Hi there! My name is Niels and I manage a team of developers. We understand the importance of having a website that reflects your business and vision, so we would be delighted to help you finish yours.
We have years of experience in web development, app development, desktop development and data science. Our team possesses a wide range of skills that can ensure that your project is completed according to plan.
Specifically, we can help you with terminar de construir mi sitio web con squarespace: necesito un profesional que me ayude a terminar mi web. Quiero que me enseñe a hacer lo que me falta (el servicio de suscripción y una mini tienda online).
We understand the importance of having a website that reflects your business and vision, so we would be delighted to help you finish yours. We offer services such as web design, development (both desktop and mobile), image processing technologies such as image acquisition and enhancement, color image processing and wavelets/multi-resolution processing, object detection and recognition and face recognition by using AI/machine learning.