Keras evaluate exampletrabajos
...the capabilities of Bonita BPM in managing documents within an organization. The PoC will cover from the initial receipt of the document to its final processing and result storage, using Bonita BPM to automate and optimize each step of the process. Important: This is a proof of concept with a maximum duration of 2 weeks. If the PoC is successful, a large-scale project will follow. We want to evaluate Bonita BPM's capabilities for integration with other systems' APIs, the functioning of automated or system tasks, and the ability to send and receive information and documents to and from Bonita BPM. We also aim to assess using Bonita BPM as a process engine while building the frontend in another technology, and the possibility of modifying Bonita's forms. The necess...
...Experiencia Profesional: Mínimo 5 años de experiencia en desarrollo de software y automatización. Experiencia comprobada en proyectos de robótica e integración de sistemas de IA. Historial de trabajos freelance o proyectos independientes exitosos. Conocimientos Técnicos: Lenguajes de programación: Python, Java, C++, y otros relevantes. Plataformas de desarrollo de IA: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras. Herramientas de automatización: Selenium, UiPath, Automation Anywhere. Desarrollo de software: Git, Docker, Kubernetes. Robótica: ROS (Robot Operating System), Arduino, Raspberry Pi. Conocimientos en bases de datos: SQL, NoSQL. Metodologías ágiles: Scrum, Kanban. Habilidades Adicionales: Capaci...
...garantizar la fiabilidad y la escalabilidad de la aplicación. 6. Tecnologías de pruebas: - Selenium, JUnit, y Postman para garantizar la calidad y la fiabilidad del sistema. 7. Tecnologías de colaboración y gestión de proyectos: - GitHub, Trello, y Asana para garantizar la eficiencia y la colaboración en el desarrollo del proyecto. 8. Tecnologías de análisis de datos: - TensorFlow, Keras, y Scikit-learn para mejorar la eficiencia y la productividad del sistema. 9. Tecnologías de navegación: - React Router, Vue Router, y Angular Router para mejorar la experiencia del usuario en la aplicación web. Consideraciones de Seguridad: - Implementar autenticación segura y manejo de sesiones....
Tengo un negocio de un centro de masajes, el cual he recopilado información de más de 350 clientes en un mes. Los datos recopilados son los siguientes: fecha, h...decisiones respecto a esta información, solicito la asesoría de un analista de datos o desarrollador de aprendizaje automático o desarrollador de algoritmos/modelos que me permitan analizar la data existente y futura. Mi objetivo principal es aumentar el número de sesiones e ingresos. Se de la existencia de herramientas de software que pueden ayudarme a este propósito: Tensorflow, scikit-learn, keras,etc No sé si sea necesario aplicar estas herramientas, tomando en cuenta que la data con la que cuento es inicial (el negocio es nuevo) tal vez podemos contar con otras h...
...working on aesthetics, designing visual elements, and arranging on-screen elements. The aim is to create an attractive, intuitive interface consistent with the brand or product identity. Possible Alternatives: Explore different design styles, such as minimalist, material design, or neumorphism, depending on the desired visual identity for your application. Conduct usability tests with users to evaluate their response to the design and make adjustments based on their feedback. 2. Full Frontend Development (Weeks 3-5) In this phase, the design approved in the previous stage is turned into a functional user interface. Frontend developers work on implementing presentation logic, user interaction, and navigation within the application. They ensure that visual elements behave corre...
...Ciencias de la Computación, Ingeniería, Matemáticas u otro campo relacionado. Se valorará positivamente la educación avanzada en IA y Aprendizaje Profundo. Experiencia demostrada en el desarrollo de modelos de IA aplicados a la visión por computadora, generación de imágenes o tareas similares. Conocimiento profundo de frameworks y bibliotecas de IA y Aprendizaje Profundo, como TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, etc. Experiencia práctica con técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes, redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) y modelos generativos. Dominio de lenguajes de programación como Python y habilidades sólidas en programación orientada a objetos. Capacidad para trabajar de manera autó...
...for information. Generate traffic to the page through content. Generate engagement on social networks. Google Adwords: PPC Social media campaigns: Instagram, Tik Tok Email marketing campaigns (Does not include cost of email delivery platforms). 4 Others Recording of content and resources until the start of the sporting activity (Maximum 1 time per month) monthly fee 150€ until September 2023. Evaluate From September 2023....
Necesito realiazar una aplicacion prototipo que menu y funciones basicas de crud. El sistema debe presentar una interface y diseño profesional y moderna.
Necesito crea una plataforma web, android y ios con un tema de social network que pueda monetizar bajo suscripción y regalos entre usuarios y hacer una entrada para crear eventos con market place
Hemos extraído información histórica de un perfil de Twitter y deseamos analizarla. Esta información está en formato JSON y contiene comentarios y opiniones de usuarios en español principalmente. Alcances del proyecto: ◉ Clasificación de la los comentarios y su intensidad (%)(Ejm: positivo, negativo, neutro). ◉ Clasificación de los comentarios por motivo (Ejm: Atencion al cliente, Tarjetas, Deudas, Abonos, etc) ◉ Clasificación de las emociones de los comentarios (Ejm: Alegría, enojo, miedo, repulsión, sorpresa, tristeza). Herramientas y algoritmos a utilizar: ◉ Google Colab. ◉ Python (pandas, nltk, tensorflow, numpy, sklearn, keras, etc ) ◉ Word Embeddings en español. ◉ Red Neuronal Recurren...
Seria un problema de detección de objetos en una serie de imágenes, contamos con un data set de imágenes donde hay coches bicicletas, peatones... Y el proyecto sería pasar una imágen y detectar el comportamiento: cuantos coches hay, peatones bicicletas... Usando redes convolucionales, bibliotecas como keras, tensorflow, YOLO. Necesito a alguien que hable en español
Necesito extraer datos específicos de una página web en particular, luego evaluaremos la continuidad del freelancer para proyectos similares! ( En la misma página, efectuar registros mediante método post). idioma: español. (No excluyente) I need to extract specific data from a particular web page, then we will evaluate the continuity of the freelancer for similar projects! (On the same page, make records using the post method). Spanish Language. (Not exclusive)
Creation of a web platform to manage 6 simulation software (Densitometry, Mammography, X-rays, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, Tac Scanner), the latter will be carried out jointly by a team. These simulators must be able to load the exercises and evaluate them according to specific protocols that will be created with people of our team. Finally, there must be a lite version for creating exercises and uploading images, all this in a database and CDN (exercise and images of each exercise). The hub must be made in UNREAL ENGINE, for windows and mac in 32 and 64 bit versions, it must be connected to a database and it must validate that the entered credentials are not in use. In addition, according to the user's selections, the exercise and images necessary to perform the protocol re...
Se busca pr...calidad, eficiencia y eficacia Requisitos - Experiencia comprobada como ingeniero en machine learning o un cargo similar -Experiencia en reconocimiento facial con machine learning. - alta comprensión de estructuramiento y modelado de datos, - alta lógica algorítmica para modelos robustos en python, java, c, matlab - Conocimiento de los marcos de aprendizaje automático y aprendizaje profundo como Keras o Pytorch y de librerías como tensorflow, opencv, theano - Competente en inglés y bases de datos - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y de resolución de problemas - Cursos de machine learning o Python. - Ser ingeniero electrónico o de sistemas o afines, en ciencias de la computación o matemát...
we need a platform to use 2 whatsapp numbers for 40 agents or more. The will be assigned in two shift, software must have some metrics to evaluate agents perfomance, automatic replies, queue messages, agent automatic assigment or manual if needed, reports, disconected session alarm for both numbers, plus more. Necesitamos una aplicacion para colocar dos numeros whatsapp y poder emplearlos con 40 agentes o mas. Los mismos pueden estar asignados en dos turnos. El mismo debe poder tener herramientas de administracion, evaluacion, respuestas automaticas, asignacion automatica o manuel si es necesario, cola de mensajes, alertas si existe desconexion de algun numero o la cola es muy extensa, otras funcionalidades bienvenidas.
Encuestas telefonicas realizadas en automatico con una base de datos telefonicos de excel We require an IVR phone survey module that can be used to evaluate the quality of customer support calls and agents and surveys. At the end of the call an agent will ask the customer if they are prepared to answer a short survey and the call will be transfered to the survey module. The customer will be asked questions and asked to press the appropriate number key to indicate their response. Make IVR surveys form excel phone list. Receive answers from phone keys and voice recognition. Detailed requirements: * Must be delivered as a FreePBX module compatible with latest versions of FreePBX and asterisk * Must be configurable through a web page on the FreePBX web interface * Configurable featu...
Hola, necesito una persona para redaccion a largo plazo. Se hará una prueba primero para evaluar la calidad de los textos. Los temas seran variados, desde tecnología hasta fitness. Lo importante es ceñirse bien al tema tratado. Se valoran idiomas. English: Hi, I need a long-term writer. A test will be done first to evaluate the quality of the texts. The topics will be varied, from technology to fitness. The important thing is to stick to the topic at hand. Languages are valued.
WebRtc web app, im trying to write kind of workflow/explanation: - user "log" into the signaling server with username they choose at the moment, ...RtcPeerConnection, audio video etc (all states needed to verify that the connection between users is set and working) when the connection opens a clock or timer has to appear for both user counting the time opened, would fine if it's possible to set some message alert at some time for example every 30min of opened connection. a screensharing to the other user is required too. I would need also eventhandlers for the state changes in the store. Everything except the signaling server should stay in the frontend. i'd like to evaluate the possibility of adding a webrtc data channel too between users and how mu...
Tengo unas imágenes en 3d de un proyecto arquitectónico, pero el proyecto sufrió algunas modificaciones, cuento con archivos .FBX, y necesito actualizar las imágenes y los archivos al nuevo proyecto. Requiero una imagen como la que subí, y además el archivo .FBX modificado I need an image like the one provided, and the modified .FBX file. The .FBX files provided belong to the previous layout. The .pdf is the new layout. I need the .jpg and the modified .FBX
crear un ejemplo en java de android para conectar a un webservice
English: I need an algorithm that solves the problem, the idea is that it is a dynamic programming algorithm that selects me which is the best range where more packages pass without having to evaluate all the options without using the exhaustive method. The problem basically deals with the following: Before it is necessary to understand the following, the same letters make up 1 packet, but there is also a restriction variable where only M packets can be passed, for this case M is worth 2 M = 2, that is, only packets can pass where the letter is not repeat more than 2 times 1. I have an arrangement C C D F B B B A C A E A 2. I need to know which is the best range where more packages pass 3. For this case the best range is: 1 - 10 {C D F B B B A C A E} Explanation of why is the b...
Se requieren desarrolladores con conocimientos en Tensor Flow / Keras para desarrollar una red neuronal para el tratamiento de una base de datos de imágenes. Además en la segunda parte del proyecto se deberá desarrollar una arquitectura bigdata para la clasificación de un dataset en streaming mediante Spark y Hadoop.
Necesito desarrolladores con conocimientos en DEEP LEARNING y BIG DATA para realizar varios ejercicios Los ejercicios consisten en : - Redes neuronales mediante un ejercicio realizado con TENSORFLOW Y KERAS - PYTHON - Streaming Data con tecnología HADOOP y SPARK - JAVA DIFICULTAD: BAJA/MEDIA
Busco una persona que me pueda brindar clases sobre la libreria Keras y que la maneja a la perfección.
Proyecto de detección de vehículos en la vía pública y seguimiento. La idea es poder detectar y separar habiendo un crop de la imagen para un posterior análisis. El jpg extraído es el de aquel vehículo que cruzo la línea virtual colocada en el video, por eso es necesario identificar y separar el vehículo en todo momento de su trayecto y la correcta detección de la placa de la patente del mismo. Para realizar tal proyecto las habilidades a tener en cuenta son el manejo de por ejemplo YOLO, KERAS, TENSORFLOW, OPENCV, PYTHON, (software para el desarrollo de visión artificial y machine learning) Un ejemplo de parte de lo deseado en la detección de placas de patente está en el siguien...
Aspat is an NPO (Non-Profit Organization) specialized in the digital preservation of heritage. Generally, his mission is focused on digitalizing heritage buildings of high heritage value, such as churches. It also offers several engineering services that allow to finance its mission. Some of these services are non-destructive tests on building structures currently in construction. Aspat offers these services to construction projects that are running. It also sells a device for a specific stage of the projects under construction. Aspat has a salesforce licensing grant. This donation has a non-profit package for managing NPO donations. The salesforce app that we need to develop has the objective of identifying the projects in construction execution to which these services...
Aspat is an NPO specializing in the digital preservation of heritage. Generally, it mission is focused on digitalizing heritage buildings of high heritage value, such as churches. It also offers several engineering services that allow it to finance its mission. Some of these services are non-destructive tests on building structures currently in construction. Aspat offers these services to construction projects that are running. It also sells a device for a specific stage of the projects under construction. Aspat has a salesforce licensing grant. This donation has a non-profit package for managing NPO donations. The salesforce app that we need to develop has the objective of identifying the projects in construction execution to which these services can be offered. Cur...
...English. • Euro coin • Installing Google Analytics. • Installation of the following payment methods: PayPal, Bank transfer, POS, cash on delivery. • Shipping costs: flat rate or costs by weight ranges or total order in Peninsula, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. Flat rate on international shipping costs. For custom international shipping costs, it will be necessary to evaluate and budget the part. • No change of structure and design on template. • Configurable wish list. • Header menu, categories and subcategories. • Footer. • Introduce products through CSV / Excel in Prestashop format (CSV / Excel filled by the client). • Review and test purchase process. • Social networks: Logo and Link to n...
I'm looking for an expert Front-End developer. Your duty will be coding the design that our designers have developed in Axure. You will have to remain completely loyal to the original design. Pixel Perfect is a must. The site is developed on Drupal. To apply to this job, we will require from you some examples of self made code, no templates, in order to evaluate your skills and code tidiness. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Busco un desarrollador de Front-End para un proyecto concreto. Tu labor será realizar en código los diseños que a través de Axure el equipo de diseño te entregue. Deberás ser completamente fiel a los diseños originales (Pixelperfect). La web se desarrollará s...
Por favor, regístrate o inicia sesión para ver los detalles.
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
I need an infographic for a system called conektame can find more information in I need the following information in addition to a design that explain each point and letter size attracts attention and fully configure it for my text and images that can be manipulated in Photoshop: 1.- What is Conektame? Turn your Wi-Fi connection in a modern marketing tool 2.-How does it work? A drawing illustrating and text that says A) the client requests to connect to the free wifi B) the client connects to the wireless network without Internet access C) the system asks him conektame like, follow or answer a short survey D) reward for their customers free wifi 3. Know your customers With our extensive range of tense to access individual reports and statistics about your customers to mor...
...already perform such updates to document step by step, which then can be replicated locally to continue working. Ie move to make the app using the current CLI phonegap, install dependencies / plugins needed not previously required, adaptations etc and let it run. In a second step the same app for blackberry be migrated. Indicate experience and portfolio using phonegap, if applicable, to evaluate their offer. Thanks -- Hola, estamos buscando un colaborador que tenga experiencia en phonegap para orientarnos en la migracion de una aplicacion que actualmente esta en funcionamiento, pero realizada con la version 2.20. Segun google play debemos actualizar. Dado que no tenemos mucho tiempo para afrontar las eventualidades que puedan surgir, nos interesa contar con una pe...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
...artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacion...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: -Familiarizado con el big data -Idiomas (Como minimo ingles) - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excele...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
...artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacion...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
Por favor, regístrate o inicia sesión para ver los detalles.
... artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacionales. - Cap...
...artes gráficas, media, finanzas, y investigación. - Revisar diseños y copys publicitarios. - Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts - Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry program - Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns - Track program budgets and expenses and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign based on program objectives and industry norms - Develop relationships with media outlets and partners to spread advertising campaigns Habilidades/requisitos deseados: - Habilidad Principal: Publicidad. - Fuertes habilidades de comunicación verbal,escrita e interpersonal. - Excelentes habilidades analíticas y organizacional...