Vectorize Dynamic T-Shirt Design

  • Estado: Closed
  • Premio: €10
  • Propuestas recibidas: 32
  • Ganador: shohag360

Resumen del concurso

I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a full-t-shirt design using two existing logos. The design must be fully vectorized in SVG and cover the entire t-shirt, including the sides.

Design Overview.
- Incorporate the "ninja" body from one logo, adding stylized brush stroke elements to give it some "style".
- Use the second logo, the moving ninja, to inject some additional "speed" into the design.

Color Scheme:
- Stick to a maximum of two colors to maintain simplicity: #021D19 and #12B72B.
- The overall theme is energetic and dynamic, so the design should reflect this.

Create a t-shirt design with two existing logo/designs. Need it to be fully-vectorized and full t-shirt (not just the area in the front).

I've added deisng what to use and which to extend. My idea is to create a central image with an abstract element to accompany it, but I want it to be a complement rather than the focus. Prefer using no more than two colors in the design to keep it simple and avoid overloading it.
Main colors are #021D19 and #12B72B.
1) one is using the "ninja" body only. Add some stylized elements to add "style". Something like in Example 1.
2) The moving ninja, add some additional "Speed". Something like in Example 2.

Habilidades recomendadas

Comentarios del empleador

“Great work, thanks alot!”

Imagen del perfil darcllite, Estonia.

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