AS an Amazon Store Management Specialist at ECOMXPRO LLC, I was responsible for managing the company's presence on the Amazon marketplace. I created and maintained product listings, optimized them for search engines, and made sure that they were accurate and up-to-date.
I also managed inventory levels and ensured that products were in stock and ready to ship. I monitored customer feedback and reviews, and responded to any questions or concerns that they had about our products or services.
Feb, 2022 - Nov, 2022
9 months, 2 days
ECOM Manager
Nov, 2016 - Nov, 2020
4 years
Nov, 2016 - Nov, 2020
4 years
Services as ECOM Manager :
All ECOM store management
1- Amazon Products Listing
2- Amazon Products sourcing
4- Wholesale FBA|FBM
5- EBay store management
6 - Dropshipping