Drawing with simple furniture design sketches.
- Estado: Closed
- Premio: $30
- Propuestas recibidas: 11
- Ganador: KDezign
Resumen del concurso
Hello, I need an image that has design drawings of the basic lines of some tables drawn on a sheet of paper or notebook, similar to the attached image (without the small table on top of the notebook). For the basic design drawings You must use some of the photos of the tables that I attach, some drawings may also have some color. Also you can also add some pencils to the image...
Hello, I need an image that has design drawings of the basic lines of some tables drawn on a sheet of paper or notebook, similar to the attached image (without the small table on top of the notebook), for the basic design drawings You must use some of the photos of the tables that I attach, some drawings may also have some color. You can also add some pencils from design tables to the image.
Hello, I need an image that has design drawings of the basic lines of some tables drawn on a sheet of paper or notebook, similar to the attached image (without the small table on top of the notebook), for the basic design drawings You must use some of the photos of the tables that I attach, some drawings may also have some color. If yo want, you can also add some pencils from design tables to the image.
I want the image to convey the idea that they are tables with an innovative design and also that they have a unique and original design.
Habilidades recomendadas
Comentarios del empleador
“He won the contest! He was the best, great quality work, he draws very well, and he has great artistic qualities and mastery of technique. He exceeded my expectations, highly recommended. A+++”
nubelo_1jLHaPGJ, Spain.
Principales propuestas de este concurso
KDezign Algeria
KDezign Algeria
designfare49net Bangladesh
designfare49net Bangladesh
KDezign Algeria
designfare49net Bangladesh
designfare49net Bangladesh
jasminquine Bangladesh
jasminquine Bangladesh
lfedsilva Brazil
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