Circuit simulator phettrabajos
...This forces me to pay several Internet and to have a computer, (even if it is an Orange Pi Zero 3 that costs less than 30 euros) for each car. Being able to use Janus Gateway to manage all the video and audio streaming from all Raspberrys in all small cars would be a better, sleeker, more economical (in the long run) and better performing solution. The Raspberry is connected to an intermediate circuit to control motors and servo motors via the GPIO port. Each one controls 4 motors and 2 servo motors. They sell me some kits to assemble the strollers, although you have to buy the Raspberry, the USB microphone and the batteries separately. The manufacturer of the Kits provides me with some classes programmed in Python to manage motors and servomotors. I've created a Python ap...
Se pretende realizar un proy...considered to be highly loyal and receive additional benefits. Determine the equivalent Boolean function of a truth table. To show the results, it is necessary to design a circuit that shows the information of the total percentage obtained from all possible combinations. Use the truth table and determine the equivalent Boolean function. That is, if they are a client of the product, it takes the value 1, if they are not, the value 0 is assigned. According to this result, add the percentages: ● Clothing 15%. ● Furniture 20%. ● Afore 25% ● Bank 25% ● Digital 15%. To show the results, it is necessary to design a circuit that shows the information of the total percentage obtained from all possible combinations. **The truth table is already avai...
...forces me to pay for several Internet and to have a computer, even if it is an Orange Pi Zero 3 that costs less than 30 euros for each car. Being able to use Janus Gateway to manage all the video and audio streaming of all the Raspberrys in all the small cars would be a better, more elegant, cheaper (in the long run) and better performing solution. The Raspberrys are connected to an intermediate circuit to control motors and servomotors through the GPIO port. Each one controls 4 motors and 2 servomotors. I am sold some kits to assemble the small cars, although you have to buy the Raspberry, the USB microphone and the batteries separately. The manufacturer of the Kits provides me with some classes programmed in Python to manage motors and servomotors. I have created a Python ap...
I'm seeking for a developer that c...LIBRARY to create - The frontend receive and send querys and response to the backend Backend: - The backend need to work with an APIGATEWAY that receive all Request from the frontend and send this request using RabbitMQ service to send an receive messages, create queues to other services: - Mongodb service that receive user information, simulator information and save, validate and search for this in the mongo database specific collection - A simulator services that need to be created transforming a c++ app in a service that receive, process and send response with the processing information to rabbitmq for this send this information to other services and can be used to response the frontend service All of this services need use do...
...forces me to pay for several Internet and to have a computer, even if it is an Orange Pi Zero 3 that costs less than 30 euros for each car. Being able to use Janus Gateway to manage all the video and audio streaming of all the Raspberrys in all the small cars would be a better, more elegant, cheaper (in the long run) and better performing solution. The Raspberrys are connected to an intermediate circuit to control motors and servomotors through the GPIO port. Each one controls 4 motors and 2 servomotors. I am sold some kits to assemble the small cars, although you have to buy the Raspberry, the USB microphone and the batteries separately. The manufacturer of the Kits provides me with some classes programmed in Python to manage motors and servomotors. I have created a Python ap...
As part of this project, I need assistance in performing the following tasks: - Writing VHDL code - Designing FPGA circuits, specifically for Xilinx FPGA The goal is to achieve PWM via VHDL and PS to PL UART communication in the FPGA circuit design. It would be advantageous if you have a strong background in VHDL, FPGA circuit design and specific experience with Xilinx FPGA. Additionally, understanding of PWM and UART communication would be beneficial. Estoy buscando un ingeniero FPGAs y firmware para q haga un pequeño proyecto para hacerlo correr en una tarjeta de desarrollo Pynq-Z2 con el Sw Vivado. Se trata de implementar un PWM de valor de entrada variable, esto en VHDL para cargarlo en la PL de la Zynq. Se trataría de lo siguiente; a través de...
Mi proyecto está basado en la implementación de un sistema web basado en microservicios , para mejorar la gestión de recursos IP en une empresa de Telecomunicaciones. Tengo pensado usar un Registry (Eureka Server) , Load Balancer ( Ribbon ) , Gateway ( API GATEWAY), Circuit Braker ( Hystrix), Spring Boot con su Api Rest, Spring Config. Busco un freelancer para implementar este proyecto. Saludos Julio Cabrera
Un PCB (Circuito Impreso, por sus siglas en inglés Printed Circuit Board) para control de modulación de ancho de pulsos (PWM, por sus siglas en inglés Pulse Width Modulation) es una placa especialmente diseñada y fabricada para incorporar y soportar los componentes electrónicos necesarios para implementar la técnica de PWM. Esta técnica es ampliamente utilizada para controlar la cantidad de energía que se entrega a un dispositivo eléctrico alterando el ancho de los pulsos en una señal digital.
Necesito un especialista en macros de Excel para desarrollar un simulador interactivo de tasas de interés. El proyecto debe completarse lo antes posible. Sus principales responsabilidades son: - Crear una macro de Excel para análisis de datos e informes. - Automatizar tareas repetitivas dentro de la aplicación. - Desarrollar funciones personalizadas para satisfacer nuestras necesidades específicas. Aunque no se indica explícitamente, será beneficiosa una comprensión sólida de las tasas de interés, su cálculo y los conceptos financieros relacionados, preferiblemente con un enfoque en tasas de interés fijas, variables y compuestas. Su experiencia se reflejará en el diseño e implementación ef... panel to stable 5 volts, this supplies the wifi modem and other route goes to a LDO-3.3V. I don't want to use the module () anymore and embed it to the PCB as a fixed-5V circuit. So i Ask for: 1. Add a transistor circuit to supply 5V to the modem (from the lm2596 regulator) when the ESP32's GPIO commands. Add it to the current version of the schematic and PCB board layout. 2. Do the fixed-5V circuit, according to LM2596 datasheet, in the current schematic and PCB layout. Find the main components (1. transistor; 2. coil, diode, chip regulator) in LCSSC Electronics () so the footprints of the PCB match the solder pins of the packages. Add it to the current version of the
Realizar las tareas en la imagen adjunta
Desarrollar la mecanica de un juego de manejo, la física del juego, menus desplegables, scores de calificación, alarmas de excedencias, requerimos la interfaz con controles físicos y visual en 3 pantallas y una pantalla de monitoreo y control. Ya contamos con modelos y mundo virtual.
estoy haciendo mi trabajo de grado y lo tengo que entregar el 16 de noviembre (el miercoles). En estos momentos estoy detenida porque tengo que simular por medio de montecarlo la proyeccion de rieles y pues baje risk simulator, halle las distribuciones, pero hay unas distribuciones como gumble maximo, gumble minimo, arcoseno, doble logaritmo, parabolico, entre otras, que no se como hallar los números aleatorios, los cuales requiero para hacer la simulacion montecarlo. Su ayuda lo mas urgente posible, si se puede hoy, seria lo mas genial del mundo. El máximo pago seria de USD 40.
aplicación móvil para repartidores y colaboradores de entregas a domicilio. Para ingresar, optimizar y calcular la mejor ruta con las distintas paradas a realizar para entrega y recogida de mercancía o delivery. Similares a apps de Google Play como: Circuit y mapscope
Requiero ayuda para duplicar objetos(pets/mascotas) mediante programas que usen el lenguaje LUA (roblox) :D Cabe aclarar en juegos de terceros (Se llama "Pet Simulator 1")
Hola Muhammad B., observé tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi tarea. Es urgente y necesito terminarlo en menos de dos horas., 12 media noche de UTC -5 Es hacer un circuito en Multisim que representa un sensor de temperatura con tres fuentes de voltaje , varias resistencias, un ua741, lm35
I am looking for an artist who can improve the visual section of my videogame. It consists of 10 small levels, set in different areas of a forest, which in total lasts about 30 minutes. All of them are already designed but I would like to improve the visual section (since I am a progr...forest, which in total lasts about 30 minutes. All of them are already designed but I would like to improve the visual section (since I am a programmer). The resources are free from the internet, so I would like to know the budget for: - Scene lighting - Trees modeling (with SpeedTree for example) - Landscape design - Deer modeling - Deer animation Regarding the game, it is a walking simulator in which you play a fawn that is left aside by the other deers and is forced to go deep into t...
Requiero que bosquejen un diagrama de flujo de una empresa constructora de construcciones sustentables, se haga un análisis de las contradicciones en la ruta de servicio, aplique TRIZ para resolver dichas contradicciónes ajustar el diagrama de flujo con lo resuelto y simular el proceso en SIMIO Simulator. Puedo contratar por partes 1.- Diagrama de Flujo (pago mínimo) 2.- aplicación de TRIZ (pago minimo/intermedio) 3.- simular (pago intermedio) 4.- Todo (pago regular)
...repercussions of the modified variables) 2 We enter a 3d space according to the previous options selected (all 3d models will be delivered) 2.1 Space with the machine to be simulated 2.2 The elements necessary for the procedure 2.3 3d characters 2.3.1 patient (male, female, child) 2.3.2 health team (man, woman) 3 According to the medical record the simulator should follow the protocol, the user will be able to interact with the machine simulator and modify the values according to their knowledge. 4 The interface of each machine and brand must respond to the processes necessary to complete the specific protocol of each machine and each exercise. 5 according to the entered values the output image will be altered according to the entered parameters degrading the image...
Create a logic diagram and a circuit using graffcet diagrams for a system that automatizes a bottling machine that realizes the following actions; 1) taking the bottle 2) washing 3)drying 4) sterilizing the bottle 5) filling up with liquids 6) closing the bottle 7) tagging the bottle 8) putting bottles on the shelf I attach a similar example Elabora el diagrama físico, lógico y circuito para un sistema que automatice una maquina embotelladora que realiza las siguientes acciones: tomar la botella, lavado, secado, esterilización del interior, llenado con líquidos, enroscado de tapa y puesta de etiqueta de la marca alrededor de la botella, y finalmente depositar la botella llena en una tarima. Cada quien puede elegir lo mecanismos (carrucel, banda de ...
Voy a empezar a realizar mi primer videojuego y necesito un programador con experiencia para que me ayude a poder desarrollarlo más fácil y rápido. El juego es sobre atracciones de feria, en este c...poco seguiré dando tareas según me surjan las dudas o ya lo tenga planeado. Quiero hacer que el trabajo sea lo más fácil posible, por ello yo intentaré hacer la mayor parte del proyecto (como menús, pantallas de carga, modelos 3D, etc), pero cuando necesite algo importante acudiré a ti para hacer el trabajo. Gracias por leer, espero ver tu mensaje y que podamos trabajar juntos. Saludos XRIDE Simulator IMPORTANTE: El proyecto no se va a empezar de inmediato, esto es solo para elegir a una persona y poder trabajar a l...
...los servidores de juego: Cada servidor de juego se instala bajo un puerto distinto. Si usamos de ejemplo el puerto 16320, el juego se instalará bajo el dominio: y bajo el puerto 16320. Pudiendo haber hasta 20 servidores de distintos juegos. Ejemplo: Minecraft Servidor 1 = CS:GO Servidor 1 = Minecraft Servidor 2 = Farming Simulator Servidor 1 = Y así sucesivamente... Tarea a desarrollar: - Instalar el Panel Pterodactyl en 2 de los 3 Servidores Dedicados y configurar algunos parámetros. - Instalar el Panel TCAdmin en uno de los Servidores Dedicados - Instalar WHMCS como gestor de los dos paneles. Cuando un usuario paga, WHMCS debe crear el usuario en el panel Pterodactyl, crear el servidor de juego con
Hola Felipe V., vi en un mensaje que publicaste que sabes de asterisk y grandstream. Tengo un problema y no encuentro la forma de solucionarlo. Te dejo un link con mi problema, si consideras que puedes solucionarlo me gustaria que me contactes y me digas cuanto me cobrarias. Gracias
Tenemos un backend montado con Java 8 Spring boot, nginx encargado del balanceo de carga, circuit braker, proxy inverso y api gateway. tenemos que toda la logica de los eventos del broker van en un microservicio aparte pero estamos abiertos a cambio de lenguaje porque no es mucho el codigo hecho en ese microservicio (TODO MENOS PHP) y si es node, que sea con frameworks empresariales como nestjs (buscamos soluciones limpias y escalables. Necesitamos una solución arquitectonica para el manejo del protocolo mqtt, algo limpio, escalable y de larga mantenibilidad y que aporte buen rendimiento. Somos exigentes en temas de diseño de software, por eso estamos buscando apoyo profesional y con experiencia diseñando arquitecturas para este tipo de protocolo.
I have two circuits that I need to check. Both circuits are designed in easyEDA Circuit 1: Check schematic if it is well designed Modify the pcb if necessary (although I don't think it's necessary) Generate bom file according to pcbway specifications The design contains esp32, gprs a6 ai-thinker, sd card, 4 relays, 1 multiplexer, and other small components, it is not a complicated design Circuit 2: Check schematic Generate PCB Generate BOM file compatible with pcbway specifications Design contains esp32, sd card, 2 wigand reader, 2 relay and along with other small components such as resistors and capacitors, it is not a complicated circuit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tengo ...
...seleccionado, los estaremos llamando para entregarle un volumen importante de videos, en el proceso de montaje del canal digital de la compañía. Para la realización del trabajo, adjuntaremos los videos en crudo. Los videos, como mínimo deberán contener: 1. La presentación gráfica Software Shop, el portafolio al que pertenece el producto "Cuantitativo" y el nombre del producto Risk Simulator. 2. El saludo del instructor que está presentando 3. La mención de las características del producto 4. Las imágenes que se obtienen del uso del software 5. El uso de imágenes/efectos/trucos deben estar presente. Adjuntamos los links de los videos crudos, . Necesitamos la edición,...
The extension of the odoo modules is foreseen: openeducat_core, openeducat_admission, openeducat_fees to adapt its functionality to the management circuit of an educational institute, allowing to improve the handling of inscriptions, collections and access of students to the institute, making the connection to a base external data sqlserver. Detalles ES: Destalles EN: no más de 30 caracteres (como si hubiera leido un TAG RFID) y el otro recibe el mensaje y confirma la recepción de lectura al primero. (La comunicación debe ser mediante sockets). Esto debe conllevar a la creación de un nuevo proceso que atienda la conexión establecida, mientras el proceso principal se mantiene escuchando el socket para nuevas conexiones. ------------------- I need a simple simulator in C that is composed of two small programs, where one sends a text message of no more than 30 characters (as if he had read an RFID TAG) and the other receives the message and confirms the reception of the first reading. (The communication must be through sockets). This should lead to the creation of a new process that addresses the established ...
Quiero subir diseños a prestashop y que automáticamente me genere una simulación de esos diseños sobre una camiseta y que pueda pulsar en colores y cambie el color de la camiseta automáticamente. Comportamiento similar al de
...-Permitir jugar contra la computadora -Permitir elegir quien empieza -Mantener un record de los movimientos y mostrar el ganador -Usar un mismo estandar de programacion para todo el proyecto. -Proveer un documento de word con los record del "black box" y unit test que completo para verificar que el app funciona -proveer un archivo Zip con todos los archivos que el proyecto use en corona simulator -Por separado proveer el MD5 hash del archivo zip Tarea 2 -Implementar la logica para ganar de la tarea1 -Mantener un registro de ganadas/perdidas/empate, persistente durante las sesiones de uso(local storage) -Permitir borrar los datos de ganadas/perdidas/empate almacenados -Permitir al humano deshacer su ultima jugada en los ultimos 5 segundos de haber echo el ...
Necesito hacer el juego de tetris en codigo assembler, necesito que funcione en MARS (MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator). () Adjunto el documento con las especificaciones del codigo.
un simulador de instagram con likes fotos, perfile
Aplicación para iOS de fitness con destino interno a las instalaciones de...instalaciones de un polideportivo. Propósito: estructurar las clases del gimnasio. Los destinatarios serán los usuarios y los entrenadores. Las funcionalidades comprenden: selección de actividades, ajuste de tiempo del ejercicio y descanso, reproducción de las actividades gravadas en video, conexión a tv. Pueden tomarse como ejemplos de la store: Son necesarias referencias de aplicaciones ya creadas, un presupuesto económico y de plazos estimado para esta aplicación; se ampliará la información del proyecto sólo a los que cumplan estas condiciones.
I need an expert circuit designer to help me work on a circuit based on the schematics from the Brilliant Labs Frame AI Glasses. The goal is to maintain the original design accuracy while optimizing the component layout. The circuit uses the nRF52840 MCU from Nordic, the Crosslink-NX LIFCL-17 FPGA from Lattice, and the OV09734 camera sensor from Omnivision.
...aesthetic and structural changes to improve the design. Required Modifications Add a Stepper Motor: Attach the stepper motor to the back of the design. The motor body should be screwed to the body of the dispenser. Connect the motor shaft to the wheel using a 5mm flange to enable rotation of the dispensing mechanism. Add a Compartment: Create a compartment with dimensions 20cm x 10cm x 5cm to house: Circuit boards Electronic components Battery Ensure the compartment is easily accessible for maintenance. if you have knowledge on Arduino UNO and electronic components, making design that fits these components perfectly is a plus, instead of a fixed 20cm x 10cm x 5cm size. please do consider wiring header space, as I will only be using jumpers and not soldered to strip boards. -Ar...
I'm in need of professional soldering workers for circuit board assembly. Key Requirements: - Expert in soldering on multi-layer circuit boards - Proficient with handling both Surface-mount devices (SMD) and Through-hole components - Detail-oriented to ensure high-quality assembly Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in circuit board and soldering work - Knowledge of circuit board design and assembly principles - Ability to work under tight deadlines without compromising quality.
*** OVERVIEW *** - Ten US dollars per hour. - One hour per day (or per night). - You will help me design, code, and develop an IoT product using MicroPython running on an ESP32 microchip. - You do *not* need any experience with microcontrollers, electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics, Arduino, PCB, circuit design, or Python. - If prevents you from bidding on this project or if you want to avoid “spending” one of your Freelancer bids you can apply "passively” for this project by pasting "MicroPython_ESP32_11_September_2019" into your Freelancer profile. Please see the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must live the Weste...
I'm in need of a soft copy of the circuit/wiring diagram for the Carestream DRX Evolution X-Ray. The diagram should be in PDF format and detail the connections from the X-ray console to the generator, the chest bulky, and the tube head with moderate detail, including key connections. Simply put, I'm looking for: - A PDF circuit/wiring diagram for the Carestream DRX Evolution X-Ray - Diagram detailing key connections to specific components - Moderate detail level with key connections If you have access to this document, I'm happy to pay for it. Please get in touch. Thank you.
I'm looking for an experienced circuit designer to create a buck-boost converter for me. The specifications are as follows: - Input Voltage: The converter should accept input voltages ranging from 16.5V to 48V. - Output Voltage: The output voltage of the converter needs to be fixed at 24V. - Current Rating: The converter should be able to handle a maximum output current of 10A. Key characteristics that are crucial for this design: - Cost Efficiency: The design needs to be low-cost, so creativity in sourcing materials and components will be appreciated. Components must be used tl494, voltage driver ir2110 , potentiometer and inductor.
I'm in need of a professional electronics engineer to design a low voltage control system circuit for me. The circuit will be used in an embedded control system, so it needs to be compact, efficient and well-optimized for such applications. Key requirements: - Design a circuit for a control system - Low voltage (below 50V) - For use in an embedded control system Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge in circuit design - Experience with embedded control systems - Understanding of low voltage power distribution - Proficient in designing compact and efficient circuits
I'm looking for a skilled PCB designer who can develop a circuit drawing in Gerber file from a reference sample. This project involves working on a medium-sized PCB, specifically between 5cm x 5cm and 15cm x 15cm. The circuit is intended for a power supply and will require a double-layer design. Requirements: - Proficiency in PCB design software - Experience in creating Gerber files - Understanding of power supply circuits - Capability to design double-layer PCBs - Attention to detail and ability to replicate from a reference sample Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar projects. Please include examples of your work with your bid.
We are looking for a talented and experienced hardware engineer who have full knowldge of cash and digital payment integration hardware to design and develop the hardware components for cash-handling and cash counting machine and counting machine and all digital payment and including various other components Knowledge and Responsibilities Integrate payment hardware system Design the electronic circuits Select and Integrate Microcontrollers Sensor and Actuator Integration Payment System Integration Fraud Detection Hardware-Software Integration Required Skills: Payment Hardware System Embedded Systems Design Circuit Design & PCB Developmen Sensor Integration: Security Systems: Microcontroller Programming Hardware Debugging Experience with Payment Systems 3D Design ...
...connection for historical price capture. Once the above is completed the same datasets will be used to simulate and output data based on the conditions set out in the simulation. Some understanding of trading terminology and bar/candle charts would be useful as this will would make it easier to comprehend the conditions and variables but is not a pre-requisite. Key Requirements: - Develop a market simulator that will facilitate backtesting of historical trades. - Use Python for automation of Excel and handling mixed data. - API connections with Java and Python Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong experience in Python, particularly with data analysis and Excel automation. - Familiarity with various financial markets and backtesting methodologies. - Good and clear communicati...
In the final product you will receive a video with quality content, images that follow the voice over circuit, without any distractions. Videos with eye-catching effects, retain viewers well, make the story come alive so that people who have never seen WWE can be curious and watch to learn about it. Ensure the content is safe and copyright-free
...integration on vessels. Shore Power (Cold Ironing) Systems for connecting ships to shore power at ports to reduce emissions. 3. Marine High Voltage Systems HV Systems Overview High-voltage systems used on large vessels like container ships, cruise liners, and LNG carriers. Safety Procedures Insulation resistance testing, arc flash analysis, and lockout/tagout (LOTO). Equipment and Maintenance Circuit breakers, transformers, and HV cabling. Condition monitoring using Partial Discharge Analysis and Thermal Imaging. 4. Automation and Control Systems Integrated Automation Systems (IAS) Role of IAS in monitoring and controlling propulsion, cargo, and auxiliary systems. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) Programming, troubleshooting, and optimization of PLC-based systems. SCADA Syst...
Hello, I need glasses like this for my project assignment. Can you make the customizations I want for the circuit, sensors, and camera placement inside? It will also be necessary to include the circuit diagram and layout plan.
I'm seeking a registered engineer to review the switchboard drawings of a low-voltage switchboard to ensure compliance with the 61439 standard. The review should focus on the electrical design and include an evaluation of circuit diagrams, busbar arrangements, and protection devices. Ideal Skills Include: - Expertise in electrical design of low-voltage switchboards - Familiarity with 61439 standards - Experience in reviewing switchboard drawings - Proficiency in evaluating circuit diagrams, busbar arrangements, and protection devices - Registered engineering credentials - Must be registered on the NER, and hold current Chartered status (Electrical Engineering) with Engineers Australia
Hi, as discussed via chat. I would be working on your 20 pages paper on the following title: A comprehensive review of the impact of neglecting voltage hysteresis in the equivalent circuit model of lithium-ion batteries on parameter estimation and state-of-charge optimization
I'm seeking a comprehensive review that focuses on the impact of neglecting voltage hysteresis in the equivalent circuit model of lithium-ion batteries, specifically on state-of-charge optimization. Key aspects of the project: - The review should primarily focus on how voltage hysteresis affects state-of-charge optimization. - The review should predominantly source information from academic journals, ensuring a high level of credibility and relevance. - The analysis should include, and be grounded in, mathematical modeling. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Strong background in battery technology and lithium-ion batteries. - Proficiency in mathematical modeling. - Excellent research skills, particularly in sourcing and synthesizing information from academic ...