or Doc each time. Ideal Skills: - Proficient experience with - Familiarity with webhooks option - Knowledge of parsing CSV files - Experience with Google Sheets and Docs - Understanding of how to interface with ChatGPT assistant via make Timeframe: 24 hours. The new Google Sheet
I have 25 images that were shot on green screen, and I need a professional photo editor to change the background to white and fine tune them. Requirements: - Basic color correction - Object removal - Lighting enhancements Final Deliverables: - All images in JPEG format Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in photo editing software - Experience with green screen image editing - Attention to detail The project needs to be completed by 48 hours. Please apply a natural lighting look to all images.
Job Description - • File will be generated from android mobile app • File type is an encrypted file (Similar to wireshark) • Developer needs to identify and decode frames and its type (packet_type) • Based on given time duration (Millisecond) developer needs to truncate extra frames between given duration for each packet_type • Time duration for each packet_type will be read from a config file. In case a packet_type is missing in the config file then discard all frames with that packet_type Skills required: 1. Candidates with experience of “C“ and “C++” and must have knowledge and experience in android NDK 2. Proficiency in Java / Kotlin. 3. Strong understanding of Android architecture compone...
I need a professional who can turn my WordPress website into a mobile app for both iOS and Android. The app will primarily serve as a basic display of the website content, with the added functionality of push notifications. Key Requirements: - Expertise in mobile app development, specifically for iOS and Android - Proficient in transforming WordPress content into a mobile app - Experience in implementing push notifications in a mobile app The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong portfolio of similar work, and can deliver a high-quality, user-friendly mobile app that meets all of my requirements.
...3. Subscription Pricing Plan 3.1. B2C & B2B Pricing Structure Plan Type Pricing Employee Limit Features Free Trial (B2C & B2B) Free (7-day limited access) 1 user or company trial Limited chatbot features Individual Plan (B2C) $10/month 1 user Full chatbot access, therapy modules Small Business Plan (B2B) $99/month (Flat Fee) Up to 50 employees Access for all employees, sentiment tracking, basic HR dashboard Enterprise Plan (B2B) Custom Pricing Unlimited employees Advanced analytics, custom integrations, HR insights, priority support ? Pricing Model Explanation: • B2C users pay per individual account. • B2B companies pay a flat rate for up to 50 employees under the Small Business Plan. • Enterprise customers have custom pricing based on company siz...
I am looking for a talented app developer to create a user-friendly platform for discovering and purchasing books online. This project involves multiple key features and requires a clean, book-inspired design. Key Features: - Search & Book Details: A quick search feature with basic filters (genre, author, title) and a detailed book preview. - Checkout & Payment: A smooth, mobile-friendly book purchase experience supporting Credit/Debit Card payments. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in app development. - Experience in creating e-commerce platforms. - Strong UI/UX design skills. Please note that while Gamification & Progress Tracking is not a priority, a clean and appealing design is essential for the success of this project.
I am seeking a professional with expertise in astrophysics to conduct a thorough peer-revie...academic paper review - Ability to identify and correct scientific inaccuracies - Excellent attention to detail - Familiarity with the peer-review process A review of part of a paper that decribes a new theory of gravitation. The actual part is "A quantified model of Newtons's law of universal gravitation" and is about 15 pages of text and mathematics. The model may have profound impact if it's true. Basic skills in physics is required. We want a review of the *overall level of the model* and with focus on the logic, mathematics and physics. Details in notations, language etc is a second priority. A follow-up of this first step is possible if both parties agree to that....
I need an experienced Flutter & Firebase developer to perfect the flow of my app like Omegle. My app has three main screens: 1. The Matching Screen - Users click to find a partner. 2. The Intermediate Screen - Here, I find a match for the user. Once matched, the use...Screen - Here, I find a match for the user. Once matched, the user navigates to the chat screen. 3. The ChatScreen - Matched users can chat (text only), skip each other, or exit the chat. I've written around 200 lines of code, but I'm having issues with data synchronization on the Intermediate Screen. Ideal freelancer should: - Improve real-time matching efficiency and flow. - Optimize Firestore read/writes. - Perfectly handle user skipping and exiting the chat. This is a short-duration project, esti...
I'm seeking a skilled professional for a project involving multiple RS485 Modbus devices. The task includes sending SMS messages to these devices to read meter data and subsequently creating an SQL database using the collected information. Key Requirements: - Proficient in working with RS485 Modbus devices - Experience in sending SMS to these devices - SQL database creation and management skills - Familiarity with rs485 modbus rtu data format - Understanding of SIM card usage in devices The meter data is typically in the rs485 modbus rtu format. The connection to the RS485 Modbus devices will be through a SIM card on the device. The ideal candidate for this project should have hands-on experience with this kind of setup and be able to work independently.
I'm in need of a virtual assistant who can help me with cropping photos for my e-commerce listing. The photos are of electronics and should emphasize the overall appearance of the products. Ideal skills for this job include: - Basic photo editing skills - Understanding of e-commerce photo requirements - Attention to detail - Ability to follow specific instructions Experience in handling e-commerce listings or working with electronics photos would be a plus. The goal is to enhance the visual appeal of the products and attract more potential buyers. The virtual assistant will be required to crop between 50 to 200 photos. The cropped photos should have a 1:1 (Square) aspect ratio.