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Yue X.



React | Angular | Node | Laravel | C# | ASP.NET

$60 USD / hora
Bandera de
United States (10:14 a. m.)
Se unió el marzo 12, 2024
$60 USD / hora
• React: With over 10 years of experience in React, I've developed many scalable and user-friendly web applications. I've leveraged the power of React to create interactive UIs, which makes applications more engaging and responsive. • Angular: I'm proficient in using Angular to build dynamic, robust, and efficient web applications. My experience includes creating reusable component, managing state using services, and implementing advanced features, such as lazy loading, to optimize performance. • PHP: Being skilled in PHP, I've developed several server-side applications. PHP's flexibility has allowed me to create applications raging from small websites to complex web applications, facilitating efficient data processing and management. • Laravel: I've used Laravel for over 9 years for building server-side web applications. Its elegant syntax and rich features like MVC support, ORM, routing, and security made building robust and maintainable applications a breeze. • C#: As a versatile language, C# has been instrumental in my software development career. I've utilized C# to build a range of applications from desktop apps to cloud-based services and games, ensuring optimal functionality and reliability. • ASP.NET: Leveraging ASP.NET, I've developed many robust and scalable web applications. Using this framework, I've created APIs, handled requests and responses, managed server-side state, and authenticated and authorized users. • JavaScript: As the cornerstone of my web development projects, I've extensively used JavaScript to create interactive web pages. I've used it for client-side scripting to enhance user experiences and for server-side scripting to interact with databases. • TypeScript: With TypeScript, I have brought static typing to JavaScript, catching errors early during development. It has helped me write cleaner, more understandable code, making the development process more efficient and the resulting applications more reliable.
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5.0 · 3 Reviews
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I had the pleasure of working with Yue, and am very satisfied with the experience. He maintained excellent communication throughout the project and whenever I had questions or needed updates, he responded promptly and professionally. I highly recommend Yue to anyone looking for top-notch freelance services.
Jon R.
Bandera de
Oslo, Norway
hace 24 días
Outstanding freelancer, deliver above and beyond what i asked before. highly skilled knows advanced javascript / nodejs. Could not recommend more for interactive web ui / dashboard, you will want to hire him!
Andrew S.
Bandera de
Seattle, United States
hace 1 mes
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Good job. He did this work correctly and rapidly. I hope to work with him in the future.
Vladyslav A.
Bandera de
Ternivka, Ukraine
hace 1 mes
Senior Web3 Developer
abr, 2023 - ene, 2024
9 meses, 1 día
abr, 2023 - ene, 2024
9 meses, 1 día
As a Senior Web3 & Web Developer at ChainGPT, I led AI-driven blockchain integrations, optimized smart contracts, and developed SDKs/APIs. Expert in Nest.js, React.js, MongoDB for building responsive, scalable web applications. Innovated with AI for code enhancement, contributing to advanced blockchain solutions and web development practices.
abr, 2023 - ene, 2024
9 meses, 1 día
Full Stack Engineer
abr, 2019 - sept, 2022
3 años, 5 meses
EPAM Systems
abr, 2019 - sept, 2022
3 años, 5 meses
As a seasoned Web Developer and AI Integration Expert, concluding my tenure as a Smart Contract Engineer, I have spearheaded numerous projects at EPAM Systems. My expertise encompasses developing cutting-edge web applications, seamlessly integrating AI technologies, and engineering robust smart contracts, contributing significantly to the innovation and success of EPAM.
abr, 2019 - sept, 2022
3 años, 5 meses
George Mason University
2001 - 2005
4 años
Bandera de
United States
2001 - 2005
4 años
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