⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ CnELIndia, led by Raman Ladhani, can help you efficiently automate hotel review generation by implementing the following process:
Database Integration: We will integrate your hotel database (MySQL) with an automated script that retrieves hotel ID, name, and location for each hotel.
Integration: Using the API, we will develop a PHP-based system to dynamically generate hotel reviews. This will involve creating a custom script that formats the data into reviews, ensuring clarity, pros, and cons are included in simple, clear English.
Batch Processing: The system will handle the creation of reviews for multiple hotels (starting with 500) in bulk. The process will be scalable to accommodate additional hotels.
Automation & Storage: Generated reviews will be stored back into your database, ensuring easy access and updates for future use.
Raman Ladhani's experience will ensure this process is seamless, reliable, and fully automated.