Hiring a translator arabic in athens greecetrabajos
...características a fin de que todo esto sirva de base para el desarrollo que se estará contratando. Todo lo anterior se aportará de forma reservada y confidencial a quien realice el proyecto. El logotipo que se espera obtener deberá contar con las siguientes características: Debe ser original, moderno, simple pero llamativo, que hable de la marca, es decir que conecte al cliente con la marca, debe ser innovador, creativo, apropiado para nuestra empresa y dedicación. Cabe recalcar que la manera en que se contratara sera mediante un análisis del perfil ya que buscamos la excelencia en este proyecto, esto por cuanto el primer paso será el diseño del logo pero luego contrataremos Identidad Corporativa y otros...
Buen día Necesito urgentemente un traductor Inglés- Español para traducir un documento de 26 página y alrededor de 3600 palabras.
...desarrollo que, de forma resumida, contendrá las siguientes características: - El sistema permitirá al usuario subir unos textos y elegir si desea que sean traducidos a otros idiomas por un traductor experto (persona) o mediante un traductor automático. Si se elige la opción de traductor automático, utilizaremos el API de Google Translate o Microsoft Translator (se utilizará únicamente uno de los dos, en ningún caso se tendrá que desarrollar el sistema para ambos). El usuario elegirá los diferentes idiomas en los que desea los textos y cada uno de ellos como desea que sea traducido (automático o experto). El sistema calculara el precio en base a las palabras, idiomas y si son autom&a...
Nos encontramos en la búsqueda de editores - correctores de proyectos traducidos del inglés al esp...de editores - correctores de proyectos traducidos del inglés al español. Deberán contar con conocimientos y experiencia en al menos 2 de las siguientes herramientas: ? Google Translator Toolkit (no es traductor automático de google) ? Idiom ? MemoQ ? Studio ? Trados ? Translation Workspace ? Wordfast PRO Es requisito excluyente adherirse a los más altos estándares de calidad lingüística en los trabajos realizados, los cuales se evaluarán mediante una prueba técnica. Nuestro perfil de freelancers requiere que sean personas proactivas, que respondan mediante un trabajo de elevado nivel profesional ...
Tengo trabajo en curso relacionado con nuestros proyectos anteriores 'Translate some properties files from English to Arabic'
Traductor Bulgaro - Bulgarian Translator
HI need translate of spanish or English to Tahilandes Attached Work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola Necesito traductor ingles o español a Tahilandes Adjunto Trabajo
Me ofrezco como traductora de inglés-español y español inglés, en textos de cualquier índole o característica. I offer myself as a translator for english and spanish writings.
. Migrar las bases de datos de contenidos de la web actual. . Instalar plantilla en un servidor de webempresa y adaptarla a las necesidades. . Instalar plugins: mailchimp, WordPress SEO o similar, Herramienta de traducción al inglés con ayuda de Google Translator, Akismet o similar para limpiar los comentarios de spam, Plugin Google Drive for WordPress, Plugin Google Analytics for WordPress, herramienta que permita, cada vez que se publica un nuevo contenido, que esté sea publicado automáticamente en las principales cuentas de redes sociales: twitter, facebook, google+... . Migrar lista de suscriptores actuales a mailchimp. . Hacer los ajustes necesarios una vez instalado todo. . Hacer 10 horas de formación presencial, con la n...
Country/Area 1 Santorini Greece 2 Lombok Indonesia 3 Palawan Philippines 4 Benguerra Mozambique 5 Moorea French Polynesia 6 Rarotonga South Pacific 7 Galápagos Ecuador 8 Koh Samui Thailand 9 St John Us Virgin Islands 10 Grand Cayman Western Caribbean Sea
Requiero personal capaz de aceder a servidor de dominio publico, que sepa de seguridad informatica y utilizando conocimiento de herramientas SQL injection o cualquier otro logre filtrarse a las bases de datos, registrar depterminada información y salir sin dejar huellas. El costo sera de 500 USD cada registro que le pida. Para dar mas informacion escribirme y dare en detalle lo que deseo. Translator Google: I require staff able to access this public domain server , you know computer security and using knowledge of SQL injection tools or any other filtered achieve databases , record depterminada information and exit without a trace. The cost will be $ 500 each record that asks. To write and give you more information in detail what I wan...
...I need a bilingual (german and spanish) freelancer to translate the 4 attached pdf files from german to spanish (spain), not latin are aprox. 15 pages each. New freelancers are welcome to apply to the project. The only condition is that it has to be a human translation or interpretation, what i mean is that it doesn´t has to be a literal word by word translation. If there is something that translated doesn´t make sense, feel free to slightly change it so that the main message remains the same. The translation will be proofread by myself. I am bilingual in both languages but don´t have time to do the translation myself. After proofreading is done, payment is issued. The budget is not that big, therefore please don´t bid in...
Hola, Orion Traducciones busca un intérprete Checo-Español para interpretar en una reunión de trabajo (consecutivo) en Vigo los días 20-21 de Mayo. Envíenos por favor tu mejor tarifa para agencias cuanto antes. Muchas gracias. Atentamente, Mark-Philip van der Poel Orion Traducciones
I am looking to hire a person on a regular basis to post CL for my job offer in the following locations: I have 100 locations and I need you to start right now! Please dont take this job if you can not start right now. Mexico baja sur chihuahua ciudad juarez guadalajara guanajuato hermosillo mazatlan mexico city monterrey oaxaca puebla puerto vallarta tijuana veracruz yucatan Latin America belo horizonte bolivia brasilia buenos aires caribbean chile colombia costa rica curitiba dominican ecuador el salvador fortaleza guatemala montevideo nicaragua panama peru porto alegre puerto rico recife rio de janeiro salvador sao paulo venezuela virgin islands Europe austria belgium bulgaria croatia czech republic ...
I am looking to hire a person on a regular basis to post CL for my job offer in the following locations: Mexico baja sur chihuahua ciudad juarez guadalajara guanajuato hermosillo mazatlan mexico city monterrey oaxaca puebla puerto vallarta tijuana veracruz yucatan Latin America belo horizonte bolivia brasilia buenos aires caribbean chile colombia costa rica curitiba dominican ecuador el salvador fortaleza guatemala montevideo nicaragua panama peru porto alegre puerto rico recife rio de janeiro salvador sao paulo venezuela virgin islands Europe austria belgium bulgaria croatia czech republic denmark finland france germany greece hungary iceland ireland italy luxembourg netherlands norway ...
I am looking to hire a person on a regular basis to post CL for my job offer in the following locations: Mexico baja sur chihuahua ciudad juarez guadalajara guanajuato hermosillo mazatlan mexico city monterrey oaxaca puebla puerto vallarta tijuana veracruz yucatan Latin America belo horizonte bolivia brasilia buenos aires caribbean chile colombia costa rica curitiba dominican ecuador el salvador fortaleza guatemala montevideo nicaragua panama peru porto alegre puerto rico recife rio de janeiro salvador sao paulo venezuela virgin islands Europe austria belgium bulgaria croatia czech republic denmark finland france germany greece hungary iceland ireland italy luxembourg netherlands norway ...
... I need a bilingual (german and spanish) freelancer to translate the 8 attached pdf files from german to spanish (spain), not latin are aprox. 15 pages each. New freelancers are welcome to apply to the project. The only condition is that it has to be a human translation or interpretation, what i mean is that it doesn´t has to be a literal word by word translation. If there is something that translated doesn´t make sense, feel free to slightly change it so that the main message remains the same. The translation will be proofread by myself. I am bilingual in both languages but don´t have time to do the translation myself. After proofreading is done, payment is issued. The budget is not that big, therefore please don´t bid in hi...
...I need a bilingual (german and spanish) freelancer to translate the attached pdf files from german to spanish (spain), not latin are aprox. 15 pages each. New freelancers are welcome to apply to the project. The only condition is that it has to be a human translation or interpretation, what i mean is that it doesn´t has to be a literal word by word translation. If there is something that translated doesn´t make sense, feel free to slightly change it so that the main message remains the same. The translation will be proofread by myself. I am bilingual in both languages but don´t have time to do the translation myself. After proofreading is done, payment is issued. The budget is not that big, therefore please don´t bid in ...
Se requiere la traducción de textos de una página web del español al inglés. Se entregará documento con todos los textos a traducir, que incluyen desde simples palabras a párrafos completos. Nosotros somos una empresa de servicios funerarios, por lo que los conceptos y términos utilizados se refieren al área de servicios que manejamos. Se requiere que la traducción sea profesional. Por favor, abstenerse de ofertar aprendices o los que utilizan programas de traducción como Google Translator. Son alrededor de 20.000 palabras. Los textos no están referenciados con las ubicaciones en la página web, obviamente para poder obtener el tamaño exacto en palabras a traducir. Cla...
First of all sorry for my bad english, i used google translator because i havent got enought time to translate it by myself, if youve got any doubt send me an email. Hello we are creating a social network of cinema that exceeds the well known 1) for that we bought the famous script Which has as its main features that matter the content of movies, series, actors and automatically news, the and we've been working on version 1.6.8 page, note that the source code of the script is made in Laravel and php so to make the changes we require is essential to master these two programming languages. MTDB script the pure 1.6.8 you can download it at the following link: http://uploaded
... • Acceso a la oferta de traducción en 24/7 a través de una plataforma online muy intuitiva. • Herramientas online de propiedad exclusiva para acelerar el trabajo de traducción y garantizar la coherencia de los proyectos. • Rango de PPW entre 0,06 euros y 0,08 dependiendo de las características del proyecto y puesto asignado dentro del proyecto. • Los pagos se realizan mensualmente a través de PayPal. • Constante feedback en cada proyecto. • Crecimiento profesional: o Traductor o Corrector de pruebas / Crítico o Analista de texto o Lenguage Guru o Project Manager Jr. &n...
Necesito que se revise una traducción de un perfil profesional de LinkedIn que está en inglés traducido por Google Translator, es muy importante que la persona que lo revise tenga un nivel muy alto, dado que es un perfil importante para que sea leido por reclutadores importantes de EEUU.
...un curso, este material puede ir subtitulado y me interesa muchísimo que sea a la mayor cantidad de idiomas posible, en concreto yo proveeré los textos en un archivo de texto plano, solo requiero que sean traducidos con la mayor precisión posible ya que son textos muy técnicos, si existen dudas de algún término, apoyo al traductor con todas las que sean necesarias. Me gustaría recibir algunos presupuestos y sus formas de trabajo, si es posible traducir de español al idioma que dominen, o necesitaré que alguien traduzca de primero al inglés y partir de ahí, dejo eso abierto a su mejor consideración, todos y cada uno de los textos serán revisados, eligiendo textos aleatoriamente y ...
...create a web platform, for hiring lawyers, which will be rated based on their performance. Its similar to the service provided by this website, but oriented to legal services (lawyers) and only in one spanish speaking country. So a client will have a case, will post what he needs and will start getting proposals. Thats the idea. I dont have a great budget now, just the idea, but with this im getting goverment founds, so the guy-girl-X who takes this will be invited to join the team for good, and also will get the chance to come to this country. No tengo un gran presupuesto, solo la idea, pero con esto estoy tramitando fondos guvernamentales, quien se haga cargo del proyecto, pasará a ser parte del team permanente una vez que...
...un curso, este material puede ir subtitulado y me interesa muchísimo que sea a la mayor cantidad de idiomas posible, en concreto yo proveeré los textos en un archivo de texto plano, solo requiero que sean traducidos con la mayor precisión posible ya que son textos muy técnicos, si existen dudas de algún término, apoyo al traductor con todas las que sean necesarias. Me gustaría recibir algunos presupuestos y sus formas de trabajo, si es posible traducir de español al idioma que dominen, o necesitaré que alguien traduzca de primero al inglés y partir de ahí, dejo eso abierto a su mejor consideración, todos y cada uno de los textos serán revisados, eligiendo textos aleatoriamente y ...
...un curso, este material puede ir subtitulado y me interesa muchísimo que sea a la mayor cantidad de idiomas posible, en concreto yo proveeré los textos en un archivo de texto plano, solo requiero que sean traducidos con la mayor precisión posible ya que son textos muy técnicos, si existen dudas de algún término, apoyo al traductor con todas las que sean necesarias. Me gustaría recibir algunos presupuestos y sus formas de trabajo, si es posible traducir de español al idioma que dominen, o necesitaré que alguien traduzca de primero al inglés y partir de ahí, dejo eso abierto a su mejor consideración, todos y cada uno de los textos serán revisados, eligiendo textos aleatoriamente y ...
Necesito una pagina sencilla incluyendo el dominio en Chipre con 3 correos electrónicos. Necesito la contratación del hosting directamente en Chipre, no acepto otras opciones. I have a company based in Greece. I would like someone to register a domain for me and 2 email accounts, as well as provide hosting. I would like them to be a resident of Greece.
...Spanish Affiliate Translator advertisement The Task (summary): We are currently looking for an Affiliate translator for our website, social media messages, etc. Description of the content of this product: Our company is called “Remote Chess Academy” (RCA, LINK: ). It is a place that provides top-quality chess products in many languages. As we are expanding our Spanish base, we need an Affiliate translator to translate our website and social media messages into Spanish. This position requires good knowledge of Spanish. If Spanish is your mother-language or if you are Spanish expert, then you will translate the RCA website into Spanish. Essential Requirements: • Intermediate or good command of English. • Flue...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the El Salvador market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in El Salvador, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Bolivia market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Bolivia, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Puerto Rico market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Puerto Rico, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Dominican Republic market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Dominican Republic, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Ecuador market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Ecuador, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Peru market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Peru, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Chile market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Chile, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Nicaragua market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Nicaragua, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Cont...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Colombia market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Colombia, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contac...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Panama market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Panama, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Costa Rica market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Costa Rica, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Co...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Guatemala market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Guatemala, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Conta...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Mexico market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Mexico, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us...
as usual................................................
Traduccion de terminos turisticos para una web del español al arabe. Lo que se pretende no es una traduccion tipo google translator sino que realmente los terminos sean utilizados en el argot turistico arabe y que por tanto rean reconocibles para un arabe en sus busquedas de internet, etc... Con posterioridad se encagarían más trabajos en este sentido si se llega a un acuerdo. Es fundamental que la lengua materna del traductor sea el arabe. Gracias. Quedamos a la espera de presupuesto. Necesitariamos el trabajo en DOS DIAS desde la aceptación ya que estamos trabajando contrareloj.
El proyecto debe realizarse en delphi, se trata de traducir textos con la pagina y con con la componente TIdHTTP los parámetros de entrada: texto a traducir, idioma origen, idioma destino devolución texto traducido. Si se realiza en otro idioma seria hablarlo.
...app is needed to import in Eclipse. A code source of an application of Photo Collage, with the following characteristics is required. 1-Screen Menu with different input options (start,rate app, more apps ...) 2 - Once you press start at the main menu, will select a Frame / collage to position each box photo collage. 3 - Each photo must be movable inside his box with his fingers, getting bigger, smaller, rotated etc. .. 4 - We will record the result in the cell and is given the option of sharing on social networks such as whatsapp, facebook, etc ... As an example for the programmer, we have selected an App Market so you see that is exactly what we want: Spanish Translator: ---------------------------
...app is needed to import in Eclipse. A code source of an application of Photo Collage, with the following characteristics is required. 1-Screen Menu with different input options (start,rate app, more apps ...) 2 - Once you press start at the main menu, will select a Frame / collage to position each box photo collage. 3 - Each photo must be movable inside his box with his fingers, getting bigger, smaller, rotated etc. .. 4 - We will record the result in the cell and is given the option of sharing on social networks such as whatsapp, facebook, etc ... As an example for the programmer, we have selected an App Market so you see that is exactly what we want: Spanish Translator: ---------------------------
Tenemos cierta urgencia en la traducción de una serie de documentos oficiales del español al inglés, para el trámite de un visado ante el consulado de UK en Madrid. Todas las traducciones deben contener: - El texto: "it’s a true and accurate translation of the original document" - Fecha de traducción - Full name and contact details of the translator or a representative of the translation company Los documentos a traducir son los siguientes: - 6 nóminas (una página por nómina) - 1 NIE (documento Número de Identificación de Extranjero) - Acta de matrimonio y libro de familia (5 páginas) - Escritura de constitución de sociedad (11 páginas) Se enviar&...
Hola, Necesito traductor para artículo de 1400 palabras relacionado al campo de la medicina. A los postulados les daré una parte del artículo para evaluar sus habilidades.
Hola, Necesito traductor para artículo de 1400 palabras relacionado al campo de la medicina. A los postulados les daré una parte del artículo para evaluar sus habilidades.