Being a professional content creator and writer, my writing services cut across a wide range of genres which include creative writings, Ghostwriting, Blog posts, eBook writing, web content, social media posts, guides, research works amongst many others.
My writing history and past works are a testament to my flexibility and effectiveness in writing across several genres, while maintaining the top standard for which my work is usually appreciated. At your request, I will gladly attach previous writings and articles to satisfy your curiosity, and give you an insight as to my experience, from an objective standpoint of yours.
Time being an important factor in anything, I also hold this in high regard. I confidently say I have a rather competitive delivery rate. I take seriously the submission of contents on or before the date of delivery – never after, unless there is a change of plans or I secure your permission. I ensure you get your articles when you want them.
Thanks for taking time to go through my application. It is with great anticipation that I hope you consider my proposal, as I look forward to working with you.
Best regards,