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Привіт, мене звуть Ава! Я – твій гід зі ШІ. Я допомогу тобі вдосконалити бізнес!
Незалежно від того, чи ви вже керуєте бізнесом, чи мрієте його відкрити, я тут, щоб допомогти перетворити ваше бачення на реальність разом із фрілансерами, які працюють зі штучним інтелектом. Поділіться своїми бізнес-цілями, і разом ми створимо проект, в який наші талановиті фрілансери зможуть подавати заявки. Втілимо ваші плани в життя!
У мене є бізнес
Я відкриваю бізнес
Під час надсилання розмови на вашу електронну пошту сталася помилка. Будь-ласка, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.
Ви можете зберігати вашу розмову лише раз на годину. Будь-ласка, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.
Ваша розмова занадто коротка. Продовжуйте спілкуватися з Авою, щоб увімкнути функцію збереження.
Як найняти чудового фрилансера в категорії Mailchimp Expert
Nowadays, checking your email is as much a part of everyone's daily routine as brushing your teeth and sipping on a cup of coffee in the morning. Due to the fact that the majority of the population now have an email address and check for updates with regularity, email is now one of the most instant and effective ways that an organization can reach their target market.
MailChimp is one of the most powerful email marketing programs in operation today. It is web-based and provides a facility for you to design, send and share newsletters with your client and potential client base. It also provides a tracking facility so you can analyze and review your marketing campaigns and make changes as necessary.
MailChimp was founded in 2001 and by 2014 was sending a mammoth 10 billion emails per month across the world. MailChimp can reach more than the entire population of the world on a monthly basis. If you are looking to promote your business, MailChimp can reach multiple users effectively.
MailChimp's features include:
The ability to connect your store – place a link in your MailChimp mailout to enable your customers to visit your online store directly, this will increase traffic to your website and therefore sales.
Flexible – the design of emails can match your taste and style.
Powerful target marketing – MailChimp targets customers based on their internet history and recorded preferences.
Sophisticated methods of analysis – advanced reporting and monitoring features allow you to review marketing campaigns and make adjustments accordingly.
Options to use with a mobile app.
If you are looking to use MailChimp to distribute newsletters and information to your customers or potential customers, it is vital that you engage with a professional with specific skills and expertise in the use of MailChimp. There is much more to sending a newsletter than typing information.
MailChimp gives the facility for a professional to analyze trends which appear in your newsletter distribution so that you can better target your marketing and therefore improve your sales and turnover. They will also be able to design a fun and exciting newsletter to send through MailChimp, which will encourage your database to open, read and respond which will also have a positive impact on your sales.
Rather than employing a permanent staff member to work on your MailChimp tasks, a professional whose profile is listed on Freelancer.com is a much more cost and time effective option as you pay freelancers based on their output. While your specific need might only be for four or five hours a month, you won’t be obligated to pay a freelancer for other duties which you may or may not require as you would be with a permanent employee.
A freelancer can complete MailChimp projects from a remote location so you have no responsibility to amalgamate them with the rest of the team which can often be disruptive.
Freelancer.com provides a platform which can match available MailChimp projects with those professionals who have MailChimp skills and want to complete those projects. It’s easy to get started, all you need to do is register your project, and you could be engaging with a MailChimp expert by the end of the day.
Мільйони користувачів – від маленьких компаній до великих підприємств, від стартапів до досвідчених підприємців – за допомогою Freelancer втілюють свої ідеї у життя.