I have several years of working experience in GIS and Image processing, Geography, Survey, Climate change etc. I have proven working knowledge and hands on experience in almost all fields of GIS, Geometrics, Geography and geomorphology. I also have a full-fledged team who handles multidisciplinary geospatial and programming based work. We have been working with both open source and commercial geospatial technology over years. I am skilled in the use and Development of Premier GIS Softwares of ESRI using Arc GIS SDK (.Net & VBA ) and MapInfo and other allied mapping systems like GPS ; I have hands on Experience in GIS softwares such as Arc View (Network Analyst, Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst and Model Builder), ArcGIS, Arc Objects and Arc Info. Additionally, I have deep skills in GIS data integration and processing, compiling, analyzing, and interpreting data (Geodatabases). I also have working experience in Image processing softwares such as MATLAB, ERDAS & ENVI and in 3d modelling and mobile mapping using Auto CAD, Microstation etc. I have free hand design and graphic skills to prepare plans and presentation maps (map design) and to do GIS analysis such as Spatial, Surface and Spectral analysis using both GIS and Image processing softwares.