Basic anatomy and physiology pdfроботи
Project Overview We are launching a truck and car service center in Dessau-Roßlau (Germany), with a focus on tire services (mounting, balancing, sales) and oil changes for both heavy-duty trucks and regular cars. In the future, we aim to expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multilingual platform (German, English, ...
Я надаю PDF файли 3 сайтів і вам потрбіно на основі цих троьох сайтів та мої характеристик створити односторінковий сайт
Вітаю! Необхідно скласти докладне технічне + продуктове ТЗ на побудову внутрішньої інфраструктури транзакційних SMTP серверів для email розсилок (повідомлення, підтвердження, квитанції, промо та акційні розсилки та ін.). Проєкт - інтернет магазин Формат виконання роботи: Документ у форматі Word або PDF з детальним описом та схемами архітектури, мокапами. Основні завдання: Визначення архітектури серверів SMTP: Кількість серверів, які братимуть участь у розсилці - 6. Рекомендації щодо вибору технологій та протоколів для надсилання листів. Детальний опис серверних ролей: головний сервер, додаткові сервери для балансування навантаження, сервери обробки зворотного зв'язку (bounce і feedback loops). Механізми маршрутизації листів між серверами та зовнішніми поштовими системами ...
Task: Develop a thermometer module based on the TMP36 temperature sensor. Provide operation in three modes: temperature measurement in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit and Kelvin (change of mode using the button). Use the display (4-digit 7-segment indicator and 74HC595 shift register) to display all necessary data. Use the button and LEDs to set the operating mode and display the current mode. Additional materials: TMP36 documentation: Documentation for 74HC595: Using a 7-segment indicator: Example of implementation:
...животных ❖ Набор цифровых наклеек на растительную тематику ❖ Набор цифровых наклеек на тему Дня святого Валентина ❖ Набор цифровых наклеек на жуткую тематику ✧ СОВМЕСТИМОСТЬ ✧ - Совместимость с устройствами Apple, Android и Microsoft. - Совместимость с iPad/планшетами, смартфонами и настольными/ноутбуками. - Этот планировщик предназначен для использования с любым приложением для аннотирования PDF-файлов, таким как Goodnotes, Notability, Samsung Notes, Xodo, Noteshelf и т. д.
Потрібно налаштувати масове розсилання. Є база, яка створена власноруч з оф сайтів роботодавців. Суть розсилки – розіслати анкету роботодавцям по базі. Тобто в день це буде 5000-10000 листів та формат листа-текст + документ у форматі doc, pdf. Головне завдання - щоб лист потрапив роботодавцю у вхідні, а не в спам чи акції! Фахівці, чекаю на ваші пропозиції. Про оплату можемо обговорити індивідуально
...объявлении должно быть отредактировано сообщение,которое выводится 6. В Меню на сайте исполнителя должно выпадать подменю подтвержденные контакты и счета. Подтвержденные контакты должны быть только за последний месяц а все что в предыдущем месяце были и раньше должны отправляться на страницу архива. Во вкладке Счета должна быть возможность,чтобы я могла добавлять каждый месяц к каждому исполнителю файл pdf и он его видил у себя на странице. В данный момент область счета на сайте отсутствует а подтвержденные контакты отображаются внизу страницы исполнителя. 7. Нужна таблица,где будет в админке отображаться сколько контактов у каждого исполнителя было с первого по последний день месяца подтверждено 8. Ещё нужно для статистики,чтобы в админке отображалось сколько раз подтверждался ...
Розробка сайту: Курс ЗНО з історії України. Завантаження тем та різного роду матеріалів (в pdf та word стилю). Важливо: розробка оплати за користування інформацією. Спочатку особа навмання може відкрити будь-яку папку з файлами по темі, при натисканні на другу - появляється вікно з оплатою.
Бажаний досвід : розробка подібних проектів досвід роботи з ID банкінгом досвід роботи з АРІ досвід роботи з liqpay та govpay24 верста+бекенд Частина інформації в документ, буде вводитись через ID банкінг користувача, частина через внесення даних руками В кінці процесу користувач отримує готовий документ у форматі pdf + ворд з можливістю відправки на пошту чи завантаження + перегляду в браузері Сайт буде просуватись через google ads та SEO тому бажано сайт на WP Укр+рос мови Цільова аудиторія проекту жінки 25-45, рідше чоловіки Потрібна інтеграція з CRM salesdrive Опис проекту. Дазайн по запиту
Бажаний досвід : розробка подібних проектів досвід роботи з ID банкінгом досвід роботи з АРІ досвід роботи з liqpay та govpay24 верста+бекенд Частина інформації в документ, буде вводитись через ID банкінг користувача, частина через внесення даних руками В кінці процесу користувач отримує готовий документ у форматі pdf + ворд з можливістю відправки на пошту чи завантаження + перегляду в браузері Сайт буде просуватись через google ads та SEO тому бажано сайт на WP Укр+рос мови Цільова аудиторія проекту жінки 25-45, рідше чоловіки Потрібна інтеграція з CRM salesdrive Опис проекту. Дазайн по запиту
Проект: 1. Є фото альбоми «в контакте» 2. Під кожною фотографією в фотоальбомі є лінк (іноді декілька) на .pdf файл. Файли знаходяться чи як файл на файловій системі «в контакте» чи на Яндекс Дисці. 3. Їмʼя кожного фотоальбома буде також імʼям папки файлів на Гугл Драйв. 4. Ви завантажуєте файли з під кожної фотографії у відповідні папки на мій Гугл Драйв. Будь ласка, ставте питання, коли Ви робите свою пропозицію на цій проект.
Потрібна допомога у плануванні дво-три квартирних будинків. Також потрібно переробити план приміщення з формату pdf у dwg. Погодинна оплата. Систематично потрібна допомога та консультації, хотілось би започаткувати співпрацю з архітектором чи інженером на довготермінових засадах
Формат журналу: а4, термобіндер К-ть сторінок: 76-88 Виходи: 6 разів на...Для роботи є все необхідне: попередні верстки, файли indd, indb, шрифти, лінки логотипів, реклами (eps, tiff), package. Від Вас: час, відповідальність, акуратність, дотримання графіку. Робота: дистанційна е-поштою, Вайбером, моб зв'язком, Google doc. Package номеру передається через зручний файлообмінник по завершенню верстки та оплати. Оплата: за номер в день отримання print файлу pdf верстки та зменшеного pdf файлу для сайту.
...языке. Длина видео с среднем от 5 до 15 минут. We offer 2 types of work - cutting the videos and/or adding teroppu (lower thirds) in the Japanese language. The length of the videos varies between 5 to 15 mins. Необходимые навыки - adobe premiere pro - базового уровня достаточно японский язык - продвинутый уровень, способность на слух распознать и правильно записать текст (можно использовать text to speech софт, но нужно быть в состоянии вычитать). Required skills: Adobe Premiere Pro user (basic level+) Japanese language - Upper-Intermediate to Advanced level is a must Мы предоставим готовый premiere pro проэкт и инструкцию (на японском) в качестве примера. We will provide a manual in Japanese and the sample project file for reference. Видео будут предоставляться...
Есть мобильное приложение разработано на англиском языке (файл в котором записанные все строки, которые используются в приложении) Я предоставляю pdf файл где подписанны строчки на англиском и приложены соответствующие скриншоты приложения (на анг языке) для понимание контекста, что очень важно для моего проекта Также даю сам файл, где необходимо записать все переводы (по ключу) Ознакомившись с ТЗ(файл со скриншотами, вы можете прикинуть объем работы) Другие технические нюансы можно найти в ТЗ (файле со скриншотами) Мне необходимы переводы на следующие языки, вы как специалист можете перевести на один из них: - Spanish, - French - Portuguese (Brazil + Portugal), - German, - Italian
Потрібен герб-логотип у вигляді хреста (див. "зразок.jpg") де усередині зображення святого (див. "Герб Фініш .pdf) у стилі офіційного логотипу ПЦУ (не плутати з РПЦвУ (МП))
Hi, I need php script for Convert large svg (drawing) file to pdf-file For printing on A4 pages and a Tile sheet of paper with repeated pages. php script must split my svg (drawing) to A4 pages and give me printable pdf file You can use my svg file here and will see the result I need the same. You have a remember about the scale, if you have a ruler you can look at squares, each square must be 10x10mm, in the example, you can find nine pages. For testing, I attached svg file and result in PDF file.
Привіт Андрій, шукаю програміста який напише програму на Linux з задіянням плати Arduino для купюроприймача та монетоприймача. Основне завдання програми це відображення та друк файлів doc, pdf, jpeg з флеш накопичувача, сканування та копіювання з задіянням сканера. Програма потрібна для терміналу самообслуговування (аналог програми: ). Повне ТЗ в мене на руках. Дизайн програми ще розробляю.
Доброго дня,потрібно якісно відкоригувати резюме в форматі pdf та створити за його аналогією англомовний варіант!
Технічне Завдання: Перевести зображення (цифри та літери) у цифровий формат «.cdr». Загальна кількість зображень приблизно 2000 шт. Зображення нанесені на міліметровці. Всі зображення будуть надсилатися в «.pdf» форматі. Ціна: 0,1 $./зображення. В додатку прикріплюємо пробний файл.
I'm seeking a talented content writer to help me produce engaging and high-quality content. I am looking for someone with experience in creating compelling narratives and delivering content that resonates with a wide audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content writing - Strong command of the English language - Ability to meet deadlines - Creativity and an engaging writing style - Experience in SEO content writing is a plus - Excellent research skills to gather and verify information. - Proficiency in keyword research to optimize content for search engines - Ability to adapt writing style to different audiences and platforms - Ability to maintain a consistent tone and voice across all content - Knowledge of the...
...tasks will involve liking, retweeting, replying, and interacting with posts and tweets connected to various crypto projects. While the job may seem simple and requires minimal effort, consistency is key to its success. Responsibilities: - Actively engaging with assigned tweets/posts: liking, retweeting, and replying. - Adhering to specific engagement guidelines. - Providing feedback on post performance when necessary. Requirements: - A genuine interest in cryptocurrencies. - Basic knowledge and understanding of social media platforms, particularly Twitter/X and Reddit. - A reliable internet connection is crucial. Payment: - Compensation will be provided per engagement or per batch of tasks. If you are passionate about crypto and...
...React.js with a keen eye for design and extensive SEO experience to help me enhance the UI of my app. The focus will primarily be on the color scheme and typography, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. Your responsibilities will include: - Revamping the app's color scheme and typography for a fresh, engaging look. - Optimizing the app's layout and responsiveness across all devices – mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. In addition to the UI improvements, I need a Basic SEO strategy implemented. This includes: - On-page SEO enhancements to improve the app's visibility. - Technical SEO adjustments to ensure the app is optimized for search engine crawling and indexing. - Cont...
Hello ? I am looking for someone able to do : 1) create sound design from scratch in Metasound with effects, themed around galaxies, stars, and planets? The project will be similar to this: I also need to control audio and effects live during a 5-minute performance. Could a simple digital controller be created, even more basic than this one? As for the budget it's around 50 usd and I will need it for next Friday 7th February Let me know if it's something you can do, have a nice one !
I'm looking for someone to help me code a very basic app that just has 4 buttons making noise when you click them. Key Features: - The app should be cross-platform, working seamlessly on both iOS and Android. - On launch, the app should open to a Home Screen with a video loop playing in the background. This video will be provided by me. - The Home Screen will also have 3 songs playing on shuffle. - There will be 4 buttons on the Home Screen. Tapping these buttons will produce simple sounds. These sounds will be custom sounds provided by me. - The video loop will play continuously. - Provide a mute button to silence all sounds instantly. - Add visual feedback on buttons when they are pressed, like changing color or animation. - Display the current song playing on the Ho...
...the Titan 13 toy figures as Evangellion 01 and 02 from the show Evangellion Neo Genesis. The figures should match the original Titan 13 size and include the iconic weapons of EVA 01. Key Requirements: - Customization of color scheme to represent Evangellion 01 and 02 - Altering physical features to accurately depict the characters - Designing and incorporating the iconic weapons of EVA 01 as accessories - Ensuring the figures are highly detailed, surpassing basic or moderate detail levels - Matching the original Titan 13 size precisely Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D modeling and printing - Experience with creating custom toy figures - Strong understanding of the Evangellion series for accurate representation - Ability to deliver highly detai...
...details, view a list of upcoming flights, and receive email notifications for flights scheduled in the next 7 days. Core Features (MVP) Flight Data Entry A form to manually enter flight details, including: Filekey (Unique ID) Airline Name Quantity of Tickets First Flight Date Return Flight Date Departure Airport Arrival Airport Upcoming Flights List Display flights sorted by upcoming departure dates. Filter for flights departing within the next 7 days. Email Notifications Automatic email reminders for flights (e.g., 3 days before departure). Basic email template for notifications. Database for Flight Storage Store flight details in a simple database (MySQL, SQLite, or Firebase). Basic UI A clean and mobile-responsive design. Simple dashboard to view, add, ...
...Accommodation on a Greek Island Project Description: I am looking for an experienced web developer to create a professional and user-friendly website for a tourist accommodation on a Greek island. The website should be visually appealing, fast, and easy to manage. Requirements: • Website development in WordPress (preferred) or using an easy-to-manage website builder/template. • Responsive design for proper display on mobile, tablets, and desktops. • Booking functionality (either via a plugin or a simple contact form). • SEO-friendly structure for better ranking on search engines. • Easy integration of Google Maps and social media. • User-friendly UI/UX for visitors. • Basic guidelines for content management ...
I'm looking for a professional document designer to create a modern, professional PDF bank details page for me. Requirements: - You'll need to incorporate my logo and bank details into the design, so I will provide those to you. - The finished product should be a high-quality, easy-to-use PDF. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in document design. - Experience with creating custom business documents. - Ability to follow specific design themes and incorporate provided elements. FIRST CHAUFFEURS Prime Tower, Office 2001 - 09 20th Floor - Business Bay - Dubai - U.A.E. +971 56 381 4111 info@ account holder name: FIRST CHAUFFUERS LUXURY TRAVEL AND TOURISM L.L.C BANK NAME: Mashreq Bank Account Number: 019101454951 IBAN: AE410330000019101454951 accoun...
I'm seeking freelancers to engage with cryptocurrency-related content on social media platforms. Your task will be to like, retweet, reply, and interact with posts and tweets related to crypto projects. This is a simple task that requires minimal effort but consistency. Responsibilities: - Like, retweet, and reply to assigned tweets/posts. - Follow specific engagement guidelines. - Provide feedback on post performance if needed. Requirements: - Interest in cryptocurrencies is a plus, but not mandatory. - Basic knowledge of social media (Twitter/X, Reddit, etc.). - Reliable internet connection. Payment: - Paid per engagement or per batch of tasks. If you're interested, apply now!
My Flutter app requires urgent attention. I'm encountering SDK-related issues flagged by the Google Play Store. Specifically,...project should have: - Extensive experience with Flutter. - Proficiency in working with the Banuba Flutter Video SDK. - An understanding of Google Play Store requirements and permission declarations. The goal is to rectify these issues for a successful app submission. The project needs to be completed within one week. Please ensure detailed logging is enabled for all changes and fixes implemented. Please ensure the Banuba Flutter Video SDK is updated to the latest stable version. Only update the SDK without adding any new features. Make sure to update the Banuba Flutter Video SDK to the latest stable version. Please conduct basic testi...
Project Overview: I am looking for a skilled developer or ideally a small development team to create a platform that includes a web based application and native mobile apps for both Android and iOS. The key components of this project are: 1) Phase 1 Web Platform 2) Phase 2 Android Application & iOS Application 3) Ongoing Hosting and app update support Key Features to Include: 1)User Profile Creation with unique username generated: Users can register, login, and manage their profiles. Profile customization options (contact information and bio - very basic profile). This is NOT a social media paltform. Profile security with password management 2)Basic Chat System: One-to-one messaging. Real-time notifications for messages. Option to bl...
...into my application. The project involves signing a PDF document, generating this document from an HTML payload, and embedding the eSign request in my UI, preferably using an iFrame or another suitable approach recommended by Zoho. Key Requirements: - Backend development with Java Spring Boot - Frontend development using HTML and JS - Generating a UI screen with minimal necessary fields for inputting the payload (the HTML document) and displaying the signing page from Zoho While I don't have specific mockups or wireframes for the UI, I do have a rough idea of what I want. However, no specific styling is required for the UI, just basic functionality. Please note that the UI screen will need to include fields for the user to input: - Name and...
...freelancer to design and develop a web application for a new stock market competition. The application should be user-friendly and feature-rich, making it easy for competitors to engage with the stock market in real-time. Key Features: - Live Stock Market Updates: The application should provide real-time updates from the stock market, allowing users to make informed decisions based on current market conditions. - Leaderboard: A competitive aspect is crucial, so a leaderboard should be included to track user performance and foster competition among participants. - Backend: A robust backend is essential for managing user data, stock updates, and the leaderboard efficiently. Security Measures: - User authentication will be kept simple with a Basic login...
We’re searching for talented and enthusiastic students or recent graduates who can help us create professional, high-quality video presentations. This includes not just voiceovers, but also being on camera to present the content in an engaging and dynamic way. Are you currently studying Media, Communications, Journalism, or Creative Business, or have you recently graduated in one of these fields? Do you have a passion for creating polished, professional video content? Then we’d love to hear from you! What we’re looking for: • Confident and clear on-camera presence • Strong communication skills and attention to detail • Ability to deliver a professional final product This is a great opportunity to build your portfolio and... name, and other relevant details. - Capture/Retake Picture: The application needs to be able to interface with the user's webcam to capture or retake their photo. - Capture Fingerprint: The application should integrate with a DigitalPersona U.are.U 4500 fingerprint scanner to capture the user’s fingerprint. - Save Data: All captured data (user information, photo, and fingerprint) must be stored securely within the application. - Export to PDF: The application should generate and export a PDF report that contains all the captured data. A sample PDF output is attached for your reference. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in developing Windows desktop applications. - Knowledge in integrat...
...residence, office, business and document verification during retail lending. The ideal candidate will be responsible for physically visiting the provided address and capture all information as per the predefined checklist. Role also include obtaining confirmation on correctness of document provided during verification like identification papers, salary slip and other KYC verifications. Entire Checklist and Training of work scope will be provided to the executive. Note: Fresher may also be eligible but should be either under graduate but not less than 12th Class Pass and should be aged 20 Years or more The verification services should cover the following locations: Rajasthan, MP, UK, UP, Delhi NCR. All visits will be supported by visit photographs wit...
I need assistance converting a PDF document into an editable PowerPoint presentation. The project involves a set of 500 pages initially, with potential for further tasks if the work is satisfactory. - Purpose: The PowerPoint presentation is intended for educational material. - Image Handling: You will need to remove the original images and replace them with new ones that I will provide. - Volume: The first set contains 500 pages Ideal skills for this task include proficiency in PowerPoint and experience with PDF to PPT conversion. Attention to detail is crucial to maintain the integrity of the logo and watermark throughout the presentation. Experience with educational material is a plus.
I need a freelancer who can help me with data entry. The task involves extracting data from scanned PDF documents and entering it into a specified format.
I am looking for a professional freelance Spanish translator to carry translation of pdf document from English to Spanish.
I'm looking for a freelancer to convert a PDF document to a Word file. The PDF contains text with images, and it's crucial that the exact formatting of the original document is retained in the conversion. Key Requirements: - Proficient in PDF to Word conversion - Able to handle text with images - Detail-oriented to retain exact formatting Ideal candidates should have experience in similar projects, and a keen eye for detail to ensure the formatting is preserved accurately.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can assist me with data entry into Google. The task involves extracting certain information from PDF documents and inputting it into Google. Specifically, I need contact information to be sourced from the PDFs. Ideal candidates for this job should have: - Experience in data entry - Familiarity with Google - Ability to accurately extract information from PDF documents - Attention to detail to ensure all contact information is correctly entered.
Architect Needed for Basic House Design Project Description: I am seeking a qualified architect to create a basic design for my new house. I currently own two adjoining plots: my existing house measures 38' x 60.5', and I have recently purchased a plot that is a replica of mine. I intend to demolish the existing structures on both plots and construct a new house. Project Requirements: - Design Therapy: I need someone who can understand my vision and requirements for the new house. - Site Details: The new construction will be on a completely open land on three sides. - Design Preferences: I am looking for a design that maximizes space and integrates well with the surrounding environment. - Functional Spaces: Consideration for the numbe...
...significantly improve and upgrade my existing food delivery application. The goal is to make it ready for a large city launch. Key Areas of Improvement: - User Interface (UI) Design: A modern, intuitive UI is essential to attract and retain users. - Backend Functionality: The app's backend needs to be robust enough to handle high traffic without issues. - Performance and Speed: The app must have optimized load times and server responses to ensure a seamless user experience. - Features: Add new features to the application to give a better experience to the customers. New Features to Implement: - Real-time order tracking: This could greatly enhance user engagement and satisfaction. - Advanced search and filters: To help users find their de...
I'm looking for someone to help with data entry. The task involves extracting numerical data from PDF files. The job entails simple extraction only, with no need for processing or complex calculations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry - Experience with PDF files - Ability to accurately extract numerical data
We are looking for a skilled WordPress & WooCommerce developer to set up and customize our furniture retail website. The project involves theme installation, plugin setup, product uploads, social media & Google integrations, and digital marketing readiness. Tasks to Complete: 1. Theme Setup & Website Customization 2. Set up a blog page and configure a blogging section for regular content updates. 3. Enable advanced product filtering options like price range, categories, and color. 4. Add and configure a customer review section to build trust and and configure a WooCommerce-compatible furniture theme 5. Integrate Google Analytics and configure it to track website traffic and user behavior. 6. Implement a liv...
...empowers individuals to explore their genetic heritage, health predispositions, and personalized wellness insights. We are looking for a talented freelance designer to create visually engaging and informative posters that communicate the essence of DNA testing and the value GenoConnect provides to its customers. Key Objectives: 1. Simplify Complex Concepts: DNA testing can be a complex topic for many people. Your design should simplify and visually communicate key concepts such as genetic ancestry, health insights, and personalized recommendations in an easy-to-understand and appealing way. 2. Brand Alignment: The poster should align with GenoConnect’s brand identity—modern, trustworthy, innovative, and approachable. ...
I've got a PDF that contains a date error in the main body. This needs to be replaced with the correct date (24 September 2025) please. Ideal skills for this task: - Attention to detail - PDF editing expertise - Proficient in text replacement
...account, login and payment. It must have a form plugin to do questionnaire. At th eend of the questionnaire the AI must show a report baed on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the plugin (wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web...
...lightweight AI model and simple Mastodon bot integration. The concept is inspired by volunteer-computing projects like SETI@home and Folding@home but differs in its focus on training Large Language Models (LLMs) rather than processing scientific data. Scope 1. Training of a Lightweight AI Model Implement training using a lightweight model like DistilBERT. Optimize for decentralized training with minimal computational overhead. Ensure training can run efficiently on CPU-based nodes. 2. Basic Federated Learning (Decentralized Model Sharing) Implement a simplified federated learning approach with periodic model updates. Nodes will share and receive model updates via REST API. Base64-encoded updates over REST API to maintain a lightweight communic...