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Aritra G.



Writer, Blogger (rarely), Photographer.

$20 USD / Hour
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India (5:32 PM)
Joined on December 21, 2015
$20 USD / Hour
Having had written for The Statesman, Voices, it has always been quite the interest for me, to write. Studying English Honours at Christ University in most recent times I would be happy to help wherever elite skills and use of English is most necessary. Be it for magazines, or for the virtual network.
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Prakash S.
Flag of
Bareilly, India
9 years ago
Freelance Academic Writer
May, 2018 - Present
6 years, 10 months
May, 2018 - Present
6 years, 10 months
- Complete academic papers based on provided guidelines. - Improve formatting and other complexities by interacting with mentors.
May, 2018 - Present
6 years, 10 months
Intern Editor, Features
May, 2017 - May, 2018
1 year
The Statesman
May, 2017 - May, 2018
1 year
- Edit and proofread articles for Feature and Editorial pages. - Write bylines for the newspaper. - Cover events and seminars for the supplements.
May, 2017 - May, 2018
1 year
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