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Alexander D.


$15 USD / hora
Bandera de
Bulgaria (2:46 p. m.)
Se unió el febrero 3, 2012
$15 USD / hora
Specialized in 3D modelling and rendering.
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5.0 · 3 Reviews
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ax 33 pro did a great job at short notice. I recomend him any time. [16 June, 2012] ax 33 pro did a great job at short notice. I recomend him any time.
Christian H.
Bandera de
Malmö, Sweden
hace 13 años
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Very pleased with the ax33pro. They were very professional, very polite and accommodating throughout the whole project phase. They have high attention to detail, and under the short deadline time, they have produced an amazing outcome. The project brief was met on budget and on time to the finest detail. We find ax33pro to be hard working and efficient. Over all, ax33pro is an absolute pleasure to work with. Their skills and presentation exceed all expectations. We recommend ax33pro to future employers - as they certainly love their job, and are great at what they do. We will most definitely hire ax33pro again and wish them all the best. We look forward to working with them again in the near future.
Deme A.
Bandera de
Sydney, Australia
hace 13 años
A tiempo
100 %
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100 %
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100 %
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