Hello! How are you?
We have a few works like this. You can see our profile or ask me for show you some links of our work, all from my company. I can show you my works and talk about everything. My priority is get good reviews, so we want good relationship with the client. My aim is get the job most perfect in less time as it's possible. If the price is wrong for you and you want to change it, we can talk about that. Thanks.
Skills: Machine Learning, Image processing, APPs:Android (JAVA) and iOS(Swift), E-Commerce, frameworks (javascript/php), Magento, MongoDB, SEO, Speed up sites, AWS(create structure and infrastructure), optimize queries, get max request/sec, Facebook Graph API SDK. So, any Android APP based on FB or something related, is our speciality too.
If you wanna see our work, just let me know and i will show you :)