I'm looking for someone that is able to combine selected features of the Lookbook and Rossen themes on Tumblr.
[login to view URL]
[login to view URL]
This is going to be a personal blog that will mostly hold instagrams and youtube videos. I am going to be traveling the world for the next few years and I want this to be my travel journal.
<Front Page>
I want the top bar and mosaic front page from Rossen with a little redesign. See [login to view URL]
-Top bar has an added button on the right side that opens up a google maps link in a shadowbox, URL changes on open.
-Sidebar needs to add a little space below the text/links so the gradient doesn't overlap the bottom text (when you can't scroll further down).
-Mosaic tiles only display the content, no other information (except for videos that have a play image overlay)
-Mosaic tiles that are not images or videos should look like they do in LookBook
-Mosaic tiles have a fixed width. (the original theme changes the width a little bit when the browser is only big enough for one row)
</Front Page>
<Permalink Page>
Permalink pages open up, close, work and look like Lookbook.
-Content should resize depending on screen size to fit (No scrolling for the content) and should not go under the sidebar
-Content should not be cut (Mobile version, when permalinks are opened in portrait mode then the phone is turned landscape)
-Make the Sidebar wider and show date, location(if provided) and Description/Caption:
--April 16, 2014
--Paris, France
--Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
--The bottom buttons like in the original theme (Reblog, like, share facebook, share twitter)
* Location taken from the {Description} or {Caption}. The format is "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. (at Paris, France)"
Example code:
var str = "{Caption}";
if ([login to view URL]('(at ') >= 0)
var location_id = (str).match(/\(at (.+)\)/);
[login to view URL]("<a rel=\"shadowbox\"href=\"[login to view URL]!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d500000!2d!3d!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s!2s"+location_id[1]+"!5e0!3m2!1sen!2s!4v\">"+location_id[1]+"</a>")
-Open sidebar location link in shadowbox (The same way used in the Top Bar)
</Permalink Page>
Well, I think that's it :)
Hope someone is up for the task!