UNIX Engineers for hire in Italy - Page 2
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Linguaggi di programmazione e database: C, C++, Java, Jsp, PHP, Javascript, Html, Xml, Sql, Ajax, Postgres, mysql, Objective-C, sql server, json. MongoDB Tools di sviluppo: Eclipse, Apollo, Matlab, NetBeans, JBuilder, Borland, C++ Builder, PGAdmin, Xcode, Visual Studio Code Sistemi operativi:Windows (Vista, Xp, 2000,...Linguaggi di programmazione e database: C, C++, Java, Jsp, PHP, Javascript, Html, Xml, Sql, Ajax, Postgres, mysql, Objective-C, sql server, json. MongoDB Tools di sviluppo: Eclipse, Apollo, Matlab, NetBeans, JBuilder, Borland, C++ Builder, PGAdmin, Xcode, Visual Studio Code Sistemi operativi:Windows (Vista, Xp, 2000, 98); Linux (Helix, Fedora, Ubuntu, Centos); MacOS. Software di virtualizzazione: VirtualBox, VMware, VSphere Capacità di analisi approfondita dei sistemi informativi in caso di attacchi esterni. Conoscenza delle tecniche di Data Security Sistema di versioning: git, svn,cvs Conoscenza del Pacchetto Office e di Adobe PhotoShop Conoscenza approfondita dell’architettura dei calcolatori, e del funzionamento dei Sistemi Operativi e dei processi di elaborazione delle immagini digitali Capacità di assemblaggio e configurazione Hardware less
Hire stefanotodaro
I can help you with any task concerning: - Web Scraping, Scripting, Automation (Java and Python Development ); - Shell scripting ( Linux automation and Data Mining ) (Expect, AWK, SED, Bash, Ksh...); - Operative system support ( Unix, Linux and all the derivatives OS); - Italian to English translation. I provide...I can help you with any task concerning: - Web Scraping, Scripting, Automation (Java and Python Development ); - Shell scripting ( Linux automation and Data Mining ) (Expect, AWK, SED, Bash, Ksh...); - Operative system support ( Unix, Linux and all the derivatives OS); - Italian to English translation. I provide academic/professional problem-solving approach ( mathematical ),and also consultancy on what is the best solution and the best way to concretize your ideas with the most recent technologies and methods thanks to the continuous learning. less
Hire osath