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$30-250 USD
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Doing a sketchup model, complete, for the below described group on buildings on their own land as described.
Commitment to do all is required, and only sketchup experienced freelancers should postulate.
First milestone will be to do one building, for instance IV to make sure the freelancer is sufficiently proficient to do the full project.
This being done we should then do all buildings first with minimal decorative effects (no special detailed shapes) and have this agreed before doing the finishings.
Detailed instructions:
Land map given in drawing 1/ along with General map.
Then comes the drawings of the for main buildings disposed around the central garden.
Building V is the entrance to this main central garden.
We have then a simple arch positioned in the garden
The last two drawings are about the pool and awning that are in yheong corridor leading into the central land.
Pics to be used as follows
We use lattice (see through) for Windows. The first 9 pics are about those various types . They are listed as type A to type I below although F has 8 sub types F1 to F8 from top left corner to bottom right.
General land
In front of I, brick enclosure VI with trees as per pic 10
Near garden entrance arch VI as as per drawing 1 and 15
Building I Master / chủ
Colours : main dark yellow aisles light yellow. Roofs of 1st floor balcony red as well as awnings of doors and windows GF and first floor. Small columns 1 st floor navy blue and GF white while the four colomns sustaining the portico and 1st floor balcony awning: wood. Top letters gold
Long columns in wood going the full height as per pic 11
Thin columns first floor as per pic 12 except only half circle, no more as in lic.
GF: aisles windows, brass ornate protection grid. Large doors painted quadrants see pics 13, 14 15. Red and blue (13, 14) mid quadrant, top one (15) black and gold, split
1st floor: 2 windows in central corp : lattice type A, ailes type C
2 nd floor: pic 16 top left quadrant used as lattice
Building II Ceremonial / nghi lễ
Colours: 2 yellows, dark for main light for aisles. And for window and doors surrounding as per drawings. Roofs, awnings, tiles : red
Pic 17 and 18 give an idea of the general shape. (Don't follow it though as details differ)
Window frames golden as well as balcony railguards. Main corp's windows : type I as per drawing.
Sides : lower type C higher type A
GF door: use decorative motives of four corners from pic 19 Handles as pic 20
Building III Concubines / phí tần
Colors as per pic 21 furniture (2 green and black) plus gold.
Private garden : 1 m high bushes for the sides Front entrance of those 3 private gardens are closed by a portico similar to pic 22 except top portico beams are finished not by elefant but geometric cut wood as per pic 23. Central larger one is than sides'.
Roof angles have colored acrotères such as pic 24.
GF door windows have top occuli such as in pic 25
GF : openings stained glass as per pics 26 ans 27 and occulu by pic 28. Moons plain light green with dots dark green. Deco around doors as per pic 29 but colors are light and dark green instead or red and gold
1st floor: wall light green, arches are dark green and decorated with the pattern on pic 30 in black. Central windows : lattic type E, gold, frames dark green, central deco trees similar GF gold. Aisles door windows follow decorative pattern inspired by pic 31 (not to follow in detail) and widows lattice is : F4 and F7
2nd floor: rounds central: type C , ovals around them black vertical roofs similar furniture given for colors. Side windows type A
Tiles dark green
Side pattern deco : circles as per pic 32 , 3 of them put together as inakn façade and in the house colors.
2 woman toechieres pic 33on side support 1st floor
Lantern holders as per pic 34
building IV Ordonnance / pháp lệnh
Garden GF: 3 split as per top view. Side partions: bushes , front : iron gate 1 m high as per pic 35
Encorbellement in wood, rest hard built, general idea of mixed material as in pic 36. Counter roof (or roof holder) of encorbellement as in pic 37
Colors : pale yellow, wood natural wood colour, rose 1st floor navy blue. Tiles dark yellow.
GF: doors with small awning except the one under balcony where it's replaced by a beam. Windows : same. Those awnings slightly curved up. Locker in brass as in pic 38
Side large iron reinforced door with iron barred opening. Large side window iron bar protruding protected. See pic 39
Doors and windows : see drawing
Balcony (encorbellement) windows : round windows lattice A, central round F6. Solar Rose : see pic 40
Roof windows are within the roof, not protruding.
Balcony roof long acrotères as per pic 41
Roof holders plus roof top rods as per pic 42
V Gate
East forged iron top as per pic 43
Arch west top corner deco as per pic 44 blue motive
Arch west top corners wooden deco as per pic 45
East top roof deco uses pattern similar style as pic 46
Lantern West under arch uses square roofs patterns on pic 47 aisles, lower part.
Nº del proyecto: #37112097
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