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Tania C.
Solar Expert Engineer
$65 USD / hora
Spain (11:01 p. m.)
Se unió el agosto 23, 2019
$65 USD / hora
Working as a Solar Engineer for 7 years.
- Large industrial solar EPC projects worldwide (1-150MW)
- small scale isolated systems in rural villages
- solar water pumping
- Residential and industrial market PV solutions Spain
Software: PVSyst l HelioScope l CAD l Meteonorm.
Experienced in the dimensioning of systems, production simulation, cost analysis, BOM, analysis of the investment, technical writing, feasibility studies, consulting, construction management, proposal writing, business presentations, academic writting
Knowledge of the market in different countries. I have contact with the main suppliers.
Experienced as well in the development of Business plans for new companies as well as research in the field of renewable energy and grant writing.
Graduated in Industrial Engineering (+Bussiness).Native Spanish speaker from Spain. English proficiency C1 level.
At the moment looking for freelancing options to work remotely.
Other Skills:
- Text Layout and visual reports
- English/Spanish Translation
- Administrative Skills
- Technical Writing
Tania is the greatest freelancer I ve dealt with. she is specialize in the field of the solar energy. she delivered an amazing work with high quality. she also delivered the work due the time. she was really socialize as well as really helpful. she is absolutely the best here and I really recommend her to anyone looking for the quality only. i will definitely order her again.
- Project Manager in a Eu funded I+D energy project
- Development of the PV residential and PV collective energy bussiness model for the company.
- Commercial and counseling to residential consumers about their energy problems.
jun, 2021 - Presente
3 años, 8 meses
Solar Industrial Engineer
sept, 2020 - jun, 2021
9 meses
sept, 2020 - jun, 2021
9 meses
Industrial solar plants proposals and solar parks desing
sept, 2020 - jun, 2021
9 meses
Solar Engineer
ago, 2019 - dic, 2019
4 meses
ago, 2019 - dic, 2019
4 meses
Small scale solar systems for houses, business, isolated communities.
As well as installation of solar pumping systems
ago, 2019 - dic, 2019
4 meses
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
2012 - 2016
4 años
Industrial Engineering
2012 - 2016
4 años
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