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2,000 convertir m4r jobs found

[ESP] Tengo un dashboard, con diagramas generados con Canvas, que el cliente desea convertir en PDF, y en CSV. He probado varias librerías pero ninguna guarda la relación de cómo se ve el HTML, y utilizando el () no hace una buena impresión en PDF con firefox, además que hay que obligar a los usuarios a tener una "impresora PDF." Necesito a alguien que sea capaz de imprimir el html a pdf tal cual se ve en la pantalla [o similar, por lo menos conservando las relaciones de los div y los contenidos] El trabajo se ha de desarrollar en javascript, aunque no tengo problemas en que se realice con una librería en PHP. Yo he probado jspdf, , pero no consigo que muestre correctamente los canvas generados. Lo que no se ha de u...

$178 Average bid
$178 Avg Bid
14 bids

Necesito convertir 21 imagenes PNG a formato .AI Illustrator para el dia de hoy. I need to convert 21 png pics to AI pics illustrator format

$27 Average bid
$27 Avg Bid
27 bids

Convertir mi pagina web que esta en formato Word Press en una App para iphones que se abra al pagar unos centavos de dolar :

$227 Average bid
$227 Avg Bid
17 bids

insert menu logos and change lenguages 100% to spanish

$152 Average bid
$152 Avg Bid
31 bids

Convertir un Wordpress a .NET usando algun framework o herramineta como

$120 Average bid
$120 Avg Bid
15 bids

Tengo una sitio web en Sociailenginie y necesito personalizarla mas; que se puedan subir videos, administrar algunos plugins, editar comentarios; y ayudarme a conseguir chat que sirva para movil y el sitio web al mismo tiempo. Preferiblemente que sean freelancer que hablen español. I have a website in Sociailenginie and I need to customize it more; That you can upload videos, manage some plugins, edit comments; And help me get chat that serves both the mobile and the website at the same time. Preferably they are freelancer who speak Spanish.

$0 - $1
Featured Urgent
$0 - $1
0 bids

project consists of converting a magenta 2.0 template into a website (we already have the design). Requirements: -Clean Code and best magento seo practice its a most -Magento developer -The project must be completed by a maximum of 7 days. -Freelancer must be 100% available from 9am to 1pm USA standard time. All communications will be made [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions.]

$737 Average bid
$737 Avg Bid
24 bids

Necesito adaptar este template de bootstrap A una aplicacion php en web. Tambien necesito asesoria en seguridad para la aplicacion web.

$579 Average bid
$579 Avg Bid
33 bids

...ejemplo en el proyecto. Para quienes estén interesado, deberán agregar la palabra VECTOR_AI en caso contrario las propuestas serán ignoradas. If you REALLY are interested on the project, we'll suggest trying converting the sample provided to ONE vectorized character, and send us, with a proposal and price for 10,50 and 100 conversions. Si estás REALMENTE interesado en el proyecto, sugerimos convertir el ejemplo provisto en UN caracter vectorizado y envianoslo, con la propuesta para 10, 50 y 100 conversiones. Thanks Gracias...

$197 Average bid
$197 Avg Bid
17 bids

ES:Quiero convertir un SWF a FLA, listos para modificar en Adoble Flash Professional CS6, necesito todos recursos y el codigo action script. Gracias. EN: I want to convert a SWF to FLA, ready to modify in Adoble Flash Professional CS6, I need all resources and the code action script. Thank you.

$44 Average bid
$44 Avg Bid
6 bids

Requerimos migrar un sitio de Plesk Paralles a Cpanel, ASAP.

$25 Average bid
$25 Avg Bid
4 bids

Necesito convertir la plantilla wordpress a responsive. Se utiliza en la pagina web: El tema:

$41 Average bid
$41 Avg Bid
57 bids

Migrar al sistema de mercadoshops Convertir el diseño actual en responsivo

$15 Average bid
$15 Avg Bid
29 bids

Agregar api de skycanner aerolineas en paginas web cuento con la documentacion

$103 Average bid
$103 Avg Bid
4 bids

After a migration from Prestashop 1.4 to 1.6 some things were wrong. First and most important there was a (maybe something else) modified. Need tot get backk the same behavior.

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Avg Bid
36 bids

Nos gustaría que el CMS fuera desarrollado con las tecnologías .NET - Del lado del servidor .NET C# + base de datos SQL Server 2012 - Del lado del cliente HTML5 + CSS3 y Bootstrap (Responsive Web Design con tres estados: Desktop, tablet y móvil)

$3725 Average bid
$3725 Avg Bid
55 bids

I will deliver you a Illustrator file (not psd) with images and typo for a landing page, you should make it into a webpage using my Wordpress site using the Upfront Framework. Please research about Upfront, is a front end framework for wordpress, you just need some experience with CSS, everything else is easily customized.

$44 Average bid
$44 Avg Bid
23 bids

La funcion original esta en Fox, La misma fue convertida a Visual , y Ahora se necesita converir la misma a PHP Public Function digverif(ByVal cadena As String) As String ' muni zapala codigo original que mando esta hecho en FOX retorna 2 digitos ' LPARAMETERS ' = 0 ' secuencia = 3 ' = SUBSTR(, 1, 1) ' = Val() * 1 ' = + () ' For = 2 To Len() Step 1 ' = SUBSTR(, , 1) ' = Val() * secuencia ' = + () ' secuencia = secuencia + 2 ' if secuencia=11 ' secuencia = 3 ' End If ' Next ' = MOD(int(), 10) ' = mod(int((m.suma+(*secuencia))/2),10) ' = + alltrim(S...

$216 Average bid
$216 Avg Bid
9 bids

son 3 formatos que estan en PDF y quiero convertirlos a WEB en PHP

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Avg Bid
34 bids

Tenemos tres páginas HTML y queremos implementarlas en wordpress aparte hay que añadir un submenú. todo para que sea administrable en wordpress y responsive.

$62 Average bid
$62 Avg Bid
46 bids

Layout only one screen with Bootstrap. See attached example

$28 Average bid
$28 Avg Bid
10 bids

Hi I want a theme for FrontAccounting similar to the WP desktop or similar to Quickbooks (). And an option in Configuration to hide/show the tabs: sales, purchases, Items, and manufacturing. It is for version 2.3 of FA.

$67 Average bid
$67 Avg Bid
18 bids

Admin Panel to handle DB

$1045 Average bid
$1045 Avg Bid
70 bids

Windows .NET Convertir una aplicacion web hecha en visualwebgui en una web app bootstrap .net mvc

$2326 Average bid
$2326 Avg Bid
32 bids

Quiero que alguien arme una plantilla wordpress que compré para que el sitio de mi empresa quede como esta

$198 Average bid
$198 Avg Bid
29 bids

Resize an image for a mobile device.

$121 Average bid
$121 Avg Bid
24 bids

Tengo una plantilla de Moodle, y lo que quiero es que se haga la adaptación de dicha plantilla para que funcione con TOTARA. aqui los links Actual: Lo esperado en TOTARA.

$143 Average bid
$143 Avg Bid
19 bids

Design your blog site in a professional way by means of modifiable templates

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Avg Bid
24 bids

Design your blog site in a professional way by means of modifiable templates

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Avg Bid
26 bids

Maintenance and prevention of errors in Web Pages

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Avg Bid
52 bids

I'd like create CSS and HTML template, starting from a PDF design. I need 8 styles and I'd like change color of SVG draws in CSS. This template was available for web browser in desktop and smart phone (Android, iOS) and tablets (Android, iOS). Horizontal navigation with left and rigth keys or web buttons to change next or previous page. Vertical navigation with up and down keys or mouse scroll to scroll on page.

$167 Average bid
$167 Avg Bid
8 bids

Descarga de datos de página web en formato txt i convertir a Acces, excel, power BI, o similares SQL, Qlikview, Datacycle,...proyectos recurrentes a realizar cada mes

$118 Average bid
$118 Avg Bid
11 bids

need to make some changes to the template of a training platform called Teachable. I think he uses Bootstrap. 1. add an item to the menu. 2. Add a pair of content blocks. 3. I would provide texts and photographs.

$20 Average bid
$20 Avg Bid
4 bids

Convertir wordpress responsive.

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Avg Bid
33 bids

looking for a programmer with experience in magento for 3 projects. Each project will be paid individually. Let's begin with the first project: The project consists of converting a magenta 2.0 template into a website (we already have the design). Once the project is finished we will be verifying the following: loading (no more than 2.85 via ping Dom) and a minimum of 75/100 in mobile version according to google page insights. Once this project is finished and has met our requirements, we will assign 2 additional projects for optimization. Requirements: -Magento developer -The project must be completed by a maximum of 7 days. -Freelancer must be 100% available from 9am to 1pm USA standard time. All communications will be made through skype.

$771 Average bid
$771 Avg Bid
36 bids

Exportar y convertir bases de datos alojadas en RDS de amazon y migrarlas a mysql en un sevidor EC2 gratuito de amazon.

$35 Average bid
$35 Avg Bid
11 bids

Convertir Base de daros en RDS AWS a mysql en EC2.

$117 Average bid
$117 Avg Bid
8 bids

Tenho modelo de layout que gostaria que fosse adaptado para um portal Drupal. No futuro esse portal será evoluído. Segue o layout I have this layout that I want to convert to the Drupal´s portal. Tengo un layout q deseo convertir para el Drupal

$336 Average bid
$336 Avg Bid
14 bids

Hola, necesito convertir 4páginas de una plantilla web a wordpress

$190 Average bid
$190 Avg Bid
88 bids

Convert psd to html and css one page

$39 Average bid
$39 Avg Bid
40 bids

Convertir Diseño adjunto a plantilla wordpress. No ofertar si no esta disponible inmediatamente. PSD To Wordpress work. Please do not bid if you're not able to start immediately

$188 Average bid
$188 Avg Bid
47 bids

Modify an existing web template in html to fit customer's needs and backend tech specs. If the result is good it will be a recurring job. Usually 5-8 pages. We'll give the template files (html, css, etc.) and the changes that need to be made on the design, as well as the guidance to fit our CMS. It's a simple job that usually requires only a few changes to the existing template.

$123 Average bid
$123 Avg Bid
51 bids

I have some themes and i need to have them on powerpoint

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Avg Bid
31 bids

We had a website built from a responsive template. This website had a custom programming to handle its content through ModX CMS. Our server suffered an attack and most of important files were deleted. We currently have: - The original template files: - Our custom content (photoshop, images…) - The full mysql ModX database backup with content information. ModX version was Evolution 1.0.5. Following is required: - Customize our website from the template. We will be as close as possible to the available pattern pages and, because we need to reconstruct our lost website, we have very clear ideas. - Upgrade ModX Evolution CMS and mysql database to ModX Revolution. - Four main layout pages are required for this first required step: · Home with main menu. &mid...

$596 Average bid
$596 Avg Bid
15 bids

Hello, i want add my logo in the header of my website.

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Avg Bid
6 bids

Hi, I have a web project. My problem is that my basic cheking loging is not connected properly with Stripe. I can only access to ID=1 of my database. I only want that my 3 htm files are able to access by "premium" (0,1 Boolean variable) when the members have a 1. More details via [text hidden]. Spanish speaker is a plus.

$136 Average bid
$136 Avg Bid
14 bids

We have installed this wordpress enginetheme: and we need code customization. The standard code only let the user to charge a fix amount (credit_plans) in his wallet. We want let the user to charge a variable amount. We don't need to calculate the variable amount. We just let the user to introduce the exact amount. The process sould be: 1. User press the botton "charge wallet". 2. And also choose the payment method (paypal/stripe/wire transfer). 3. Then he introduce manually the exact amount. 4. When the payment is done and confirmed the system will add that amount to his user_balance (wallet). We are looking for a wordpress developer with experience in this theme in order to make more customizations like this

$193 Average bid
$193 Avg Bid
50 bids

Currently I have a site layout in bootstrap (1 single view) and I prefer to migrate that same view to the material design

$51 Average bid
$51 Avg Bid
10 bids

The job is to solve the different errors that a website is giving when is accessed from mobile. Some parts look like responsive but others no. The mobile version should be "as similar" as the one in desktop as possible. Here are some examples regarding things to do: - show text in the carroursel displayed in the home page - make responisve a table shown in the home page - make upper navigation bar (menu) fully working in responsive We will provide: current code and the template which is based for the homepage. We will also provide the URL of the current site which is online at this moment. Job should be completed on Monday. It's a very short and simple job but, due to a lack of time, we need to ask for help. It should be done within 2-3 hours. Please, seriou...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bid
9 bids