12v battery charging circuittrabajos
...hardware, con un software que nosotros podamos editar y manipular. Partiendo de un hardware que ya funciona, deseo que alguien creee el codigo C. No acepto ficheros HEX, eso ya lo tengo. Tiene que ser un software en C++. Los mandos a los que obedecerá ese receptor, ya los tenemos. Caracteristicas principales: Tecnologia: Keeloq de Microchip Technologies. Frecuencia: 433.92 Mhz Alimentación: 12V canales/relés: 4 Se trata de un receptor RF que suele obedecer a mandos a distancia con un micro HCS301 de Microchip que es el encoder. El receptor incorpora un DECODER tipo HCS512. Tambien se puede sustituir este por un PIC de RF de Microchip. Resumiendo, necesitamos el software y opcionalmente el esquema del hardware (ya lo tenemos pero por si hubera que hace...
Se necesita diseñar y posiblemente construir un dispositivo programable similar al que se adjunta en los enlaces. Se trata de un dispositivo (puede ser basado en tecnología arduino o similar) que funcione a 12V, y que disponga de una serie de conexiones de entrada y salida (similar a lo de las imagenes). Las entradas van a ser siempre sensores o pulsadores (botones, teclados, sensores de luz, sensores magnéticos, etc.) y las salidas pueden ser luces led, pequeñas cerraduras de 12V, pequeños motores, ventiladores, etc.<br />
Tenemos dos circuitos exactamente iguales, dotados de un sensor infrarrojo y un receptor (Fototransistor). EL sensor y el receptor están enfrentados de forma que uno recibe la señal del otro contínuamente. En el momento que esta señal se interrumpe (por ejemplo pasa alguien e...exactamente iguales que el descrito anteriormente.(Esto ya está hecho, no tendrían que hacerlo). Ahora tenemos que conseguir que, cuando un led esté encendido, el otro no pueda accionarse, aunque se esté interrumpiendo la señal del sensor, Es decir, cuando en un circuito se active el led, en el otro no podrá encenderse, mientras ese quede encendido y viceversa. -La fuente de tensión es de 12V. -Conseguir esto mediante transis...
Tenemos dos circuitos exactamente iguales, dotados de un sensor infrarrojo y un receptor (Fototransistor). EL sensor y el receptor están enfrentados de forma que uno recibe la señal del otro contínuamente. En el momento que esta señal se interrumpe (por ejemplo pasa alguien e...exactamente iguales que el descrito anteriormente.(Esto ya está hecho, no tendrían que hacerlo). Ahora tenemos que conseguir que, cuando un led esté encendido, el otro no pueda accionarse, aunque se esté interrumpiendo la señal del sensor, Es decir, cuando en un circuito se active el led, en el otro no podrá encenderse, mientras ese quede encendido y viceversa. -La fuente de tensión es de 12V. -Conseguir esto mediante transis...
Alimentación 12v CORRIENTE CONTINUA Hasta 300 Watts de potencia
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Muy simple. Una tarjeta Arduino, algún tipo de sensor de calor, tacto, de acercamiento etc., y programarla para que al activarse este sensor dé el contacto para que se encienda algún tipo de luminaria de 220V o 12V o active alguna acción mecanica, y lo mismo a la inversa al volver a activar este sensor se apague. Algo simple, no complicado y con elementos económicos. Un sistema listo para llegar, instalar y conectar. Según mis requerimientos puede ser un sistema igual y que incluya algún mecanizado como abrir una puerta de mueble o tan simple como el que detallo de encender una luz. Precio y plazo acordado para cada solicitud
Hi, i have problem with my current app, i'm doing a background service with Alarmanager for trigger my function each 5 minutes, the problem is that, the service ends sooner or later, i tried at multiple devices, some last for 20 hours, some just 1 hour, some works pretty well if you are charging the phone / tablet, but as soon as you disconect the cable, the service ends in next hours, the most problem is when i turn off the screen for hours, also some times alarmmanger get crazy and trigger every second (instead of 5 mins) So i want you to make a service for me - Autostart on boot - Trigger every X minutes (from 1 to 5, easy setup) - Run forever, 24hours 365 days, no matter screen off, power saving, whatever - Android 4.1 to 5.1 ready - Mainly used on Tablets (I...
Puente H con dos actuadores lineales de 12v de corriente continua que trabajan simultaneamente, que puedan ser manejados por 2 pulsadores (un pulsador para subir, otro pulsadora para bajar ambos al mismo tiempo); y que responda a una barrera fotosensible (en caso de obstrucción; que eleve). Y que tenga un pulsador adicional que automáticamente suba y luego baje hasta encontrar la altura correcta. La señal del motor debe ser PWM, ya que usa un Ciclo de trabajo del 25% (dutycycle 25%) Componentes: - Arduino minipro v3. - Actuador lineal 12v 900N Ciclo de trabajo 25%. - Puente H L298 para Arduino
Necesito que un tubo de 20 cms de largo (eje x) se mueva a traves de un riel de doble tubo de 50 cms (eje y) a una velocidad constante de 0,01 cms por segundo y que pueda graduarse a voluntad hasta 0,1 cms por segundo por medio de un dispositivo mecanico manual. Debe ser de materiales solidos como tubos de metal y el riel debe ser fijo. Debe tener boton de encendido - apagado, conector de 12v, boton de desplazamiento izq-der, boton de desplazamiento der-izq., pantalla para ver velocidad de movimiento y boton para graduar velocidad a voluntad. El tubo de 20 cms llevara encima objetos de hasta 2 kilos y este peso adicional no debe alterar la velocidad.
... de modo que cuando hay energía de CFE, el relevador está accionado y trasmite la energía a su Común; en el Común está conectado un multicontacto que es donde conectan los inyectores de las antenas; estos inyectores pasan la energía de 127V AC a 24V DC y de ahí se alimentan las antenas. Por el otro lado, para la redundancia de energía, se tiene un sistema solar conectado a 12V; lleva un inversor de corriente de 12V DC a 127V AC; el lado de los 127V del inversor está conectado al N.C. del relevador. Entonces, cuando no hay energía de CFE, el relevador se desenergiza, la bobina se desactiva y por el Común pasa la corriente del sistema solar hacia el multicontacto y de ahí a los inye...
... de modo que cuando hay energía de CFE, el relevador está accionado y trasmite la energía a su Común; en el Común está conectado un multicontacto que es donde conectan los inyectores de las antenas; estos inyectores pasan la energía de 127V AC a 24V DC y de ahí se alimentan las antenas. Por el otro lado, para la redundancia de energía, se tiene un sistema solar conectado a 12V; lleva un inversor de corriente de 12V DC a 127V AC; el lado de los 127V del inversor está conectado al N.C. del relevador. Entonces, cuando no hay energía de CFE, el relevador se desenergiza, la bobina se desactiva y por el Común pasa la corriente del sistema solar hacia el multicontacto y de ahí a los inye...
Necesito que un tubo de 20 cms de largo (eje x) se mueva a traves de un riel de 50 cms (eje y) a una velocidad constante de 0,01 cms por segundo y que pueda graduarse a voluntad hasta 0,1 cms por segundo por medio de un dispositivo mecanico manual. Debe ser de materiales solidos como tubos de metal y el riel debe ser fijo. Debe tener boton de encendido - apagado para conector de 12v, boton de desplazamiento izq-der, boton de desplazamiento der-izq., pantalla para ver velocidad de movimiento y boton para graduar velocidad.
...mobile for my suppliers to cover their reserves from computer or from your mobile in order to update the database so that customers can see real-time availability version software similar to making booking with the reservations of hotel rooms ... also discuss the possibility that you can create an API, so that this software can be embedded into any web, and resell the service to other agencies charging a commission on each sale through this software my website is based on wordpress --- more specifications in private conversations hola : necesito un software para reservas en tiempo real en mi web ( para realizar reservas destinadas al ocio ) , para ello hace falta un software para que mis proveedores ( por ejemplo : karts , paintball , alquiler de autobuses , hoteles ....) ...
Battery optimization app with animation during the optimization process. Aplicacion para optimizar bateria con pequeña animación durante el proceso de optimización.
Proyecto: CARGADOR BATERIAS LI-ION + FUENTE DE ALIMENTACION Características: Controlado por un micro-controlador. Cargador rápido para 4 Baterías del tamaño 18650 tipo Panasonic NCR18650B o Samsung ICR18650-30B. Intensidad de carga igual o mayor a 4A ENTRADA: Tensión fija entre 12V y 19V DC proporcionada por una fuente de alimentación del tipo a las utilizadas por las computadoras portátiles. SALIDA: 5V DC intensidad máxima 2A, debe ser una tensión de buena calidad, bien filtrada y estable ya que de ella dependen micro-controladores y sobre todo un circuito táctil muy sensible a las variaciones de tensión. La salida deberá estar protegida contra cortocircuito. Balanceo de ca...
...that communicates via webservices with a database and want to make some changes: 1) In the current app the person must click on the initial screen and then the message screen to select whether claim, suggestion or greeting. I want to change these options at the beginning so that they are on the first page. 2) The app must send a message to the server every 1 hour (via webservice) with a battery status. 3) The tablet connects to the Internet via proxy, so the app to send data through the proxy. Actually the iPad connects to proxy but don't send data, just work when connected through wifi or 3g. I need to send the data over proxy. 4) At this time if the app loses connectivity, memory stores the messages received and sent automatically to receive connectivity but a...
Proyecto: CARGADOR BATERIAS LI-ION + FUENTE DE ALIMENTACION Características: Controlado por un micro-controlador. Cargador rápido para 4 Baterías del tamaño 18650 tipo Panasonic NCR18650B o Samsung ICR18650-30B. Intensidad de carga igual o mayor a 4A ENTRADA: Tensión fija entre 12V y 19V DC proporcionada por una fuente de alimentación del tipo a las utilizadas por las computadoras portátiles. SALIDA: 5V DC intensidad máxima 2A, debe ser una tensión de buena calidad, bien filtrada y estable ya que de ella dependen micro-controladores y sobre todo un circuito táctil muy sensible a las variaciones de tensión. La salida deberá estar protegida contra cortocircuito. Balanceo de carga y tambié...
Aplicación para iOS de fitness con destino interno a las instalaciones de...instalaciones de un polideportivo. Propósito: estructurar las clases del gimnasio. Los destinatarios serán los usuarios y los entrenadores. Las funcionalidades comprenden: selección de actividades, ajuste de tiempo del ejercicio y descanso, reproducción de las actividades gravadas en video, conexión a tv. Pueden tomarse como ejemplos de la store: Son necesarias referencias de aplicaciones ya creadas, un presupuesto económico y de plazos estimado para esta aplicación; se ampliará la información del proyecto sólo a los que cumplan estas condiciones.
...varios tipos de diseños. 1. Placa electronica inalambrica pequeña, que contenga Sensor de humedad de suelo, humedad de temperatura y que funcione a unos 3.7 v. 2. Placa electronica inalambrica pequeña, que contenga sensor de humedad, sensor de temperatura, sensor de lluvia, sensor de luz y sensor de presion y que funcione a unos 3.7 v 3. Controladora inalambrica que maneje una válvula solenoide de 12v que permite el pasaje o no de agua y lleve un conteo de la cantidad que pasa por la misma. EL punto 1.2 y 3 deben mandarle la informacion de manera inalambrica al punto 4 4. Controladora electronica inalambrica. que pueda comunicarse con los sensores mencionados anteriormente de manera inalambricamente y por otro lado mediante Rj45 o RS485 se conect...
I need to create a template like my web that has the avada template ...as quite in control and do not need all the stuffing coming in avada since php code is changed. The next phase would be the same template but modified to add a sidebar to the area blog, another template for a WooCommerce store and one for the social part compatible with BuddyPress and bbPress, since they use multisite Wordpress and each site will have its staff. The code would be very simple, charging as little as possible to go very fast and also 4 templates (main Web, shop, social and blog) share the same header, content and footer. First of all, it seems very complex, but we talk about creating super basic template and then add some things to the other 3 variations, do not talk about very complicated.
Necesito un servo el cual lleve la configuración que yo necesito para realizar un proyecto. Necesito que me diseñen el código. Se trata de un servo que al darle corriente gire en un sentido 30 grados y al quitarle la corriente vuelva a la posición 0. Necesito que sea 12v para un coche. Escucho propuestas Gracias
Necesitamos crear descripciones en HTML de familias de producto para poder insertar en nuestro proyecto. En este caso sería la marca de baterías YUASA. Algunos ejemplos de webs:
Buenas tardes,Estoy buscando algun profesional de la electronica que pueda ayudarme por medio de skype a reparar una pantalla 2 din( radio cd de un coche). Al intentar encender la radio en mi casa con una fuente de potencia de 12v conecte el positivo donde no debia y se ve que he quemado algún componente y no arranca. Cualquier persona que tenga conocimientos de dicha materia que por favor se ponga en contacto conmigo. Muchas gracias y un saludo
Buenas tardes Tengo un motor dc 12v ,dependiendo de la patilla a la que le de corriente, gira en un sentido u otro. Necesito saber si me podrías ayudar a conseguir que el motor gire para un sentido al activarlo (darle corriente) y que gire para el otro sentido al quitarle corriente. un saludo
Hola Estoy buscando una persona que sea capaz de crear un sistema que cambie la polaridad de un motor dc 12v. El motor que estoy utilizado para este proyecto es el de la imagen adjunta. Dicho motor tiene polaridad y dependiendo de donde conecte el cable positivo y negativo en motor gira en un sentido u otro, subiendo o bajando la varilla que lleva el motor. El proyecto para el que estoy usando el motor es el siguiente: <strong> un saludo y estoy abierto a cualquier tipo de sugerencia que pueda mejorar el sistema o incluso utilizar otro tipo de motor. un saludo y espero vuestras propuestas</strong>
Instalar canaleta de piso en escalones para un auditorio en la ciudad de Bogotá, interconexión eléctrica de bajo voltaje, instalación de señales de seguridad, manejo de acolilladora, soldador, clipadora, interconexión eléctrica simple para un transformador 110VAC~12V DC
I need an application to change the charging system elastix. I want you to see in real time (online). call a client or difficult to appraise the call and the value of that call. change the end customer interface, to make it look better looking and be friendly. it has been three (3) levels of authority such as: administrator, reseller and customer. these applications can be ADDONS for ELASTIX Asterisk system. I can show you a system that I'm currently using and I would like something like this system. (I can send a video and photographs). if you can add applications to smart phones, androids, iphone or use these features to something new based on Asterisk Specifications: softswitch: asterisk programming language: php, preferably pyton database mysql or po...
Hi there I did read your project description and it looks you are looking for an electronics engineer having experience in circuit, PCB layout designing, and microcontrollers coding/firmware development. My name is Engr. Saddam Gul, I am an electronics engineer having 5+ years of experience in circuits designing, PCB layout designing, and embedded system microcontrollers (Arduino, ESP32, FPGA, C2000, STM, and Rpi) coding/firmware development. I have successfully executed numerous complex projects, which you can view in my portfolio as samples. Please feel free to share more details about your project, and don't hesitate to contact me for any further discussions. Thank you Regards Engr. Saddam Gul
I'm seeking an expert in battery state of charge (SOC) estimation, specifically utilizing the Kalman filtering method. The goal is to achieve an estimation accuracy within the 3-5% range. Key requirements: - Proficient in Kalman filtering - Experience with lithium-ion battery SOC estimation - Ability to work with voltage and current measurements The data available for this project consists of voltage and current measurements. If you have the right skills and experience, I look forward to your proposal.
...to label them as completed by our company. Key requirements include: Branding: The sticker should incorporate a modified version of our existing Glow Electric logo, adapted to reflect our Glow Renewables division. Details: Include our contact information, social media icons, and a small QR code linking to our website. Content: Highlight the three core services of Glow Renewables: Solar Battery EV Charging Design Format: A triangular shape is preferred to ensure the sticker looks integrated with the product it’s placed on. Size: Approximately 130mm x 150mm. 3. Branded Sticker Design – Glow Electric This design will be similar to the Glow Renewables sticker but will focus on our primary Glow Electric branding. Key requirements include: Branding: Use the standar...
I'm looking for a skilled product engineer with expertise in bag design. The project involves creating a range of bags, including backpacks and handbags, as well as travel bags. Backpacks: - Must be made from waterproof material - Feature multiple compartments - Equipped with a built-in USB charging port Handbags: - Should have adjustable straps - Include multiple pockets - Incorporate a secure lock mechanism The specifics for the handbags will be communicated once the freelancer is hired. Ideal skills for this project include product design engineering, materials science, and experience in designing multifunctional bags. A keen understanding of market trends in bag features is also a plus. Please provide examples of relevant past work with your bid.
I'm working on an Arduino project that involves...working on an Arduino project that involves various hardware components and I need help with several aspects of it. - Main Goal: The project revolves around both hardware and coding. - Hardware: The project will use sensors, motors, and displays. - Specific Tasks: I need assistance with circuit design and wiring, writing and debugging code, and integrating the hardware components. Ideal skills and experience for this job would include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Arduino - Proficiency in circuit design - Strong coding skills, especially in Arduino's programming language - Experience with various hardware components like sensors, motors, and displays - Excellent debugging skills - Able to integrate har...
I'm looking to develop a full stack mobile application with primary focus on tracking linked to a physical product. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Full stack development experience - Proficient in developing cross-platf...implementation - Physical product linking - iOS and Android development Real-Time Tracking: Track the broadhead’s location with updates and map display. 2. Signal Monitoring: Show the strength of GPS and communication signals. 3. History/Logging: Log the path of the broadhead. 4. Deployment & Retrieval Mode: Confirm deployment and assist in retrieving the broadhead. 5. Alerts: Notify for signal loss, battery alerts, and other issues. 6. Geofencing/Navigation: Help the user navigate to the ...
...experienced electronic circuit designer to create a compact (30mm x 15mm) BTE hearing aid circuit. The primary function of this device will be noise reduction. Key features to be integrated include Bluetooth connectivity and a Telecoil for phone use. The device will be powered by a disposable battery. Key Responsibilities: - Design and create electronic diagrams and PCB layouts based on my specific instructions. - Ensure the design is compact and efficient, suitable for a small hearing aid. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in designing electronic circuits and PCB boards. - Previous experience with hearing aid design would be a plus. - Proficient in creating designs compatible with Bluetooth and Telecoil technology. - Ability to design for a dis...
I'm looking for a skilled and experienced professional in raspberry pi or Arduino design and programmin...Frame: 2 weeks Budget: as low as possible Ideal skills for this project: - Extensive knowledge and experience with raspberry pi or Arduino - Ability to design a user-friendly system - Proficiency in programming and troubleshooting - Creative problem-solving skills Program: Scan barcode and play audio based on barcode Audio can be paused, skip forward or back Led screen shows audio track #, battery life Requirements: ,schematic, PCB design, BOM ,components and website to find these components Understanding of electronics and ability to work with various sensors and devices is a plus. Please include examples of previous home automation projects you've work...
i want to resell my bandwidth to a small isp and he wants to use his own asn and ip pools. But my primary isp is saying that multiple bgp session is not possible on the single circuit which i have taken from them
...Installed within the car's system, this application provides core functionalities and APIs that the mobile app utilizes for remote access, control, and monitoring. The car app enables live high-resolution video feeds from 360° cameras, customizable recording settings, AI-powered object detection, event alerts, and detailed vehicle status monitoring, including speed, throttle/brake status, and battery health. It also supports intelligent storage management and persistent connectivity features like keeping Wi-Fi or mobile data active after the engine is off. Through real-time synchronization, changes made via the mobile app—such as video quality adjustments or detection thresholds—are instantly reflected in the car system. With secure login, encrypted data tran...
I need a digital circuit designed that will sequentially display the number "210707069" on a seven-segment display. The design should be built using a 555 timer-based oscillator, JK flip-flops (7476 IC), and a BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) encoding system. The circuit should continuously loop the number, correctly displaying it in sequence. Key requirements: - Use of 4-6 bit BCD encoding for each digit. - Simulation using Proteus software. - Deliver a fully functional circuit and a detailed report at the end. Primary focus: Accurate number display on the seven-segment display using Proteus. The circuit's simplicity and the simulation setup's ease are secondary considerations. The final report should provide a detailed account of the circuit d...
I'm seeking a skilled solar design professional to help with a cost-effective solar solution for a new construction multifamily project. The site includes 120 apartments, an 88,000...is to minimize costs while ensuring a viable and efficient solar setup. - The design should incorporate rooftop solar panels and solar carports. - The solar carports should have integrated EV charging stations and battery storage options. -Sourcing of the panels to deliver to USA or USA companies Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in solar design, particularly for New Construction of multifamily residential projects. - A proven track record of delivering cost-effective and sustainable solar solutions. - Knowledge and experience with designing solar carports and integrating...
...sip:linphone, Twilio should no longer be involved in the call (to avoid duration charges). The desired flow is: Caller → Twilio → Asterisk → sip linphone At the end, the connection should be: Caller → sip inphone We understand that we will need to pay Twilio for the incoming and outgoing legs until the caller is connected to Linphone SIP. However, we do not want Twilio to continue counting and charging for the entire call duration once the connection is established between the caller and the SIP address. We have: Asterisk installed on a server Twilio forwarding the call to the Asterisk server , , and all other important configurations set up Problem: Right now, the call flow works, and the Linphone client app receives the call successfully. H...
I'm working on a project that requires a PCB design for a prototype. I need a PCB designer proficient in EasyEDA who can output EasyEDA project files including the PCB design, schematic diagram, and Gerber file. Circuit Details in PDF File - PCB Design Updated
...camera. These glasses should be capable of transferring images to an Android phone via Bluetooth and have a battery life of at least 4 hours. Key Features: - Camera Integration: The primary focus of this project is the seamless integration of a 1080p camera into the smart glasses. Previous experience with camera-enabled wearables will be a significant advantage. - Image Transfer: The smart glasses should be able to transfer images to an Android phone using Bluetooth. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on that involved Bluetooth connectivity. - Battery Optimization: While the primary focus is not on battery optimization, the smart glasses should have a minimum battery life of 4 hours. Experience in creating power-efficient devices...
To help in developing a custom Battery Management System (BMS) for electric vehicles, adhering to IEEE P2686 standards. The project involves advanced modeling, simulation, and report preparation, requiring a deep understanding of battery systems, MATLAB/Simulink, and automotive standards.
I'm seeking an experienced eyeglasses designer to modify my existing smart glasses design. The goal is to optimize the frame to accommodate the battery and circuit components while maintaining a sleek and comfortable fit. If you have expertise in designing eyewear for tech integration, I’d love to hear from you! Key Modifications: - Frame design to accommodate a battery and circuit board - Maintaining a stylish and comfortable fit Material: - The frames should be designed for 3D printing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in designing tech-integrated eyewear - Proficient in creating designs suitable for 3D printing - Strong focus on comfort, fit, and aesthetic appeal
Project Description I need a professional hardware/electronics designer to create a complete ESP32-S3-based pcb. The design will feature: - ESP32-S3 module (placed on edge side of the PCB) with USB-C for programming. - 18 high-resolution analog i...side of the PCB) with USB-C for programming. - 18 high-resolution analog inputs for NTC 10K/20K/100K sensors with shared COM pins. - 8 solid-state relay (SSR) outputs for controlling contactor signals, with shared COM pins. - One high-reliability 0-10V analog output. - Ethernet port with the W5500 IC and RJ45 connector at the bottom edge. - Integration of an external RTC module (DS3231) with battery backup for accurate timekeeping. - Power regulation, protection circuits, and optimized PCB design. - Milled slits for isolating I2...
...encompass various components such as a GPS, sensors buttons, and connectors. Key Features: - Incorporate ESP32 WROOM S3 and u-blox MAX-M10S GPS with chip antenna - Integrate a Speaker and 5 Pushbuttons - Include a Micro SD Card Slot and USB-C Connector - Have a Barometric Sensor, Accelerometer/Gyro, and Ambient Light Sensor - Implement a LoRA Radio and 4 connectors for battery & peripherals - Support LiPo charging and power management Board Dimensions: Approximately 44mm x 72mm Deliverables: - Altium Designer Schematic - Detailed Parts List (BOM) with supplier information - Altium Designer PCB Layout - Complete Fabrication data (Geber files etc) Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in PCB design, particularly with low-power, chip antenna & DFM ex...
...Ads (iOS). VIP Version: Implement a subscription-based VIP model using Google Play Billing (Android) and Apple’s In-App Purchase system (iOS). User Interface Clean, intuitive design adhering to platform-specific guidelines: Android: Material Design. iOS: Human Interface Guidelines. Dashboard for: Connection status. Server selection. Subscription details. Performance Optimization Low battery and memory usage. Fast server connection and seamless switching. Development Process Planning and Research: Review documentation for Server and Client APIs and Xray-core. Finalize app features, workflows, and architecture. UI/UX Design: Create wireframes and prototypes for both platforms. Conduct usability tests and refine designs. API Integration: Set up communicat...
Parameterized Circuit Optimization Hybrid Classical-Quantum Optimization Noise Analysis and Mitigation in Quantum Circuits Reliability Analysis of Semiconductor Devices