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    2,000 zydus transfer pricing trabajos encontrados

    We need people expert in servers and in vbulletin for transfer forum from old server to new location in other server , we need only people with experience , important know and speak spanish for the best communication Actually we need people can do this work in a little space of time because the domain must continue active with this forum and no must show down Necesitamos personas expertas en servidores y que conozcan vbulletin para transferir un foro con una base de datos grandes de un servidor a otro , en este caso es necesario aportar experiencia y rapidez para tener terminado el trabajo cuanto antes Cualquier cosa nos la comentan , dudas , preguntas , etc , muchas gracias Max . amount : 50 EUR

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    Necesito diseñador web/programador para BO Partners. Ajustesa realizar en el sitio ():   -Mejor...incoherencias de sitio, tanto a nivel diseño como en los textos. Revisar y ajustar la coherencia de sitio con los perfiles de redes sociales de BO Partners.  -Agregar y trabajar los Call-to-Actions (20 min chat con uno de nosotros, bajar contenidos específicos (e-book, White papers, videos etc), newsletter, etc)  -Revisar y adaptar la redacción al mercado norteamericano.  -Diseñar la nueva sección de Pricing y el template para el newsletter.  -Agregar botones de Like fanpage (Facebook) y follow (Twitter).  -Realizar una versión del sitio en español  -Lograr que nosotros podamos tener mayor contro...

    max $2
    max $2
    0 ofertas

    • Diseño y optimización de nuevos modelos de negocio • Conceptualización y estructuración del go to market • Segmentación de mercado e inteligencia de clientes • Estudios de mercado • Desarrollo de pruebas de concepto para nuevas empresas o nuevos productos en el mercado • Pilotos comerciales • Desarrollo de programas de inbound marketing • Estrategias de pricing • Diseño y validación de propuestas de valor. • Posicionamiento comercial en mercado • Modelos de relación con clientes • Diseño de operaciones y planes de crecimiento • Aceleración de marketing y ventas en el mercado • Definición de la estrategia comercial-tallere...

    $29 / hr Average bid
    $29 / hr Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    ...Forms with 6 fields with Js for validation -Apply any effect to any element to be played with PHP -Background images with CSS3 I know this is a lot of work but it really would help me already pass this unfair class, please try not to use any sort of templates because he is very skeptic about them unless you can hide it well, any other details i can be contacted at skype or my e-mail, about pricing make your offer but still understand i'm only a student. Español. Ire directo al punto, detesto esta materia por que mi profesor es un imbecil, no aprendo nada con el y con el poco tiempo libre que me dan quiere una pagina demasiado exagerada, ademas si fallo esta materia me quedare sin graduarme por esta sola materia tan injusta, lo unico que habria que hacer es ...

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas
    Content transfer
    Finalizado left

    as described

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    WebPage con 3 opciones de suscripción (Webpage with 3 subscription options) Deseamos replicar este carro de compras pero solo con 3 opciones Opción de pago con Paypal Tarjeta de Credito / Boton PSE (Debito) Boton de pago Payu Deberá lucir como este que tiene 3 opciones, pero con imágenes diferentes. ( 3 opciones con una más resaltada la del medio. Información de los componentes abajo, una buena imagen que atraiga y listo. Las 3 opciones serian… BRONCE USD $99  Curso ITIL Fundamentos  11 Videos Online  Archivos Descargable  Soporte de Instructor  30 días de acceso  Simulacros de Examen Online PLATA USD $328  Curso ITIL Fundamentos  11 Videos Online  Archivos Descargable  Soporte

    $226 Average bid
    $226 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas
    $50 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Se requiere programador con conocimientos en: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, AJAX. Creacion de extension en Chrome especialmente. Utilización de CronJobs. Conocimientos de uploaders, optimizacion de tiempos de la base de datos, registro simultaneo de gran cantidad de datos y creacion de URLs acortadas. Adjunto un .PDF con algunos datos de lo que se requiere hacer. Paso a explicar un breve resumen de la idea. Basicamente es un sistema para subir archivos y para compartirlos rapidamente. Especial para empresas, freelancers o charlas entre amigos virtuales. Se requiere hacer algo similar a Wetransfer (sistema anonimo, emails, publicidad de fondo, caducacion de archivos) con mezcla de MinBox (url corta, extension y usuarios), buffer (extension). Actualmente se cuenta con un pe...

    $577 Average bid
    $577 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    Se requiere programador con conocimientos en: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, AJAX. Creacion de extension en Chrome especialmente. Utilización de CronJobs. Conocimientos de uploaders, optimizacion de tiempos de la base de datos, registro simultaneo de gran cantidad de datos y creacion de URLs acortadas. Adjunto un .PDF con algunos datos de lo que se requiere hacer. Paso a explicar un breve resumen de la idea. Basicamente es un sistema para subir archivos y para compartirlos rapidamente. Especial para empresas, freelancers o charlas entre amigos virtuales. Se requiere hacer algo similar a Wetransfer (sistema anonimo, emails, publicidad de fondo, caducacion de archivos) con mezcla de MinBox (url corta, extension y usuarios), buffer (extension). Actualmente se cuenta con un peq...

    $610 Average bid
    $610 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    as discussed

    $220 Average bid
    $220 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Crear una tienda web con algún sistema de administración como Joomla, Wordpress, CMSs populares, etc., con aproximadamente 50 artículos a la venta, que incluya sistema de pagó con paypal, tarjeta de credito, wire transfer, depositos para america latina, sistema de calculo para determinar costos de envio y analytics. Se espera que el sitio web este optimizado para motores de busqueda y la posibilidad de en otro proyecto diseñar campañas de publicidad con google Ads. La administración del portal, sería del propietario, por lo que se espera que usuario y contraseña sean entregados con el proyecto. El hosting del portal es bajo el servidor rentado del propietario. El proyecto tiene un tiempo de entrega de aproximad...

    $1229 Average bid
    $1229 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas
    Web con Prestashop
    Finalizado left

    Nos dedicamos a la venta y personalizacion de vestuario ocio, laboral y deportibo Personalizamos con serigrafia, tampografia, impresion digital, transfer, etc. Hemos tomado como referencias estas paginas:

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    Crear una tienda web con algún sistema de administración como Joomla, Wordpress, CMSs populares, etc., con aproximadamente 50 artículos a la venta, que incluya sistema de pagó con paypal, tarjeta de credito, wire transfer, depositos para america latina, sistema de calculo para determinar costos de envio y analytics. Se espera que el sitio web este optimizado para motores de busqueda y la posibilidad de en otro proyecto diseñar campañas de publicidad con google Ads. La administración del portal, sería del propietario, por lo que se espera que usuario y contraseña sean entregados con el proyecto. El hosting del portal es bajo el servidor rentado del propietario. El proyecto tiene un tiempo de entrega de aproximad...

    $658 Average bid
    $658 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    Product Manager. Per el mateix necesitem un freelance que ens faci les seguents tasques: - Estudio y políticas de Pricing (competencia, costes internos, política de precios: licencias, canal, partners, rollalties) - Benchmarking (análisis de factores de mercado, clientes i posición versus soluciones similares) - Mode de política de precios y posicionamiento en el mercado

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Product Manager. - Estudio y políticas de Pricing (competencia, costes internos, política de precios: licencias, canal, partners, rollalties) - Benchmarking (análisis de factores de mercado, clientes i posición versus soluciones similares) - Mode de política de precios y posicionamiento en el mercado

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Para una empresa que gestiona programas de tarjeta de debito, necesitamos programar (y diseño simple), un sistema para logueo...via FTP de los sub-admin. Alguna opción que permita subir docs en masa.  Hablamos de un cliente que deba subir 200 solicitudes ( o mas ) ; para que no tenga que subir una x una. - Interfaz de mensajería interna con los sub-admin. 2) Interfaz sub-admins: - Sección Balance (en las monedas que les hayamos dedicado) con histórico - Sección funding instructions donde vean las coordenadas de transfer - sección upload new applications donde puedan subir docs - sección reload cards donde puedan subir un excel con recargas - sección messages donde puedan enviar y recibir mensajes con master admi...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    ... Just for rooms. It is necessary to have a back-end where the admin can: 1.- Create Rooms with prices per date. Ex. 500usd from March 15 to April 8th (Due to seasons) 2.- Available Rooms 3.- Create/Confirm Reservations 4.- Create Coupon codes 5.- Paypal set up 6.- Deposit/Bank Transfer Data Setup 7.- Modify Reservation Status 8.- Block Rooms for 24hrs in case of bank transfer payment method 9.- Custom Email Messages sent to the Customer once the reservation is made or confirmed. 10.- Taxation Rules (always charge tax) 11.- Add "Banco del Bajio Payment Method" Attached Instructions Reservation Form: 1.- Select Room (type: Suite, Double, etc)*They are created in the backend 2.- Check in - Checkout Dates 3.- Adults:

    $361 Average bid
    $361 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    Para una empresa que gestiona programas de tarjeta de debito, necesitamos programar (y diseño simple), un sistema para lo...FTP de los sub-admin. Alguna opción que permita subir docs en masa. Hablamos de un cliente que deba subir 200 solicitudes ( o mas ) ; para que no tenga que subir una x una. - Interfaz de mensajería interna con los sub-admin. 2) Interfaz sub-admins: - Sección Balance (en las monedas que les hayamos dedicado) con histórico - Sección funding instructions donde vean las coordenadas de transfer - sección upload new applications donde puedan subir docs - sección reload cards donde puedan subir un excel con recargas - sección messages donde puedan enviar y recibir mensajes con master admin ...

    $629 Average bid
    $629 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas

    ...Bergollo and I am from Puerto Rico. I have a domain of a website with Godaddy. Try to lift it but was not very successful. I want to change existing products by others that I am currently at marketing. I can supply photos, videos and information on how to access the page. The page has Paypal payment system. Virtually need to structure the product of different models of the product, its features, pricing and everything related to the product that I am distributing. I need to promote it in different social networks and achieve attract many followers. In addition I need to highlight this product in a way that captures the attention of people, the product alone but desire striking highlight even more. I need to do this as soon as possible....

    $154 Average bid
    $154 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas
    App para multinivel
    Finalizado left

    Necesito una App para Android y iOS, es para un negocio multinivel, la App deberá tener una opción para pagar una mensualidad de forma inmediata por medio de una cuenta transfer de banamex (), así mismo repartir comisiones a las cuentas transfer de su red de hasta 5 niveles. Espero propuestas de profesionales serios, necesito saber el tiempo de entrega y costo, estamos abiertos a otras posibilidades. Daremos más informes al freelance seleccionado. Gracias!

    $1567 Average bid
    $1567 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    Como nosotros decidiomos sobre un projecto de deseno de traslado aeroporto. Porfavor adicionar las fichas como psd. As we decided for airport transfer logo. Please add files as psd. thanks

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Diseño para camisetas
    Finalizado left

    Necesito diseños para estampar en camisetas, diseñadas en lo posible en illustrator, para imprimirlas en papel transfer con plastisol.

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas
    Diseño Camiseta Peña
    Finalizado left

    Diseñar un logo para una peñ idea basica viene en el archivo adjunto texto es "Devot@s de San Bartolomé" y en la parte inferior :"Chavida". En el centro deberia de ir la Torre de la Iglesia(foto adjunta) en formato esquematico ó dibujo lineal (sin entrar en excesivo detalle pero que se aprecie y se diferencie). Se va a imprimir en la parte trasera de una sudadera en transfer ó vinilo al corte. Es una idea pero se valoraran distintas variaciones sobre la misma. Ofrezco 50-60 €

    $48 Average bid
    $48 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas
    Autocad House Plans
    Finalizado left

    Hi, I have a house plan in Jpg which I want to modify and then I want to transfer it to Autocad and create blueprints and renders. ---- Hola, Tengo unos plnos para una casa en JPG y necesito pasarlos a Autocad. También tengo que modifcar un poco los planos y crear los renders. Gracias

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Diseño de web para producto de inteligencia artificial aplicado a la salud. Desarrollo de sitio web en plataforma Django. Alta orientación a web producto en inglés y español. Las secciones deben ser: "Qué es", "Features", "Tour", "Pricing" y "Contacto".

    $601 Average bid
    $601 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    la marca es para jovenes. hacemos remeras estampadas en serigrafi, transfer, etc... necesito que sea un logo apuntado a jovenes, algo copado. la marca se llama Shufro. .

    $3 Average bid
    $3 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    I need an experienced developer to set up my WooCommerce site using SUMO Memberships, SUMO Subscriptions, and WooCommerce Members Only plugins. This project requires: - Configuri...plans. The ideal freelancer would not only be proficient in these plugins but also provide strategic advice on the best way to restrict products and pages. Please note, I do not read automated responses or those that mention unrelated technology, as they indicate a lack of understanding of the project brief. I expect this work to be completed within 3 working days, and I appreciate reasonable pricing. Bids in the several hundred GBP or USD range will not be considered. The membership pages can use the site's default theme design. The freelancer should conduct basic testing of the membership pla...

    $176 Average bid
    $176 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    I need a Smart Contract in TRX Network, the requirements are: 1. Main function: • The contract must receive any amount of TRX that arrives at its address. • Immediately after receiv...should only affect TRX. • The contract must not interact with USDT or any other TRC-20 or TRC-10 token. • The contract should not allow TRX to accumulate in the wallet, you should send it immediately. 3. Protection against alterations: • The contract must be immutable once deployed, to prevent the person who accesses the wallet from modifying or deactivating it. • You must block any attempt to transfer ownership or self-destruct. 4. Deployment and testing: • Include code in Solidity adapted for TVM. • Explain how to build and deploy the contract on the Shasta te...

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    6 días left

    Objective: Develop , an AI-powered service provider website using WordPress + WooCommerce. The platform will offer automated AI services such as document processing, text generation, image enhancement, audio transcription, and business automation. The site must be fully automated, secure, mul...Secure file storage (Amazon S3, Google Cloud) + Automatic file deletion after 24 hours ✅ Multilingual Support for global accessibility ✅ GDPR Compliance + Security Measures (SSL, AES-256 encryption, Firewall, Anti-DDoS) ? Homepage Focus ✔ User-Friendly Interface: Simple navigation and clear service categories ✔ Trust Elements: Security badges, encryption details, GDPR compliance ✔ Comparative Pricing Section: Showing cost savings vs. traditional solutions Checklist Provided !!

    $456 Average bid
    $456 Oferta promedio
    29 ofertas

    ...Creative input is welcome—we appreciate freelancers who suggest modern design trends and user experience improvements. • Please ask any questions needed to clarify deliverables before starting to ensure alignment. • We prioritize freelancers who have: • Proven experience in Laravel, UI/UX improvements, and e-commerce sites. • Strong portfolio showcasing modern, sleek design work. • Competitive pricing with high reviews and positive client feedback. Deliverables & Timeline • A fully functional and tested site with all fixes implemented. • Milestone-based progress to ensure accountability. • Codebase updates & documentation for future & Proposal Submission We are looking for a balance between a competitive quote a...

    $340 Average bid
    $340 Oferta promedio
    54 ofertas

    ...The primary goal of this role is enhancing voluntary organically emerging collaboration among all participants. Please note that all funds sent will be utilized solely for the administration of the agreed requirements and supporting livelihood. Request is always only that your role will be entirely administrated, from there delegated or not, on a strictly volunteer basis. Resources available for transfer to be considered available ongoing on their hapstance local presentation only. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Openness to submit development of interpersonal and coordination skills to voluntary redefinition as per agreement specs and need at hand. - Willingness to grow in capacities toward collaborative interpersonal system maintenance. - Ability to request aid in monitoring an...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 ofertas
    Online Quoting System -- 2
    6 días left

    ...quotes—including technical specifications and pricing—which can be downloaded as PDFs or sent via email. In a future phase, this solution will be integrated as a CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) tool within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales. Phase 1: Standalone Online Quoting System Features * Product Configuration: Users can configure various products including: * Tanks * Pumps (configured by flow rate and head) * Additional components such as pipework, guiderails, and level controls * Customer Management & Discounts: * Customer Profiles: Create and manage individual customer accounts. * Custom Discounts: Assign specific discount rates to each customer, which will be automatically applied during the quoting process. * Real-Tim...

    $696 Average bid
    $696 Oferta promedio
    50 ofertas

    ...CSRF token for continued interaction; detecting this prevents session loss. Deliverables: -Javascript function that loads all listed values into a data structure -test chrome extension. Click on toolbar to run function and display all values as popup for the active browser tab URL -code fully commented with instructions to make sure it is easily used in another extension. The end goal is to transfer a URL to another device. The receiving device will re-authenticate before leveraging the transferred values To show that you have this fully before bidding, put your favorite ANIMAL name in all CAPS as the FIRST word in your bid to prove you did not auto-bid. Good luck!...

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Oferta promedio
    37 ofertas

    ...inquiries. - Schedule a Demo: A feature allowing prospective clients to book a demonstration of the software. Content to Showcase: - Case Studies/Testimonials: To build trust and credibility with potential customers. - Product Features and Benefits: Highlighting what makes our SAAS product unique and valuable. - Blog Articles: Regular updates to engage visitors and improve SEO. - Pricing Page: Transparent pricing to appeal to a range of potential customers. - Help Guide & Tutorial: Resources to assist users and demonstrate our customer support capabilities. - FAQs: Address common queries and concerns upfront. Ideal skills for this job include web development, SEO knowledge, and experience with creating lead-generating sites. A portfolio showcasing previous SAAS produ...

    $1407 Average bid
    $1407 Oferta promedio
    69 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled Android developer to create a Bank Sathi-like application focusing primarily on account management. The app will include essential features such as balance inquiry, transaction history, and fund transfer. Key Features: - Comprehensive account management - Essential features: balance inquiry, transaction history, fund transfer - User-friendly interface - Option to pay utility bills directly from the app - Access and manage loan details including repayments Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience in designing financial management apps - Strong understanding of account management features The app should integrate with relevant banking APIs.

    $1376 Average bid
    $1376 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled Android developer to create a Bank Sathi-like application focusing primarily on account management. The app will include essential features such as balance inquiry, transaction history, and fund transfer. Key Features: - Comprehensive account management - Essential features: balance inquiry, transaction history, fund transfer - User-friendly interface Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience in designing financial management apps - Strong understanding of account management features The app should integrate with relevant banking APIs.

    $2310 Average bid
    $2310 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas
    CRM for freight company
    6 días left

    I need to create a CRM to manage drivers, trucks and services (trips). Currently we manage everything on spreadsheets. Core Features: Database Management Store, add, remove, and edit records for: Drivers (personal details, license, certifications, documents) Trucks (model, plate number, maintenance records, documents) Services (Trips) (routes, assigned driver & truck, client, pricing) Clients (contact details, service history, payment status) Service (Trip) Management Add new trips and assign: Driver Truck Client Set trip price and payment terms Payment Tracking Client Payments: Full and partial payment tracking Payment status indicators (Paid, Pending, Overdue, partial) Driver Payments Track payments to drivers (e.g., per trip, weekly/monthly salary) Truck Expenses Record...

    $660 Average bid
    $660 Oferta promedio
    53 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in lead generation, specifically targeting individuals looking for personal loans. The leads should ideally be: - Within hyderabad india. - Varied in age, to ensure a broad demographic reach - Having different income level above 50000 and...Excellent understanding of the target demographic parameters - Ability to provide leads that are not only numerous, but also of high quality and relevance. Please note, the aim is to secure leads that are truly interested in acquiring a personal loan, and not just general inquiries. *NOTE : I am looking for more than 20 leads. Once I finalize the legitimacy of credit score and income level. I will transfer the amount to the freelancer. I will also share the details i require for you to acquire...

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    ...List of services or products with descriptions 7. Testimonials – Customer reviews and success stories 8. Case Studies/Portfolio – Examples of past work or projects 9. Blog/News – Articles, company updates, industry insights 10. FAQ – Common questions and answers 11. Contact Us – Form, location, phone, email, social media links 12. Footer – Copyright, quick links, privacy policy, social media 13. Pricing Table – Different plans with features comparison 14. Team Section – Profiles of key team members 15. Careers/Job Openings – Open positions, application form 16. Newsletter Signup – Email subscription form 17. Events/Webinars – Upcoming events, registration options 18. Resources/Downloads – Whitepapers, brochur...

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas

    Project Description: We are looking for an experienced email marketing specialist to set up and manage our email campaigns for a 500,000+ subscriber database. Our primary goal is to ensure high deliverability, avoid spam filters, and optimize open...Timeline: We aim to have the system fully set up and running within 7-10 days. --- How to Apply: If you have proven experience in large-scale email marketing, please submit the following: 1️⃣ A brief description of your relevant experience. 2️⃣ Examples of similar projects you have completed. 3️⃣ Your recommended approach for platform selection, domain authentication, and IP warm-up. 4️⃣ Your pricing proposal (fixed price). We look forward to working with a skilled email marketing expert to launch and optimize our campaign! ?

    $258 Average bid
    $258 Oferta promedio
    23 ofertas

    Create fiber optic technician games to be added to my telecom job posting site. Each can be played solo, scored, and ranked on a leaderboard: 1. Fiber Run: The Last Mile Concept...efficiently without delays or complaints. Leaderboard Ranking: Highest number of successful installations with high customer satisfaction. 5. Fiber Wars: ISP Showdown Concept: A strategic game where players run their own fiber ISP and compete to dominate a city’s market. Gameplay: • Build and expand a fiber network while competing against AI or other players. • Manage network congestion, pricing, and customer service. • Deal with real-world challenges like FCC regulations, infrastructure sharing, and service outages. Leaderboard Ranking: Most successful ISP with the highest m...

    $613 Average bid
    $613 Oferta promedio
    42 ofertas

    ...table layouts andcapacities.● Menu Management:○ Create, edit, and categorize food items with pricing.E. Guest Management● Booking Overview:○ View upcoming, current, completed, and canceled bookings.● Guest Data:○ Access guests' information, communication history, and interaction records (calls,WhatsApp).F. Room Management● Room Inventory:○ Manage room types, capacities, amenities, images, and pricing.● Room Assignment:○ Assign rooms to bookings and adjust availability accordingly.G. Financial Management● Expense Management:○ Track expenses and revenue related to bookings and cafe operations.● Profit & Loss Reports:○ Generate financial reports to assess the hotel's profitability.H. Staff Management● Staff Roles:○ Add and manage staff profiles, assigning specific role...

    $1638 Average bid
    $1638 Oferta promedio
    35 ofertas

    UI/UX Design Document for Dry Fruits Trading App Prepared by: Kartikey Garg Date: 01/02/2025 Version: 1.0 1. Project Overview 1.1 Purpose of the App Our app is a B2B dry fruits trading platform that connects wholesalers, traders, and retailers for bulk purchasing of dry fruits. Instead of fixed pricing, our app enables a real-time bidding system, allowing buyers to receive multiple competitive offers from verified suppliers. 1.2 Key Users • Buyers: Retailers, Kirana stores, and wholesalers looking for bulk dry fruits at competitive rates. • Suppliers: Traders, factory owners, and bulk suppliers bidding on buyer requests. • Admin: Platform team managing quality checks, transactions, and dispute resolutions. 1.3 Initial Product Categories The app will initiall...

    $317 Average bid
    $317 Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas

    ...Scope The project covers these key areas: - **Customer Portal:** A user-friendly interface for browsing products, managing shopping carts, completing purchases, and handling user profiles. - **Admin Dashboard:** A back-end interface for managing products, orders, returns, and accessing analytics. - **Product Management:** Systems to add, update, and categorize products, including pricing, discounts, and variants. - **Order and Payment System:** Secure integration for payments, order tracking, invoice generation, and status updates. - **Security:** Implementation of secure authentication, encrypted payments, and data privacy features. - **Scalability and Performance:** Ensuring the application can support a growing number of users, products, and tran...

    $1105 Average bid
    $1105 Oferta promedio
    38 ofertas

    Are you a seasoned procurement expert with a knack for sourcing top-quality products and services? We’re seeking a Procurement Manager to join our dynamic team and play a key role in enhancing efficiency, driving cost savings, and fostering supplier excellence! Key Responsibilities: - Manage and nurture supplier relationships - Negotiate contracts and secure competitive pricing - Streamline procurement processes and optimize inventory management - Ensure timely delivery of goods and services - Monitor market trends and evaluate vendor performance What We’re Looking For: - Proven experience in procurement or supply chain management - Strong negotiation and communication skills - Proficiency with procurement software and tools - While education is a p...

    $7277 Average bid
    $7277 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    ...Secure and easy-to-access storage for clients and staff. The layout should efficiently utilize the 150m² space, ensuring each area is well-positioned for optimal flow and function. The existing wall separating two sections should be considered in the design to maintain clear distinctions between different training zones. I’d love to discuss your approach to this design and get details on your pricing and timeline. Please let me know your availability for a consultation. Looking forward to your insights!...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    HTML and CSS Development Services We specialize in creating custom HTML and CSS codes for businesses and individuals seeking a pr...custom HTML and CSS codes for businesses and individuals seeking a professional online presence. *Our Expertise* - Custom HTML and CSS coding for responsive websites - Mobile-friendly and cross-browser compatible designs - Website redesign and revamp services - Ongoing website maintenance and updates *Why Choose Our Services?* - Fast turnaround times without compromising quality - Competitive pricing with no hidden costs - Expert developers with extensive HTML and CSS experience - Personalized service to meet your unique needs *Get Started Today!* Contact us to discuss your project and receive a custom quote. Let us help you establish a strong online...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta promedio
    80 ofertas