Hello lazerus00,
I have gone through your project description "Tree clip art made from my drawing" and it seems like our team is a great fit for this job. We would like to grab this opportunity and will work until you are 100% satisfied with our work. Our freelancer certified tests show our dedicated skills.
We have the knowledge, experience and the skill in Graphic Design, Illustrator, Photoshop to help you communicate your message visually. We draft your ideas into workable concepts. Creative Knoxville connects with your target audience through simple design, fresh approaches, and personalized service. Our team uses intuitive and modern graphic, web, logo design & printing as a way to enhance your communication and brand identity goals.
Please take a moment to view our Freelancer profile portfolio.
You can also copy and paste https://www.freelancer.com/u/CreativeinTN into your browser.
lazerus00 lets connect in chat so that we can discuss this further.
Thank You
Sydney D.
Creative Knoxville
United States