JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. If you are looking for a website to be created with sophisticated interactivity or in search of an impressive mobile app, using JavaScript is the way to go. With the help of our expert Javascript Developers, you can bring your idea to life.

A Javascript developer on can create dynamic web applications with extended features and improved user experiences. They can also design advanced gaming applications, develop cloud applications, and create powerful websites that work with less coding and low complexity.

Here's some projects that our expert Javascript Developers made real:

  • Developed interactive websites & apps with detailed user accounts experience
  • Created powerful applications that streamline complex data into actionable insights
  • Built custom Windows and Mac software designed to fit client specifications
  • Developed mobile apps that enables customers to access data from their phones
  • Connected databases to web interfaces with easy input/output functionality
  • Optimized existing code for faster loading pages and smoother user workflows

Javascript Developers on know how to turn ideas into reality. They are experienced professionals dedicated to excellence and creating top-notch scripts that are easy to use, reliable and fast. If you have an idea but don’t know how to turn it into technical reality, is the place to post your project. Hire our expert Javascript developers today!

De 687,041 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Javascript Developers 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Javascript Developers

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. If you are looking for a website to be created with sophisticated interactivity or in search of an impressive mobile app, using JavaScript is the way to go. With the help of our expert Javascript Developers, you can bring your idea to life.

A Javascript developer on can create dynamic web applications with extended features and improved user experiences. They can also design advanced gaming applications, develop cloud applications, and create powerful websites that work with less coding and low complexity.

Here's some projects that our expert Javascript Developers made real:

  • Developed interactive websites & apps with detailed user accounts experience
  • Created powerful applications that streamline complex data into actionable insights
  • Built custom Windows and Mac software designed to fit client specifications
  • Developed mobile apps that enables customers to access data from their phones
  • Connected databases to web interfaces with easy input/output functionality
  • Optimized existing code for faster loading pages and smoother user workflows

Javascript Developers on know how to turn ideas into reality. They are experienced professionals dedicated to excellence and creating top-notch scripts that are easy to use, reliable and fast. If you have an idea but don’t know how to turn it into technical reality, is the place to post your project. Hire our expert Javascript developers today!

De 687,041 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Javascript Developers 4.9 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Javascript Developers


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    553 trabajos encontrados

    Estoy tratando de emular un efecto hover sobre unos botones que encontré en video, logré desarrollar algo con html y css. Necesito ayuda para terminar mi proyecto y adaparlo para Elementor como Widget.

    $124 Average bid
    $124 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    Cuando se entre a una pagina de producto, deberá existir un botón donde regrese a ese mismo producto en el home, igual que sucede en el celular IMPORTANTE: debe tener en cuenta de que en nuestro sitio web hay un load infinito y debe funcionar en todos los productos del home y con el producto centrado en la pagina Por favor ver el video adjunto que deseamos: 1. 2.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    Hola buenas, soy Joel. Busco a un freelancer para incorporar en mi equipo de agencia de IA para ofrecer chatbots de atención al cliente para ecommerce. El trabajo principal es el desarrollamiento de este chatbot con algunas funciones específicas, aparte de la atención al cliente, y yo me encargaré en la obtención del cliente, cobras por chatbot realizado. Si tienes experiencia en chatbots para ecommerce házmelo saber. El perfil de persona que busco es una persona implicada, con ganas y para trabajar a largo plazo y formar un buen equipo de trabajo estando en contacto para cooperar juntos para proporcionar un servicio de calidad. Si tienes alguna duda o estás interesado, escríbeme que estaré encantado de responderte.

    $532 Average bid
    $532 Oferta promedio
    59 ofertas

    Necesito una aplicación personalizada similar a Infranodus, construida en Angular y aprovechando las últimas librerías. La aplicación debe ser basada en la versión open source y debe tener todas las funcionalidades de la última versión de Infranodus. Esta aplicación es para uso personal. Funciones necesarias: - Análisis de redes de texto - Visualización de datos - Recomendaciones e insights - Integración de IA - Notas más potentes Idealmente, el freelancer debe tener experiencia con Angular y desarrollo de aplicaciones similares a Infranodus. Espero que el resultado final sea una aplicación intuitiva y fácil de usar.

    $230 Average bid
    $230 Oferta promedio
    44 ofertas

    Estoy en busca de un experto en desarrollo web que pueda crear una aplicación para la generación de facturas electrónicas, la cual será utilizada en la República Dominicana. La aplicación debe tener como objetivo principal permitir la emisión de facturas electrónicas, cumpliendo con las normativas locales. Mis requisitos son: - La aplicación debe ser completamente funcional en la plataforma web. - Tiene que ser capaz de emitir facturas de manera eficiente y efectiva. Idealmente, el freelancer que elija para este proyecto deberá tener experiencia previa en el desarrollo de aplicaciones similares, así como un sólido conocimiento sobre la normativa de facturación electrónica en la Repúbl...

    $1096 Average bid
    $1096 Oferta promedio
    55 ofertas
    Fish Total
    4 días left

    El proyecto alberga una plataforma de control de una granja acuicola de especies orientado a la producción del tipo de especie cultivada en función a cada cliente.

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Oferta promedio
    42 ofertas

    Realizar facturas desde méxico para estados unidos, ayuda con sistema para generar facturas en inglés, validas, cuento con facturas de ejemplo, la cual requiero, enviar los productos que se van a facturar, para que quede la factura igual que la factura que genero manualmente, mi sistema usa ReactJS, NestJS como backend.

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas

    Necesito desarrollar una aplicación en donde existen roles de administración que involucre la gestión de pacientes y roles de clientes para la utilización del servicio. Las gestiones específicas son: registro de pacientes, agenda de citas grupales y personales de los pacientes, creación de carpetas clínicas, area de administración. El diseño y el backend ya están desarrollados, solo necesitamos un desarrollador frontend específicamente en el framework Vue.js para su codificación.

    $2367 Average bid
    $2367 Oferta promedio
    69 ofertas

    Necesitamos 1 persona que sea experta en nodejs y express para que nos ayude a incorporar nuevas funciones a nuestro sitio web

    $170 Average bid
    $170 Oferta promedio
    39 ofertas
    Animar un logo en svg y ccs
    3 días left

    Presupuesto 15 dólares la animación debe ser en svg y ccs Tengo el siguiente logo en Svg y quiero que tenerlo animado puede ser svg o css (no puede ser gif), me imagino que las ondas de la mitad se conviertan fluidamente en una gota de agua esta caiga al borde rebote y vuelva a ser el logo original, es para un loading, puede ser esto o puede ser algo similar pero con el logo transformandose.

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    Buscamos un desarrollador con experiencia en .net y Angular JS para implementar una sección de Favoritos que se tiene en un sitio ya implementado y con diseños aprobados por el cliente. Adicional a esto, hacer una implementación de unas mejoras en el código del sitio web y colaborar en la entrega a cliente para paso a producción. El desarrollador tiene que estar en Colombia.

    $35 / hr Average bid
    $35 / hr Oferta promedio
    39 ofertas
    Experto API Marketplace Facebook
    3 días left

    Experiencia laboral comprobable con API Marketplace de Facebook en rubro AUTOS, mercado Latinoamérica. Somos una empresa de +15 años de trayectoria en el rubro automotriz usados en Argentina. Contamos con un sistema de gestión (tipo SaaS) y buscamos integrarnos a Marketplace de Facebook a través de API. Necesitamos un desarrollador con conocimiento en NextJS, Node, MySQL y Prisma. Hoy el sistema está hosteado en Vercel. El lenguaje de programación es TypeScript. Por favor, sólo aplicar aquel profesional que tenga experiencia en la documentación de Marketplace Facebook rubro AUTOS. Experiencia laboral comprobable con API Marketplace de Facebook en rubro AUTOS, mercado Latinoamérica.

    $489 Average bid
    $489 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    Tenemos un server de MINECRAFT en la version 1.18.2 Forge 40.2.10 que esta listo para lanzarse, pero en la apertura con 50/50 personas online dio un consumo enorme de RAM (20GB) y crasheo. Necesitamos a alguien que entienda y pueda buscar el error entre MODS y PLUGINS instalados

    $225 Average bid
    $225 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas
    Web cryptos
    1 día left

    Si hablas español mejor. Busco socio o pago al ver el trabajo terminado. Quiero una web de juegos, donde el usuario se registre, entonces se crea una dirección en una billetera para Bitcoin core, y que a esa dirección pase el dinero en criptos que el usuario quiera, y luego un juego multijugador, de momento el ajedrez por ejemplo, donde cada usuario apueste por ejemplo 1€(en criptos), y quien gane se lleva los 2€. Cualquier duda hablarme.

    $524 Average bid
    $524 Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

    Necesito una web similar a esa pero con cosas adicionales

    $207 Average bid
    $207 Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas

    I'm looking for an expert who can implement ABC analysis algorithm into my hardware store's inventory management system based on PHP and MySQL. Key Aspects of the Project: - The ABC analysis should incorporate key data points such as Sales Revenue, Inventory Turnover Rate, and Profit Margin. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experienced in conducting and implementing ABC analysis. - Strong understanding of key inventory data points. - Ability to set up daily updates for analysis.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    I'm looking for a React JS and Tailwind SCSS component for my website. The component should allow customers to design their own cricket or football team jerseys with the following customization options: - Colors and patterns - Logos and text - Player names and numbers Key Features: - A real-time preview of the designed jersey - Ability to download the final design as an image and also save and preview option Skills and Experience: - Proficient in React JS and Tailwind SCSS - Experience in developing interactive web components - Understanding of UI/UX principles for a seamless customer experience Please note that the component should not include options for saving designs or placing orders at this stage. The focus is solely on the design and download aspects.

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    Help needed! Looking to hire a developer with diverse skills immediately to help with several ongoing projects, mainly starting with Wordpress plugins and Chrome Extensions. We are building a SAAS that helps with team organization and content management. These plugins and extensions will assist as additional marketing tools related to it that will help attract users of the SAAS. The work includes but are not limited to: - Build Wordpress plugins that are helpful for users that will be free for people to use, to help with marketing efforts. - Connect WP plugin(s) to our SAAS for further functionality if needed? - Help with building out additional SAAS features. - Build SEO tools, and more! I will pay you $400 / month for this work for as long as we’re working together (ongoi...

    $432 Average bid
    $432 Oferta promedio
    60 ofertas

    I need a skilled developer to create a dynamic login page for member access. The page should authenticate users through a username and password, and include two-factor authentication for enhanced security. Essential skills and experience: - Proficiency in web development and programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and backend languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP. - Experience in creating secure login systems. - Knowledge and experience of implementing two-factor authentication. - Understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design principles. The developer will create a user-friendly login interface that ensures secure access to our member area. The project requires someone who can balance functionality with a seamless user experience.

    $301 Average bid
    $301 Oferta promedio
    34 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can create an interactive search page using Ajax and jQuery. This page will be integrated with an SQL database. The project entails: - Developing a search functionality that allows users to search for names, phone numbers, or email addresses. - Implementing a text box for inputting registration data. - Designing form fields for registration input that include Name, Phone, and Email. The ideal candidate should have significant experience in web development, particularly with Ajax and jQuery, as well as SQL database management. Prior work on creating interactive web pages will be highly regarded.

    $168 Average bid
    $168 Oferta promedio
    37 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented developer to create an app that uses AI technology to make job hunting more efficient. The app should focus on: - AI Resume Generator - Resume Translation - Cover Letter Creation - Automated Job Applications - Interview Preparation In addition, the app should feature resume creation with customizable templates. The templates should be of a professional design. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in app development, specifically with AI integration. Creativity in designing user-friendly and intuitive interfaces is a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid. Thank you.

    $1362 Average bid
    $1362 Oferta promedio
    71 ofertas Project Specialist Needed
    6 días left

    We are seeking an experienced freelancer to join our team for a project. The ideal candidate will have familiarity with , including its features for email finding, verification, and outreach automation. You will be responsible for optimizing our use of the platform, ensuring effective lead generation and management. If you are detail-oriented and have a track record of successful projects, we want to hear from you!

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    I am looking for a talented web developer who can assist me in building a robust content management system (CMS). The project involves designing a new web application from scratch. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, or Python. - Previous experience in building a CMS is a plus. - Strong understanding of responsive web design principles. Key Responsibilities: - Developing a new, user-friendly web application. - Implementing necessary features and functionalities of a CMS. - Ensuring the application is scalable and secure. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in your bid. Thank you!

    $14468 Average bid
    $14468 Oferta promedio
    52 ofertas
    Looking for React/Python Developer
    6 días left

    I am seeking a skilled Web Developer to modify and enhance our existing web platform built using React (frontend) and Python (backend). The ideal candidate will have experience working with these technologies, be comfortable navigating existing codebases, and have a strong problem-solving mindset. Required Skills: Strong proficiency in React (Hooks, components, state management) and JavaScript/TypeScript. Experience with Python/Flask for web backend development. Knowledge of HTML/CSS for basic frontend modifications. Familiarity with RESTful API design and integration. Experience with version control systems, particularly Git. This is a straightforward job that should take 1-2 days if you have the necessary skills. If you successfully complete this task, we can move forward with ad...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta promedio
    92 ofertas

    I need help integrating a shortcode into my WordPress blog. This shortcode displays my podcast and playlist. Here's a video walkthrough of what I want: Here's the website link: Here's the shortcode: [sonaar_audioplayer albums="1651, 1647, 1637, 1630, 1609, 1603, 1599, 1593, 1578" order="desc" orderby="date" adaptive_colors="1" progressbar_inline="true" show_meta_duration="true" show_publish_date="true" show_tracks_count="true" show_skip_bt="true" show_shuffle_bt="true" show_repeat_bt="default" show_speed_bt="true" show_volume_bt="true" show_miniplayer_note_bt="default" progress_bar_style="default" wave_bar_width="1&q...

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Oferta promedio
    54 ofertas
    Node.js Chatbot Developer
    6 días left

    Hello, we are in developing a virtual traveling platform with Metaverse technology. The idea is that users can log in to our platform and travel the land, visit the museum, have a meal in the restaurant and go shopping.. Through our platform, users can build relationships with each other on the platform via chat and call. We already started the project and you can check that from attachment. Are you excited about the idea of creating a vibrant social space in the Metaverse? As a Metaverse Developer, you'll get to dive deep into designing and developing engaging worlds where users can travel and interact. You'll collaborate with a talented team of artists and designers, bringing your ideas to life and ensuring that every feature feels intuitive and fun. In current project, the ch...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Oferta promedio
    76 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled developer for a comprehensive DICOM Web Viewer. This tool needs to support diverse imaging modalities including CT scans, MRI scans, and X-ray images. Key functionalities must include: - Image annotation: Allow users to mark specific areas on the images. - 3D reconstruction: Facilitate the transformation of 2D images into 3D visualizations. - Measurement tools: Provide tools for users to measure distances, sizes, and other relevant parameters on the images. Compatibility is crucial for this project. The DICOM Web Viewer must function seamlessly across: - Web browsers - Mobile devices - Desktop applications Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in web development, mobile application development, and desktop software development. Familiarity with DI...

    $325 Average bid
    $325 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can integrate 25 different app APIs into my project. This includes the OpenAI natural language API. Key Features: - New message functionality - AI settings - A dedicated workspace app page - An app page to create a workspace - A notification center - A profile page Additionally, an Admin panel is required for overseeing the operations. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with API integrations - Proficiency in OpenAI API - Strong background in developing both mobile and web apps - Prior experience in creating admin panels - Excellent understanding of implementing user-friendly features

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Oferta promedio
    84 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled programmer to assist in creating a Real-Time Editing (RTE) modification tool for my JTAG Xbox 360. This tool should primarily allow for custom game modifications, specifically targeting the Call of Duty series. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an RTE mod tool enabling custom game mods for Call of Duty. - Integrate features allowing to enable and disable the mod - Create EXTERNAL only mods which do not directly impact the console. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in programming with experience in console game modifications. - Knowledge of the Call of Duty series and its game mechanics. - Ability to deliver a user-friendly and efficient mod tool.

    $219 Average bid
    $219 Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web designer and developer to create a new design for my E-pin selling site. This project will be primarily focused on using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to develop a modern, dark-themed website. Key requirements include: - Expertise in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript: You will be using these technologies to create a sleek, modern design. - Experience in eCommerce site design: As this site is intended for selling e-pins, you should have a good understanding of the typical functionalities and layouts of eCommerce sites. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles: The site should be user-friendly and appealing to customers. Please note, the specific functionalities of the site have not yet been determined, so a flexible approach and a willingness to make suggesti...

    $161 Average bid
    $161 Oferta promedio
    96 ofertas

    Description: I am looking for an experienced developer to create an interactive game widget for Streamlabs that will engage my TikTok live stream audience. The game involves five players competing to capture a puck, and viewers can send gifts that influence the speed and success of the players. When a goal is scored, the crowd reacts, and the game resets. Key features: • Integration with Streamlabs for TikTok live streaming • Real-time player movements and puck dynamics • Viewer interaction through gifts that affect game outcomes • Crowd reaction animations when a goal is scored • Customizable game logic and UI Skills required: • Experience with Streamlabs API and TikTok integration • Strong proficiency in game development (HTML5/...

    $330 Average bid
    $330 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    We are looking for a skilled Laravel and Vue.js developer to work on our custom CRM application. The project involves fixing issues in existing modules and adding new functionality to one of the modules. The ideal candidate should have strong experience with Laravel backend development and Vue.js on the frontend.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    I am a web developer looking to build a new e-commerce website from scratch. Core Functionalities: - Product Catalog and Search: The website should have a user-friendly product catalog with a robust search feature. - Shopping Cart and Checkout: A seamless shopping cart and checkout process is vital. - User Accounts and Order Tracking: The site should allow users to create accounts and track their orders. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. - Experience with Flutter will be a plus. - Prior experience in developing e-commerce websites is highly desirable. I am looking for a quality-focused freelancer who can bring this project to life.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta promedio
    86 ofertas

    I'm looking for a proficient developer who can create a countdown timer widget for both Wix and Shopify. Key Features: - The timer should display a banner notification when it reaches zero. This message will be crucial for my site's visitors, so it should be clear, visible, and well-integrated into the overall site design. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with both Wix and Shopify app development. - Strong understanding of creating interactive web elements. - Proven track record of designing and implementing clear and effective site notifications. Apps will be published on wix/shopify store with free and paid version. There will be backend options to set timer,message, colors and position. There will be many more apps I will be ordering, this is the first basic one to b...

    $311 Average bid
    $311 Oferta promedio
    93 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can help me troubleshoot and fix my website. I haven't specified the exact issues, but there may be some design/layout, functionality, and/or content problems. The website could be an e-commerce site, a blog or a portfolio. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Strong problem-solving skills - Experience with debugging and troubleshooting - Familiarity with e-commerce, blog, and portfolio websites - Knowledge of web design principles - Experience with browser compatibility testing and fixes

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Oferta promedio
    82 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experienced Angular developer to assist in improving the design and functionality of various UI components in my project. The components in question include form elements, data tables, and navigation menus. The primary focus is on enhancing the overall user experience. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Angular with a solid understanding of its UI components - Experience in both UI design and functionality development - A keen eye for improving user experience The ideal candidate will have a strong background in UI/UX design and Angular development, with a proven track record of creating user-friendly interfaces. Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal.

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta promedio
    37 ofertas

    I'm seeking a talented developer to create a comprehensive dashboard for our healthcare non-profit. This dashboard should track our financial performance and clinical productivity. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a dashboard that monitors our revenue and expenses, as well as our clinical productivity. - The clinical productivity metrics should include patient visits and staff efficiency. Ideal Skills: - Experience in dashboard development, particularly for non-profit or healthcare organizations. - Strong understanding of financial and clinical productivity metrics. - Proficiency in data visualization and analytics tools. Please include examples of relevant previous work in your proposal. Thank you!

    $3911 Average bid
    $3911 Oferta promedio
    123 ofertas

    I'm seeking a proficient developer to create an online platform/software that screens and analyzes financial transactions primarily for compliance monitoring purposes. for a freelancer to develop an online platform/software for screening and analyzing financial transactions. The platform should allow users to: Define custom rules for monitoring transactions (e.g., flagging unusual activities, high-risk customers, transactions exceeding set limits). Analyze transactions to identify trends and build reports. Screen transactions against an updatable sanctions list. Provide visualizations and graphics for key insights such as networking activities, high-risk customers, transaction patterns, and more

    $482 Average bid
    $482 Oferta promedio
    68 ofertas

    My Shopify store, based in Canada, has started displaying prices in various currencies, specifically English pounds. This issue arose after I initiated new markets for my store across Africa, South America, Oceania, Central America, and Asia. - The problem: Prices are showing in currencies outside my intended settings. - The cause: Recent expansion to new global markets. Additionally, I have enabled automatic currency conversion for the store. I am looking for a skilled Shopify expert who can troubleshoot this issue and rectify it as soon as possible. A background in eCommerce and experience dealing with currency settings in Shopify stores would be highly desirable.

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Oferta promedio
    113 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional who can help me automate tasks on my YouTube channel, specifically video uploads. I will be uploading pre-recorded content and need assistance with editing these videos before they go live. Ideal candidates should possess: - Proficiency in video editing - Experience with YouTube's automation tools - Ability to maintain a consistent upload schedule Please note, this project doesn't require comment moderation or analytics reporting. I am only focusing on streamlining the upload process for my pre-recorded content

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta promedio
    40 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can integrate 25 different app APIs into my project. This includes the OpenAI natural language API. Key Features: - New message functionality - AI settings - A dedicated workspace app page - An app page to create a workspace - A notification center - A profile page Additionally, an Admin panel is required for overseeing the operations. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with API integrations - Proficiency in OpenAI API - Strong background in developing both mobile and web apps - Prior experience in creating admin panels - Excellent understanding of implementing user-friendly features

    $210 Average bid
    $210 Oferta promedio
    106 ofertas

    I am looking for a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive flight information website. The site should primarily provide flight schedules and routes. It should also include a robust flight search feature. The ideal candidate would be someone with experience in creating interactive, user-friendly web platforms. Key Features: - Detailed flight schedules and routes - User-friendly flight search function Skills & Experience: - Proven web development experience - Ability to create interactive features - Previous work on travel or flight-related websites is a plus.

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas

    I am looking for an experienced individual freelancer with comprehensive skills in the MERN stack. Your expertise across both frontend and backend, as well as database management, will be critical for the success of this project. Specific Requirements: - Full stack development: You will be working on both the frontend with React.js and the backend with Node.js and Express.js. Therefore, a deep understanding and experience in these technologies is essential. - API Development: You will be required to create and manage multiple APIs. A solid understanding of RESTful services and API design principles will be beneficial. - User Authentication and Authorization: Implementing secure and efficient user authentication and authorization processes will be part of your tasks. Experience with OAuth...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Oferta promedio
    39 ofertas

    I'm in need of a Progressive Web App (PWA) that facilitates efficient management of warehouse receipts within ERPnext. The application should be intuitive and compatible across iOS, Android, and Desktop platforms. A vital feature of this app is its capability for 1D barcode scanning, which will assist in streamlining the receipt management process. Key Features: - User-friendly interface - Cross-platform compatibility (iOS, Android, Desktop) - 1D barcode scanning functionality - Fetch Item List: After scanning or entering the PO number, a list of items defined in the order should appear below the PO input field. - Order Information: The header should display basic order information such as: * Order date * Manufacturer name * Destination warehouse Moreover, the PWA should ...

    $159 Average bid
    $159 Oferta promedio
    64 ofertas

    I'm looking for a dedicated Full Stack Developer with expertise in React and NestJS to work daily on our CRM, specifically focusing on Sales Tracking and Pipeline Management. Key Responsibilities: - correct bugs and new features lunch Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and NestJS - Prior experience with CRM systems - Excellent communication skills for daily discussions and updates Please only bid if you can meet the budget of $10 per hour.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta promedio
    122 ofertas

    I'm looking for a web application - an inventory management system for my hardware store, similar to Zoho. It should be built with PHP and a MySQL database, supporting multiple users with different roles, primarily store managers and sales staff. Key Features: - Automate reordering and stock alerts: The system should help in maintaining optimal inventory levels by alerting us when stock is running low and automating reorders. - Business Intelligence Algorithms: I want the system to include smart algorithms like ABC analysis to categorize our inventory based on significance and value. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in developing web applications using PHP and MySQL. - Prior experience with creating inventory management systems would be a big ...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas

    Cerco esperto Tecnico per modificare e sistemare un GESTIONALE per siti di incontri automatizzato già esistente in NodeJs deve essere esperto di database OVHcloud e Plesk " il Gestionale si blocca, e bisogna Aggiungere pulsanti e altro " solo professionisti no perditempo ripeto no perditempo no inesperti possibilmente italiani di Bari o Provincia solo ITALIANI solo per una questione di lingua ...

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    Hi, I need wordpress plugin developer for part time. Budget is limited.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta promedio
    44 ofertas

    I am seeking 30 mid-level Full Stack Developers with proficiency in Java 15 or higher, SpringBoot, and JavaScript 12 or higher for a 3-year project. Ideal candidates should be open to permanent positions. Resource provider companies are also welcome to reach out. Key Responsibilities: - Building new features - Maintaining existing code - Improving system performance Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Java 15+, SpringBoot, JavaScript 12+ - Full Stack Development experience - Mid-level expertise - Ability to build new features, maintain existing code, and improve system performance

    $652 Average bid
    $652 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas
    Full Stack MERN Corporate Trainer
    6 días left

    I'm seeking a Full Stack Corporate Trainer specializing in the MERN stack for advanced trainees. The primary focus will be full MERN stack integration. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Front-end development with React and Back-end development with Node.js - Experience in live online training sessions - Ability to engage and train advanced level participants The goal is to deepen our team's understanding and proficiency in the full MERN stack. Please include your relevant experience and any previous corporate training you've conducted in your proposal.

    $292 Average bid
    $292 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

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