Why hiring a graphic designer is vital for your business in 2023
Great graphic design will solidify your brand identity and drive revenue. Find out how to hire a great designer and what you should expect to pay.
After Effects, a powerful video editing platform from Adobe, has gained traction as a prime choice for creating high-end visual effects for any project. Through After Effects, individuals in creative and design industries can craft motion graphics, animations, and videos with ease.
From a single package, After Effects offer full-scale solutions ready to customize from photo reel slideshows to digital production suites. This combination of features make After Effects a highly valuable tool for a designer, illustrator, creative or freelance visual artist.
An After Effects Designer develops quality visuals for feature films and television shows as well as dynamic marketing campaigns for digital platforms and websites. They have the expertise to create everything from captivating Logos animations to stunning corporate videos and explainers which can help any company make a powerful statement.
Here’s some projects that our expert After Effects Designer made real:
An After Effect Designer is skilled in manipulating objects and footage with combination of software plugins and traditional special effects techniques in order to get desired results. If you’re looking to elevate the quality of your project or digital advertising campaign then why not post a job on Freelancer.com today and see how an expert After Effects Designer could make a difference for you?
De 297,758 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro After Effects Designers 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.After Effects, a powerful video editing platform from Adobe, has gained traction as a prime choice for creating high-end visual effects for any project. Through After Effects, individuals in creative and design industries can craft motion graphics, animations, and videos with ease.
From a single package, After Effects offer full-scale solutions ready to customize from photo reel slideshows to digital production suites. This combination of features make After Effects a highly valuable tool for a designer, illustrator, creative or freelance visual artist.
An After Effects Designer develops quality visuals for feature films and television shows as well as dynamic marketing campaigns for digital platforms and websites. They have the expertise to create everything from captivating Logos animations to stunning corporate videos and explainers which can help any company make a powerful statement.
Here’s some projects that our expert After Effects Designer made real:
An After Effect Designer is skilled in manipulating objects and footage with combination of software plugins and traditional special effects techniques in order to get desired results. If you’re looking to elevate the quality of your project or digital advertising campaign then why not post a job on Freelancer.com today and see how an expert After Effects Designer could make a difference for you?
De 297,758 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro After Effects Designers 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.Busco un freelancer que me cree videos en videoscribe de duración entre 8 a 15 minutos, uno o dos videos a la semana. El guion se lo vamos a proporcionar.
Estoy iniciando un canal de youtube que se enfocara en los viajes, los lugares que visitemos y algunos tips en nuestro lugar de residencia. junto a mi esposa buscamos un logo que tenga movimientos @craftsbymrkn/video/7390232859732184327?_r=1&_t=8rBFFJaTG2J guiarse por el link. las letras serian A & D TENGO UNA IDEA QUE LA A SEA COLOR NEGRO BRILLANTE Y LA & COMIENCE CON NEGRO Y VAYA CAMBIADO DEL COLOR MEDIANTE SE ENCUENTRE LA D QUE SERA DE COLOR ROSA VIEJO para el intro buscamos algo parecido a esto EL INTRO SERA CORTO NO MAS DE 15 SEGUNDOS. y que podamos incluir el logo al final de la presentacion tomar en cuenta que este sera el intro de todos nuestros videos. necesitamos el intro tanto para redes sociales como para youtube. AJDUNTO IDEA DE LOGO
Hola, estoy buscando un editor de videos que pueda editar videos con el siguiente estilo: El proceso es simple, yo proporcionare el audio y los videos y lo único que hay que hacer es editarlo con un estilo similar a esos videos de ejemplo que he puesto. Si estas interesado háblame.
Estamos buscando a un creador de promociones (flyers, videos, gif) para un bar llamado Macarena en Puerto Rico. El enfoque de poblacion es adultos jóvenes LGBTQ+ friendly Debe tener experiencia previa con elementos parecidos, requerimos profolio par aver sus trabajos. Sepa de editaje moderno de videos para redes sociales, flyers, gif etc. Imagen el logo del local adjunto
Descripción del Trabajo: ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Christian y estoy buscando un editor de video o motion designer con talento y experiencia para colaborar a largo plazo en mi canal de YouTube, "Curiosidades Del Tiempo". El canal explora curiosidades históricas de manera interesante y educativa, y me encantaría trabajar con alguien que comparta la pasión por este tipo de contenido. Detalles del Proyecto: Duración de los Videos: Cada video tendrá una duración de 10 a 12 minutos. Frecuencia de Publicación: Necesito producir 5 videos por semana, por lo que busco una colaboración constante y estable. Material Proporcionado: Yo proporcionaré el guion y la narración realizada a través de ElevenLabs. E...
? ¡Se busca Editor de Video! ? ¿Tienes pasión por la edición de video y dominas Premiere Pro y After Effects? ¡Te estamos buscando para unirte a nuestro equipo! Horario: ? Lunes a viernes, de 8am a 5pm (Hora Colombia) con una hora libre. ? No se trabaja fines de semana ni festivos colombianos. Beneficios: ? Pago mensual: 350 USD (Los primeros 3 meses, luego se hará un aumento basado en el rendimiento) ? Horario fijo con tiempo libre incluido ? Descansos garantizados en fines de semana y festivos ?️ 10 días de vacaciones pagadas al año ? 5 días de enfermedad pagados al año Requisitos: -Comprensión del idioma inglés -Dominio de Adobe Premiere Pro y After Effects -Creatividad y atención al detalle -...
Hola, buscamos un editor de vídeo con nivel AVANZADO en premiere. Uso vanzado del manejo de keyframes, máscaras, capas de ajuste, edición de texto y gráficos en movimiento, cámara, etc. Tambien un nivel medio en Photoshop y After Effects. Ver vídeo adjuntado a la oferta. La función principal del editor será: -Editar pista de audio comprobando que la locución coincide con el guión y ajustar pausas. -Descargar clips de videos de un banco de imágenes de stock, según el contexto del guión, y colocarlos en el proyecto. -Revisar que las animaciones gráficas de otro editor están correctas y corregir en caso contrario. Horario: 7:00 a 13:00 y de 14:30 a 16:30 (Hora Colombia). Imprescindible...
Editar y optimizar 12 clases en video para ofrecer un contenido visualmente atractivo, claro y profesional que pueda distribuirse de manera efectiva. Detalles de la Edición Corte de Clips: Identificar y eliminar pausas, errores o momentos innecesarios en cada clase. Organizar los clips de forma coherente para mejorar la fluidez y el ritmo de la clase. Ajuste de Colores: Corregir el color y ajustar los niveles de luz para mantener la uniformidad en todos los videos. Asegurarse de que los tonos sean consistentes y atractivos, mejorando la claridad visual. Textos de Apoyo Visual: Incorporar títulos, subtítulos y gráficos de texto en momentos clave para resaltar puntos importantes. Incluir palabras o frases resaltadas en pantalla para facilitar el seguimiento de...
Mi nombre es Rodrigo y tengo un canal de Youtube (Rigo Backstage) donde doy otra perspectiva de los festivales de baile (salsa, Bachata). Hago entrevistas (tipo podcast) con los artistas de baile y necesito un editor para los videos de Youtube en horizontal. De esa edicion necesito 2 exportaciones: - Version Entrevista con recursos (videos de los artista bailando en ventana por ejemplo) - Version sin recursos para el podcast Dado que mi publico es mas europeo, todos los videos (en español, ingles y alemán) son subtitulados al inglés. Esta ultima parte la puedo hacer yo a partir de los videos hechos por ti. Que necesito: Perfil deseado: De Argentina, Venezuela o Hispanoamerica Que conozca / le guste el baile y sepa diferenciar entre Salsa y Bachata (Para una mejor s...
Hola!!! Soy Roman de Argentina, Estoy buscando a alguien para editar mis videos, tengo mucho contenido filmado y me cuesta mucho este proceso. Necesito a alguien que sea proactivo, y que entienda la dinámica del canal. Para esto abra que seguir los videos que ya tengo publicados en YouTube. Necesito videos largos para Youtube de aproximadamente de 10 a 15 minutos y también Shorts para YouTube y Reels para Instagram. No cuento con mucho presupuesto, por lo que tampoco se exigirá una gran complejidad en la edición. Único requisito excluyente es ser Hispano parlante y preferentemente de Latinoamérica. Muchas gracias!!!
Se busca un profesional en motion graphics para la creación de un video corporativo animado de alta calidad. El video servirá como pieza central para presentaciones, salas de espera y otros espacios, con el objetivo de transmitir de manera visual y atractiva la esencia de nuestra marca y los resultados que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes. Requisitos del Video Animación del Logo: Creación de una animación impactante y memorable para la introducción y cierre del video. Elementos Visuales Metafóricos: Desarrollo de animaciones que representen de forma abstracta y creativa los resultados de nuestros servicios, como el crecimiento de las visualizaciones en redes sociales, el aumento del posicionamiento en buscadores y el incremento de las ventas en...
EDITORES VIDEO YOUTUBE ¡Oportunidad para Editores de Vídeo y Voz en Off para Canales en YouTube! ¿Eres un editor de vídeo con experiencia en narración y guionización, interesada en trabajar en un proyecto de crecimiento personal en español para YouTube? ¡Esta oportunidad es para ti! ¿Qué estamos buscando? Buscamos un profesional para una colaboración estable y duradera. Queremos establecer una relación sólida y constante en el tiempo, no se trata de un trabajo puntual. Nos importa la profesionalidad, la puntualidad en los plazos y la seriedad en el servicio ofrecido. Requisitos: - Experiencia comprobada en la creación y edición de vídeos para YouTube (mínimo 50 v&iacu...
I'm looking for a video editor with a smooth and minimalist editing style to edit my lifestyle and daily routines vlog. Must know HINDI AND ENGLISH. hence looking for Indian and Pakistani editors only. The primary platform for publishing the vlog is YouTube, so the editor should be familiar with YouTube's content style and video specifications. Key Requirements: - Experience in editing lifestyle vlogs - Proficient in creating smooth and minimalist edits - Familiar with YouTube's content style and specifications - Able to deliver high-quality video edits
I have a video in which all the wine bottles need to be replaced. For each animal, the wine bottle with the matching label should be replaced. It is important that the inserted bottles fit well into the video in terms of movement and color. Insert the entire bottle above the ones in the video. But it should move with the existing bottle and the color should match. The old bottle should no longer be visible. But the new bottle can be bigger than the old one, that's no problem.
I've just returned from an amazing trip to Indonesia and I need a skilled video editor to turn my raw footage into a captivating, cinematic-style travel vlog. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in video editing, particularly with travel vlogs. - Strong understanding of cinematic techniques and storytelling in film. - Ability to create engaging, visually stunning sequences from raw footage. - Proficiency in using high-quality video editing software. Your task would involve: - Editing down hours of footage into a 10-15 minute, fast-paced and entertaining vlog. - Incorporating music, transitions, and effects to enhance the cinematic feel. - Ensuring the final product is suitable for sharing on social media platforms. If you're a creative, detail-oriented video editor with a pa...
I'm seeking skilled video production experts, particularly in animation, to collaborate with on a range of creative projects. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have a strong portfolio in animation - Be open to creative collaboration - Possess good communication skills - Be able to meet deadlines Looking forward to working with talented individuals who share a passion for bringing stories to life through animation. Ideal candidates should have expertise in 3D animation styles.
I need a series of strength training videos aimed at beginners, with each video lasting 1 minute. Ideal Skills: - Experience in fitness training, particularly strength training - Ability to create engaging and easy to follow workout routines - Video production skills, including filming and editing The videos should be tailored to beginners, focusing on basic strength exercises that can be performed at home with minimal equipment. Each video should be concise but effective, demonstrating the exercises clearly and providing motivation for the viewer. Experience with creating fitness content for online platforms would be a plus, as would the ability to add voiceover or on-screen instructions to enhance the viewer's understanding. The videos should include `no background music or so...
I'm seeking a talented reel creator and photo shortlister for my travel and vacation moments. The objective is to compile these visuals for personal use, capturing the essence of my journeys. Key Requirements: - Sifting through my travel photos and video clips to select memorable moments. - Crafting engaging reels with an appealing blend of candid and stylized shots. - Editing the content to create a polished yet authentic portrayal of my travels. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software. - Strong sense of visual aesthetics. - Experience in creating personal travel reels.
please look into the channel - and Instagram page - I'm in need of a video editor who can help me edit a promotional video. The video should have a casual and laid-back style, rather than a corporate or high-energy vibe. Key Requirements: - Video editing for a casual, laid-back promotional video - Incorporating some provided branding elements - Creative input to enhance the casual tone The ideal candidate would be someone with experience in editing promotional videos and a knack for creating a relaxed, informal feel. If you have a portfolio of similar work, I would love to see it. The final video should be approximately 3-5 minutes long. Please include soft background music to maintain the casual feel.
I'm looking for an experienced video editor to help repurpose my 4-6 minute educational videos into engaging 20-30 second Instagram reels. The job will involve creating 30 reels per month, with each reel focusing on delivering a catchy, visually appealing message to capture viewer attention and increase social media engagement. Requirements: - Skilled in creating dynamic, eye-catching edits tailored to social media - Able to choose impactful moments that convey the essence of the content in 20-30 seconds - Familiarity with text overlays, captions, and trending music/sound effects that enhance engagement If you’re interested, please send me a few examples of your previous work, along with your rates and availability. Looking forward to collaborating!
I'm seeking an adept video editor with a flair for fast-paced, music-driven edits to enhance my workout routine clips. The ideal candidate should be able to seamlessly integrate slow-motion highlights, text overlays, and transitions between exercises to create engaging and professional content. Key Requirements: - Expert-level video editing skills, particularly for fitness content - Proven experience with creating fast-paced, music-driven content - Proficiency in implementing visual effects such as slow-motion highlights - Creativity in using elements like text overlays and transitions - Familiarity with YouTube content standards and trends Please provide samples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm looking for a logo that will help enhance my brand recognition. The style of the logo should be classic and timeless, rather than modern or overly playful. The color scheme should be strictly neutral tones - think black, white, and gray. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A strong portfolio of classic and timeless designs - Excellent understanding of brand-centric logo design - Ability to work with neutral color palettes - Experience in creating logos that enhance brand recognition
I'm in need of a skilled video editor to help polish my raw footage into an engaging, high-quality tutorial video for YouTube. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience editing content specifically for social media platforms, particularly YouTube - Ability to enhance video with transitions, sound effects, and graphics to improve viewer engagement Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into a cohesive, engaging tutorial video - Optimize video for YouTube's format and audience - Deliver a final product that meets high standards of quality and professionalism The final edited video should be 10-20 minutes long. I'm open to creative suggestions and proposals for the editing style.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY ... EVERY WORK MADE WITH AI, WILL BE CANCELLED. I'm looking for a skilled animator to bring my logo to life for a number of special occasions. The animations should be in a minimalist style, which is my preferred aesthetic. Occasions for Animation: - Christmas - New Year - Halloween - Black Friday - Italy Republic's Birthday - Valentine's Day - International Women's Day - Father's Day - Mother's Day - Easter - Independence Day Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in minimalist logo animation - Creative and able to work to specifications - Able to deliver high-quality work within deadlines Additionally, I have preferred colors for these animations, which I will provide. However, I encourage the use of creativity within the...
We are looking for a talented freelancer to create 3 Instagram Reels per day that combine fun video footage with eye-catching graphics and animations. If you're good at editing videos and designing graphics, we want to work with you! The goal is to create exciting and shareable content that grabs attention and fits with our brand. Content Focus: - The primary focus of the reels will be to promote my product (the services). Skills and Experience: - Video Editing - Graphic Design - Social Media Marketing - Understanding of Instagram Trends and Algorithms The candidate must be able to create engaging content that can capture the attention of Instagram users and convert them into potential customers. Previous experience working with digital marketing services or promoting similar servi...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help me create engaging Instagram Reels. The primary purpose of these videos will be to promote a product/service, so experience with marketing-oriented video editing is a must. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proven experience editing videos specifically for Instagram Reels - A strong understanding of video content that drives engagement on this platform - Skills in creating visually appealing and compelling videos to promote a product/service If you can help me turn my footage into exciting and effective promotional Reels, I'd love to hear from you.
I'm looking for a talented video creator who can help me produce a captivating video for my social media platforms (specifically Facebook and Instagram) with the primary goal of boosting user engagement. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven track record in social media video production - Strong understanding of Facebook and Instagram's video formats - Creative thinking to devise engaging content Please note, the style of the video has not been determined yet, so flexibility and creativity to propose different styles (animated, live-action, mixed media) would be greatly appreciated.
Looking for an animation designer. I own a car wash and want to create a promotional ad in animation style. Anyone interested in the job should send (their work portfolio and price per minute). Any offer without previous work examples from the designer will not be considered.
I'm looking for a skilled 2D animator who can create an animation video of a love story. I have storyboard ready, you need do 2 to 3 small changes into storyboard and after that the animation. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 2D animation, particularly in a cartoon style. - Experience in storytelling through animation. - Understanding of adult themes and humor. - Ability to deliver high-quality, engaging content. The primary purpose of this animation is to tell a captivating love story, so your storytelling skills and creativity will be key to the success of this project.
I'm in need of a skilled video editor who can help me with my YouTube videos. The editing style should be in line with popular Vlog aesthetics, incorporating engaging cuts, effects, and sound. Key Responsibilities: - Cutting and trimming clips to create a smooth, engaging flow - Adding effects and transitions that enhance the viewing experience without being overly distracting - Sound editing to ensure audio quality is up to par with the visuals Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Vlog-style video editing - Proficient in sound editing and post-production - Creative with effects and transitions, yet able to maintain a professional standard
I'm in need of a video editor who can take a few of my small clips and turn them into a dynamic, high-energy football promo video for TikTok and Instagram. The video needs to be: - Fast-paced and Energetic: The editing should reflect the high-octane nature of football, keeping viewers engaged and excited. - Set to High-Energy Music: This is a key aspect of the project. The video should be synced to an upbeat, high-energy soundtrack that enhances the action on screen. - Incorporating Specific Clips: I have a number of specific clips that must be included in the video. The successful freelancer will need to work with these clips alongside their own footage. Ideal candidates will have experience creating sports promo videos, with a strong understanding of pacing and rhythm in relation ...
only reply if you can shoot ultra realistic photos as required.
I'm seeking a skilled and imaginative freelance Video Editor for a 3-month contract. You will be primarily editing promotional videos for our brand, aimed at our customer base. This role involves close collaboration with our creative and content teams to ensure the final product aligns with our brand and messaging. Key Responsibilities: - Edit promotional videos tailored for our customers - Work with our creative and content teams - Deliver engaging, high-quality video content under tight deadlines Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional video editing skills - Strong attention to detail - Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines - Experience with corporate and formal video styles
I need a professional video editor to help edit a commercial video for my brand. - The video should be edited in a corporate/professional style. - Focus primarily on cutting and trimming the footage to make it smooth and engaging. Ideal candidates will have experience with commercial video editing and a keen understanding of corporate video styles. Please provide samples of similar work you've done in the past.
I'm in need of a skilled animator to bring my logo to life with a professional logo animation for both the light and dark logos. Key requirements: - Proficiency in creating motion graphics - Previous experience with logo animation - Ability to convey a fun and lively feel, while maintaining a professional standard - Skill in designing for both light and dark settings - Knowledge of the technical requirements for social media and video content platforms Your creativity and expertise will help enhance my brand's visibility and engagement. Let's make this logo pop!
I'm in search of a seasoned video editor who specializes in crafting faceless YouTube content. Your role will be to produce dynamic, engaging videos, filled with movement, special effects, and text overlays. Key Responsibilities: - Edit videos in a faceless style - Incorporate dynamic movements, special effects, and text overlays - Use map animations and text animations creatively Bonus Points: - If you have a solid understanding of geopolitics and military topics - If you can demonstrate experience with map animations Please note, we're not looking for simple slideshows of images and footage. The ideal candidate will have a portfolio showcasing their ability to create captivating, high-quality videos. If your work impresses us, there will be a steady stream of video editing ...
I want a guy walking around with a Big head because he is worried about business, sales, income and he is not using Printitude and a normal head and body of rich handsome guy being relaxed because Printitude has all the business marketing and print taken care of. The target duration for the animation is 30 seconds or less
I'm in need of a professional animator who can create a few animated videos in Hebrew. The purpose of these videos is for marketing and promotion, targeting an adult audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating engaging, high-quality animated content. - Experience in producing marketing content aimed at adults. - Ability to deliver projects in a timely manner.
I'm seeking a talented 2D Character Animation artist for an exciting project. The specifics of the character design and animation style are still open for discussion, so I'm looking for someone who can bring creativity and innovation to the table. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D animation software - Strong understanding of character design and animation principles - Experience in creating animations for games, marketing videos or educational content
Job Title: Anime Video Editor Location: Remote Job Type: Freelance, Paid per Video Rate: £40 per video (Length varies) Job Description: We’re looking for a talented video editor who has a strong passion for anime and can deliver high-quality edits that match the style of @animeinminutez?si=Eeb5exZpJ0er8FIg. If you’re an anime enthusiast with top-tier editing skills, this role could be a perfect fit. Please apply only if you have experience in anime video editing and can bring the same energy and precision as seen in the reference channel. Responsibilities: • Edit videos in a style similar to the Anime in Minutez YouTube channel. • Ensure high-quality, fast-paced edits that keep viewers engaged. • Understand and incorporate anime culture and references...
Job Title: Freelance Photo & Video Editor & Album Designer Needed for Cinematic Wedding Memories Description: I’m seeking a talented photo and video editor who can enhance my wedding photos and videos to create a beautiful, high-quality, cinematic collection. I’d like the final output to be polished and emotionally resonant, capturing the magic of the day. Additionally, I’m looking for an album designer to create a stunning wedding album that showcases these memories in an elegant, timeless way. Requirements: • Photo Editing: • High-quality color correction, lighting, and contrast adjustments for a cinematic look • Natural yet refined retouching, with attention to detail • Background adjustments as needed for ambiance • Consistent s...
I'm in need of a professional videographer to shoot a product demonstration video in a live-action style. Key Requirements: - The video should be shot against a clean, white background - The videographer should have access to a studio or be able to set up a suitable space - The video should be between 1-2 minutes in length. - Proper lighting setup to ensure the product is clearly visible and well-lit. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in live-action video production - Prior work on product demonstration videos - Ability to create a high-quality, professional standard video The location for the shoot is flexible, provided that the setup meets the requirements and the quality of the video is up to par. Prior to bidding, please provide examples of your previous work ...
Im looking for a skilled video editor who can enhance my TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. The primary purpose of these videos is marketing and knowledge in the clothing / manufacturing nieche. Key Requirements: - Expertise in editing entertaining content for TikTok and Instagram Reels - Ability to incorporate special effects seamlessly - Knowledge how to attach viewers throughout the video - Skillful use of advanced transitions to maintain a dynamic flow - Understanding of the 'trendy and fast-paced' style More Info: Most Videos are about 15-30 seconds long 30 videos a month Paying 8-10$ per TikTok for 30 sec max, potential growth for more. PLEASE PROVIDE REFERANCES!! In which direction it should go:
I'm looking for a talented video editor or special effects artist to create a 15-30 second video for me. The main purpose of the video is entertainment, so it should be fun and engaging. The video will primarily be used on social media, so it should be optimized for these platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with special effects - Understanding of social media video trends Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal.
I'm seeking a skilled animator to create a lively, cartoonish 3D animation of my logo. The primary use for this animation will be across my social media platforms, so it needs to be engaging and eye-catching. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D animation and logo design - Ability to create a cartoonish style in animation - Knowledge of vibrant color usage, as opposed to a specific brand color scheme Ideal Candidates: - Previous experience with creating 3D logo animations for social media - Strong portfolio demonstrating cartoonish 3D animations - Excellent understanding of engaging, vibrant animations suitable for social media
I'm in search of a skilled videographer and editor for my YouTube vlog channel. The ideal candidate should have experience creating fast-paced and dynamic content, as well as incorporating text overlays and special effects. Key Responsibilities: - Film vlogs with a creative and engaging perspective - Edit footage into a fast-paced, dynamic style - Incorporate text overlays and special effects seamlessly - Collaborate on content ideas and improvements Skills & Experience: - Proven experience with YouTube vlog editing - Proficient in video editing software - Creative mindset with a keen eye for detail - Experience with filming and editing dynamic content - Ability to incorporate special effects and text overlays The candidate should be able to produce and edit videos on a weekly ...
Project to create an animation over on images (preference will be given to those who show an example) In image 1: there’s an Uber Eats motorcycle In image 2: a man dives into the water In image 3: a jet ski
I have purchased a graphic template for a solar panels presentation and need to modify the entire content to be more suitable for a technical audience. Key Requirements: - Change all the text in the template to a technical tone - No need for images, diagrams, or icons to be added - Integrate industry-specific terms and jargon where appropriate. - Verify all technical data and statistics for accuracy. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong technical understanding and writing skills - Experience in editing presentation templates - Attention to detail in ensuring all text is suitably modified
I'm looking for a contemporary style edit for a short Instagram video showcasing some streetwear and casual wear pieces. The video should be an engaging commercial aimed at teenagers and young adults, with a focus on showcasing fashion styles rather than static poses or promoting a specific event. Key aspects of the project include: - A modern, dynamic editing style that will resonate with a younger audience - An understanding and appreciation of streetwear and casual fashion - Experience in creating Instagram content - Ability to create an engaging, non-static video The final product should not only showcase the fashion styles, but also increase our social media engagement. The ideal freelancer will have a strong background in fashion videography and editing, with a keen sense for...
I'm in need of a 15-minute 3D animated episode for a children's show. The episode is set in a fantasy world and features animal characters. Character design is finished, and I have hired an animator specializing in coloring and shading post animation. See attached two character ref sheets. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D animation - Experience in creating animated content for children - Ability to create engaging and suitable animation in a fantasy setting - Understanding of pacing and storytelling for a 15-minute episode Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.
Great graphic design will solidify your brand identity and drive revenue. Find out how to hire a great designer and what you should expect to pay.
Learn how to hire and work with Adobe Photoshop expert freelancers for your graphic design projects.
Learn how to find, hire and work effectively with a freelance Advertising Specialist for your marketing needs.