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2,000 logo design project memo trabajos encontrados

Estoy escribiendo un memorando para un caso falso (Supreme Auto Parts v. Ross Case). Primero necesito llenar este memo-log. Estoy representando a Supreme Auto Parts. Parte del registro de casos ya está completo. necesito

$26 / hr Average bid
$26 / hr Oferta promedio
9 ofertas

...Profesionalizar mi imagen en redes sociales (mejorar los visuales, thumbnails de YT, portadas, etc). 3. Necesito crecer mi Mercado ya que estoy por vender unos cursos en línea y tengo que volver más atractiva mi imagen reflejando lo que he logrado en resultados. Esto sería el primer paso El segundo paso es crear una campaña de marketing digital para la venta de mis cursos Pueden ver mis redes Memo Tajonar ...

$447 Average bid
$447 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas

Crear un formulario en el cual se gestione la informacion de un examen de visiometria. En dicho formulario s...(permanentes, ocasionales, de lectura, de protección solar, protección a luz artificial, para trabajo en computador, para visión cercana, para visión lejana) • ¿qué tipo lentes?: lista desplegable (para lejos, cerca, bifocales, protección, progresivos, de contacto) • ¿el examen es realizado con lentes de contacto? si/no • ¿tiene cirugías? ninguna / si, en caso de tener cirugía, habilitar campo memo para digitar nombre de la cirugía, por defecto debe estar habilitada la opción “ninguna” • visión lejana y cercana con lentes y sin lentes. B&aac...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

...Campo si/no para saber si es cliente. - Meses // este debería ser un seleccionable donde se mostrasen los 12 meses y se marcaran en los que esta empresa suele necesitar los palets. - Observaciones // campo memo. Producto: - Código // código único producto. - Nombre // nombre del producto. - Observaciones // campo memo. Vínculo Cliente/Productos: //un cliente puede estar vinculado con infinidad de productos. - Código de Cliente. - Código de Producto. - Precio Objetivo // precio objetivo para este producto de este cliente. - Consumo // consumo, texto. - Observaciones: // memo. Dar de Altas Clientes y vincular tantos Productos como pudiera estar interesado. Cuando se edite un cliente o a la hora de ...

$139 Average bid
$139 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas

...nosotros, por lo tanto los juegos deben tener un excelente diseño flat, (SI EL DISEÑO NO ES MINIMALISTA Y FLAT, NO LO ACEPTAMOS) Estaria bueno tener la posibilidad de editar los juegos a nuestro gusto por si el día de mañana queremos hacer un cambio menor, no nos sea necesario volver a llamarlos. A continuación hacemos una descripción de los 3 juegos que necesitamos para comenzar: JUEGO 1: IQ MEMO : El juego duraría un 1 minuto. y cada 15 segundos aumenta su dificultad en base a sus resultados. En la pantalla inicial se encuentra un tutorial que explica su funcionamiento, luego aparecen 9 circulos que ocupen casi toda la pantalla. 3 de esos circulos, se iluminan, y en seguida vuelven a su color original. El jugador debe hace...

$843 Average bid
$843 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

...nosotros, por lo tanto los juegos deben tener un excelente diseño flat, (SI EL DISEÑO NO ES MINIMALISTA Y FLAT, NO LO ACEPTAMOS) Tenemos que tener la posibilidad de editar los juegos a nuestro gusto por si el día de mañana queremos hacer un cambio menor, no nos sea necesario volver a llamarlos. A continuación hacemos una descripción de los 3 juegos que necesitamos para comenzar: JUEGO 1: IQ MEMO : El juego duraría un 1 minuto. y cada 15 segundos aumenta su dificultad en base a sus resultados. En la pantalla inicial se encuentra un tutorial que explica su funcionamiento, luego aparecen 9 circulos que ocupen casi toda la pantalla. 3 de esos circulos, se iluminan, y en seguida vuelven a su color original. El jugador debe hacer...

$651 Average bid
$651 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

Nuestra empresa utiliza varios formatos en papel de los que quisiéramos digitalizar 5. Son muy sencillos tipo checklist con algún campo memo. El más largo tiene 71 ítems con 5 opciones de respuesta (NO APLICA, CUMPLE, NO CUMPLE, INCOMPLETO, % DEFICIENCIA) y un campo observaciones. No deseamos formularios tipo web que nos obliguen a tener una persona de soporte. Hemos pensado utilizar INFOPATH para que los usuarios puedan rellenarlos en campo utilizando una tablet bajo Windows 8 y enviar desde OUTLOOK a un archivo Excell o Access. Debe incluir la plantilla y las tablas de datos. Nuestra empresa no cuenta con SharePoint.

$49 Average bid
$49 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas

Hola Le presento ejemplos de un memo simplificado hecho por mi, el documento detalla como es un memo simplificado.

$490 Average bid
$490 Oferta promedio
23 ofertas

I need a technical memo crafted for a very minor watercourse crossing on a private property. This crossing serves as a driveway, which will be gravel surfaced and predominantly used for light residential traffic. Key Tasks: - Analyze and assess the watercourse crossing in terms of its purpose as a driveway on private property. - culvert assessment which reviews the existing conditions of the creek and proposes a culvert size and design which would satisfy the conditions of a permit - must conform with Lower Trent Conservation Authority water-crossing policies Freelancer Requirements: - Proven experience in civil engineering or a related field. - Previous work with watercourse crossings or similar projects. - Strong technical writing skills. - Memo will need to ...

$750 Average bid
$750 Oferta promedio
13 ofertas

I'm looking for a seasoned Odoo developer who has prior experience wo...connector between our sales and accounting in the Amadeus Global Distribution System (GDS) and our Odoo 17 platform. The connector should support syncing a variety of transaction details, including Airline, Supplier, Date of Issue, Form of Payment, Operation Number, Passenger Name, Route, Description, Currency. Key requirements for the connector: - Option for BSP reporting - Capability for manual memo creation for ACMs and ADMs Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Odoo 17 - Prior work with a travel agency - Proficiency in working with Amadeus GDS - Strong understanding of both sales and accounting processes - Ability to create robust and reliable syste...

$1174 Average bid
$1174 Oferta promedio
64 ofertas

Your project is a Multifamily Investment Case Study – Purchase Strategy for Blackstone’s Opportunistic Multifamily Residential Fund. You need to analyze Atlanta, GA to determine if this market offers the best long-term investment opportunity. Key Tasks: Market Analysis: Evaluate demand and supply factors for both markets, including: Demand: Population/household growth, demographics, income, employment trends. Supply: New developments, absorption, rent trends, vacancy rates, barriers to entry. Submarket Analysis: Compare specific submarkets within each city using brokerage reports. Investment Underwriting: Choose the strongest market and conduct a detailed underwriting of a property. Consider affordability (35% income threshold), comparables, rent growth, and vacancies...

$138 Average bid
$138 Oferta promedio
34 ofertas

I need someone to copy numerical data from a spreadsheet into a Word memo. The data should be formatted in a currency format. A summary section will need to be included in the memo. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel - Attention to detail - Good understanding of currency formatting Experience: - Previous data entry experience - Experience in creating professional memos

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Oferta promedio
89 ofertas

I'm seeking a skilled legal writer to create a law memo focused on the 'Conflict of interest' aspect of the 'Rules of Professional Responsibility'. This memo is intended for my colleague and friend, so it should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, while still maintaining a professional tone. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - A strong background in law, particularly in professional responsibility - Excellent writing skills - Ability to explain complex legal concepts in simple terms - Experience in writing law memos

$126 Average bid
$126 Oferta promedio
55 ofertas

...React & Node.js developer to update the UI of our web-based event photo printing system (rebranding process), and also to take technical ownership of the system moving forward. Memo is a platform that allows guests at events to take photos, send them for printing, and receive customized magnets as keepsakes. The system was originally developed seven years ago, and we have recently revived and updated it. We are looking for someone who can: ✅ Lead the technical side of the project – Learn the existing system and take full ownership of ongoing development and maintenance. ✅ Phase 1: UI Redesign – Implement a new design from Figma while maintaining all existing functionality. ✅ Phase 2: Feature Development & Expansion – Help optimize and expa...

$32 / hr Average bid
$32 / hr Oferta promedio
55 ofertas

I need a 5-page contract memo focused on warranty obligations. The memo should be in a text format, structured as a table with deadlines and action steps, and have a formal and professional tone. Ideal Skills: - Excellent comprehension and summarization skills - Professional writing abilities - Proficiency in creating organized and aesthetically pleasing documents Experience: - Prior experience with contract analysis - Experience in creating professional internal memos - Familiarity with warranty-related contracts will be a plus

$123 Average bid
$123 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas

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Destacado Urgente Sellado Acuerdo de Confidencialidad

...requested options below: • Army Credentialing Assistance • ArmyUniversity BNCEDP • ArmyIgnitED Enrollment • ArmyIgnitED Problems • ArmyIgnitED Information • ArmyU Credentialing • BSEP Counseling • Chapter Counseling • College Information • Commissioning Assistance • Dashboard • Exception to Policy Counseling • Financial Aid Information • HE Track Counseling • High School Completion • In-Processing • Memo for Soldier • Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (CAA) • Org Box • Out-Processing • Out-Processing (PCS) Request • Quality Trigger • Tuition Assistance • Talk with an On-Post School Representative • Test Information • Transcript Request &bul...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Oferta promedio
28 ofertas

...requested options below: • Army Credentialing Assistance • ArmyUniversity BNCEDP • ArmyIgnitED Enrollment • ArmyIgnitED Problems • ArmyIgnitED Information • ArmyU Credentialing • BSEP Counseling • Chapter Counseling • College Information • Commissioning Assistance • Dashboard • Exception to Policy Counseling • Financial Aid Information • HE Track Counseling • High School Completion • In-Processing • Memo for Soldier • Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (CAA) • Org Box • Out-Processing • Out-Processing (PCS) Request • Quality Trigger • Tuition Assistance • Talk with an On-Post School Representative • Test Information • Transcript Request &bul...

$22 Average bid
$22 Oferta promedio
28 ofertas

I need assistance with a project management assignment cantered around a case study. The primary goal of the assignment is to First assignment Question: Computer Projects Exercise: Conveyor Belt Project in Appendix 2 starts on p. BeltThis first exercise is nothing more than the design of the WBS from the given Part 1 (p. 649), your deliverables will be (one- page printouts):Table A2.9 has been developed for you to use in completing the project exercisesDevelop the WBS outline Computer Projects Exercise: Conveyor Belt Project in Appendix 2 starts on p. 649. Conveyor Belt This first exercise is nothing more than the design of the WBS from the given information. For Part 1 (p. 649), your deliverables will be (one-page printouts):  Table A2.9 has...

$111 Average bid
$111 Oferta promedio
38 ofertas

...Insert animations from the screen (e.g., “Question 3”, “Winner Team 2”). • You can accompany with anime-style sound effects for impact. ? Text • The majority of the video should have subtitles (large text at the bottom or center of the screen). ? Duration • Up to 30 seconds (maximum 40 seconds if everything fits). ? Sound ? Background music – pleasant, instrumental. ? Host recording (my voice memo recording) to be added in the edit. ? Sound effects: • Laughter, applause, bar/restaurant sounds (muted). • Clinking glasses, someone drinking – to enhance the atmosphere. 5. Color • General color style for the video. The vibe should be atmospheric, bright, and energetic. 6. Technical Details File size – 80 G...

$24 Average bid
$24 Oferta promedio
22 ofertas

I'm looking for a designer to create a set of harmonised and styled business templates for me, including a proposal template, report template, memo, minutes of meeting template, and PowerPoint template. Design Elements: - The templates should incorporate my company logo and colors, as well as elements from an existing template design. - The overall style should be minimalist and clean. Formats: - The templates need to be compatible with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint - Experience with corporate branding - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles

$557 Average bid
$557 Oferta promedio
114 ofertas

More details: What style should the memo be written in? Humorous What is the purpose of the memo? To educate What key points should the memo cover? Criminal activities, Journey details, Legal implications

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta promedio
29 ofertas

I'm looking for a talented Flutter or React Native developer to create the HMilao App. This app will digitize cash memos, extract data using OCR, and allow for manual corrections through an editable table interface. Core Features: - Upload Cash Memo: The app should support image uploads from both the camera and gallery in JPEG, PNG, and PDF formats. - OCR Data Extraction: Using Tesseract OCR, the app should extract and structure data into a table, with low-confidence fields highlighted for review. - Editable Table: The app should feature a grid layout with inline editing, error detection, undo/reset, and save options. - Automatic Calculations: The app should perform totals, subtotals, and discounts, with real-time error detection. - Export/Save: The app should allow users to e...

$93 Average bid
$93 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

I need a professional to draft a Memo of Understanding (MOU) for my company. The purpose of this MOU is to clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of our company in partnership with another company. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional legal writing skills. - Prior experience in drafting MOUs. - Understanding of corporate partnerships and operational tasks. - Ability to clearly define and outline roles and responsibilities. Key Focus: - The MOU should primarily focus on operational tasks. - It should be clear, concise, and legally sound to ensure mutual understanding and agreement between the two parties.

$143 Average bid
$143 Oferta promedio
31 ofertas
Trophy icon Modern Memo & Letterhead Template Design
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...skilled designer to create a contemporary, sleek (1) memo and (2) letterhead template for my law firm. These templates will be used primarily for external communications with clients, so they need to convey a polished, professional image while still being modern and stylish. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of our company logo and contact information into the designs - Aesthetic that is both modern and sleek - Use full legal name: Rolf Martin Lang LLP Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design experience, particularly with creating business templates - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to create designs that effectively communicate a professional image Comments - We currently brand with the attached logo (ROLF). We are ...

$150 Average bid
501 participaciones

I have drafted a 42 page investment memo in word that requires professional formatting to achieve a sleek, corporate aesthetic. The goal is to enhance the document's visual appeal and readability, making it suitable for presentation to potential investors. Key Tasks: - Convert tables, key points, and charts/data into engaging graphics - Implement a consistent, blue and white color scheme - Add subtle touches of color to enliven the document Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and document formatting - Experience with corporate-style presentations - Able to create visually appealing and informative graphics from data Please provide examples of previous similar work in your proposal. Thank you.

$115 Average bid
$115 Oferta promedio
171 ofertas

I have a marriage memorandum written in Urdu that needs to be translated into English. The document is a scanned image, and the translation needs to be precise and suitable for professional/legal purposes. Key Requirements: - Translate a scanned marriage memorandum from Urdu to English. - Ensure the translation is of professional/legal quality. - Deliver the translated document in PDF format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or fluent Urdu and English speaker with exceptional translation skills. - Experience in professional/legal translation. - Proficiency in handling and translating from scanned documents. - Familiarity with creating and formatting documents in PDF.

$13 Average bid
$13 Oferta promedio
79 ofertas

I need a professional structural engineer to provide a memo confirming that the home footings are consistent with the overall design intent. The footings have already been poured, and I have pictures of the dug footing with rebar. The blueprints are available in both printed and digital formats. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience as a structural engineer - Excellent understanding of home construction - Ability to interpret blueprints - Experience in writing professional memos - Good communication skills for follow-up clarifications

$441 Average bid
$441 Oferta promedio
47 ofertas
DCF Development
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Build a base case, upside scenario, downside scenario, valuations and complete a memo by 19th

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

Design Full Company Identity including: - Logo - A4 Envelope and Letter Envelope - Company Letterhead - Company Stamp - Memo notebook - Business Card - Mug - USB Stick - T-shirt and Cap - Pen and Paper Bag. - Jacket Folder

$241 Average bid
$241 Oferta promedio
69 ofertas

...they all work in the foreground, but don't keep working when in background or when the phone goes to sleep with no power connected. I have a working app for ios in delphi 12 using the LocationSensor and it works well on ios, just not on Android when there display is off. The app requirements are really simple as I can code in all the rest of the gui etc. So what I need is a home screen with a memo on it that shows, lat, long, speed, azimuth (cap bearing) that updates every 1 second. Then every 5 seconds it sends a string of info to a web server (URL and format will be provided), the string contains, lat,long,speed,cap etc The 5 second data send must continue to sent when: the app is in the foreground the app is in the background the app is in the foreground and the user...

$158 Average bid
$158 Oferta promedio
44 ofertas

...Simple Navigation: The app should present a straightforward list view of recordings for easy access and navigation. - Editing Capabilities: Users should be able to edit their recordings within the app. This could include trimming, cutting, or altering the audio to suit their needs. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in Android app development, with previous experience in creating audio-related applications being a significant advantage. Excellent UI/UX design skills will be highly valued, as I want the app to be user-friendly and intuitive. The app should save all recordings locally on the device without any cloud storage option. Target sdk 35 min supported Android version 10 Extra: integrate admob sdk to show ads on some screens integrate...

$1092 Average bid
$1092 Oferta promedio
80 ofertas

I'm looking for a professional motion graphic animator and logo creator to create a new logo and motion graphic for my new business. It is called Musician Unchained, and is a premier coaching program for musicians going through injury. It is the umbrella company for my podcast, Trust the Process, which is a podcast that covers the topic of musician injury (please see attached logo and motion graphic for the podcast for reference). So I need a logo for Musician Unchained, and a motion graphic of that logo to accompany it, for promotional videos and such. Here are my thoughts about what this logo/motion graphic should entail: Key requirements: -most importantly, the logo should involve chains breaking in some way, and it should be o...

$75 Average bid
80 participaciones

I'm looking for a skilled Magento developer to help upgrade my existing site. The upgrades will primarily focus on: - Design and layout improvements: I have specific design elements and themes in mind. You will need to implement these changes accurately and efficiently. - Performance optimization: The site needs to run smoothly and quickly, even during peak traffic times. Ideally, you will have extensive experience in Magento development, particularly with existing site upgrades. A keen eye for design, excellent problem-solving skills, and a deep understanding of performance optimization techniques are crucial for this job. Please be prepared to showcase your previous work and provide references if possible. Magento Site Enhancement Requirements 1. Image Qua...

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Oferta promedio
19 ofertas

...rates if we commit to a higher amount (rates can be found under “price” sheet on the excel). Your Assignment: Please analyze the data and prepare a short presentation/memo in MS Word or PPT that includes your recommendation to management. Make sure you: • Review and analyze the data to understand how many licenses we have currently and how many we will need to renew. • Please research and advice regarding the price for the licenses. Estimate what price you think you will get and explain how you came up with this number. The memo should include the following sections: • Background- A clear, brief presentation of the project and the current situation. • Objective- what are you trying to achieve • Discussion- describe the action...

$146 Average bid
$146 Oferta promedio
37 ofertas

...supervisors, and owners. - **Attendance Tracking**: Secure login for attendance with password and picture verification. - **Salary Computation**: Daily/hourly salary calculations and a comprehensive summary of salaries. - **Leave & Medical Requests**: A system for submitting leave requests, medical assistance requests, and monthly allowance reimbursement requests. - **Internal Communication**: A memo feature for communication within the organization. Sales & Inventory Monitoring: - I need a robust sales and inventory tracking system for my laundry services. This should include: - Detailed customer information (Name, Address, Contact Number) - Service tracking (Wash, Dry & Fold, Iron, Steam Iron, Shoe Cleaning, Wet, Dry Clean) - Quantities, Pricing, and Total Am...

$158 Average bid
$158 Oferta promedio
97 ofertas
Finalizado left

Recall the memo you submitted in week 4 for Part I of the Training Project. Assume that the CEO of FEF, Inc has approved your suggested training.  Create a PowerPoint that you will present to the employees of FEF, Inc. to address the discrimination issue you detailed in the memo. Your PPT should be no fewer than 10 content slides. You must include a cover slide and a references slide with at least 3 references (governmental, legal, scholarly, or academic sources) in APA format. The cover and references slides are IN ADDITION to the (minimum of) 10 required slides.   The PowerPoint presentation must: 1. Explain the applicable law to the intended audience 2. Provide thorough treatment of the topic(s) selected, i...

$97 Average bid
$97 Oferta promedio
33 ofertas
$30 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

...identify a change that will need to occur. Then communicate the change(s) in a memo that you will send to your team. Communicate in a way that is clear, engaging, and motivating to gain employee buy-in; this is effective change management. Address the following in your memo. Assessment Audience Your memo should be: (You can use Microsoft Word Memo Templates or use one of the Memo templates built into Microsoft WORD) Directed to your team Engaging, positive, honest Be considerate of employees' resistance to change  Incorporate motivational strategies to earn employees’ buy-in Utilize 2 references with intext citations to support your statements Assessment Directions As a manager, you will create a 700- to 1,050-word memo...

$29 Average bid
$29 Oferta promedio
48 ofertas

I'm in need of a legal expert who can assist with drafting a case description for a criminal proceeding. My main goal is to find a lawyer to review a legal issue involving my family member. The case pertains to legal malpractice, with the underlying matter being a criminal case. I'm seeking a legal malpractice attorney but struggle to clearly explain the details. I require a well-written memo to effectively present the nature of the issue and capture the attention of a suitable attorney. Key Responsibilities: - Draft a comprehensive case description - Ensure the document meets legal standards for court submissions Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in legal writing, particularly in the criminal domain - Familiarity with court standards for legal documentation...

$139 Average bid
$139 Oferta promedio
14 ofertas

I need a memo to address our current operational issues and customer satisfaction problems. The memo's primary aim is to present recommendations to alleviate these issues. Key Details: - The memo should be persuasive and requesting action. - It will focus on operational issues affecting our supply chain and work processes, as well as our customer satisfaction levels. - Ideal candidates should have experience in business communication, operational strategy, and customer service management. Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past.

$23 Average bid
$23 Oferta promedio
23 ofertas

I need a professional and clean cash memo designed. This is a small task that should take about 30 minutes for a skilled graphic designer. The design should be simple yet polished and suitable for a professional setting. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with creating business documents - Quick turnaround time Please note, there is no need for a logo on this task.

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Oferta promedio
16 ofertas

...restoring my iPhone voice memo that has been trimmed. The original recording was less than 5 minutes long and it's a personal memory that I would like to retrieve. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have prior experience with audio restoration - Be familiar with iPhone voice memo software - Respect the personal nature of the content - Provide a timely turnaround Please provide the restored audio file in MA4 format. Please ensure the restored audio file is of quality acceptable for personal use. I do not have a backup of the original voice memo. The restored audio file should be of standard quality acceptable for personal use. The start and end portions of the recording are of highest importance. The restoration should be completed within 3 to...

$93 Average bid
$93 Oferta promedio
14 ofertas
logo, branding, pitch
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logo/tagline for now...but was thinking about things like letterhead/website banners/just a consistent theme for all our visual materials the first is a logo and messaging/branding memo that outlines a couple of ideas for logo and branding as well as the organizations name and tagline. Problem Gambling Action Find or PGAF....these ideas are just that, thoughts so feel free to add your own thoughts and ideas to the creation of the logo and visual branding elements. the second document is a memo that I would love your help incorporating into a pitch deck, obviously could use some fine tuning and creative help as you are incorporating into a powerpoint deck, but trust your judgment and style so look forward to seeing your interpertation and ideas on ...

$50 / hr Average bid
$50 / hr Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

...revenue calculations and key financial metrics such as ARR, NPV, and IRR. - The setup and execution of Monte Carlo Simulations using Crystal Ball. You will need to define assumption and forecast cells, and ensure correct setup for 10,000 trials to analyze potential outcomes and assess risks. Finally, I will need you to communicate your findings effectively. This will involve preparing either a memo or a video presentation summarizing the analysis. You will need to highlight both quantitative and qualitative factors that influence recommendations, and discuss significant risks for management's consideration. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience using Excel 365 and Crystal Ball. - Strong financial modeling skills. - Ability to communicate complex findings in a ...

$384 Average bid
$384 Oferta promedio
22 ofertas

I am seeking a professional to create a comprehensive brand guideline for a new online training higher education brand. Key Components: - Logo Usage - Color Palette and text legibility (Working with the palette) - Typography- Primary and secondary typefaces/Guidance on typesetting (alignment, capitalization, etc.) - Tone and Voice - Seal - Wordmark - Seal - Combination (wordmark + seal) - Photography style guidelines - Stationery- agenda, compliment slip, fax, letterhead, memo, minutes, compliment slip, business cards, Email signature - PowerPoint presentations - Publication covers - Posters - Certificates - Advertisements - Newsletters - Guidelines for digital applications like websites and social media - Podcast artwork guide - Guidelines on sub-brands and co-branding wi...

$79 Average bid
$79 Oferta promedio
24 ofertas

I'm looking for a skilled transcriber to convert my 10-30 minutes long English voice memo recordings into text. Key Details: - The audio is recorded using an iPhone's voice memo app. - The total length of the recordings is 10 to 20 minutes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in English to ensure accurate transcription. - Experience in audio transcription, preferably from voice memo recordings. - Attention to detail for capturing every word - Indians preferred as my accent is Indian There are 11 Voice message files in total and combined they do not exceed 20 minutes Please ensure you have the necessary skills and experience before bidding on this project. I need everything organized paragraph wise and with bullet points as applicable in WORD file, font ...

$12 Average bid
$12 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

I'm looking for an Excel expert to enhance my spreadsheet. Specifically, I need the following updates: - A current timestamp to be automatically recorded every time data is entered. - A drop-down box categorizing task types. - Product categories in the drop-down box sorted by brand (e...Exception to Policy Counseling Financial Aid Information Out-processing Out-processing (PCS) Request Tuition Assistance Reserve a Classroom Schedule a Counseling Appointment Schedule a Test Take a Test Already Scheduled Talk with an On-Post School Representative Test Information Transcript Request VA education Benefits (MGIB, VEAP, Top Up) Withdraw from a Class High School Completion In-processing Memo For Soldier Military Spouse Caree Advancement Accounts (CAA) MLF-Educational Purpose MLF Un...

$33 Average bid
$33 Oferta promedio
29 ofertas

I'm seeking a legal professional with a strong background in criminal law, specifically with expertise in defense strategies, to assist in crafting a memo focused on pre-trial motions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Profound understanding of criminal law - Experience with defense strategies - Expertise in pre-trial motions - Excellent legal writing skills - Ability to provide clear, strategic advice

$34 Average bid
$34 Oferta promedio
21 ofertas