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    2,000 adams stress analysis trabajos encontrados

    Necesitamos un partner especialista en SEO freelance a largo plazo para mejorar posiciones (llevamos 3 años desarollando el posicionamiento natural de la web). Es preciso realizar un analysis completo de la situacion actual y redefinir una nueva estrategia y palabras clave. De antemano gracias por tu propuesta.

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas

    Explorar la página:  y analizar técnicamente la viabilidad energética del diseño propuesto.

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    ...Documentación de procesos y entregables, documentación técnica y de usuario. Deseable desarrollo y gestión de herramientas en Microsoft .NET framework, de preferencia lenguajes C# y Visual Basic. Deseable experiencia en desarrollo de soluciones de Inteligencia de Negocios con manejo de múltiples fuentes de datos (en especial SAP y BW), y manejo de la suite de BI de SQL Server (Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services)....

    $2567 Average bid
    $2567 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    ...Documentación de procesos y entregables, documentación técnica y de usuario. Deseable desarrollo y gestión de herramientas en Microsoft .NET framework, de preferencia lenguajes C# y Visual Basic. Deseable experiencia en desarrollo de soluciones de Inteligencia de Negocios con manejo de múltiples fuentes de datos (en especial SAP y BW), y manejo de la suite de BI de SQL Server (Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services)....

    $2450 Average bid
    $2450 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    ...Documentación de procesos y entregables, documentación técnica y de usuario. Deseable desarrollo y gestión de herramientas en Microsoft .NET framework, de preferencia lenguajes C# y Visual Basic. Deseable experiencia en desarrollo de soluciones de Inteligencia de Negocios con manejo de múltiples fuentes de datos (en especial SAP y BW), y manejo de la suite de BI de SQL Server (Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services)....

    $2500 Average bid
    $2500 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...Documentación de procesos y entregables, documentación técnica y de usuario. Deseable desarrollo y gestión de herramientas en Microsoft .NET framework, de preferencia lenguajes C# y Visual Basic. Deseable experiencia en desarrollo de soluciones de Inteligencia de Negocios con manejo de múltiples fuentes de datos (en especial SAP y BW), y manejo de la suite de BI de SQL Server (Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services)....

    $2500 Average bid
    $2500 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    * Data entry * Data analysis & summary

    $216 Average bid
    $216 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ..."Residentes en el Resto del Mundo". Cada usuario podrá filtrar las subastas de las que quiera participar: +Por tipo de micro-tarea: transcripción o corrección de transcripción. +Por tipo de grabación: entrevista, focusgroup, conferencia, etcétera. +Por idioma de la grabación. +Por cantidad de rechazos. +Por rango de precios. Job Description: Your responsibilities: +Perform a technical analysis of requirements. +Produce a solid, detailed technical design. +Write clean, modular, robust code to implement the desired requirements with little or no supervision +Contribute ideas for making the feature better and easier to use Your qualifications: +A work style that is extremely detail oriented +Stron...

    $784 Average bid
    $784 Oferta promedio
    37 ofertas

    Necesitamos un partner especialista en SEO freelance a largo plazo para mejorar posiciones (llevamos 3 años desarollando el posicionamiento natural de la web). Es preciso realizar un analysis completo de la situacion actual y redefinir una nueva estrategia y palabras clave. De antemano gracias por tu propuesta.

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas
    ANOVA analysis
    Finalizado left

    as discussed

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    fiance analysis
    Finalizado left

    as discussed.............................. ......................................

    $371 Average bid
    $371 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas
    solidworks analysis 4
    Finalizado left

    aspect ratios

    $49 Average bid
    $49 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Case Analysis
    Finalizado left

    as discuss...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Necesitamos una persona que entienda muy bien y ya haya configurado servidores similares anteriormente. Utilizamos un Nginx + php5-fpm en un servidor con Amazon EC2 con Ubuntu Necesitamos que una persona capacitada se conecte a través de TeamViewer y pueda configurar el servidor por Terminal para que soporte un...más. El servidor sirve anuncios publicitarios por lo cual, son conexiones rápidas y que envían relativamente poca información. Necesitaríamos saber si es un problema de la capacidad del servidor o de la mala configuración, ya que actualmente cuando hay muchas conexiones simultaneas algunas devuelve Bad Gateway. La persona seleccionada deberá solucionar el problema para que con pruebas de stress el sistem...

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    ...Proyecto: Web site de reservas online, seleccionando la empresa donde se quiere hacer la reserva, día, hora y servicio o producto reservado (cada empresa tendrá un máximo de 10 productos/ servicios ofertados). Se desea recibir ofertas para el desarrollo completo, tanto del diseño Web como de la programación, configuación BB.DD. etc. Se requerirán pruebas de integración, usuario (UAT), pruebas de stress El software a desarrollar se dividirá en diferentes módulos: 1. Front Web para usuarios Internet: búsquedas de empresas/ comercios (6 campos de búsqueda, incluyendo funcionalidades de ubicación por Google Maps), filtros y orden de los resultados, reservar (además de las páginas...

    $6015 Average bid
    $6015 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    Título para el ensayo: Analiza el personaje de Angustias y explica su carácter alegórico en la novela Nada. (1.500 palabras, 1.700 máximo). Recorda que el plagio es ilegal y muy fácil de descubrir - todas las ideas expresadas a lectura adicional tanto si provienen de un libro, artículo o de Internet tienen que llevar referencia y luego deben aparecer también en una lista al final.

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Crear ejercicios neuro lingüísticos que permiten eliminar el stress y hacer silencio en tus pensamientos que te desvían la atención para resolver tus problemas y obtener paz para tomar decisiones. Ubicar paz, silencio y equilibrio bioquímico en tu cerebro para poder tomar buenas decisiones, será el objetivo. Neuronas Espirituales es una técnica Neuro/lingüístico/espiritual sencilla y amable que se puede practicar en cualquier ambiente y sin limitaciones de edad. Sus ejercicios son creados a diarios de estudios científicos y por ahora posee 200 ejercicios hablados y el audio libro. Neuronas va a suministrar ejercicios semanales a todos sus abonados desde principiantes hasta avanzados. Los abonados podrán enviar ...

    $378 Average bid
    $378 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Requerimos formador certificado Oracle y conocimiento del idioma portugués para las siguientes formaciones en las instalaciones de Rumos en Maputo (Mozambique) de: Primavera P6 Fundamentals Rel 8.2 - 4 dias - 24 horas Primavera P6 Advanced Rel 8.2 - 2 dias - 12 horas Managing Risk in Primavera Risk Analysis Rel. 8.6 - 3 dias - 18 horas Gastos de viajes, alijamiento, desplazamiento y manutención por cuenta de Rumos

    max $2640
    max $2640
    0 ofertas

    We need analysis done on our Spanish-language, youth workers resource website to help us optimize and/or reduce it's bandwidth use. The sight is sluggish and used by around 10,000 people/day. We want to streamline its back-end and front-end. The entire front end is in Spanish and we would like the analysis to be presented in Spanish. The site's URL is: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Necesitamos analisis de nuestra web para optimizar y reducir nuestro uso de bandwidth (ancho de banda). Esta web tiene 15 años de existencia y esta utlizada por alrededor de 10 mil personas por dia. Queremos que el front-end y back-end son más eficientes en su uso de bandwidth. El analisis debe de ser presentado en español. La URL es:

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    Con el ir y venir cotidiano, necesitamos una aplicación para aliviar el stress. Es algo así como una aplicación que contenga entretenimiento total. Rápida y eficiente.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    Resumen Construir una web-application en Django que reciba imagines y video desde applicaciones Android y iOS en los smartphones via WiFi/3G/LTE, y los almacene en cuentas de usuario. E...Ubuntu con Eclipse como IDE. (3 dias) 2 - Implementar una Service Component Library : la libreria usara OpenCV para realizar operaciones en C++ en AWS EC2. No es neceserio codificar OpenCV, simplemente dejarlo listo para futuras implementaciones. (1 Week) 3 - Implementar un AWS web service (CloudFront?), “Receiver”: este servicio implementara y publicara un API para computer vision analysis y processing que recibira estructura de datos de applicaciones Android y iOS, y las almacenarare in S3. Estas applicaciones tambien proveeran real-time y batch image data sets (RTMP) como input...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    XReal Web Application
    Finalizado left

    Resumen Construir una web-application en Django que reciba imagines y video desde applicaciones Android y iOS en los smartphones via WiFi/3G/LTE, y los almacene en cuentas de usuario. El web...Ubuntu con Eclipse como IDE. (3 dias) 2 - Implementar una Service Component Library : la libreria usara OpenCV para realizar operaciones en C++ en AWS EC2. No es neceserio codificar OpenCV, simplemente dejarlo listo para futuras implementaciones. (1 Week) 3 - Implementar un AWS web service (CloudFront?), “Receiver”: este servicio implementara y publicara un API para computer vision analysis y processing que recibira estructura de datos de applicaciones Android y iOS, y las almacenarare in S3. Estas applicaciones tambien proveeran real-time y batch image data sets (RTMP) como input....

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Dictar clases de Yoga
    Finalizado left

    Deseo dictar clases de Yoga grupales,personalizadas,Hoteleria,Spas y Empresas. Soy profesor matriculado y manejo varios estilos de Yoga tales como Yoga Integral,Ashtanga Vinyasa,Deportivo,Dinamico etc. Doy clases particulares como Personal Trainer y tambien brindo mis servicios a Empresas de diversa indole que quieran o necesiten incorporar a su Sta...Hoteleria,Spas y Empresas. Soy profesor matriculado y manejo varios estilos de Yoga tales como Yoga Integral,Ashtanga Vinyasa,Deportivo,Dinamico etc. Doy clases particulares como Personal Trainer y tambien brindo mis servicios a Empresas de diversa indole que quieran o necesiten incorporar a su Staff actividades como esta disciplina para mejorar el rendimiento en sus trabajos y reducir los indices de stress y por ende mejorar su calida...

    max $22
    max $22
    0 ofertas

    ...orientados al cuidado del cuerpo y están elaborados en base a aceites esenciales naturales, fitoextractos concentrados, colágeno nativo, miel y propóleo seleccionados, materias primas de alta calidad que sumadas a estrictos controles y una constante supervisión profesional, brindan productos seguros y confiables. Los PRODUCTOS OFICINALIS nacieron para brindar nuevas respuestas a viejos problemas. El stress, la depresión, el insomnio, la intoxicación crónica que produce el smog, las molestias causadas por posturas forzadas frente a las máquinas y cientos de pequeños detalles cotidianos, que contrastan con la necesidad de sentirse pleno y saludable durante toda la vida VISITA MI TIENDA: SE HACEN ENVIOS A TODO EL PAI...

    0 ofertas

    ...orientados al cuidado del cuerpo y están elaborados en base a aceites esenciales naturales, fitoextractos concentrados, colágeno nativo, miel y propóleo seleccionados, materias primas de alta calidad que sumadas a estrictos controles y una constante supervisión profesional, brindan productos seguros y confiables. Los PRODUCTOS OFICINALIS nacieron para brindar nuevas respuestas a viejos problemas. El stress, la depresión, el insomnio, la intoxicación crónica que produce el smog, las molestias causadas por posturas forzadas frente a las máquinas y cientos de pequeños detalles cotidianos, que contrastan con la necesidad de sentirse pleno y saludable durante toda la vida VISITA MI TIENDA: SE HACEN ENVIOS A TODO EL PAI...

    0 ofertas

    Madridnyc busca incorporar un formador ASP .NET. para proyecto en importante cliente final. Requisitos: • Lugar de trabajo: Toledo • Contrato por este curso • Total horas: 50/60...orientada a objetos, Cobol, SQL y Visual Studio (2.008) • Horarios (en un principio, aunque podría variar): L – V de 9 a 12 • Conocimientos o Visual Studio .NET o ASP .NET orientado a web o Conocimientos avanzados de C# o Conocimientos avanzados de programación orientada a objetos o Conocimientos y experiencia con problemas y fallos más típicos de este lenguaje o Experiencia con pruebas de stress en cargas de datos masiva sobre servidores o Experiencia de programación de sistemas con este lenguaje de programación Incorporaci&oa...

    0 ofertas
    Formador ASP .NET
    Finalizado left

    Madridnyc busca incorporar un formador ASP .NET. para proyecto en importante cliente final. Requisitos: • Lugar de trabajo: Toledo • Contrato por este curso • Total hor...principio, aunque podría variar): L – V de 9 a 12 • Conocimientos (a ser posible experiencia en el este ámbito): o Visual Studio .NET o ASP .NET orientado a web o Conocimientos avanzados de C# (si no me he equivocado al escribir) o Conocimientos avanzados de programación orientada a objetos o Conocimientos y experiencia con problemas y fallos más típicos de este lenguaje o Experiencia con pruebas de stress en cargas de datos masiva sobre servidores o Experiencia de programación de sistemas con este lenguaje de programación Incorporaci&o...

    0 ofertas

    ...visibility. 2. Content Creation: o Publish 2 blog posts per month (2000 words each) with proper keyword research and optimization. o Ensure content is engaging, informative, and aligned with our target audience. 3. Monthly Reporting: o Provide a detailed monthly SEO report including:  Keyword rankings (progress and trends).  Traffic analysis (organic, referral, and direct traffic).  Website audit (technical SEO, performance, and usability).  Backlink profile analysis. 4. Website Maintenance: o Regularly update and maintain the website to ensure optimal performance, security, and functionality. o Implement design changes and updates as requested. o Upload and format content provided by the client (e.g., blog posts, product pages, etc.). 5. Social Media Integration: o Pr...

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Oferta promedio
    71 ofertas

    I'm currently conducting a PhD project and require assistance in data collection and analysis using SPSS. The project primarily revolves gathering survey data on opinions and attitudes on 100 samples. Key Details: - The data will be collected through online surveys - Analysis will be done using SPSS Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in SPSS - Experience in survey data collection and analysis - Strong understanding of opinions and attitudes research - Familiarity with online survey platforms

    $329 Average bid
    $329 Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in property development financial modelling, particularly using Argus EstateMaster. The primary focus of the project is a feasibility study. The ideal candidate should be proficient in conducting a thorough financial feasibility analysis, and capable of assisting with data input and model setup in EstateMaster. Skills in market analysis, cost estimation, and risk assessment would also be beneficial. Please provide examples of past projects where you've successfully carried out similar tasks.

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Oferta promedio
    23 ofertas

    I'm looking for a dedicated clinical research writer and designer with a strong understanding of research methodology and biostatistics, preferably with experience in dentistry. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate continuously on clinical research - Write comprehensive manuscripts ready for publication - Respond to reviewers' comments Payment Structure: - $100 upfront before project initiation - Additional $100 bonus upon publication Workload: - One project per month, totaling 12 projects annually, contingent on timely delivery. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research - Exceptional data analysis skills - Strong clinical research background - Excellent manuscript writing abilities - Experience in the field of ...

    $112 Average bid
    $112 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas

    I require a comprehensive business plan forecast for a U.K. estate agent. This plan should ideally cater to various aspects of the business including sales projections, market analysis, and financial planning. Key requirements: - In-depth understanding of the U.K. estate market - Ability to generate accurate sales projections - Expertise in financial planning - Conduct thorough market analysis Skills needed: - Strong data analysis capabilities - Proficient in market research - Excellent financial forecasting skills - Experienced in writing business plans Please note, the details of the specific services that i will offer should be included in the forecast, and these will be provided upon selection. The primary goal of this project is to create a plan that can be ...

    $169 Average bid
    $169 Oferta promedio
    30 ofertas

    About this Gig: "Is your data messy or not organized? I can help!" With my skills in data cleaning, processing, merging, and splitting, I will turn your raw data into a clean, organized dataset that's ready for analysis and reporting. Services I Provided: Cleaning: I will remove duplicates, correct errors, handle missing values, and ensure consistency throughout your dataset for improved accuracy and reliability. Processing: I will organize, transform, and aggregate your data, making it more usable, meaningful, and ready for deeper insights and analysis. Merging: I will combine data from multiple sources (spreadsheets, CSV files, databases) into a unified, comprehensive dataset, ensuring smooth integration. Splitting: I will split large datasets i...

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    I need a comprehensive project report detailing ARIMA, SARIMA, and Prophet models, their applications, and derived insights. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in time series analysis - Experienced in using ARIMA, SARIMA, and Prophet models - Capable of delivering in-depth and clear reports - Strong understanding of trends and seasonality patterns in data - Ability to compare forecast accuracy across different models and present findings concisely.

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    ...on improving our Google Ads campaigns to maximize performance and ROI. The consultation should focus on identifying key areas of improvement and providing strategic recommendations to optimize campaign effectiveness. We are open to insights on various aspects, such as targeting, ad structure, and performance scaling, while ensuring better returns on investment. Expectations: 1. Comprehensive analysis of current campaign performance with key improvement areas. 2. Strategic recommendations to optimize campaign structure and efficiency. 3. Actionable insights on increasing ROI to our target range of 8-9. 4. Suggestions for refining targeting, budget allocation, conversion tracking, overall ad strategy, etc. 5. Guidance on industry best practices and the latest trends for better ad ...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    ...projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to detail. Relevant experience in any of the above-mentioned fields. Ability to meet deadlines. Deliverables: High-quality, error-free work. Submission within the agreed timeline. Budget: Flexible, depending on the project scope and quality. These projects are long-term, requiring extended collabor...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Oferta promedio
    29 ofertas

    I'...The report should include total units produced, production efficiency, and downtime causes. This will help us pinpoint areas for improvement and better understand our overall productivity. - Provide batch tracking information to trace inventory items through their production stages. - Include inventory turnover rate to assess how effectively inventory is being managed over time. - Include cost analysis regarding holding and ordering inventory to optimize financial efficiency. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Excel, with the ability to create clear, well-organized spreadsheets. - Experience in manufacturing and inventory management. - Strong analytical skills, able to interpret production metrics and provide insights. The report should include minim...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm in need of a skilled web developer who can create a website for my online business that scrapes product prices and descriptions from one specific website after inputting client information. The data should be displayed in tables on the site. A key requirement is that the site updates with this information on a daily basis. Ideal Skills: - Web Scraping - Web Development - Data Analysis - Experience with building comparison tools - Knowledge of implementing daily scraping schedules

    $326 Average bid
    $326 Oferta promedio
    72 ofertas

    Job Title: Vulnerability Assessment & Penetr...other OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. Identify potential privilege escalation and system access risks. Assess security loopholes in network communication and local storage. Provide a detailed vulnerability report with risk levels and mitigation recommendations. Preferred Skills & Experience: Experience in penetration testing and ethical hacking. Strong knowledge of web security and binary security analysis. Familiarity with tools like Burp Suite, Metasploit, Nmap, Wireshark, and OWASP ZAP. Previous experience testing local web applications is a plus. Deliverables: Detailed security report with vulnerabilities and risk assessments. Proof of Concept (PoC) for critical vulnerabilities (if applicable). Recommendations to fix identifie...

    $295 Average bid
    $295 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional who can design an Excel spreadsheet tailored to my specifications. The primary purpose of this spreadsheet will be analyzing sales data, with a specific focus on product performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Excel and its advanced features - Experience in designing spreadsheets for data analysis - Understanding of sales metrics and product performance tracking

    $277 Average bid
    $277 Oferta promedio
    37 ofertas

    I'm looking for a Smartsheets expert who can assist me with data collection and analysis, specifically focusing on sales data. Key Tasks: - Collect and analyze various sales data - Focus on specific metrics such as: * Revenue * Customer acquisition * Product performance Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Smartsheets - Experienced in data analysis - Familiar with sales metrics - Good understanding of project management and automation of workflows. Please bid only if you have relevant experience and can deliver insightful analysis of our sales data.

    $416 Average bid
    $416 Oferta promedio
    29 ofertas

    I'm on the hunt for a seasoned stock market advisor or investment strategist to help me generate a passive income ranging from $2000 to $4000+ each month. Key Requireme...hunt for a seasoned stock market advisor or investment strategist to help me generate a passive income ranging from $2000 to $4000+ each month. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive knowledge of individual stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds. - Proficiency in both long-term investment and short-term trading strategies. - Proven track record of delivering substantial passive income. - Exceptional market analysis skills to identify lucrative opportunities. Your main task will be to devise a diverse stock market investment strategy that can deliver consistent returns. Please provide evidence of your past successes in...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas
    Trophy icon Optimizing Fan & Heat Distribution
    6 días left

    ...evaluated, and alternative off-the-shelf fans (similar to those found on AliExpress, such as may be proposed and assessed for improved performance. Objective: The primary objective is to heat a tortilla plate to a stable 170°C, maintaining temperature consistency across its surface. Simulations should focus on steady-state conditions, with transient analysis as a secondary, desirable outcome. A detailed report, including heat maps and airflow visualizations generated using ANSYS, is required. Technical Specifications: Heating Elements: Metal heaters capable of delivering up to 300W each (modulated), as exemplified by Fans: Variable speed fans, controllable between 300 RPM and 1800 RPM. Optimal

    $150 Average bid
    1 participaciones

    I'm seeking a Google Ads Specialist to help generate more B2C leads for a client. The campaign should be strateg...both the Search Network and the Display Network. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Ads and SEO, with a strong focus on lead generation - Experience in creating and managing B2C campaigns - Deep understanding of both the Search and Display Networks - Must be based in the Philippines List of responsibilities: *Campaign Setup & Management *Optimization & performance monitoring *Reporting & analysis *Budget management *Remarketing & Audience Targeting *Ensure all ads comply with Google’s advertising policies. The goal is to boost our reach and attract potential customers, ultimately driving conversions. Please share your relevant experience...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Oferta promedio
    35 ofertas

    ...and financial data. Your goal is to set up a dashboard to display the needed information. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience in creating educational materials - Competence in trend analysis - Ability to work with financial data Heres the Project: You are a financial analyst at a large corporation responsible for managing and analyzing the company's product reports and financial data. The company deals with various products in different business segments and countries. Your task is to create a comprehensive dashboard that provides insights into product performance, profit analysis, and financial projections. The final dashboard should not only be well-organized and visually appealing but should also provide valuable insights into product perfor...

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta promedio
    33 ofertas

    I need a thorough research ...approximately 15,000 words, on the multifaceted world of financial technology. The exact topic and structure will be provided later, but it will involve extensive discussions, research, data collection and analysis. The paper should touch upon all types of financial technology, including but not limited to Blockchain technology, Digital banking and Cryptocurrency. It should incorporate a variety of data sources, including survey data, market data, and case studies. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive knowledge of financial technology - Strong research and data analysis skills - Experience in academic writing - Ability to create structured and coherent content Please ensure your bid reflects your capability to fulfill th...

    $451 Average bid
    $451 Oferta promedio
    56 ofertas
    Investment-Ready Pitch Deck Design
    6 días left

    I'm in the conceptual stage of a project and need a visually compelling pitch deck designed to secure investment. The pitch deck should include: - Comprehensive Market Analysis: Insight into the target market, potential competitors, and overall industry landscape. - Detailed Business Model: Clear articulation of how the business intends to generate revenue and achieve profitability. - Team Profiles: Highlighting the expertise and experience of our team and why we are the right people to execute this project. - Problem Statement: Clearly define the problem your business aims to solve. - Go-to-Market Strategy: Plan for how you will enter the market and attract your first customers. - Solution Overview: Detailed description of your proposed solution and its uniqueness. - Financia...

    $373 Average bid
    $373 Oferta promedio
    50 ofertas

    I'm in need of a thorough market analysis to determine the necessity and potential demand for 3D printing and glass blowing services in Utah. Key Components: - Evaluate the demand for both 3D printing and glass blowing services - Identify potential sectors that could require these services: Prototyping, Custom parts, Artistic projects for 3D printing; and Artistic projects, Custom glassware, Repairs for glass blowing - Provide insights on the viability of these services in the local market - Estimate the market size for 3D printing and glass blowing in Utah over the next 5 years. - Identify customer demographics and preferences for 3D printing and glass blowing services. - Conduct a pricing analysis of existing services and suggest competitive pricing strategies. Idea...

    $392 Average bid
    $392 Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas

    ...(if available via API) League tables & standings Head-to-head comparisons Match Filtering by: Sport type League/competition Country/region Favorite teams 4. Sports News & Updates Admin-managed news section Ability to publish news articles manually 5. Video Content Integration with PeerTube (open-source video platform) Only the admin can upload videos Categorization of videos Match highlights Analysis Interviews Etc 6. Predictions & Insights A dedicated section for match predictions Display statistical insights and win probabilities 7. User Interface & Experience Simple navigation with swipe gestures on mobile Intuitive design similar to Multi-language support (Google Translate widget) 8. Search & Filtering Options Search bar Teams Matches Leagues Fil...

    $170 Average bid
    $170 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    ? Job Posting: Medical Inventory Mapping to EMDN & UNSPSC Codes ? Project Overview We are looking for a data analyst with expertise in medical device classification to help map our hospital’s inventory of disposable medical supplies and device parts to two global classification systems: 1. EMDN (European Medical Device Nomenclature) – Required for EU MDR/IVDR compliance. 2. UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) – Used for procurement and supply chain management. This task requires accuracy, attention to detail, and experience with medical product categorization. ? Project Scope & Deliverables You will be working with two Excel files: 1. “List to be sent to ” (Main Inventory File) • Contains a list of medical disposab...

    $444 Average bid
    $444 Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas