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    2,000 simply goods trabajos encontrados

    Participe en medio ironman y me compartieron fotos y unos pocos videos, quiero un foto montaje, con una cancion que tengo y otro con alguna sugeria, o varias cancoens en el mismo video, que refliejen alguna emotividad del momento. Si es posible ademas un segundo short , simplemente acomodando las fotos al rit...simplemente acomodando las fotos al rito de alguna cancion, independiente del primero. I participated in a Half Ironman, and I received some photos and a few videos. I want a photo montage with a song I have, and another version with a suggested song or multiple songs in the same video that reflect the emotions of the moment. Additionally, if possible, I’d like a second short video where the photos are simply arranged to match the rhythm of a song, independent of the ...

    $76 Average bid
    $76 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas
    Bot de Telegram
    Finalizado left

    ...plan: 5 days for trial users. (Pin user id to trial group id) 30 days for Pro users 180 days for Premium users 365 days for VIP users 5. Message Sending: - Allows you to send text and multimedia messages to specific or bulk groups and channels from a dashboard. - Schedule a list of messages to send at specific times or with a defined frequency. Ability to schedule multiple messages in the list by simply sending them all together differentiated by a separator. - Manage the list of scheduled messages from a dashboard. With the option to empty, edit, add more, and selectively delete. 6. Function Control: - Allows you to turn on or off certain bot functions in groups or channels from the dashboard. - Allows you to turn on or off certain bot functions for certain users on the bot�...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    ...minimalistic, and practical to enhance the overall shopping experience. - Themed Areas: - Zona de Cajas (Checkout Area): An efficient and customer-friendly checkout area. - Área de Productos Frescos (Fresh Produce Section): A visually appealing and well-organized area for fresh products. - Sección de Productos Empacados (Packaged Products Section): A modern, minimalist display for packaged goods. - Carnes (Meat Section): A designated space for meat products, focusing on cleanliness and quality. - Café (Cafe): A cozy and inviting space for customers to enjoy a cup of coffee. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Interior Design: Previous experience in supermarket or retail store design would be highly beneficial. - Strong Understanding of Modern and Minim...

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas
    Anves Home goods
    Finalizado left

    La empresa Baltra Brands LLC esta registrada en Amazon seller y tiene su maraca ANVES HOME GOODS registrada. Mantiene una mercaderia en stock , listo para ser vendidas , el requerimiento es para una persona que se dedique a promosionar los productos en Amazon y otras redes sociales. La persona se encargara de manejar , ventas. Los pagos por dichas ventas lo resivimos nosotros a travez de Amazon. Y pagariamos el salario de la persona indicada. , ya sea por horas o poir resultados

    $613 Average bid
    $613 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    ...the person hired for the project, there will be the possibility of being hired for future projects or updates to the same. Updated Functional Requirements: Weight, Dimensions, and Container Type Calculation: The application will perform accurate calculations, considering container options and the need for refrigeration. Packaging Type and Goods Name Selection: Users can specify the packaging type (pallets, box, or bag) and provide the name of the goods for precise calculation. Interactive 3D Simulation: A 3D simulation feature will be incorporated, allowing users to freely and visually adjust the arrangement of the merchandise inside the container. User Profile Information Storage: The application will allow calculated information to be stored in individual user profi...

    $647 Average bid
    $647 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    This activity consists of carrying out a program that allows evaluating the Mohr circle at a specified point of a Simply Supported Beam type element, at a specific height of the section and allowing it to be rotated by a desired angle. For this, the program must consider a beam made of THREE materials in type I section and heights and thicknesses specified by the user. • It must be programmed in Matlab code. • Should be applicable to any Simply Supported beam. The beam must have one ascending and one descending triangular load, one rectangular load, two point loads and at least one bending moment. • Diagrams of shear, moment, rotation and vertical deflection of the selected beam must be included. • Graphs of axial and shear forces must be included in the ...

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Necesitamos poner odoo desde nginx y esta dando un error que simplemente n nos permite continuar a usarlo con el puerto 80 y 443, necesitamos dejar corriendo odoo con solamente el dominio o bien la ip con puerto invisible We need to put odoo from nginx and it is giving an error that simply does not allow us to continue using port 80 and 443, we need to let odoo work with only the domain or the ip with an invisible port

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 ofertas

    Por supuesto, aquí tienes una posible descripción: Estamos buscando un desarrollador de aplicaciones móviles para ayudarnos a instalar un kit ya hecho en nuestras plataformas. El candidato seleccionado deberá ser capaz de instalar el script y la aplicación de manera rápida y eficiente, y asegurarse de que todo esté funcionando correctamente. El candidato ideal deberá tener experiencia en la instalación de aplicaciones móviles y ser capaz de trabajar con una variedad de plataformas móviles, incluyendo iOS y Android. También deberá tener habilidades en la resolución de problemas y en la solución de problemas técnicos. Si estás interesado en esta posición, por favor...

    $471 Average bid
    $471 Oferta promedio
    29 ofertas

    ...branches (SLS, SLA and FDM), Computer Numerical Control Machinery (CNC), Laser Cutting and more... to be able to offer companies the best solution that allows them to manufacture short batches of their products or parts. Companies send us the designs of their models, and we take care of making them a reality using the most appropriate technique for it. The company's perspective does not end in simply offering a prototyping service, since our business plan aspires to soon be offering our own large 3D printers to the market, on which we have been working and perfecting for years. We are looking for a logo that represents our innovative values ​​and that shows the relationship with the sector in which we operate. Traditionally, companies linked to our partners have been ident...

    $109 Average bid
    Destacado Garantizado Concurso principal
    324 participaciones

    ...Spanish. It deals with affirmations, narratives, comforting, motivational, etc. It is a Christian space on YouTube for which we require that the person be a believer in God. You will talk about your experiences with God or various related topics, you will continually use biblical verses. you will be free to speak. If we do not agree with something you say, if it is very controversial, etc. we will simply cut that part of the recording. Voice requirements: - Your voice must fit the niche of the channel. - Clean audio and clean sentences. (You should have audio program to cut any external sounds, or breaths) Make it sound professional. - We want to receive the articles through Google Drive. - Work from wherever you want (as long as we can reach you) - Incentives Job Requirement...

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas
    All things simply
    Finalizado left

    Hola Quang Vinh T., vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles. Amigo

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Hola necesito una tabla donde pueda tener al momento los costos exactos de mercancías que se pagan en dlls con tipo de cambio diferente y una factura la pagan diferentes transferencias con diferente tipo de cambio. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello, I need a table where I can have at the moment the exact costs of goods that are paid in dlls with a different exchange rate and an invoice is paid by different transfers with a different exchange rate.

    $36 / hr Average bid
    $36 / hr Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    I would simply like to place a limit of 30 recorded data in a specific table, and then in case you want to buy it, then I give you the application without this limitation Necesito implementar alguna condicion para access que permita realizar un demo. Es decir, por ej, limitar la cantidad de datos que se pueden guardar en una tabla, puede usarse un codigo vbasic.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    Somos una tienda dedicada a crear goods/mercancía de kpop, nos enfocamos en los materiales impresos como photocards, uchiwas, camisas, termos y demás pero también vendos discos.

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas

    Requerido conocimientos avanzados en PHP y de Custom Fields/Hooks en WordPress. Necesito alguien que pueda integrar el plugin Cost of Goods, que permite añadir el valor del COSTO del producto (NO EL PRECIO FINAL), con el plugin WooCommerce Affiliates; esto para que por cada venta individual de producto, podamos excluir dicho COSTO del total de comisiones que reciben los afiliados. El plugin de afiliados por defecto excluye los impuestos, las ofertas y los costos de envío. De ser posible, crear alguna función de WordPress para no tener que editar cada vez que se actualicen los plugins. Proporciono los plugins e información adicional para facilitar el levantamiento de información.

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    ...which we include in the description. Take a look to the actual website BRAND NAME Cats SECTOR Leather bags for women, with classic and modern designs. TARGET Women of all ages. WHAT DO WE DO Creaciones Caspiel S.L. was born in 1975 in Madrid, and since its inception it specializes in the manufacture of high quality ladies' handbags and leather goods, marketed under the CATS brand. The success of CATS lies in an initial idea that has remained seamless over the years, which is to combine, in the most elegant way and with the best materials, tradition with modernity, and secular craftsmanship with design and Fashion. The choice of raw materials is essential for us, and we always seek to offer the highest quality in our products. The leathers we

    $80 Average bid
    148 participaciones

    Por motivo que el fabricante cambio el diseño de sus productos, es que se necesita renovar la imagen de los productos. los fabricantes son los siguiente: Los diseños son para subirlo a la web son 2 imágenes por producto (1 imagen es foto del producto y otra imagen para la información nutricional) son alrededor de 34 productos se deja imagen referencial a la que hay que cambiar y se están

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas
    Trophy icon Diseño de Logotipo
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    Saludos Quiero diseñar un logotipo para un almacén de productos del hogar en especial lencería para el hogar (sabanas, edredones, colchas, duvets ). Se va a llamar : Benedetto Home Goods El Nombre Benedetto va a ser el principal, Home Goods en pequeño como slogan Cualquier duda , me la hacen saber Gracias

    $50 Average bid
    57 participaciones
    Trophy icon Need a logo.
    Finalizado left

    ...expand our reach to Latinos with spicy Mexican sweets. What we need. A logo that people can interact with and be identifiable, that can be used as a single (without the name of the logo or all its full logo components) that can be personalized in all colors or color gradients and B and N , mainly for social media purposes. In addition, we want it to be economical to print, or in basic colors, or simply a silhouette. what we think we want it to be. Something sophisticated, nothing oriented or Mexican themed, our brand will be revealed when you contact us, but basically, we want or are thinking of a MJ candy leaf, made with chilies or jalapeños, or any type you want to introduce us to. ... so it has to have all seven leaves, and you can play with the shape or size of the c...

    $25 Average bid
    37 participaciones
    Desarrollador iOS
    Finalizado left

    ...día de hoy tenemos más proyectos en Swift). Queremos que nuestros nuevos compañeros tengan interés por aprender, aportar conocimiento y se esfuercen en mejorar cada día, porque todos "estamos creciendo". Además, queremos que sean alegres, buena gente y que no le importe preguntar si tiene dudas. Arquitectura Clean (MVP), Integración Continua (Jenkins), Auditoria de Codigo (Sonar), Gitflow, Zeplin/Simply (Diseños) son conceptos y herramientas asumidas en los departamentos desde hace tiempo. Nuestro objetivo es poder desarrollar con TDD (Pruebas Unitarias) a medio plazo. De ti esperamos: Al menos 3 años de experiencia con proyectos nativos, ya sean con Objective-C o con Swift . Que sepas utilizar git (usamos ...

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas based on prestashop 1.6. I need to improve the design and usability of my website for mobile devices in order to increase seo, lower bounce rate and get better conversions. The project must be previously analyzed and the job candidate must have a wide experience with proven ability to analyze, draw a line of improvement and implement the desired changes. I am not looking for someone who can simply perform the requested tasks, but part of the job should be to present an improvement project and study options before deciding on the line of work. Abstain large agencies for exorbitant budgets. Precise freelancer profile with the desire to work, positive previous reviews, and decisive. ...

    $609 Average bid
    $609 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    WE want to build a prestashop 1. fully automated, all relationship with users will have an automated response by email or whatsapp, when they make pourchases, asks for something, etc. 2. Payment Gateway - paypal and any other gateway that allows credit cards. We prefer stripe. 3. SMS service ( Twilio / MSG91) - customer will receive whatsapp message when making purchase and when its goods are shipped. 4. Email service automation to customer 5. track status of order 6. stock integration with several e-commerce of people who is supllying to us. Some products will be direcly sold from us and some taking in account supplier's stock and availavility, so we need to show in product display stock available, that in some cases have to be extracted from odoo and some from other we...

    $634 Average bid
    $634 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    ...transport in Spain. We are looking for a freelance commercial that deals with: - Send shipping and air transport budgets to companies in Latin America that write to us daily requesting a price for their shipments of goods to / from Spain. (You would have access to our rates and with them you should prepare the sales rates based on our target margins.) - Call later, to those companies to be interested in what they thought of the offer and try to get us the delivery to us instead of the competition. - Make commercial calls to companies in Latin America that import or export goods to Spain or from Spain (you must locate it on your own as well) - it is remunerated at a price per hour (with a minimum number of offers sent per hour) + commissions according to success...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas
    Simply Ecommerce
    Finalizado left

    La web ya dispone de páginas siguientes: (Ver en o ) - Home - Características - Planes - Prueba Gratis - Formulario Solicitar Demo - Notas Legales, Política de Privacidad y Condiciones de uso. PRESUPUESTO PARA AMPLIACIÓN WORDPRESS: Idiomas: Español / Inglés Producto SaaS - Crear 1 Formulario con 5 campos : - Nombre / Apellidos / email / Empresa / País - Thick Box Aceptar condiciones legales - Botón "Aceptar" ( Genera E-mails de registro para empresa y cl...

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    Necesito una persona que tenga habilidades comerciales e investigación para indagar entre los vecinos y colindantes para localizar al propietario de un inmueble. A veces requiere simplemente acercarse al registro de la propiedad del municipio. ______________________...habilidades comerciales e investigación para indagar entre los vecinos y colindantes para localizar al propietario de un inmueble. A veces requiere simplemente acercarse al registro de la propiedad del municipio. _____________________________________ I need a person who has business skills and research to investigate between neighbors and neighbors to locate the owner of a property. Sometimes it simply requires approaching the municipal property registry. Budget: € 10 per real estate owner re...

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    ...simple intuitive page, organized by categories, where the coupons are not in disorder, but for needs (I have some templates that caught my attention) and then by google map, we can make the coupons make the clients tour internal, and even thought on a larger scale, international tourism. Additional can do the same through an APP for Android and iOS. It would be electronic commerce with electronic goods. something like this but better: Someone interested? --- Quiero una pagina web para venta de cupones de descuento, donde el dueño del negocio (restorante, pizzeria, cualquier persona) pueda darnos comision de venta por sus cupones, pero nosotros gestionamos la venta del cupon, que despues su cliente puede hacer efectivo una vez presente el cupon de descuento en el

    $1081 Average bid
    $1081 Oferta promedio
    29 ofertas

    ...negocios comerciales para el poder comprar y vender los bienes y servicios mediados Criptomendas. ===================================================================== I need to develop an e-commerce portal that allows the integration of Online Payment Systems APIs with Cryptomonedas. The portal must allow the registration of users or commercial businesses to be able to buy and sell the goods and services mediated Criptomendas. ...

    $1226 Average bid
    $1226 Oferta promedio
    38 ofertas

    ...for a person who knows how to design applications. We have an example mobile application as an reference, which serves to explain what we need. The app is called Degusta and can be found in the AppStore and Google Play. That application is focused on restaurants, ours would be different type of business. We will take care of the design, logo, and everything related to the app, what we need is simply someone who knows how to create applications and help us with administration and maintenance. The important functions we need in the app are: -Maps and GPS access -That users can log on through their social networks - What the users have the ability to qualify with specific things and leave comments (a community) ----------------- Buscamos una persona que sepa dise&ntil...

    $1213 Average bid
    $1213 Oferta promedio
    45 ofertas
    Do some 3D Modelling
    Finalizado left

    ...eso que todas las piezas están diseñada de forma que se puedan trasladar y ensamblar de manera muy sencilla, aparte de esto la vivienda puede ampliar en caso de que la familia crezca. The other project is a proto-vivieda made entirely of wood. The ideal of the project is that the house can be built on site, that is why all the pieces are designed so that they can be moved and assembled very simply, apart from this housing can expand in case the family grows . ...

    $107 Average bid
    $107 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    English: We are an online gaming startup, we aim to solve the trading of virtual goods of games between users. Since it's a very new market niche and the competition is low, making right growth movements can turn us in the market leaders. This is why we are looking for a person interested in this new world of the trading of virtual goods, a person who wanna submerge in the project and help us to growth it with the same enthusiasm that we have. We are looking for somebody who makes digital marketing and somebody that understands marketing not only as publicity but also as the construction of a relevant product for a certain niche of users. If it has sense for you to work in this project, please contact us telling about your previous works and why are you interested in...

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas
    Desarrollar software
    Finalizado left

    Buscamos programador Ruby en CABA, Argentina Somos una startup del mercado de los juegos online concretamente virtual goods (bienes de esos juegos), estamos buscando un desarrollador que trabaje en Ruby con tres o más años de experiencia y tenga ganas de trabajar en el mercado de las startups

    $272 Average bid
    $272 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas
    Make an Audio Mix
    Finalizado left

    ...crear, inventar, elaborar, sincronizar y fabricar tus temas favoritos para escucharlos de una forma diferente y divertida: Mixes, remixes y megamixes por encargo y online para todo el mundo. ¿Ya tienes tu selección? pídeme lo que quieras y en una semana YA lo tienes! *********ENG: My career may have started at age 13 (1983 ) when recording small mixes of a plate to the other radio- cassette , simply playing with the pause button , or even from the radio broadcast live (much harder to get but useful ) . From 1999 already it had PC with good audio stereo and has been since the digital revolution (2004 ) when I start to prepare mixes for parties and events , but always from pre-recorded to provide stakeholders with the highest quality work and sound. - I ...

    $423 Average bid
    $423 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    ...PROYECTO AL RECIBIR LA SATISFACCION! Gracias. Bid if you have any similar of the above mentioned website up and running. DO NOT BID TO DEVELOP IT FROM SCRATCH We will need to see your similar (Car Dealer) portfolio and experience Please send us your similar work and give us a brief introduction of yourself(team) and give us your quote. I prefer someone who has done work for car dealers We simply need someone to edit the website PLEASE DO NOT BID THIS POST WITH YOUR COPY AND PASTE INTRODUCTION. WE ARE LOOKING FOR SINCERE PARTNERSHIP. ...

    $709 Average bid
    $709 Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas

    ...internet, (3) use Skkyyppee or WWhatsAppp, (4) a reliable computer, and (5) be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. English is NOT necessary for this project. Sskkyyppee ID: TerrapinXL Posting Each ad 1x per week = 12 ads/ month = $? Posting Each ad 2x per week = 24 ads/ month = $? The ads are ready to post. You would simply Copy + Paste. Each ad takes approximately just 2-5 minutes to post. These are 100% legit ads, by the way. No weird stuff or scams or nothing. We currently have 2 active campaigns -- one is related to alternative energy, and the other is related to organic gardening. We will discuss the content of the ads and the objectives of the campaigns in greater detail with you directly. If ...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta promedio
    29 ofertas

    Design a logo for car detailing

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas
    Create a GIF
    Finalizado left

    I need to create a simple HTML5 Code that have an effect of rotation (with my own image that i have) like this: I attached the image. It's very simply to do. Easy money. The condition it's i need it ASAP. Thanks a lot! ----------------- Necesito crear un código HTML5 que muestre un efecto de rotación (que sea con una imagen propia, la cual tengo conmigo en este momento), por ejemplo este efecto: La imagen está adjunta. Cualquier diseñador lo puede hacer rapidísimo. Es DINERO FÁCIL, la única condición es que sea lo antes posible (ASAP). Muchísimas gracias!

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    Español : Hay muchas apps para Android "gratis" que miden la frecuencia cardíaca con una cinta pectoral Bluetooth y/o ANT+ pero para mi empresa queríamos una...frecuencia cardíaca en ppm y/o % de frecuencia cardíaca máxima y guardará un histórico de sesión al darle al play/record ( estilo esta que es gratuita : ). Ingles : There are many apps for Android "free" measuring heart rate with Bluetooth and / or ANT + but for my company wanted one with our brand initially ( then we may evolve ) simply displays the heart rate in ppm and / or % of maximum heart rate and keep a historic session to give the play / record ( similar to this free app : ) .

    $744 Average bid
    $744 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    Se necesita SOLO ASESOR, para que nos oriente y nos ayude a finlizar una app iphone de manera mas rapida, la idea es enviar las dudas que van surgiendo y nos provean codigo generico de ejemplo, o simplmente un url que lo tenga. La idea es no contratar un programador para que haga nuestra app SINO un programador que nos oriente y nos...programador que nos oriente y nos ayude a acelerar nuestro desarrollo. Por razones de seguridad no podemos dar informacion del proyecto.rnrnI need an Iphone Programmer only for help me to finish fastly an app. I am an Android programmer and I am new in iphone world, is for this reason that I just need someone to guide me. Basically I will send emails with my doubts and I will need examples of code or simply an url that I have something that is usef...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 ofertas

    ...profesional/empresa. Metodología de trabajo: 1. Un test de prueba (se evaluará calidad y tiempo en la traducción) 2. 10 test de prueba 3. Packs de test restantes. Debe entregarse con el formato que se indicará en el transcurso del proyecto. Ejemplo: Question Id : 152946 Topic:PayPal Payment Processing Basics Level:2 Ques:Which of the following statements are not true a)The merchant is the one who sells goods or services. b)The customer is the one who holds the payment instrument. c)The payment processor is a financial institution such as American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, JCB or Diners Club. d)The credit card association is the entity that processes credit card transactions and settles funds for merchants....

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    55 ofertas

    ...aparecen en inglés. 5.    No hardcoded inline styles are allowed anywhere. Dynamic inline styles are permitted where necessary. 6.    IDs and classes need to be appropriately named and follow a naming convention. 7.    Use human readable selectors that describe what element(s) they style. Refrain from using over-qualified selectors, can simply be stated as .container. 8.    JavaScript code should be placed in external files whenever possible. 9.    JavaScript files need to be placed in the footer where possible, barring notable exceptions, for example: Modernizr, jQuery UI, etc. 10.     The code shouldn't raise any errors or notices. 11.    All JavaScript s...

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas
    Desarrollar software
    Finalizado left

    Spanish | English Below. Buenas, estamos buscando un desarrollador IOS para replicar nuestra plataforma Android en este nuevo sistema operativo. Se trata de una aplicación muy básica: Escaneo de un código QR y registro de dicha información y otros datos a trav...plataforma Android en este nuevo sistema operativo. Se trata de una aplicación muy básica: Escaneo de un código QR y registro de dicha información y otros datos a través de un webservice. Datos técnicos, Mockups, diagramas de secuencia, UML y demás disponibles. ¿Interesados? Hi, we are looking for an IOS Developer for develop an iphone version of our current software on android. It's a very simply app: QR Scanner and save dat...

    $1343 Average bid
    $1343 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas

    ...y debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos que aparecen en inglés. 5. No hardcoded inline styles are allowed anywhere. Dynamic inline styles are permitted where necessary. 6. IDs and classes need to be appropriately named and follow a naming convention. 7. Use human readable selectors that describe what element(s) they style. Refrain from using over-qualified selectors, can simply be stated as .container. 8. JavaScript code should be placed in external files whenever possible. 9. JavaScript files need to be placed in the footer where possible, barring notable exceptions, for example: Modernizr, jQuery UI, etc. 10. The code shouldn't raise any errors or notices. 11. All JavaScript should be written with "use strict" mode on. For example, ...

    $2105 Average bid
    $2105 Oferta promedio
    23 ofertas

    ...teams as players to reduce costs) , all players with statistics ( strength, agility, and those named above ) . 5 minor leagues with all previously named. 5 Lower Leagues ( School ) . The player started with 13 years old and this time go through a meter long hours for days and years may be ahead . Also there is a shop in the city where they can buy the plugs , socks, and sporting goods . The idea is that you can train, play , watch games , climbing skills , scouts who see it , to be signed to teams on loan to other teams. More......

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 ofertas cities . They can set filters to show only specific types of deals by category , price or discount. There is a great functionality to order , so you can easily find the popular , nearby and discounted offers. Display Map - View a map of your surroundings with active deals in real-time . Tenders are shown by a category icon on the screen , so you know what kind of deals are in your area . Simply touching an icon shows you the basic details and lets you navigate quickly to close deals . Save or deals stores that interest you - The Favorites screen . You're always just one button away from your favorite stores and deals . You can set alerts or just keep bidding / store you might want to visit in the future . Settings / Help - Set custom filters , get help and more ......

    $1804 Average bid
    $1804 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    Para un nuevo emprendimiento, estamos buscando desarrollar Juegos Mobile (Android, iOS, facebook). El juego en si va hacer Freemium y se buscara generar negocios a traves de Ads, y Virtual Goods Puntos a contemplar: 1. Necesitamos generar la interfaz grafica del juego 2. Programacion del mismo. 3. Con conocimiento para saber incoporar ads. 4. Gran creatividad 5. Menejo de idioma Ingles Buscamos que con el desarrollo de un juego, nos permita, con bajo costo, desarrollar 2/3 bajo la misma tematica pero con diferente diseños. Algunos ejemplos de juegos a los que queremos llegar: <span style="line-height: 1.6em;">Buscamos recursos que puedan ser parte del proyecto, ya

    $2 Average bid
    $2 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    ...FEAST being the main logo/graphic on its own but also design something for Feast Farms Inc. for company letter head, website and email signatures. Looking for a cool but modern font or even something in the Comic font category using FEAST. If you can create or incorporate a related or relative image designed into one of the letters in FEAST we would be open to that. Ideally, we would want to simply brand the word FEAST. Probably a green, yellow, orange, red or combination of colors but open to other colors as well. Our growing rack system uses 90% less water, land and no pesticides. See the following additional information from ChatGPT. ChatGPT said: Feast Farms Inc. is a great name, especially if you want to evoke a sense of abundance, nourishment, and bountiful harve...

    $53 Average bid
    $53 Oferta promedio
    114 ofertas

    I'm looking for someone to help me understand holistic digestive health and the various health care approaches, including Western, complementary, and alternative medicine. The task involves: - Defining holistic health in your own words with proper citations. - Research...citations. - Discussing the importance of understanding these diverse approaches to align medical advice with personal values and needs. The primary focus is on how different health care systems can collaboratively or individually support overall well-being, especially concerning digestive health. Ideal candidate should have: - Strong research skills - Ability to articulate complex concepts simply - Proficiency in APA citation style Please ensure to cite from academic journals, websites, and books to avoi...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta promedio
    26 ofertas

    ...information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) SHARAWI CIRCLE STREET, 9020000, HEBRON, PALESTINE • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to d...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 ofertas

    I'm looking for an expert to help me set up an Amazon seller account for selling physical goods. I need assistance acquiring UPC codes for my products, as I currently don't have any. I do have a brand name and logo ready to go. Key Responsibilities: - Setting up my Amazon seller account - Assisting with the acquisition of UPC codes Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Amazon seller account setup - Familiarity with UPC code acquisition - Understanding of physical goods selling on Amazon - Ability to integrate brand name and logo into account setup

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas
    JPG Texture Color Balancing
    6 días left

    ...color adjustments, specifically to balance skin tones. Your task will involve: - Adjusting the color balance of the images to ensure skin tones are represented accurately and consistently using Affinity Photo 2 - Possibly automating this process as only tedious mouse clicks and copy paste is required (the actual color balancing is already setup for you) The color balancing is already done for you simply need to watch "Face Texture Cleanup " video in full and follow the instructions. Per 1 Face Diffuse Map file the process creates 4 images total. 24 Face Diffuse Maps should create 4 images a piece = 96 images total (Don't panic these are simple to generate and takes only a couple of hours to complete can take under 24hours to complete this is very simple task) ...

    $80 Average bid
    $80 Oferta promedio
    92 ofertas