Custom Engraved Prosecco Cork Christmas Ornament

  • Estado: Pending
  • Premio: $30
  • Propuestas recibidas: 5

Resumen del concurso

I need a special project for a sentimental cork from a Prosecco bottle that was used on a New Year's Eve with my girlfriend.

- Purpose: The cork needs to be engraved with custom text, and threaded so it can be hung on a Christmas tree.
- Design: The engraving will be purely text, in a Classic Serif font style.
- Custom Text: I will provide the text to be engraved.

Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in engraving and can ensure the cork is threaded securely and neatly. Creativity in the presentation of the final product would be beneficial, as I hope to give this as a special gift.

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  • sarahrahmanB
    • 1 mes atrás

    please check #11 #12 #13 #14

    • 1 mes atrás

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