Fold a dollar bill into a hearttrabajos
Compania orientada al servicio Comercial y Industrial.. Experiencia en atención al cliente Realización de presupuestos y Facturas.. (bill) Pasar datos de clientes a nuestro Agenda Gestionar agenda de consultores Enviar pdf’s con información a clientes, seguimiento Pasar facturas de gastos en software de facturación Administrar Bases de Datos de Mailchimp y envío de newsletters Colgar posts en Wordpress Administrar redes sociales Buscar bases de datos de empresas en Internet Búsqueda de Clientes en Internet Buscar proveedores varios Buscamos una persona: Ø comprometida/o, responsable, que mantenga un ambiente profesional, Oficina. Ø ...
Web de venta de entradas/tickets online P2P Hola, necesito un presupuesto l...entradas/tickets online P2P Hola, necesito un presupuesto lo más detallado posible para una web lo más parecida a o Descripción: Venta de entradas online por parte del usuario Integración con redes sociales. Posibilidad de cobrar comisión al usuario que vende las entradas online. Comentarios y puntuación por estrellas en los perfiles. Creación de perfiles con sus datos personales. Idiomas de la web en ingles y español. Posibilidad de elegir moneda(dollar,euro,libra,etc) Geolocalizacion mediante google maps para ver eventos mas cercanos Envió de entradas por email por parte del usuario. Registro e inicio de sesión. Dise&ntild...
desarrollar un software de gestion de operaciones de pequenños almacenes que involucre: inventarios, ventas, clientes, de gestion de operaciones de pequenños almacenes que involucre: inventarios, ventas, clientes, provedores, caja, bancos, reportes, usuarios, productos, etc. El contratante pasa a ser el propietario del software, por lo tanto se dede entregrar programas fuentes y objetos en lenguaje de ultima generacion que corra tanto en pc, tabletas, moviles, smartphones. se escuchan sugerencias y propuestas. presupuesto bajo. Si tienen ya el software, seria ajustarlo a los parametros solicitados para que funcione inicialmente para colombia, por lo cual la moneda principal seria el peso colombiano $, segunda moneda dollar, idioma p...
Copy - paste 2000 emails into Excel sheet
Hola, necesito un presupuesto lo más detallado posible para una web lo más parecida a o Descripción: Venta de entradas online por parte del usuario Integración con redes sociales. Posibilidad de cobrar comisión al usuario que vende las entradas online. Comentarios y puntuaciónes. Creación de perfiles con sus datos personales. Idiomas de la web en ingles y español. Posibilidad de elegir moneda(dollar,euro,libra,etc) Geolocalizacion mediante google maps para ver eventos mas cercanos Envió de entradas por email por parte del usuario. Registro e inicio de sesión. Diseño de la web adaptado a smartphones.
I need to build a web and mobile (android and iOS) system to sell books, it needs to be able to sell both tangible books and ebooks (with DRM). In the app you need to able read the book online and offline, you need to buy the book, download it and read it. They need to be both in Spanish and English. The app needs to be able to run in a $40 dollar tablet, so it needs to be really fast. The app needs to develop only in native languages (Swift and Java, XML). The design needs to be beautiful simple, user friendly (think Apple). The design needs to be made only with material design () Here is the explanation in spanish: Web Front End ● Home ● Vista de eBooks por categoría ● Vista del detalle de un eBook
Hola, necesito un presupuesto lo más detallado posible para una web lo más parecida a o Descripción: Venta de entradas online por parte del usuario Integración con redes sociales. Posibilidad de cobrar comisión al usuario que vende las entradas online. Comentarios y puntuación por estrellas en los perfiles. Creación de perfiles con sus datos personales. Idiomas de la web en ingles y español. Posibilidad de elegir moneda(dollar,euro,libra,etc) Geolocalizacion mediante google maps para ver eventos mas cercanos Envió de entradas por email por parte del usuario. Registro e inicio de sesión. Diseño de la web adaptado a smartphones.
necesito añadir al inventario de ebay, cerca de 6500 productos, los archivos son en ingles,(adjunto diferentes formatos para su ayuda)moneda dollar y capacidad onzas, ya sea para turbo lister 2 o csv, tendra que ajustar los precios (bajar en porcentaje), adaptarlo para los diferentes campos compra ya (buy it now), etc, el envio nacional es usps e internacional tambien,la ubicacion es estados unidos, tendran tarifas fijas los envios, y demas detalles mas adelante.
Hola, necesita un BASE DE DATOS O DIRECTORIO de PERU para una Campania peruana.. Puede ser en format excel, PDF, o WORD. Pagare 1 dollar por cada 10,000. Gracias!!
...lactancia, el cuidado, levantando a su hijo a ser un hombre que entrega útil es la obligación que tiene el amor que Dios le Leave (página 8) Eso gambaraan escritor prolífico en los ojos de una madre de Surabaya, Kirana 'Clave' Estrella de la Mañana. En esta novela a 9 tecla le indica cómo la oración, la sinceridad, la compasión, y la tenacidad de una madre en la pobreza son capaces de pasar por la vida con un fuerte amargo hasta que sus hijos pueden alcanzar mis metas y sueños. La novela que fue adaptada de una historia real narra el viaje de la vida a un niño llamado Delta que fue criado por una madre que lo amo tanto. Sriyani, Delta y la madre de Iqbal era una madre solter...
Se puede decir el dialogo débil con Juan, se pueden percibir 2 clases de conocimiento, el primero seria racional inteligente creado en el estudio, este en caso de Bill y en el de Juan matus es de tipo experiencia de la vida empirista que se acompaña en el sentido común. Le permite cierto conocimiento y de dar ciertas opiniones respecto a cosas de la vida. Cabe recalcar un conocimiento teórico en Bill y practico en Juan matus. Hay que reconoce que hay un elemento de pedagogía en que Bill decide aprender de Juan de arte de curar por medio de las plantas curativas, por lo que su cultura de un mismo entorno donde fue receptivo captar estos conceptos que le dio Juan matus su maestro.
Hola, Estoy tratando de acelerar la velocidad de carga (render) de un sitio web ( ), principalmente para los dispositivos móviles. Actualmente en un dispositivo móvil con Wi -Fi (velocidad de 2 Mbps ) el home page carga después de 4-5 segundos , pero en una red 3G el home page carga después de 10 segundos. Mi objetivo es mostrar a los usuarios del sitio web el primer pantallazo (above-the-fold) del home page tan pronto como sea posible. Analizando el sitio web creo que los principales problemas son : - Los 12 archivos .js en el HEAD de la página - Los 15 archivos .css en el HEAD de la página . Ellos están bloqueando visualizar el contenido de la página hasta que se cargan. Para los archivos .js trat...
El nombre de la empresa es "World Million Dollar Company" y la web es .Hacer un logotipo basado en los Royal Lions. Solo como referencia anexo liga de google. ;sa=X&rlz=1C1WYIB_enMX504MX506&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=57lZU9eJKIrS2wXl5IHICw&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1776&bih=915
El nombre de la empresa es "World Million Dollar Company" y la web es .Hacer un logotipo basado en los Royal Lions. Solo como referencia anexo liga de google. ;sa=X&rlz=1C1WYIB_enMX504MX506&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=57lZU9eJKIrS2wXl5IHICw&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1776&bih=915
El nombre de la empresa es "World Million Dollar Company" y la web es .Hacer un logotipo basado en los Royal Lions. Solo como referencia anexo liga de google.
Nesecito un clon del juego Flappy Bird que pueda ser subido a Google Play. Lo que requiero: El diseño del pajaro y el nivel. Diseno del logo, se llamara Flappy Rich Una vida extra cuando publicas tu Score con share en Facebook. Contara cada punto lo marcara como un dollar.
Actualmente disponemos de un Script en Python que genera un valor al que llamamos "Control Code", este valor es producto de al...necesarias y llenar un nuevo campo de función en la misma llamado "Control Code" (resultado del script en cuestión). Todo esto al momento de validar la factura. Para su consideración las variables son las siguientes: -- auth = es un texto que solo debe llenarse en el código del módulo a desarrollar -- secret = es un texto que solo debe llenarse en el código del módulo a desarrollar -- date = es la fecha de la factura en formato AA/MM/DD -- nit = es un campo numérico que se debe crear en la factura -- bill = es el número de la factura -- amount = el m...
...debe conectarse a una web determinada. Y basandose en los datos que tenga en la BBDD deberá rellenar los campos/informes y anexar el PDF original. La pagina destino, es bastante sencilla, en PHP con login via javascript. La plantilla siempre es la misma, varian ciertas campos de datos. Si decides aceptar, te daré un usuario y contraseña para que veas la web donde hay que cargar los datos y anexar el PDF. Si se te ocurre algun otro lenguaje en el cual realizar este trabajo, no dudes en avisarme. -- Hello, We need an app in Python/Perl or similar which do the following things: Read some PDF, get some specific data from inside and load them into a MySQL (the data) (are like 6-7 numbers) Must be like a daemon, ba...
Necesitamos ingresar productos en nuestra tienda virtual, se pagara por cada producto la cantidad de 0.10 a 0.12 ctv. de US dolar, segun la rapides y dedicacion con que efectue el trabajo, enviar propuesta seriamente, y su experienia es bien recibida. Se repartira el trabajo en paquetes de 1000 productos. Se contratara aquellos que tegan dominio del idioma Espanol. We need to enter products in our online store, you pay for each product the amount of 0.10 to 0.12 ctv. U.S. dollar, according to the speed and dedication that perform the work, send proposal seriously, and experienced FE is welcome. Work shall be divided into packets of 1000 products. They will be recruited those people who are fluent in Spanish language.
Necesitamos ingresar productos en nuestra tienda virtual, se pagara por cada producto la cantidad de 0.10 a 0.12 ctv. de US dolar, segun la rapides y dedicacion con que efectue el trabajo, enviar propuesta seriamente, y su experienia es bien recibida. Se repartira el trabajo en paquetes de 1000 productos. Se contratara aquellos que tegan dominio del idioma Espanol. We need to enter products in our online store, you pay for each product the amount of 0.10 to 0.12 ctv. U.S. dollar, according to the speed and dedication that perform the work, send proposal seriously, and experienced FE is welcome. Work shall be divided into packets of 1000 products. They will be recruited those people who are fluent in Spanish language.
...nuevo proyecto! Este consiste en diseñar 6 playeras utilizando las seis frases que vienen a continuación. World Wide Revolution rebels at heart World Wide Revolution rebels with a cause World Wide Revolution question your beliefs World Wide Revolution the change starts within World Wide Revolution break with oppression World Wide Revolution challenge conformity Me gustaría que hubiera una diferenciación entre World Wide Revolution (el nombre de la marca) y el resto de la frase. Quizás WWR podría ir en un color diferente o en mayúsculas y el resto del mensaje en minúsculas, (como tu veas que quede mejor) . También estaría bien introducir el logo lo crees adecuado, pero d...
Necesitamos ingresar productos en nuestra tienda virtual, se pagara por cada producto la cantidad de 0.10 a 0.12 ctv. de US dolar, segun la rapides y dedicacion con que efectue el trabajo, enviar propuesta seriamente, y su experienia es bien recibida. Se repartira el trabajo en paquetes de 1000 productos. Se contratara aquellos que tegan dominio del idioma Espanol. We need to enter products in our online store, you pay for each product the amount of 0.10 to 0.12 ctv. U.S. dollar, according to the speed and dedication that perform the work, send proposal seriously, and experienced FE is welcome. Work shall be divided into packets of 1000 products. They will be recruited those people who are fluent in Spanish language.
tengo una pagina que se conecta a una base de datos y al agregar un nuevo registro o actualizar, me envía el siguiente error: El Estado de la conexion antes del insert: nDescription: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO error: -3502SQL state: 37000 la base de datos y la aplicación ASP se encuentra en un hosting de windows para ASP, las demás páginas se conectan bien y no tengo este error, solo es en una pagina de registro de nuevos usuarios. agrego archivo para que vean el codigo y ver si pueden detectar el error y corregirlo. saludos
tengo una pagina que se conecta a una base de datos y al agregar un nuevo registro o actualizar, me envía el siguiente error: El Estado de la conexion antes del insert: nDescription: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO error: -3502SQL state: 37000 la base de datos y la aplicación ASP se encuentra en un hosting de windows para ASP, las demás páginas se conectan bien y no tengo este error, solo es en una pagina de registro de nuevos usuarios. agrego archivo para que vean el codigo y ver si pueden detectar el error y corregirlo. saludos all the same rules as a residential project. This project is located in Okeechobee FL, 34972. all measurements are closest nominal. I would like for you to design the building around being built from off the shelf i beam lengths, requiring the least cutting/waste. So the end design may be slightly different in building is a 60x40ft main structure. With 20ft leg height. and a 40x40ft loft/mezzanine. Followed by 2 Lean-to's. One off each side. full 60ft length, 30ft width. no drop from the main roofline. Both the main building and leanto's will be 3:12 pitch. I was planning on using W12x14# I beams at a 20ft spacing. With 6x2 16GA Cee girts placed between the i beams 4ft on center. with 26GA PBR wall pannels, and 29GA Tuff rib for the roof. I will...
I need an article that brings to light the high costs of environmental cleanup that innocent landowners are facing. The piece should be centered around real-life stories of affected individuals, showcasing the emotional and financial toll, while also incorporating a critique of bureaucratic inefficiencies. - Tone: The article should maintain an informative tone with a sharp critique of bureaucratic incompetence. - Content: Real-life stories should be the heart of the article, supported by relevant data and statistics to contextualize the cleanup costs. - Ideal Skills: Strong storytelling abilities, journalism, environmental science understanding, and critique writing. - Experience: Prior experience writing similar articles or content focused on environmental issues, l...
I need a freelancer capable of professionally adding a specific photo of a person into an indoor setting picture. The task involves seamlessly integrating the person into the photo to enhance it for personal use. Id like the younger man in the back suit added to the photo with the older man in the black pinstripe suit with the gray background. Also, remove the name tag on the pocket of the younger man. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop) - Attention to detail - Ability to match lighting and shadows - Understanding of spatial awareness for realistic integration
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer who can turn my PowerPoint concepts into professional looking scientific illustrations and diagrams. The desired style is a clean, flat vector style which is widely used in scientific publications. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Experience in creating scientific graphics - Ability to understand and interpret scientific concepts - Strong attention to detail - Ability to deliver in multiple formats: AI, SVG, and PDF Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any scientific graphics you've created in the flat vector style.
I have a 4-5 page website template made in Illustrator. It needs to be transformed into a responsive, WordPress website using Elementor. The template is already purchased. Key Requirements: - Proficient in working with Elementor - Deliver the first page (landing) within 48 hours - Strong understanding of responsive design - Keen eye for detail to follow my design precisely - Familiar with animations in Elementor, specifically scroll animations and slide transitions I have set up a staging environment with a paid theme, Elementor and Elementor Pro. Access and briefing can be provided today. Please note, the final website needs to be an exact match to my Illustrator design with no changes. No SEO is needed for now. You can not share the work and desig...
I'm looking for a cloud-based system designed to manage mini storage facilities. This system should be able to handle various aspects of storage unit management, including: Website Online Rentals Online Bill Pay For Tenants with Credit Card Authorization Automatic Invoicing (Rent, Late Fees, Etc) Electronic Signature For Lease/Agreement Gate Integration Interactive Site Map Payment Gateway Integration Lease Agreement Templates Multiple Facility Login (You Can Toggle Between Locations) 100% Web-Based (You Can Access From A Smartphone, Tablet, Desktop, Or Laptop) Automated Emails & Text Messages (Past Due Notice, Invoice, Lockout, Etc) Must export accounting records to ZOHO books automatically Must be compatible with Stor-Guard gate operating softw...
I'm seeking a talented illustrator for my completed children's book manuscript titled "The Dollar Detectives: An Introduction to Saving". The book is aimed at 6-8 year olds, contains less than 1000 words, and is approximately 16 pages long. Your responsibilities will include: - Creating engaging, cartoonish illustrations that resonate with the target age group. - Providing guidance on the publication process. - Collaborating with me on some pre-defined image ideas while also being open to creative changes. I envision a book that incorporates diverse characters throughout its pages, so experience and comfort with illustrating a variety of characters is crucial. The characters are already outlined in the book, so be prepared to draw your best...
I'm looking for a talented artist to convert a personal photograph into a large-scale, realistic oil painting. Key Requirements: - The painting should follow a realistic style - It should be executed in oil on canvas - The final piece is to be large, exceeding 24x36 inches - Need to put the brown skin man in the first pic and the girl in the second pic in the same frame. - My girlfriend’s dad past away not too long ago and I want to make sure she has a really special memory Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven portfolio of realistic oil paintings - Experience in creating large-scale artworks - Ability to translate real-life images into stunning artwork. Please include samples of your previous work in your bid.
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a logo for my new company, Integrated Health Management. The logo should incorporate the initials 'IHM' while clearly signaling our presence in the medical field. We specialize in selling cellular healthcare devices for remote patient monitoring. Key Features: - Style: The logo should be friendly and approachable, breaking away from the typically stern aesthetic of the medical industry. - Color: The primary colors should be red and white. IM open to ideas here as well. blue/white may work as well. - Elements: You may Incorporate a heart or a medical cross into the design. However, I'm open to other innovative ideas you might have. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in l...
...looking for a graphic designer with experience in creating informative and engaging flyers. I need 5 distinct flyers for my 3PL business, aimed specifically at potential clients. Each flyer will need to convey specific information about our company and services, with a focus on: - Our Services Offered: We need to clearly communicate the range and quality of our logistics and supply chain services. - Our Company History: It's crucial that potential clients understand our journey, growth and commitment to the industry. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in graphic design and marketing, with a proven track record of creating compelling promotional materials for the logistics sector. Understanding of third-party logistics (3PL) industry w...
I'm in need of a unique and engaging logo for a Valentine-themed billiard mascot. The project requires creativity and an understanding of both Valentine and billiard elements. I am seeking a talented illustrator to design a fun and charming cartoon mascot for a Valentine's Day-themed billiard project. The mascot should be a heart character with an energetic and playful personality. The illustration should incorporate billiard elements such as a cue stick, billiard balls, and an engaging pose. The text "Billiard is My Valentine" should be included in a bold and playful font style that complements the character. Key Elements: A heart-shaped mascot with arms, legs, and expressive eyes. Accessor...
I need a skilled professional to take my PowerPoint presentation and convert it into interactive e-learning modules, membership site content, and text documents. The content needs to be reformatted with clear learning objectives and outcomes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with GoHighLevel, with demonstrable previous projects - E-learning content development - Educational curriculum design - PowerPoint to e-learning conversion - Text document formatting - Understanding of knowledge-based, skill-based, and behavioral goals Key Task: - Convert PowerPoint content into new formats with clear learning objectives and outcomes. If the initial work is completed successfully, there will be additional opportunities to: - Convert content into book...
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Translation into regular 5 languages
We need a full service email marketer or an agency who can run our Klaviyo account for us. Replace outdated flows and send campaigns. Our brand is rooted in the deep and emotional bond between a human and their dog. We and our customers understand that dogs are more than pets, their are part of our family. This makes copywriting and designing email content for our brand uniquely challenging - you can't get away with simple AI generated stuff, it needs to have soul, the creator of our emails needs to understand how to connect to dog owners, and also be an expert in Klaviyo. Hopefully we can get all of that at a decent budget, especially we are looking to work out some sort of a hybrid deal since Q1-Q3 is slower for us vs Q4 we scale up the business u...
Dear Bill, As we agreed I am placing the project for your efforts to finalize the project and hopefully move to the next steps. Best regards
...objective is to secure 500 investors, each contributing €1,000, who will collectively own 49% of a unique eco-friendly housing project upon its completion. Key aspects of the project: - This isn't just a real estate development; it's a commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle. - The estate will be designed with abundant access to green spaces, encouraging physical activity and offering a clean, sustainable living environment. - I'm looking to highlight the community benefits of this project as well, alongside its sustainability features. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong marketing background, with experience in real estate and sustainability. Your creativity will be key in crafting a compell...
I'm looking for a skilled TypeScript developer to create a feature for my React-based web application. This feature will take an uploaded image and transform it into a Pixar-styled avatar using generative AI. Following this, the same avatar should be used to generate some book images. Key requirements: - Create code for avatar transformation from uploaded images - Implement generative AI for creating Pixar-styled avatars - Use the same avatar to generate book images The image upload functionality is already in place, allowing users to upload via a file selection or drag-and-drop interface. The focus of this project will be on the avatar creation and image generation aspects. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in TypeScript - Experience in...
...the crypto space has grown into a multi-trillion-dollar market, reshaping our understanding of money, investment, and decentralization. This article explores the history, technology, applications, and challenges of cryptocurrency, while also discussing its potential to redefine global finance. A Brief History of Cryptocurrency The journey of cryptocurrency began with the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper by the pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” the whitepaper outlined a vision for a decentralized digital currency that eliminated the need for intermediaries like banks. Bitcoin officially launched in 2009, with its first block, the Genesis Block, mined...
...Expert - Tailor-Made PDF Bill Automation & Visualization Project: I need a skilled Power Query specialist to build a customized solution for automating the extraction and organization of electricity and water bill data (PDF format) into a specific Excel structure. We will provide sample bills AND a detailed mockup of the desired final output format. This ensures your solution directly addresses our exact needs. Data Points (extracted from PDFs): Company Name Flat/Shop Number Account Number Disconnection Notices (flag/status) Electricity, Water Consumption Municipality Period Start Date, End Date Previous Balance, Total Amount Due Key Requirements & Deliverables: Auto...
I'm looking for a modern styled artwork for a 48” h x 48" w football toss, themed for Valentine's Day and featuring the Kansas City Chiefs. The design should have the text "GO CHIEFS" at the top in a bold and blocky font, representative of the team's spirit. Key elements of the design include: - Five circles adorned with hearts, varying in size. - One small circle with a heart around the number 100, two medium circles with hearts around the number 50, and two small circles with hearts around the number 25. The color scheme should be exclusively in the Kansas City Chiefs' team colors, red and gold (see below and attached), with the circles and hearts reflecting these colors. The background should be modern or re...
...develop an app for the good of humanity. I'm not a rich man. I have a heart for the Lord and simply want to develop an app that will be foundational in nurturing the Christian Faith. If you ask me for more money, I will not reply. I've stated what I'm willing to pay and yes I know you're worth 4x that to develop the app, but I don't have that kind of money. If God calls you to help, he will bless you. If you imagine the app will be successful, then help and you'll be hired as the CTO. If you need to pay rent fast, please find another job that pays better and faster. Thanks If you don't believe in the webapp or are not Christians, please save yourself and don't respond to this post. Now, I'm a UX Designer (Jo...
Dear Bill, As we agreed I am placing the project for your efforts to finalize the project and hopefully move to the next steps. Best regards
I need a PHP developer to integrate my application with Outlook. This integration should allow my application to send Outlook emails. The emails may include attachments, so the developer needs to ensure that the integration can handle this. Ideal skills and experiences for the job include: - Proficiency in PHP - Experience with Outlook API - Understanding of email protocols - Capability to handle email attachments The content of the emails will be plain text, so the integration does not need to handle HTML formatting. However, the developer should ensure that the email content is correctly formatted as plain text.
I need to make my C# application functional on a website. This application primarily deals with user interaction, so it's crucial to have a seamless integration. It currently connects to discord and has a queue system for requesting Pokémon trades on Pokemon games. I want it to be possible to enter the queue on a website while making the discord functionality the same. Users need to login with Google and be able to request Pokémon for the game they’re playing. Key Components: - User Interaction: The app should be able to engage users as it does in its current form. - Interface: I'm envisioning a mix of forms and input fields, alongside a drag and drop interface. This means the freelancer must be adept at creating both...