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    2,000 webrtc many to many trabajos encontrados

    Básicamente necesito tres cosas en mi app médica de Laravel 9 Vue 2 . - Consulta en línea ( videoconferencia entre paciente y doctor(webRTC) sin API de pago como twilio) - Que los pacientes puedan puntuar con estrellas a los médicos y dar su opinión de cada cita. - Despliegue en servidor de cPanel.

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    Busco un desarrollador freelance con experiencia en: Moodle (PHP) y plugin Geniai (código modificado para grabar y reproducir audio). Django (backend que comunica Moodle con OpenAI y gestiona datos en MariaDB). OpenAI (Whisper, TTS, Realtime Mini) e integración de APIs. WebRTC/WebSockets para optimizar el manejo de audio. Antecedentes Hemos modificado el plugin Geniai (solo texto en defecto) en Moodle para que el alumno: Grabe su audio manualmente (clic en "grabar" / "parar"). El audio se transcribe con Whisper. Procesamos la respuesta con OpenAI. Retornamos el audio al alumno usando TTS (proceso largo ahora...). El backend en Django administra la comunicación entre Moodle y OpenAI, y usa MariaDB para almacenar datos. Actualmente, los usuari...

    $518 Average bid
    $518 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas

    ...y optimización de WebRTC para garantizar calidad en las llamadas, además de medidas para evitar bloqueos en países restringidos. • Creación de una página web de descargas idéntica a la de Signal, adaptada a mi marca, que incluya descargas para aplicaciones móviles y para instaladores de escritorio (Windows, macOS y Linux) y mantenga el sistema de actualizaciones automáticas ya presente en Signal. • Mantener el código abierto de Signal sin modificaciones, excepto en los cambios mencionados. Requisitos: Experiencia comprobada en desarrollo con el código abierto de Signal (Signal-Android, Signal-iOS, Signal-Desktop). Conocimiento en configuración y optimización de servidores en DigitalOce...

    $2220 Average bid
    $2220 Oferta promedio
    44 ofertas

    *English Story:* "Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sophia. She lived in a small village surrounded by mountains and forests. Sophia loved to explore the outdoors and dreamed of one day becoming a great adventurer. One day, Sophia decided to go on a journey to discover a hidden treasure. She packed a bag with food, water, and a map, and set off early in the morning. As she walked through the forest, Sophia encountered many obstacles, including steep hills, rushing streams, and wild animals. But she persevered, using her courage and wit to overcome each challenge. Finally, after many hours of walking, Sophia reached the top of a great mountain. There, she found a chest filled with gold, jewels, and a note that read: 'Congr...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    ...converting the attached design to HTML and embedding it within a PHP file. The editable design file in AI format will be provided, along with the necessary images exported to PNG. This project must be completed within 24 hours, and this deadline is non-negotiable. Proposals specifying more than 24 hours will not be accepted. If the project is not completed within the 24-hour timeframe, it will be considered unsuccessful. I regret the limited time available, but this is the timeframe I can offer. The project is relatively simple for someone experienced in these tasks. I will provide FTP/Cpanel credentials for the developer to work directly on the server. The design is provided in desktop format, but it should be configured to be responsive and adaptable ...

    $174 Average bid
    $174 Oferta promedio
    47 ofertas

    Presupuesto 20 dólares necesito disponibilidad desde la 2 pm de la tarde a 3 colombiana no me esta funcionando la automatización de many chat y quiero revisar por video conferencia la configuración, idioma español, despues ya veremos mas posibles cosas

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    ...We need to perform web scrapping of a website that we will indicate at the beginning of the job. It is to extract the data that I attach in the excel example of a website similar to tradefairdates dot com (please search in google). In total there are 16 countries, which together add up to a total of 40 cities. You can see a screenshot of how this info would be organized in the listing (A). At the same time we need that inside the scraping also download the information about the fairgrounds, with its photo and description. Here you can see how the fairgrounds would look like (C) 2- You will send to us the excel (not csv so we can check it easy with clumns set) with all scrapped data including scrapped description of each show and we will return it ...

    $519 Average bid
    $519 Oferta promedio
    39 ofertas

    ...designer/developer to create an educational platform (web and mobile app) focused on language learning, similar to Duolingo. The main idea is that the professional will be in charge of developing the skeleton of the platform (structure and functionality), while I will be in charge of filling in the content. IMPORTANT: You only have to create the structure and method for 1 LANGUAGE. You do not have to design for all languages. The key is that the designer must create a method by which when I have published all the sections, chapters and lessons of that main language, I can duplicate that structure as many times as I need to make room for the rest of the languages ​​that the website and app will have, and then I only have to change the text...

    $1520 Average bid
    $1520 Oferta promedio
    69 ofertas

    5 POINTS TO CONSIDER 1 - I would like to know how much the total cost of the fully completed work is, so that it does not become a surprise. 2 - I will consider the work as finished when in one tab of a browser I can see and listen to the streaming from a Raspberry, while at the same time, that is, simultaneously, in another tab the streaming from another is accessed, any other option that does not achieve this, which is my objective, would be considered as unfinished. If the objective is not met, I would ask the platform for a refund. I am only looking for a fair deal for both parties. 3 - I have a PC with Ubuntu 24 and I will provide remote access to it through the application called “nomachine”. Likewise, I will provide remote access to ...

    $1132 Average bid
    $1132 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    Necesito buscar a alguien que pueda instalar webrtc en un hosting y este se conecte con un asterisk para finalmente la web pueda hacer llamdas telfonicas mediante una llamada de telefonia IP. hay documentacion pero se necesita alguien que tenga experiencia.

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas

    5 POINTS TO CONSIDER 1 - I would like to know how much the total cost of the fully completed work is, so that it does not become a surprise. 2 - I will consider the work as finished when in one tab of a browser I can see and listen to the streaming from a Raspberry, while at the same time, that is, simultaneously, in another tab the streaming from another is accessed, any other option that does not achieve this, which is my objective, would be considered as unfinished. If the objective is not met, I would ask the platform for a refund. I am only looking for a fair deal for both parties. 3 - I have a PC with Ubuntu 24 and I will provide remote access to it through the application called “nomachine”. Likewise, I will provide remote access to ...

    $419 Average bid
    $419 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    ...desde una página web alojada en un servidor local (un PC con el sistema operativo Linux Ubuntu de 64 bits) los streams de vídeo y audio emitidos por varias Raspberrys (con el sistema operativo original de Raspberry llamado “Buster”) que utilizarían una webcam específica de Raspberry y un micrófono USB, utilizando el software de streaming en cada Raspberry llamado “UV4L” que utiliza el protocolo WebRTC que permite una latencia casi nula. En el PC con Unbuntu se instalaría Apache con reverse proxy, websocket y rewriting y Janus Gateway para distribuir el streaming por los puertos de comunicación. Hay que configurar una sala para cada Raspberry en Janus y se puede acceder a varios streaming de varias Raspberrys...

    $533 Average bid
    $533 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    ...-------------- Perform synchronization with BigBuy in a way fully adapted to the BigBuy API. That the server is agile in loading the catalog, prices, images, texts...etc. WE ONLY SPEAK SPANISH Catalog API: To be able to obtain and consult in real time the entire catalog, category structure, images, prices, offers and stocks of BigBuy. - Stocks in real time - Descriptions and product names in Spanish language - Complete category tree in Spanish - Check price changes in real time - Available all our product images API Orders: To be able to transfer, in an automated way and in real time, orders from Woocommerce to BigBuy avoiding stock breaks. ...

    $222 Average bid
    $222 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    Design Similar to - Internal Communication and Control from the Administration Panel Security and Privacy: Implementation of robust security measures to protect data integrity and user privacy. The entire system must be internal, without using external services such as Agora or Twilio, thus guaranteeing full control over the communication platform. We are looking to develop an Android application along with a web administration panel that allows creating communication channels and managing users with the following specific functionalities: Channel Creation: Ability to create multiple communication channels within the application, each with its own name and settings. Push-to-Talk Communication (PTT): One to One: Feature that allows users to...

    $495 Average bid
    $495 Oferta promedio
    39 ofertas

    Necesito un colaborador con un amplio conocimiento en el desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en Node.js. Es crucial que hayas trabajado en proyectos de WebRTC durante al menos 3 meses, preferiblemente en videoconferencias y compartir pantalla. Idealmente, deberías: - Ser un experto en Node.js con una sólida experiencia en desarrollo backend. - Haber trabajado en proyectos WebRTC en el pasado, especialmente en videoconferencias y compartir pantalla. - Tener al menos más de 3 meses de experiencia en proyectos WebRTC. - Hablar español con fluidez para una comunicación eficaz. ¡Espero poder contar contigo!

    $746 Average bid
    $746 Oferta promedio
    38 ofertas

    ...000 liters The report must have the condition to take the load point if it was kept at a high level for more than 10 minutes, it has not moved and the value did not change, let's say 5000,10000,15000,20000lts, it will mark it as load, when it is stopped for 10 minutes and begins to detect discharge movement of more than 2000 liters, it will take the last largest value as the discharge. • The report must be generated in the same place where they are currently generated (image 1). The PDF, HTML and XLS format is required, such as those for Fuel fillings and Fuel thefts. • What we want to know is how many liters the vehicle leaves our offices with and how many liters it arrives with our clients before emptying the fuel. • Demo accoun...

    $151 Average bid
    $151 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    ...BigBuy in a way that is totally adapted to our needs with the BigBuy API. Catalog API: To be able to obtain and consult in real time the entire BigBuy catalog, category structure and stocks. API Carriers: To be able to obtain or consult in real time the exact price and all the carriers that BigBuy offers, taking into account the volumetric weight, regions or zip codes with additional costs, maximum package sizes supported by the agencies, etc. - Shipping costs updated in real time - Consult shipping times for any set of BigBuy products. - Get all BigBuy shipping agencies. API Trackings ID: To be able to obtain or consult, in real time, the tracking number of the carrier (Tracking...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    I’m seeking a Spanish-speaking virtual assistant, that will help me find Leeds on LinkedIn and send them an intro message. In the long run I would need to get in touch with approximately 600 companies all around Iberia. Before assigning the full project, I would like to test the quality and the speed of the performance. Therefore, the first part of the project will consist of showing me how many leads can be created, and how many can be contacted in 1 hour. This project has specifically this goal. ———————————————————————————————- Para hispanohablantes: Estoy buscando ...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Oferta promedio
    71 ofertas

    ...firma de correo y debe incluir su QR. Debe permitir guardarse como contacto fácilmente y la plantilla debe incluir los plugins requeridos para funcionar correctamente We want to replace the card system that we maintain with the hihello company with our own easy-to-use system that is in WordPress. It should have the same functionalities as the attached example: It is important that the template must be easy to manage since we want to create many cards, each card must include its email signature format and must include its QR. It must allow you to easily save as a contact and the template must include the required plugins to function correctly...

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Oferta promedio
    38 ofertas
    Chatvoice Unity WebGl
    Finalizado left

    Necesito una implementacion ya sea con servidor propio o webrtc para hacer un chat de voz en webgl con unity o en Js controlado via unity.

    $159 Average bid
    $159 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    ...altamente deseable. - Conocimiento de tecnologías relacionadas con videollamadas, como WebRTC, es fundamental. - Dominio de lenguajes de programación como Java o Kotlin y familiaridad con las herramientas de desarrollo de Android. - Habilidad para trabajar de manera independiente y en colaboración con otros equipos, como diseño y desarrollo. - Habilidad para comunicarse efectivamente y presentar ideas técnicas de manera clara y comprensible. - Capacidad para adaptarse a cambios rápidos y aprender nuevas tecnologías y conceptos relacionados con el desarrollo de plugins. --- As a Capacitor plugin developer, you will have the exciting task of creating a component that will allow you to receive video calls...

    $1243 Average bid
    $1243 Oferta promedio
    29 ofertas

    Instalación y configuración de la ultima versión de Issabel con WebRTC en instancias T4g de la familia EC2 de AWS, se deben dejar funcionando todos los servicios que incluye la ultima versión de Issabel.

    $874 Average bid
    $874 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    Voy a estar realizando un lanzamiento Digital es decir una campaña de venta de un viaje internacional, la idea es modelar la estrategia de lanzamiento por medio de tráfico, embudo, página de captura y de venta, llevarlos al webinar y buscar la ...del lanzamiento pre- captación, durante ( asistencia al webinar), post - remarketing • Análisis y interpretación de métricas para evaluar ads, funnels. 3. Automatización y funnels: • Crear y configurar cada paso del lanzamiento. •Página de captura / venta / downsell / carrito de compra. • Saber utilizar Active campaing para automatizar las campañas de email marketing • SI sabe de bots de many chat excelente sino no hay problema. • Que...

    $407 Average bid
    $407 Oferta promedio
    23 ofertas

    Hola, tengo un servidor Signaling para webRTC, , es una página html que contiene varios controles y que realiza algunas funciones a través de JavaScript . Tengo un ejemplo de como añadir dos controles de texto y un botón para enviar y recibir datos a través de los controles pero no sé como hacerlo. El codigo javascrip lo tengo de otro proyecto, solo sería copia y pegar en el lugar adecuado que para alguien que conozca el lenguaje no lleva mas de unos minutos probablemente. Actualmente la página tiene un visor de video, un control que lista las tarjetas de video que hay en el dispositivo y un botón para conectar. En otro ejemplo funcional tengo un control de texto y un botón, que envía el contenido de...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    Deseamos desarrollar una app android que haga las veces de softphone utilizando WebRTC. El softphone deberá tener una vista de login, para lo cual usará un API REST de nuestro sistema de callcenter para validar sus credenciales y a través del cual recibirá los parametros para registrar su softphone WebRTC. Debe contar con funcionalidades de llamar, contestar, transferencia, conferencia, mute, hold, historial. Deberá soportar codecs g729, g711, opus. Además de la vista de softphone deberá tener una sección adicional con acceso a 03 reportes. Para obtener información de los reportes se brindará API REST el cual recibe parámetros para filtrar (fecha, origen, destino, tipo de llamada, etc).

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    Se solicita instalar en un hosting la tecnología WebRTC para envió de video en tiempo real tipo chat desde navegadores. Además luego adjuntar proyecto e instalador de saber generarlo

    $189 Average bid
    $189 Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

    La plataforma se hiso con php+js jitsi-meet esta hecho con javascript jigasi esta hecho con java webrtc(jibri) y front (jitsi-meet) estan en el mismo servidor Se quieren agregar las siguientes funcionalidades: 1. Mejorar el flujo del usuario al navegar 1.1. Se entregará un figma con prototipado en donde se mostrará el flujo de toda la interacción de usuario) . El desarrollador deberán modificar el flujo en base al flujo del figma. La plataforma debe tener el mismo flujo que el del prototipado 2. Mejorar la interfaz 2.1. Se entregará el diseño en figma. El desarrollador debe maquetar la interfaz basandose en el diseño enviado. Debe quedar exactamente como se indica en el diseño (estructura, colores, etc) 3. Mejorar funcionali...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    Tengo un programa en PHP/Javascript que se conecta a Asterisk por medio de WEBRTC, Deseo al hacer un proceso, (llamar, recibir, colgar, pausar, transferir y terminar) recibir la informaciñon de la sesiòn o información que trae WEBRTC de Asterisk Solo quiero saber como hacer el metodo

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    Hola Miguel, que tardas en hacer un webrtc con firebase?

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Hola Ezequiel estoy mirando de hacer un proyecto con webrtc, js principalmente y conectarlo con mi firebase. te animas?

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Hola Carlos estoy mirando de hacer un proyecto con webrtc, js principalmente y conectarlo con mi firebase. te animas?

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Buenas, dominas webrtc y js ?

    $51 Average bid
    $51 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Hola Mariano, quiero hacer unas cosas con webrtc, es js, lo dominas ? un saludo

    $258 Average bid
    $258 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Hola Guillermo , quiero hacer unas cosillas con webrtc, es js principalmente, lo dominas ?

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Project for Manuel E.
    Finalizado left

    Hola Manuel! estoy haciendo una red social. las funcionalidades son un chat (websockets) para escribirte con la gente que segun la DB (postgres) es afin a vos y despues una parte de "ruleta telefonica" para hablar con alguien al azar de la base de datos que funciona con webRTC tengo mucho hecho ya, pero no soy developer y necesito alguien que lo termine cuando quieras podemos hablar y te muestro un poco el código asi vemos como seguir. Saludos! Hernan

    $206 Average bid
    $206 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Program the application according to the following specification: o The application takes the number of points to be calculated as user input. o It passes the number of points to a function that generates random point coordinates and writes them into an array of points in the following syntax: [[lat,lon][lat,lon]…]. o The points should vary +/- one degree around a central coordinate of your choice. o After all points have been generated, the “generate point” function calls a “sort and count” function. o The “sort and count” function checks in which quadrants the points fall: north-west, north-east, south-west or south-east of your central coordinate. o The sum of points for each quadrant are displayed on the website. and the ...

    $319 Average bid
    $319 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    Buen dia estamos buscando obtener la informacion de many chat (queremos saber cuanta gente quedo en cada uno de los pasos de nuestros flujos (dato que da manychat) y que se tire de forma automatica o semiautomatica a google sheet. Ademas nos gustaria tener los datos de la pulicidad de facebook

    $731 Average bid
    $731 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    I'm physician looking for a/or designers to make illustrations about many categories in medicine and public health. Hola, soy médico especialista buscando un diseñador o grupo de diseñadores para la elaboración de ilustraciones informativas de cuidado de la salud. El contenido puede ser básico o dirigido a público con entrenamiento avanzado. El concepto es la "personalización", es decir, contenidos que se adapten al público, en esta nueva modalidad e-health. Hacer la información fácil de llegar, de entender y de impacto. A mediano plazo establecer un networking entre profesionales de la salud y diseñadores para la creación de nuevos modelos de acceso a la educación, p...

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Oferta promedio
    23 ofertas

    Necesito freelance para integración de Api de proveedor de servicios de webrtc. en mi sitio web

    $114 Average bid
    $114 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    ...small business from Tarragona (Spain) called "Five Senses". We want to create a line of natural cosmetic products (serum, creams, soaps) along with other products for home (candles, air fresheners) with a colorful, creative, self-care love, youthful and respectful with the environment. We need a logo for the brand and a design for the packaging of a small and medium box. In addition, we would need a design for the labeling of some candles that go in glass jars. We would like the logo design to be minimalist, but for the packaging we would like it to be the logo together with a background that gives a feeling of modernity, color, creativity with a minimalist touch. We would like to know what budget you would have and how many different d...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    Instalar server WebRTC conexion en remoto, daré acceso via TeamViewer. si puedes dejarme mensaje dando tu aporte de conocimiento facilitaría la contratacion

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas
    Excel Expert.
    Finalizado left

    I have a DB in excel. There are many register that includes Type and date and hour. I may get the response time in between. The problem is that in the range, there are many trash register that needs to be removed. Example: Normal must be: Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:40am Cancel - 20/Feb - 9:43am So it means it is 3 minute attending. However, the Database has trash register like: Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:40am Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:41am Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:41am Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:42am Cancel - 20/Feb - 9:43am So it means the attending is 3 min. so we need to remove the trash data. Only analyze the min of that data range.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    Necesito Crear una interface Web C# mvc para recibir y Generar Llamados Utilizar WebRTC

    $230 Average bid
    $230 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas
    Proyecto Universidad
    Finalizado left

    Proyecto WebRtc universidad . App ionic

    $4086 Average bid
    $4086 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Name aplicacion : JOB
    Finalizado left

    ... Hello, I want to make a service application for users to find informal jobs. Currently there are many applications that offer this service, but I want to make one a little easier, Here are some examples from Google's Play Store: Company 2.Mr. Right - Home Services App 3. JOB TODAY: Job offers for professionals The application must integrate several example functions 1. Chat where both parties can communicate and allow the sending of photos and videos 2. A notification area 3. Area where the publications of the works will be placed 4. Star evaluation system 5. A search engine that searches for similarity or association 6. Scheduling appointments 7. The application must have the option to select the language between Spanish and E...

    $1755 Average bid
    $1755 Oferta promedio
    49 ofertas

    ...fintech company that has a "crowdfunding" platform where many different types of fundmanagers publish their assets on. These funds/assets could offer shares, bonds or more complicated finantial instruments. Right now we have a main core project from where we were able to create different branches (in GitHub) and then apply changes per client but this became non-scalable. The job will be based basically on two main tasks: 1.- Data Structure. Define a data structure that is able to work with all kind of different finantial instruments, specially different types of bonds and shares. 2.- Project development. Define a way of how to work with a core system where we can apply common updates or fixes and then been able to apply custom modification...

    $37 / hr Average bid
    $37 / hr Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas
    Finalizado left

    Requiero subir en forma masiva productos a mi tienda de wix Necesitamos a alguien que sea experto...tambien necesito que me ayude a mejorar la info de la tienda ..por ejemplo calculo automatico de despacho la idea es optimizar la tienda actual en español sería ideal. --- I need to bulk upload products to my wix store We need an expert in Wix. I have all the information in excel, prices and photos the idea is that you adapt it to the wix template, and do the massive upload there are many products that the excel, transform it into the cvs that wix requests in its template I also need you to help me improve the info of the store ..for example automatic dispatch calculation the idea is to optimize the current s...

    $149 Average bid
    Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
    $149 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    Necesito poder hacer una buena configuración en Many Chat ya que desde que le puse la versión pagada a todos los que me escriben les sale unsubscribe o solo la palabra empezar y no funciona el chat automático y no sé cómo arreglarlo.

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas
    Web3 dApp
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    We are a California Company, 23+ years bringing ideas to life. We are in the production stage of a Dapp and different Blockchain ecosystem tools and NFT games. We are looking for a developer specialized in Web3 development working with Solidity, Infura, Moralis… time is quite sensitive. We need to create a bridge or a function from a chain and in a deep layer from a mining contract to a DEX. There are thousands of script resources available and templates ready to get a line changed, And must be done in 3 days. Buscamos programador web3 con dominio de Solidity, Infura, Moralis… para proyecto en dApp Urgente! La fase a crear consiste en connectar bien mediante code o bajo smart contract una nueva blockchain con DEX 1inch Gran cantidad de recurs...

    $328 Average bid
    $328 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas