Hi everybody... I need someone to take 2 ebooks, and rewrite them into 1 (shorter) ebook Here is quick info: * I will give you 2 PDF eBooks talking about the same topic: How to become a Mystery Shopper (Secret Shopper). * I need to create our own version of these eBooks. * So, your final output should be 1 eBook, that contains the most useful information from each book... without neglecting any of the important angles. * Each eBook is nearly 100 pages... but you need to skim through them both to get the most important ideas/concepts and not leave something not mentioned that has value. * Your final out put, should cover the sub-topics... but I want it to be shortened... like 50 to 60 pages up to 75 pages maximum. * I'm flexible with deadline... but I suggest 15 days to give you room to work on this at your convenient time. But I can increase/decrease the deadline if you want. * delivery should be in MS word format (.doc, or .docx) In short, I need a unique ebook, talking about the same topic but with less papers and same or higher quality. Thanks, Mary
## Deliverables
1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows? (depending on the nature? of the deliverables):
a)? For web sites or? other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's environment--Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run condition in the Buyer's environment.
b) For all others including desktop software or software the buyer intends to distribute: A software? installation package that will install the software in ready-to-run condition on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) All deliverables will be considered "work made for hire" under U.S. Copyright law. Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder's Seller Legal Agreement).
## Platform
MS Word file.