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Hetal M.
.NET (MCTS) | Asp.Net Core | MVC | C# | VB.NET
$18 USD / hora
India (10:28 a. m.)
Se unió el abril 24, 2018
$18 USD / hora
Over 15 years’ experience in the IT industry and 20 years of overall experience in managing and extending the various business domain.
• Technical Specialities
o Asp.Net Core
o .NET 1.x to 4.5.2 Framework (C# and VB.NET)
o Web Forms, MVC
o [login to view URL], Entity Framework
o WCF, Web Services, RESTful Services, WEB API
o JSON, JQuery, Bootstrap
o Reporting – SSRS, Telerik Reports, Crystal Reports
o Silverlight
o Design Pattern and its Implementations
o Distributed and Multi-Tenant Applications
o Sync Framework
o CSLA Framework
o Cloud Computing
Amazon and Azure (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS)
o Components
Telerik (Dev Tools – AJAX, MVC, KENDO)
I can write a book about Hetals knowledge and endurance.
He is an old rat in this game. If you give a task to Hetal its 100% guaranteed that u will not be disappointed. His team is fantastic, hardworking, testing it properly and results are outstanding
Over 15 years’ experience in the IT industry and 20 years of overall experience in managing and extending various business domain. Proficient in understanding business requirement, Planning and executing business strategies. Specific strength lies in quickly conceptualizing abstract requirements or ideas and
transforming them into cost effective solutions in the optimized time frame.
jul, 2014 - Presente
10 años, 8 meses
Gujarat University
2002 - 2005
3 años
Masters in Computer Applications
2002 - 2005
3 años
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