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    2,000 angular js net знайдені роботи
    Bitcoin controller in React js -- 3
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    Необхідно написати JavaScript код для React.js. Потрібні 2 методи: Генерація Native SegWit адреси (bc1*****) з мнемонічної фрази. Формування та відправка біткоїн-транзакції в будь-яку з великих публічних нод. Код має бути максимально автономним і мати мінімальну кількість залежностей. Чим більше коментарів - тим краще.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 заявки

    ...розміру. Агрегація даних з державних реєстрів та власні алгоритми збору та аналізу додаткової інформації формує певні аналітичні бані для цільової аудиторії та відображає обрані ділянки землі на карті. * В нас є детальне ТЗ, з яким ми обов’язково поділимось із вами як почнемо працювати! Стек технологій: (перелік у зображенні) Розробка Бекенд та Фронтенд буде реалізована на одному із фреймворків (Angular / React / Vue) і розгортатись в контейнерах помодульно для масштабування та швидкодії. Сам фреймворк ще не обрали, але є бажання пройти основні моменти розробки легше (такі як керування користувачами, ролями, url, сторінки…), використовуючи не просто голий фреймворк, а вибравши надійну, добре відтестовану CRM-систему наприклад, на базі якої реалізовувати необхідний н...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Сер. заявка
    3 заявки

    Треба виправити верстку на сайті деяких елементів, детальніше в прикріпленому файлі. Десктопна і мобільна версія Рівень складности - низький/середній Необхідні знання html, css, js

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Сер. заявка
    15 заявки

    ...Здесь общая информация, обо мне, о проекте, о нашей совместной работе. Короткое описание задания: Сделать функциональной страничку в веб проекте. Стандартные CRUD операции, валидация, несколько модальных окон, отображение элементов при использовании готовых компонентов. Необходимо знание JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery Как происходит совместная работа? Оплата происходит по выполнению ТЗ. Процесс таков. Делю проект на "таски". В основном Одно ТЗ - одна полноценная страница. - Я описываю подробно задание. Чтоб ты понимал о чём речь и что ты делаешь. - Делаю приблизительный mockup (насколько это возможно). - Делаю скриншоты с темы, компоненты которые я хочу видеть на страничке. - Описываю

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки
    Project for Kateryna Y.
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    Доброго дня! Мене звуть Поліна, я HR навчального центру CyberBionic Systematics! Ми знаходимося у пошуку викладача по C#/.NET. За посиланням Ви можете дізнатися про умови роботи з нами: Коротко про наші переваги: • дистанційне викладання • гнучкий графік • сертифікація Microsoft Буду вдячна за Вашу відповідь, гарного дня!

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    Привіт потрібен будьякий проект на react/vue або angular + бажано flask або джанго. Задеплоїти на сому компі

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки

    Міжнародна компанія KICKOOS GAMES головний овіс якої росташовано в США штат Каліфорнія, Шукає Unity розробника для створення багатокористувацької браузерної 3D гри, Unity за допомогою WebGL. Обов'язкові навички: Вміння працювати в Unity і знання мови C#. Плюсом буде додаткові знання: JS, HTML 5. І back end розробника для написання серверної частини на ASP.NET Core. Обов'язкові навички: ASP.NET Core Entity framework core SQL С кидайте свої резьуме на: business@ або проджект менеджеру проекту: viktorstor@ KICKOOS GAMES - це молода outsourc GameDev компанія, що з недавна почала розробляти і внутрішні проекти. Друзі компанія зараз розширюється і влітку планує відкрити офіс в Україні, тому долучайтеся

    $3000 - $5000
    $3000 - $5000
    0 заявки

    Всім доброго дня. Я починаючий фронтенд розробник , маю досвід з react js пів року. Останній мій пет-проект це інтернет магазин на react js, react-router , react-redux , firebase authentication ,firebase storage, firebase realtime database, axios . Пропоную взаємовигідну співпрацю : я буду робити Ваші проекти за домовлену оплату.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    Ви створите генератор коду для Visual Studio, який створює веб-додатки в .NET Core.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Сер. заявка
    5 заявки
    Project for Eduard L.
    Закінчився left

    Доброго дня, мене звати Іван, я є керівником проекту по розробці Shopify теми, можу запропонувати Вам постійне навантаження хоч і 40 годин на тиждень, залежить від вашої доступності та кваліфікації. Проект веду на Апворк вже більше 2-х років, можемо працювати по трекеру і тут на Фрілансері. Необхідною умовою є стек HTML/CSS/JS/Shopify Liquid/Git Робота в команді, тепер там лід індус, але заміню з радістю, якщо покажете себе. З повагою, Іван ~0176737ba1218657c8

    $14 - $14 / hr
    $14 - $14 / hr
    0 заявки

    ...запчастин до авто - структура бази даних - готова структура проекту. Написано на***: - .Net C# MVC - Entity Framework (code first) - Ninject as DI Потірібно доробити: - Юзер акаун - історія ордерів - ґест оредера - комyнікації поштoю - авторизацію для адмінки. - відсилання/перегляд ордерів - фільтрацію стандартнуй набір портеб. *** якшо маєте варіант простішого підходу для досягнення цілі (використання шаблонного магазину для завервення проекту) то я готовий вислухати. маєм 2-4 тижні і <> $250. бюджет не фіксований, усе залезить від вас. презентація того шо є і деталний опис того шо треба - по скайпу. P.S. якщо результат буде задовілним (тілки якщо використовуєм .Net, C# і MVC) то є можливість долучитися до іншого великого проекту.

    $403 Average bid
    $403 Сер. заявка
    10 заявки
    Web development
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    Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити сайт Персональний веб-сайт We are good it-specialists. We know english and html, js, css and a little php.

    $479 Average bid
    $479 Сер. заявка
    71 заявки
    Закінчився left

    Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Сер. заявка
    4 заявки
    Project for vsedletskiy
    Закінчився left

    Вітаю, В'ячеславе! Мене звати Світлана. Я представляю компанію Orange Sputnik. Наш клієнт шукає .NET Developer для роботи в Польщі (Rzeszow). Необхідне знання польської та англійської. Якщо Вас цікавить ця позиція, я хотіла б обговорити її з Вами. Могли б вислати свої контакти? Дякую

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    Project for chnazar
    Закінчився left

    Привіт chnazar, бачив твоє резюме на рахунок пошуку роботи якщо тебі цікавий довготривалий проект (PHP,JS,HTML,CSS,MySQL) можемо обговорити деталі

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    .Net Core 8 Microservices PoC
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a Proof of Concept (PoC) implemented on .Net Core 8. The primary goal of this PoC is to demonstrate the feasibility of a microservice architecture. Key Requirements: - The PoC should effectively showcase the viability of using a microservice architecture for my project. - It will involve integrating a RESTful API, so experience with this type of API is essential. - The PoC may potentially also involve aspects of API integration, user authentication, and live data processing, so skills in these areas would be beneficial too. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in .Net Core 8 - Extensive experience with microservice architecture - Strong skills in RESTful API integration - Familiarity with API integration, Kafka , and live data processing I am looking for a freelancer who can...

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Сер. заявка
    18 заявки

    For openwrt there is the addon travelmate which works very well. There you have the option to store auto login scripts. There are also example scripts and working ones already in the plugin for the largest hotspot providers. look like this: # logi...idea about HTML etc. The hotspot uses NoDogSplash Captive Portal, which is very simple. The URL on the login button looks like this: (null) What I need: a fully function auto login script Information I have for you: 1. The HTML page downloaded as .zip 2. Example scripts that run on github: 3. Openwrt travelmate info

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки
    Comprehensive Farm Management Web App
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a mobile responsive web application for managing both crops...in creating interactive tracking and forecasting tools Please note that while the application will initially focus on crop and animal, inventory, and sales management, it should be designed with the capacity to monitor animal health, feeding schedules, and breeding management) and track crop and animal losses. All to be visible on the dashborad. Technical Specifications Frontend: React.js or Angular with Bootstrap for responsiveness. Backend: Node.js/Django; RESTful APIs for search, ads, and AI. Database: PostgreSQL/MySQL for relational data; Elasticsearch for fast queries. AI/ML: Python/TensorFlow for deal detection; integrate third-party APIs (e.g., Google Vision for i...

    $4432 Average bid
    $4432 Сер. заявка
    25 заявки
    .NET Core Exact Dimension PDF Printer
    6 дні(-в) left

    "C# .NET Core PDF Printing Service (Exact Size, No Scaling) for Windows" Project Description Develop a C# .NET Core class/service that prints PDFs at their exact dimensions (no scaling/distortion) on any Windows-supported printer. The solution must: Accept a PDF file path and printer name. Auto-detect the PDF’s page size (in millimeters). Configure the printer temporarily to match the PDF’s dimensions. Handle printer limitations (margins, unsupported sizes). Requirements Deliverables: A C# class/service (e.g., ) with a method: public bool PrintPdf(string pdfPath, string printerName); Optional helper class to detect PDF dimensions (e.g., ). Test PDFs will be provided for testing with non-standard sizes (e.g., 132x96 mm, 340x110 mm). Technical...

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Сер. заявка
    20 заявки

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a tenant screening module for a web application. This module will be utilized by property managers, admin users, and tenants and will be integrated in our existing property management ERP built in .net core and SQL server. Key Features: - Comprehensive Background Checks - In-depth Credit Reports - Thorough Reference Verification User Roles: - Property Managers: Will primarily use the module to screen prospective tenants and manage the screening process. - Tenants: May need to interact with the module for their own screening process or to check their status. - Admin Users: Will oversee the entire process, manage user permissions, and ensure the system is functioning correctly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web application de...

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Сер. заявка
    28 заявки
    CNN for Polyp Detection - Kvasir Dataset
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a trained convolutional neural network (CNN) model for polyp detection and segmentation. Key Deliverables: - Trained model with weights - Training and evaluation code - Comprehensive documentation on model usage The model should be developed using TensorFlow and optimized for accuracy. Please note, U-NET code will not be accepted. The project is expected to be completed within 2 to 3 days and the budget is between 2000 to 3000 INR. Ideal candidates should have: - Expertise in TensorFlow - Proven experience in developing CNN models - Prior work with the Kvasir dataset is a plus - Strong skills in model documentation and code clarity.

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    Fully Automated Positional Trading Strategy on Tradetron
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking an experienced trader and programmer to devise and fully automate a positional trading strategy on Tradetron using my Z...Contracts when: 5-min Close crosses below Supertrend(7,3) First Entry: Always enter the first trade when conditions are met. Additional SELL Entries: Add a new SELL position only if the overall SELL position is in profit. Skip additional SELL entries if the overall SELL position is in a loss. --- ? Exit Conditions (Profit & Loss Limits) ✅ Exit ALL positions when: Total Net Profit reaches ₹50,000 Total Net Loss reaches ₹3,00,000 If I manually close a position, the system should detect this and stop adding positions. I should be able to backtest and also papertrade Once profit or loss is taken and all positions closed, the c...

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки
    Urgent .NET Developer Needed – Complete Work Today
    6 дні(-в) left

    Looking for an experienced .NET developer to complete a time-sensitive task today. Must be proficient in .NET development, debugging, and delivering quick solutions. Immediate availability required.

    $76 Average bid
    $76 Сер. заявка
    9 заявки
    Trophy icon Modern Logo Design for bNiks
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...need a modern, minimalist logo that embodies our industrial expertise while integrating a custom abstract symbol derived from the letters “N” and “K” (see attached concept). The symbol should be a unique shape, not a literal letter combination, reflecting precision and technical craftsmanship. Key Requirements: 1. Symbol Design: Create an abstract/geometric shape inspired by “N” and “K” (e.g., angular lines, intersecting curves). Avoid generic initials; focus on a customize shape. (You may refer TotalEnergies logo for the customized shape only- not for color 2. Color Palette: Primary: Navy Blue or similar which looks attractive and professional 3. Typography: Clean, bold font which looks attractive and professional. Tagline &ldqu...

    $10 Average bid
    102 робіт

    Description: We are looking for an experienced Full-Stack Developer with expertise in Flask, React, and Web3.js to finalize and deploy an online voting platform. The system is partially built, with both the backend and frontend in place, but it requires finalization, testing, debugging, and deployment. Project Scope: Backend (Flask & PostgreSQL): Ensure API endpoints are functional and secure. Connect the system to a PostgreSQL database. Finalize blockchain transaction handling using Web3.py. Frontend (React): Improve UI/UX for voter experience. Implement real-time result updates from the blockchain. Blockchain (Ethereum Testnet - Sepolia): Deploy smart contracts securely. Enable real-time vote tracking via Web3. Deployment: Host the backend (e.g., AWS, DigitalOcean...

    $1221 Average bid
    $1221 Сер. заявка
    52 заявки

    I need a comprehensive deployment dashboard that tracks application deployments using Java and Angular, hosted on AWS. The dashboard will need to integrate with various AWS services, specifically EC2, S3, and EKS. Key Features: - Monitor application deployments in real-time - Accessible to multiple user roles: Administrator, Developer, Operations, and Guest - Generate detailed reports on deployment history and metrics - Provide notification alerts for deployment successes or failures - Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java and Angular - Strong knowledge of AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and EKS - Prior experience in developing deployment dashboards - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for di...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Сер. заявка
    10 заявки
    Java & Angular Based Deployment Dashboard -- urgent
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a comprehensive deployment dashboard that tracks application deployments using Java and Angular, hosted on AWS. The dashboard will need to integrate with various AWS services, specifically EC2, S3, and EKS. Key Features: - Monitor application deployments in real-time - Accessible to multiple user roles: Administrator, Developer, Operations, and Guest - Generate detailed reports on deployment history and metrics - Provide notification alerts for deployment successes or failures - Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java and Angular - Strong knowledge of AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and EKS - Prior experience in developing deployment dashboards - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for di...

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки
    SAML2 API Integration Expert Needed - node js
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a professional to integrate the SPID API into my partially existing system (node js). The primary goal of this integration is user authentication. Key Requirements: - Prior experience with SAML2 protocols is a must. - Proven track record in handling x509 certificates is essential. - Familiarity with the SPID API is highly preferred. Current System Features: - The system already has a user interface for login in place. - The other components of the system are still under development. Ideal Skills: - API setup and integration. - User authentication systems. - x509 certificate management. - SAML2 protocol expertise. - SPID API knowledge.

    $522 Average bid
    $522 Сер. заявка
    82 заявки
    .NET Developer Needed for SEO Fixes
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a skilled .NET developer to fix various SEO-related issues identified via SEMrush on my website. The issues that need addressing are primarily related to H1 tags, Canonicals, and the HTML lang attribute. The tasks include: - Fixing duplicate, missing, and multiple H1 tags - Addressing Canonical issues - Correcting the HTML lang attribute Please note, I need you to focus solely on these listed issues and work directly on the live site. Experience with .NET and a solid understanding of SEO principles are essential for this task. Please only bid if you're comfortable with these conditions.

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Сер. заявка
    13 заявки
    Java & Angular Based Deployment Dashboard -- 2
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a comprehensive deployment dashboard that tracks application deployments using Java and Angular, hosted on AWS. The dashboard will need to integrate with various AWS services, specifically EC2, S3, and EKS. Key Features: - Monitor application deployments in real-time - Accessible to multiple user roles: Administrator, Developer, Operations, and Guest - Generate detailed reports on deployment history and metrics - Provide notification alerts for deployment successes or failures - Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java and Angular - Strong knowledge of AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and EKS - Prior experience in developing deployment dashboards - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for di...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки

    I'm in urgent need of a skilled UI Developer to focus on the design of a Corporate and Professional styled Web Application UI. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Angular, Java Script, , Node.js, and react.js. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly, modern, and minimalist web application interface. - Ensure the UI aligns with a corporate and professional theme. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in User Interface Design focused on Web Applications. - Full Stack Development capabilities to understand and design in sync with backend requirements. - Proficient in modern web technologies: Angular, Java Script, , Node.js, and react.js. I look forward to collaborating with a professional who can help bring this project to fruition.

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Сер. заявка
    17 заявки

    ...specialist to deploy my MEAN stack project on IIS/Nginx. The server is multi-operating system, running both Windows and Linux. Key Requirements: - Proficient with both Windows and Linux operating systems. - Extensive experience with the MEAN stack (MongoDB, , Angular, Node.js). - In-depth knowledge of IIS and Nginx web servers. - Strong skills in DevOps practices and tools. - Previous work with deploying applications on multi-OS servers. Project Details: - The MEAN stack project is already set up with MongoDB and Angular. The remaining components, and Node.js, will need to be configured and deployed. - You will be responsible for the entire deployment process, ensuring the application runs smoothly on both operating systems and on the selected web servers. - The projec...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Сер. заявка
    25 заявки

    It is real time projects , I need one to one support for that angular real time projects

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Сер. заявка
    25 заявки

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in deploying Node.js and Angular projects to assist in hosting my project on my server. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in working with Node.js and Angular - Prior experience in project deployment - Familiarity with server management - Understanding of web hosting principles Please note that I've skipped some questions regarding the server type, setup of specific environments or services, and domain name. Your expertise in assessing and addressing these aspects will be crucial.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Сер. заявка
    12 заявки
    6 дні(-в) left

    Buenos dias, buscamos programador .net , xml ... para realizarnos unas modificaciones en nuestro erp propio con bda Postgresql, entre ellas (QUITAR ESTADO PROCESANDO del ERP (BDA) , PESO INDIVIDUAL de artículos crv(BDA) , Cargar contaminantes en fichas de descontaminación(ERP), hacer funcionar el certificado de destrucción telemático en la comunidad valenciana(XML).

    $28 / hr Average bid
    $28 / hr Сер. заявка
    21 заявки

    ...using React and Angular) and 2 Node.js backends. Key Aspects: - **Current State**: The existing frontends are quite interactive, catering to dynamic content. This migration project will involve working with these dynamic components. - **Frameworks**: Familiarity with both React and Angular is crucial, as these are the frameworks currently in use. The ability to translate these into components will be key. - **Primary Goal**: The main purpose of this migration is to facilitate easier maintenance of the project moving forward. A deep understanding of 's maintenance advantages over the current setup will be beneficial. - dockerize and migrate to server Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive experience with - Proficiency in both React and Angular - Stro...

    $283 Average bid
    $283 Сер. заявка
    39 заявки

    I'm in need of an experienced web developer who can create a comprehensive website for my equity advisory firm based out of Chennai, India. This site should cater to both institutional clients as well as high net worth individuals. Key Features Include: - The site should be capable of attracting new clients while also providing necessary information to our current clientele. - It should serve as a platform to showcase our research and case studies, specifically investment recommendations on stocks listed in India. - The design and layout should be appealing and professional, in line with industry standards. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing websites for financial institutions or advisory firms will be a significant advantage. - Proficiency in crea...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Сер. заявка
    42 заявки
    Shopify Store Development & Customization
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...accuracy and best-in-class performance. Key Deliverables: ✅ Custom Shopify Theme Development Convert the Figma design into a fully functional Shopify theme Ensure a 100% pixel-perfect match to the Figma file Fully mobile-responsive & optimized Implement advanced UI/UX animations (GSAP, Framer Motion, or CSS animations) Optimized for fast loading speeds (Lazy Loading, WebP images, minimized CSS/JS) ✅ Best-In-Class Technologies & Frameworks Liquid + Tailwind CSS for highly efficient, modern styling or React where applicable for lightweight dynamic components GSAP / Framer Motion for animations (e.g., smooth transitions, hover effects) SEO & Schema Markup Implementation for high organic rankings Accessibility (WCAG 2.1 compliance) to ensure usability for all users ✅ ...

    $1216 Average bid
    $1216 Сер. заявка
    174 заявки

    Hi guys, I need a web page for personal use which must have the same functionality (the basic) as / As I said above, it will e for a personal use only and actually it must work like this: I choose an image and I send a link to it (on my server) and when the visitor open the link, his geolocation must be saved so I can check it when I want.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Сер. заявка
    30 заявки

    ...Users must sign up and log in to book a seat, ensuring a secure and personalized experience. - Seat Availability: An available seat number needs to be shown for booking, with real-time updates on seat availability. - Payment Gateway: A seamless connection to a reliable payment gateway once a seat is confirmed. The system should support multiple payment methods including Credit/Debit Cards, UPI and Net Banking. - Future Ready: The portal should be designed to accommodate future expansion, allowing seat booking from different internet cafes across India. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in developing secure, user-friendly portals. - Knowledge of integrating reliable payment gateways. - Experience with real-time data updating systems. - Capability to des...

    $107 Average bid
    $107 Сер. заявка
    42 заявки

    ...help complete my MinesRush betting game. The game is built on Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and React.js, with Web3.js handling Solana transactions. Ideal Candidate ? Experience with Solana Web3.js (wallet connections, transactions, smart contracts) ? Strong skills in Node.js & ? MongoDB experience (database optimization, schema design) ? Frontend: React.js + Zustand or Redux ? Experience with WebSockets () ? Able to test & deploy the project on Solana Devnet/Mainnet Budget & Timeline ? Budget: Flexible, depending on experience and skills. ? Timeline: Looking to finish within 4-6 weeks. ? If you're interested, please send: 1️⃣ Your experience with Solana & Web3.js 2️⃣ Examples of similar projects you've worked on 3️⃣ Estimated time & cos...

    $33 / hr Average bid
    $33 / hr Сер. заявка
    58 заявки
    Trophy icon Optimizing Fan & Heat Distribution
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...Variable speed fans, controllable between 300 RPM and 1800 RPM. Optimal fan selection and configuration (direction and mounting) are key objectives. Target Temperature: 170°C on the tortilla plate surface. Simulation Software: ANSYS (Workbench) 3D Models: Provided as attached STEP files, with further details illustrated in the document on Problem 1 (Straight Heater Alignment - Page 2) and Problem 2 (Angular Heater Alignment - Page 3). Deliverables: ANSYS Report: A comprehensive report generated by ANSYS, detailing both steady-state (primary focus) and, if possible, transient thermal analysis. The report must include: Heat maps showing temperature distribution across the tortilla plate and within the chamber. Thermal gradient analysis highlighting temperature variations. Vis...

    $150 Average bid
    2 робіт
    Comprehensive Web-Based Logistics Management System
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a web-based logistics management system aimed at enhancing our operational efficiency. Main Goals: - Improve delivery efficiency: The system should streamline our delivery process. - Optimize inventory management: We ne...delivery tracking. - Management Team: They will use the system for overall monitoring and decision making. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in web application development. - Previous work on logistics or inventory management systems is a plus. - Strong understanding of tracking and reporting features. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. Technology requirement- .Net/Angular/MSSQL/Authentication JWT NOTE - I will prepare a document/video of required pages and functionalitie...

    $421 Average bid
    $421 Сер. заявка
    42 заявки
    Angular Frontend Debugging
    5 дні(-в) left

    I need a professional to help me debug my Angular frontend project. This is expected to be simple work and may take approximately one hour.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Сер. заявка
    25 заявки

    I'm on the lookout for an experienced Senior Full-Stack Developer with a strong background in building E-commerce platforms and Enterprise software. The ideal candidate should be proficient in: - React and Node.js - Angular and Django - Vue.js and Ruby on Rails The primary goal of the project has yet to be defined, but the developer should be adaptable and able to contribute to various aspects, whether it's building a new platform, enhancing an existing one, or maintaining current operations. Skills and experience that would make you a good fit for this role: - Extensive experience with full-stack development - Proven track record with E-commerce and Enterprise software - Proficiency in the listed technologies and frameworks - Ability to work on undefined project goals...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Сер. заявка
    132 заявки
    Full Stack JavaScript Developer Needed
    5 дні(-в) left

    I'm in urgent need for a skilled Full Stack JavaScript Developer to join my team. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with JavaScript, specifically with React and Angular frameworks. - Full-stack development experience is a must. - Prior experience working on diverse projects, with a focus on full-stack development. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Shift Timing: 8:30 PM - 4:30 AM IST Budget: $600/month for 5 working days.

    $6060 Average bid
    $6060 Сер. заявка
    22 заявки

    More details: gateway to endless adult fun, offering personalized experiences, premium content, and a seamless platform for connection and relaxation should be able to handle subscriptions algorithm suggest people near you with the same type of likes How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP

    $388 Average bid
    $388 Сер. заявка
    34 заявки
    Trophy icon Minimalist Logo Design for New JS
    5 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a talente...seeking a talented designer to create a sleek, minimalist logo for my new development company, New JS. Key Features: - The logo should prominently feature the company name and initials (JS). - It should incorporate an icon related to development in a subtle, modern way. - The primary color of the logo will be blue, reflecting a tech-forward and trustworthy vibe. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly in the tech or development sector. - Strong portfolio of minimalist design styles. - Ability to understand and incorporate brand messaging into design. Your creativity and expertise in modern, minimalist design will be key to translating my vision for New JS into a striking visual identity. Looking forw...

    $100 Average bid
    1265 робіт

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to assist in migrating my PHP application to a full stack JavaScript environment. Key Aspects: - Frontend: The specific JavaScript framework for the frontend has not been decided yet. A strong understanding and experience with React.js, Vue.js, and Angular will be beneficial. - Backend: The backend JavaScript framework is also open for discussion. Extensive experience with Node.js, , or will be advantageous. - Additional Functionalities: There are no specific additional functionalities to be included at this moment. However, the ability to implement user authentication, API integration, or real-time features if needed, will be a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and JavaScript - Experience with full stack JavaScript migration - Strong

    $242 / hr Average bid
    $242 / hr Сер. заявка
    57 заявки