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Привіт, мене звуть Ава! Я – твій гід зі ШІ. Я допомогу тобі вдосконалити бізнес!
Незалежно від того, чи ви вже керуєте бізнесом, чи мрієте його відкрити, я тут, щоб допомогти перетворити ваше бачення на реальність разом із фрілансерами, які працюють зі штучним інтелектом. Поділіться своїми бізнес-цілями, і разом ми створимо проект, в який наші талановиті фрілансери зможуть подавати заявки. Втілимо ваші плани в життя!
У мене є бізнес
Я відкриваю бізнес
Під час надсилання розмови на вашу електронну пошту сталася помилка. Будь-ласка, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.
Ви можете зберігати вашу розмову лише раз на годину. Будь-ласка, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.
Ваша розмова занадто коротка. Продовжуйте спілкуватися з Авою, щоб увімкнути функцію збереження.
Як найняти чудового фрилансера в категорії API Developer
API stands for Application Programming Interface and it is a software intermediary that can function as a connection between two applications, allowing them to communicate. An API Expert is a freelance professional who designs and builds programming interfaces, so that other applications can access functionality from third-party services.
When hiring an API expert, you should first determine what exactly you need to be developed. Do you need to access data from a third-party service, or do you need help with the integration of two apps? Consider the kind of position you need for this project and figure out what type of skills would be necessary to be successful in it. You may decide that hiring someone with expert knowledge in one specific language such as JavaScript or Python, or even more general knowledge such as web development and database administration, would be the most effective way to accomplish your project's goals.
Once you have decided upon the necessary skills, start looking through portfolios and resumes to find someone who fits your criteria. Ask questions, like how long they have worked in their field or what projects they are currently working on. You can even arrange a video call or invite them for an interview to get more in-depth information on their experience. The rate for an API expert typically starts at $80 – $100 per hour and section depending on their experience and skill level.
If you are looking for someone you can trust with your project, Freelancer has talented professionals with specialized skills who can give you the expertise needed for success. Hiring an API expert will save time and money, increase efficiency and free up internal resources so you can focus on growth instead of administrative tasks. Take action now – hire the perfect API expert from Freelancer today!
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