Hello! I have a Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature and Pedagogy and a Master's degree in English Translation and Pedagogy. Therefore, I would really like to find a job related to these fields of work. My main pairs for translation are English to Croatian and Croatian to English. Also, I have a high school diploma in physiotherapy, so I am willing to translate texts concerning that discipline as well. Further, I have experience in translating technical (medical findings, dental instructions for use, instructions for use for different tools and machines), legal (terms and conditions, code of conduct, birth certificates, certificates of training, EU documents) and literary texts (excerpts from novels and short stories), localizing website articles (Terminologue, YALA, StatsBomb, Heineken, Share the Truths), apps, summaries, interviews, and excerpts regarding various topics, literature (e.g. Pamela Anderson's autobiography "Love, Pamela" and "The Way I Used to Be") as well as subtitling media content, such as TV series, movies, and interviews from English to Croatian and vice versa. I am also well-versed in CAT tools such as memoQ, Memsource, Smartcat and Trados and subtitling tools Subtitle Edit and Ooona Toolkit. In addition, I can provide proofreading and editing services for texts in Croatian and English.
I'm looking forward to cooperating with you!
I translate medical-related documents from English to Croatian.
sept, 2023 - Presente
1 año, 5 meses
Literary Translator
jul, 2023 - Presente
1 año, 7 meses
jul, 2023 - Presente
1 año, 7 meses
I translate fiction and non-fiction literature from English to Croatian.
jul, 2023 - Presente
1 año, 7 meses
Freelance Subtitler
nov, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 3 meses
Tik Tak Audio
nov, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 3 meses
I provide subtitles for movies from English to Croatian.
nov, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 3 meses
Sveuèilište 'Josipa Jurja Strossmayera' u Osijeku
2020 - 2023
3 años
Master's Degree in English Translation and Pedagogy
2020 - 2023
3 años
Sveuèilište 'Josipa Jurja Strossmayera' u Osijeku
2017 - 2020
3 años
Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature and Pedagogy
2017 - 2020
3 años
High School Diploma in Physiotherapy
2014 - 2017
3 años
2014 - 2017
3 años
Youthpass Certificate - Be Active and Creative
World Youth Alliance Croatia
"Be active and creative" is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, implemented by the World Youth Alliance Croatia in Osijek. It educated people aged 18 to 30 for self-employment, enabled them to discover their talents, pointed out the sources of EU funds for young entrepreneurs; and connect them with entrepreneurs and decision-makers from the local community. The project consists of a four-day conference including meeting with local entrepreneurs and decision makers and an educational part.
Localizing Terminologue into Croatian
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Osijek
This is a Master's thesis in which I described the case study of localizing Terminologue, a terminology management tool, into Croatian.
(Dis)ability in a Song of Ice and Fire: the Lion, the Wolf, and the Kraken
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Osijek
George R. R. Martin is irrevocably one of the greatest fantasy novelists of all time, and his crown jewel is A Song of Ice and Fire. Men, women, rich, poor, middle-class, young, old, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, knights, ladies, women warriors, and so on – each has their own place within the Song. What this paper will focus on, however, is the representation of disability. For practical reasons, three characters are described and analysed: Tyrion Lannister, Bran Stark, and Theon Greyjoy.
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