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    1,319 tms biometrics trabajos encontrados

    Somos Disalvro y tenemos un producto de tecnología para empresas de logísticas, se ofrece un TMS y otros servicios que permitan mejorar las operaciones de las empresas de logísticas. Queremos exponer nuestros servicios y nos conozcan en diferentes países.

    $2095 Average bid
    $2095 Oferta promedio
    76 ofertas
    Comstruyeme un TMS
    Finalizado left

    Estamos buscando desarrollar un software que nos ayude con la administración del transporte, haga analíticas y ayude a tomar mejores sesiones

    $586 Average bid
    $586 Oferta promedio
    47 ofertas
    TMS Module for Odoo
    Finalizado left

    Se busca módulo TMS (Transport Management System) para Odoo 16. Que cuente con funciones tales como: Planificación y optimización de Rutas de transporte. Seguimiento en Tiempo Real de envíos. Gestión de Pedidos de Transporte. Notificaciones automáticas. Historial de envíos. Gestión de cargas. Otros

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    Plataforma para control base de datos personal, vehiculos y clientes, Monitor de seguimiento para la prestacion de servicios de acompañamiento, Monitoreo y trazabilidad de los servicios. Control de pagos y facturacion de los servicios. - Integracion con APP para repo...clientes, Monitor de seguimiento para la prestacion de servicios de acompañamiento, Monitoreo y trazabilidad de los servicios. Control de pagos y facturacion de los servicios. - Integracion con APP para reporte de novedades o integracion con WhatsApp para recepcion de reportes (Fotos, ubicacion, audios.). - Perfiles administrador, usuario, acompañante y cliente. - Desarollo similar a plataformas TMS, Monitor, Torre de control GPS, Seguimiento delivery, CRM. de preferencia desarrollador colombiano ...

    $2384 Average bid
    $2384 Oferta promedio
    60 ofertas

    Estamos buscando un freelance para desarrollo de varios proyectos en TMS Web Core.

    $4462 Average bid
    $4462 Oferta promedio
    30 ofertas

    necesito una aplicacion android sencilla, que al presionar un boton me redirija a esta seccion de el telefono, BIOMETRICS AND SECURITY ..... esta seccion solo las tienen los samsung galaxy android version 11 en adelante

    $176 Average bid
    $176 Oferta promedio
    26 ofertas

    Somos una Empresa de Logística Nuestro primera necesidad es el desarrollo de los tema pendiente de nuestra pagina administrativa en lenguaje Nodel Js. También debe tener conocimiento de Base de Datos MongoDB. Esta pagina se conecta con nuestra pagina web para acceso clientes y una TMs de trazabilidad de Carga. toda esta coneccion base funcionan pero hay mejorar que terminar Necesitas alguien con experiencia en manejo de proyectos de construccion de procesos administrativos y operativos. saludos,

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas
    Log in Dashboard
    Finalizado left

    Diseno de la página inicial TMS con un dashboard de contenido

    $368 Average bid
    $368 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    ...en pdf para que pueda ser revisado. 7. El sistema debe considerar integración con medio de pago Transbank () o MercadoPago () 8. Una vez validado el pago, el sistema debe enviar correos automáticos para el proceso de firma electrónica. La integración para este proceso será con TOC Biometrics () 9. Una vez firmados los contratos por ambas partes (puede incluir una tercera firma de un co-deudor solidario), los contratos firmados se deben enviar a todos los involucrados en el proceso. 10. El sistema debe considerar un backend para poder administrar todas las ventas, contratos firmados, en proceso de firma, modificaciones del contrato tipo, entre otros. La

    $693 Average bid
    $693 Oferta promedio
    24 ofertas

    Tengo un proyecto movil (TMS móvil) desarrollado en Xamarin para Android 6.0, el proyecto tiene un avance aproximado del 80% de conclusión, se requiere terminar y que consiste en devolver la conclusión del trabajo al BACKEND.

    $1160 Average bid
    $1160 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    TEMAS -Teoría del consumidor -Calculo de TMS -Monopolio -Equilibrio de mercados -Demanda de factores productivos (minimización de costos, optimo, maximización de producción) -Elasticidad de oferta y demanda

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    I need read u.are.u 4500, and write data in mysql + search data mysql 5.X with sources in delphi XE10.3 Necesito interface para un lector U.are.U 4500, y que se puedan guardar las huellas en una tabla de mysql, ademas necesito poder buscar y comparar las para delphi 10.3

    $666 Average bid
    $666 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    Necesitamos generar la integración de SAP TMS con una aplicación NO SAP mediante un servicio SOAP, utilizando SAP PI/PO. Consiste en transmitir toda la información de las FO de un viaje programado a la aplicación NO SAP, así como regresar alguna información de la aplicación NO SAP a SAP TMS. Esta integración se deberá hacer desde el módulo de SAP TMS, incluyendo el módulo de PI, consumiendo un servicio SOAP para el envío y exponiendo un WS SOAP para recibir información de una aplicación NO SAP. Se buscan consultores que radiquen en México.

    $4250 Average bid
    $4250 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas
    Desarrollo TMS ODDO
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    Desarrollo de un sistema de administración de transporte en un operador logistico que sea desde creación del cliente hasta la Trazabilidad de despachos

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    ...cliente que está solicitando que le sea transportada la carga. Buscamos un proveedor de este requerimiento que tenga ya construidos algunos modulos de lo que se solicita y que pueda a partir de ellos generar el trabajo realizado. No se busca necesariamente que se construya el aplicativo desde cero, sino que para tener el proyecto finalizado más rápido, se puedan utilizar módulos ya existentes de TMS y sobre ellos generar este trabajo. 1. Úbicación del vehículo a través del sistema gps, que identifique que el camión está cerca a mi zona. (Tipo UBER) y negociación de manera dinámica, es decir que según la ubicación y el tipo de vehículo se establece el precio del viaje. 2. En...

    $2855 Average bid
    $2855 Oferta promedio
    24 ofertas

    Buenas tardes, Tenemos una página web de un hotel de 6 apartamentos y queremos incorporar las reservas por con el TMS booking system. ¿Queriamos saber presupuesto estipulado y tiempo de desarrollo? Muchas gracias.

    $1158 Average bid
    $1158 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    Se solicita diseñador grafico para un TMS. Tendra las siguientes pages: -Pagina Web --Acerca de Nosotros --Servicios --Planes y Precios -TMS --Formularios para registrar informacion --Formularios buscar informacion

    $86 Average bid
    $86 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    Precisamos incorporar un perfil de Técnico de soporte en tecnologías de Videoconeferencia para dar servicio en un proyecto de cliente con sede en requerido:* Experiencia trabajando en instalación y soporte de dispositivos Cisco y Tandberg (VCS Control y Expressway, MCU Codian, TMS, Telepresence Server, Conductor, etc.).Ofrecemos:* Contratación directa con nuestra empresa para el servicio solicitado, de larga duración* Salario a fijar en base a la experiencia y conocimientos aportados.-

    0 ofertas

    Precisamos incorporar un perfil de Técnico de soporte en tecnologías de Videoconeferencia para dar servicio en un proyecto de cliente con sede en requerido:* Experiencia trabajando en instalación y soporte de dispositivos Cisco y Tandberg (VCS Control y Expressway, MCU Codian, TMS, Telepresence Server, Conductor, etc.).Ofrecemos:* Contratación directa con nuestra empresa para el servicio solicitado, de larga duración* Salario a fijar en base a la experiencia y conocimientos aportados.-

    0 ofertas

    Importante Empresa Internacional de Logística se encuentra en la búsqueda de personal con conocimientos generales SAP, Experiencias en modulos SD (Sales Distribución), TMS (Transportation Management System) y/o WM (Warehouse Management).Tareas a realizar: Soporte a usuarios SAP, bajo supervisión de Key User (especialista en el módulo de referencia)Contratación; Completo Indeterminado, Jornada completa de 09 a 18hs de L a V. en Belgrano (Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires)Sueldo A indistintoEducación: Universitaria (no excluyente)-

    0 ofertas

    ...requiere conocimientos y experiencia en: Programación estructurada, programación orientada a objetos, comandos básicos de Unix/Linux. Desarrollo en .NET con base de datos SQL Server. Conocimientos de HTML y desarrollo web. Uso y conocimiento medio/avanzado de Office y Windows. Preferentemente contar con experiencia en gestión y administración de sistemas de gestión de almacenes (VMS) y de transporte (TMS). Se requiere habilidades para las relaciones interpersonales, sabiendo interpretar las necesidades de los usuarios para llegar a requisitos técnicos específicos. Preferentemente residente de Zona Oeste, Sur o Capital de trabajo: Predio del Mercado Central de lunes a viernes de 8 a 17 ofrece: empleo en relación de...

    $1 Average bid
    $1 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Delphi, MySQL
    Finalizado left

    estamos buscando ayuda on programación delphi xe 5, ImageEN, TMS, FastReport. Sistema de planificación de recursos de la empresa , conexión amazon seller market, ebay ....

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    I'm in need of an expert who can assist me in setting up and troubleshooting my RAD Studio development environment. The focus will be on third-party UI libraries. Key Tasks: - Assist with the correct installation and setup of third-party UI components in RAD Studio. - Troubleshoot and resolve compilation errors that I am currently facing with these UI components. - I have the TMS libraries in source code form, everything installs properly except the WEBLIB projects because it cant find the UNITS on the referenced Libraries/Projects. the project is to connect to my machine remotely and see why the enviroment cant find those references when they are there and fix the projects so they can compile the work will be done in real time because i will not send the libraries to anyone....

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled data scientist or machine learning engineer who can help me analyze multimodal biometric data. This includes coded analysis of labelled body language and facial datasets, primarily focusing on head mov...labelled body language and facial datasets, primarily focusing on head movements and facial expressions. Key Responsibilities: - Use of pre-trained CNN models, specifically ResNet50, for feature extraction. - Combining two or more feature fusion methods. - Classifying the features using current machine learning classifiers. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with multimodal biometrics. - Proficiency in using ResNet50 for feature extraction. - Strong background in machine learning and data analysis. - Ability to code and analyze co...

    $48 Average bid
    $48 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    I'm looking to create a folder lock app for iOS and Android. The app should allow users to protect their folders with a Password/pattern for unlocking. Required Skills: - iOS and Android App Development - Experience with secure authentication techniques (e.g., biometrics, encrypted storage). - Familiarity with secure local storage (e.g., SecureStore, Keychain, EncryptedSharedPreferences). - Background in cybersecurity and privacy-focused development - Experience with camera, media, and file system APIs. - Ability to optimize performance for large datasets. - Experience with backend APIs for media storage and authentication. - AI Integration - Knowledge of backend security principles - Strong understanding of secure coding practices - Experience with implementing user authen...

    $429 Average bid
    $429 Oferta promedio
    120 ofertas
    Expert in Zoho Creator
    Finalizado left

    I have updated the project Description to the following: We need to implement a Training Management System (TMS) Using Zoho Creator : A comprehensive system is required to streamline training operations, automate processes ( trainees registration – course creation ), and enhance user engagement. Key features include: • Registration Tracking & Portal Access – Clients register via a portal, while internal staff manages and monitors enrollments. • Assign trainers to courses • Automated Notifications & Reminders – Push notifications, emails, and WhatsApp messages for course confirmations (including dates, venues, and reminders). Automated payment reminders for internal staff. • Calendar View & Reporting – A unified, interacti...

    $2353 Average bid
    $2353 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to integrate a biometrics recognition system into a mobile application for user authentication. Key Requirements: - Implement a robust biometrics recognition system (preferably facial and fingerprint recognition). - Ensure the system is dependable for application user authentication. - Prior experience with mobile app development and biometrics technology is a must. - Familiarity with security protocols and user data protection practices is essential.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas

    I need assistance in removing malware/viruses from a few Android mobile phones. There are multiple devices (2-5) that have been compromised. There are many cached running services that I cant stop and are directly linking my phone to his pc. He has Security certificates to bypass biometrics, malware apps, phone cleaning apps and even tor browser. He jumped many servers on my Tor and also accesses our phones through SOS system. I need help securing wifi as well. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Android operating system - Proven track record in malware/virus removal - Ability to handle multiple devices simultaneously - Strong understanding of mobile phone security - Excellent troubleshooting skills Please, only apply if you have relevant experi...

    $36 / hr Average bid
    $36 / hr Oferta promedio
    38 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled data scientist or machine learning engineer who can help me analyze multimodal biometric data. This includes coded analysis of labelled body language and facial datasets, primarily focusing on head mov...labelled body language and facial datasets, primarily focusing on head movements and facial expressions. Key Responsibilities: - Use of pre-trained CNN models, specifically ResNet50, for feature extraction. - Combining two or more feature fusion methods. - Classifying the features using current machine learning classifiers. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with multimodal biometrics. - Proficiency in using ResNet50 for feature extraction. - Strong background in machine learning and data analysis. - Ability to code and analyze co...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas mental health clinic. The primary focus of the website is to provide comprehensive information about TMS treatment. This includes: - A detailed overview of the treatment process and its benefits - Success stories and testimonials from patients - Scientific research and articles related to TMS treatment While the site will be informative, it will not feature an online booking system. Instead, patients will need to schedule appointments via phone. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in: - WordPress development - Creating user-friendly, informative websites - Integrating phone contact options prominently on the site A clear understanding of mental health and TMS treatment will be a significant advantage. Please provide samples of similar...

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Oferta promedio
    197 ofertas

    I'm in need of an experienced LTL Coordinator to help streamline my logistics operations. I primarily need assistance with tracking shipments. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in the LTL industry, excellent organi...customer service. This role will primarily involve interaction with national carriers, so familiarity with them is a plus. Key Responsibilities: - Tracking shipments meticulously to ensure timely deliveries - Managing relationships with national carriers - Utilizing a TMS (Transportation Management System) for tracking and logistics - Providing excellent customer service Skills and Experience Needed: - Proven experience in the LTL industry - Strong organizational skills - Excellent communication abilities - Proficiency with TMS (Transportat...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional web developer experienced in WordPress to create a clean, clinical, and user-friendly website for a mental health service focusing on TMS treatment. The site needs to clearly communicate our services and how treatment is delivered, whilst also providing an accessible 'About Us' and 'Contact Us' section. Key Requirements: - Build a highly professional and clinical-themed WordPress website - Create sections for 'About Us', 'Services', 'Contact Us', and 'How treatment is given' - Design a user-friendly interface that effectively raises awareness about TMS treatment - Optimize the website for SEO to enhance visibility Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress deve...

    $304 Average bid
    $304 Oferta promedio
    375 ofertas

    ...CRUD Management ✅ Admin panel for managing businesses & users ✅ VPS Deployment (Manual, No CI/CD Automation) ✅ Responsive UI (Tailwind / Bootstrap) ✅ Final code uploaded to Git (Git details will be provided) Tech Stack: Backend: Django or FastAPI. Frontend: React.js or Next.js. Database: PostgreSQL (schema-based multi-tenancy). Hosting: VPS (Linux-based, Nginx). Authentication: Magic Links/Biometrics. Payments: Stripe Integration (Basic Setup). Messaging: Twilio (SMS), SendGrid (Email). Key Responsibilities: Develop a fully functional MVP with multi-tenant support. Implement business signup, login, and admin dashboard. Build a basic rewards tracking system for businesses. Implement client/member login functionality where members can access their rewards. Enable b...

    $733 Average bid
    $733 Oferta promedio
    148 ofertas

    ...KPIs, record performance feedback, and conduct reviews. - **Reports & Analytics:** Generate detailed reports on attendance, payroll, and performance metrics. - **Role-Based Access Control:** Manage Admin, HR Manager, Employee, and Recruiter roles with appropriate permissions. **Add-On Features (Separately Paid):** - **Automated Attendance:** Advanced attendance tracking integrated with biometrics or external devices, automated time-in/time-out, and shift management. - **Policy Management:** Manage company policies, create policy acknowledgment workflows, and automate policy updates. - **Additional Integrations:** Slack, Zoom, or other communication tools; chatbot integration for HR queries; third-party API integrations. - **Compliance Tracking:** Track statutor...

    $645 Average bid
    $645 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas

    ...Devices: Speakers for synthesized voice output (TTS). Ticket and receipt printer. Additional Peripherals: Barcode and QR code scanner. NFC reader for card payments. Palm and facial payment readers. Wireless credit/debit card reader. Temperature sensor for contextual recommendations. 3. System Features 3.1 Modules and Services BOT 1: Welcome & Identification BOT Purpose: Identifies users through biometrics (face, fingerprint, palm), credentials, or other means. Provides a personalized, empathetic welcome based on user data, such as hobbies and interests, and environmental data like weather or news. Key Features: Identify customers via facial recognition. Provide a personalized and empathetic welcome using TTS and on-screen text. Contextual updates (e.g., sports scores for fans...

    $31 / hr Average bid
    $31 / hr Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    We are developing an AI-driven Dispatch and Transportation Management System (TMS) that will redefine the trucking industry for the USA and Canada, specializing in reefer, dry van, power-only, and flatbed operations. Our goal is to create a cutting-edge platform that automates logistics, enhances communication, and streamlines operations for dispatchers, drivers, fleet managers, and customers. We’re looking for experienced developers to bring this vision to life by delivering a secure, scalable, and intelligent system that integrates seamlessly into the modern trucking landscape. What We Need: Key Features to Develop AI-Powered Automation: Automate responses to customer emails (e.g., responding instantly to "location??" with GPS data). Smart load assignments base...

    $3189 Average bid
    $3189 Oferta promedio
    134 ofertas

    I'm looking for a US based Transport Management System (TMS) specifically focused on load planning. The key component of the project is developing a system that can efficiently manage capacity. Key Requirements: - The TMS should include a capacity management feature. This will help in making the most of our resources and ensuring efficient load distribution. - The TMS should generate important capacity management reports, particularly the load-to-truck ratio. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in developing TMS systems, with a specific focus on load planning. - Prior experience in incorporating capacity management features into TMS. - Ability to generate and interpret capacity management reports.

    $1343 Average bid
    $1343 Oferta promedio
    41 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned backend developer to work on my project. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate our existing Android app with a cloud-based Maven Project using the provided SDK. - Build the necessary endpoints for the integration of a biometric device into our cloud-based attendance platform. - Implement API integrations with a third-party biometrics service. Required Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Advanced Java. - Deep understanding and hands-on experience with Maven, Spring Boot, Spring Security, JPA, and MySQL. - Strong skills in API integration. - Experience with cloud service providers, particularly AWS - Prior work with biometric device integration is a plus. I look forward to your proposals.

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Oferta promedio
    61 ofertas

    ...Devices: Speakers for synthesized voice output (TTS). Ticket and receipt printer. Additional Peripherals: Barcode and QR code scanner. NFC reader for card payments. Palm and facial payment readers. Wireless credit/debit card reader. Temperature sensor for contextual recommendations. 3. System Features 3.1 Modules and Services BOT 1: Welcome & Identification BOT Purpose: Identifies users through biometrics (face, fingerprint, palm), credentials, or other means. Provides a personalized, empathetic welcome based on user data, such as hobbies and interests, and environmental data like weather or news. Key Features: Identify customers via facial recognition. Provide a personalized and empathetic welcome using TTS and on-screen text. Contextual updates (e.g., sports scores for fans...

    $4280 Average bid
    $4280 Oferta promedio
    46 ofertas

    ...additional verification) based on the user’s behavior. The AI model will continuously learn from new data to refine its risk assessments and improve accuracy over time. AI-Powered Continuous Identity Monitoring: The app will not only verify users during onboarding but will also continuously monitor users’ activities throughout their entire lifecycle. Continuous tracking will include: Behavioral biometrics: Analyzing how users interact with the app (e.g., typing speed, mouse movements, touch gestures on mobile devices). Transaction patterns: Tracking financial transactions, purchases, and service access to detect abnormal activity. Device fingerprinting: Monitoring the devices used to access the platform, ensuring they match known profiles and flagging any changes. The...

    $8737 Average bid
    $8737 Oferta promedio
    76 ofertas

    Project Title: Add Dahua ASI3214A-W Biometric Device Module to Horilla HRMS Description: We are looking for a freelancer to integrate the Dahua ASI3214A-W biometric device into Horilla HRMS as a new device module, similar to existing supported biometric devices. The module should work seamlessly with Horilla's attendance and employee management system. Requirements: 1. Module Development: o Create a dedicated module within Horilla HRMS for the Dahua ASI3214A-W. o Ensure the module captures and syncs biometric data (e.g., face recognition, fingerprints) with the HRMS in real-time. 2. Integration: o Use Dahua's SDK/API to establish communication between the device and HRMS. o Configure the module to support device-specific settings (e.g., IP, port, network protocols). 3. Testing: o...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas
    Smart Car hauler
    Finalizado left

    Website para gerenciamento Desenvolver uma plataforma online para conectar transportadores, corretores e embarcadores no setor de transporte automotivo, similar à Ship.Cars. O site e os aplicativos associados serão projetados para facilitar a negociação de cargas, automatizar processos de transporte e oferecer funcionalidades de gestão de transporte (TMS). Objetivo Criar uma plataforma intuitiva, segura e eficiente que permita aos usuários: Encontrar e reservar cargas. Gerenciar o transporte de forma automatizada. Maximizar receitas por milha. Facilitar a comunicação entre transportadores, embarcadores e corretores. Público-Alvo Transportadores: Empresas ou motoristas independentes que procuram otimizar suas viag...

    $1121 Average bid
    $1121 Oferta promedio
    49 ofertas
    Trophy icon Modern Logo for Psychiatry Clinic
    Finalizado left

    ...our clinic and the expectations for the logo: About the Clinic: 1. Field of Service: Psychiatry. 2. Specialization: Mood disorders and non-invasive brain stimulation treatments (e.g., Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that uses magnetic fields to modulate neural activity, often used in the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders.) 3. Name Meaning: Mood represents mood disorders, and Stim is an abbreviation for stimulation. !!! You can use TMS coil like in this photo. ( ) Logo Expectations: Style: Modern, scientific, and clean design. Cartoonish styles or unprofessional fonts should be avoided. 1. Typography:

    $50 Average bid
    708 participaciones
    Project for Niral D.
    Finalizado left

    ...backend services and API integrations. # Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or BigchainDB for blockchain-specific needs. Core Features: 1) Real-Time Payment Fraud Detection and Prevention 2) Blockchain-Based Transaction Tracking and Auditing 3) User-Friendly and Secure Interface 4) Comprehensive Analytics Dashboard for E-commerce Partners Phase 1: MVP Development Key Features for MVP: 1. Behavioural Biometrics Target Audience: Individual Users, UPI & Mobile Wallet Users Reason: Provides non-intrusive real-time fraud detection based on user behavior. Implementation: Analyze typing speed, device usage, and behavioral patterns during UPI and mobile wallet transactions. Develop AI/ML models for continuous monitoring and anomaly detection. Impact: Enhances fraud detection without req...

    $3500 Average bid
    $3500 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...الخدمات. - نظام تقييم ومراجعات المستخدمين: يجب ان يتضمن التطبيق نظام لتقييم ومراجعة مقدمي الخدمات بعد التعامل معهم، مما يساعد الشركات على اختيار مقدمي الخدمات الجيدين. - Push Notifications Feature: Implement push notifications to keep users updated with timely alerts and information. - User Authentication: Ensure secure login and registration processes using authentication mechanisms like OAuth or biometrics. - Offline Mode: Develop an offline mode so users can access key features without an internet connection. - In-App Purchases: Enable in-app purchasing for additional content or features to help monetize the app. - Multi-Language Support: Provide support for multiple languages to cater to a global audience. - User Analytics: Integrate analytics tools to track user behavior and...

    $2043 Average bid
    $2043 Oferta promedio
    64 ofertas

    ...trucking operations. This role combines creativity in social media management with precision in back-office tasks, such as compliance, accounting, and driver documentation. Responsibilities: Social Media Management: Create engaging content, grow social media platforms, and manage follower interactions to boost brand awareness. Back Office Support: Handle trucking compliance, billing, invoicing (TMS), and assist with driver documentation, schedules, and day-to-day operations. Requirements: Experience in social media management and administrative tasks, preferably in the trucking industry. Proficiency in tools like Excel, QuickBooks, Canva, and social media platforms. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail. Join us to make an impact in a fast-paced, dynamic en...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Oferta promedio
    59 ofertas

    Database Administrator QAD (EUR) ( Remote ) Exp: Min 8- 10 years Location : Remote We are looking to hire an experienced Administrator who can independently manage QAD landscape for its place of work, located in Pune, India. The candidate will effectively be working on the QAD support & projects work... · Pro-active attitude and proposing improvements where applicable · Excellent English verbal and communication skills Educational Qualification · Bachelor’s degree in computer science / Four-year Graduation degree or Post graduation in Software (MCA / MCS / MCM) Benefits · Opportunity to work on QAD 2017 EE · Exposure beyond just QAD systems, like TMS. · This role is best suite...

    $1198 Average bid
    $1198 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    ...functionality. Secure, well-documented smart contracts with no vulnerabilities. Gas fee optimisation for efficient transactions. Deployment of the token on the Ethereum mainnet. 2. Wallet Development Creation of a secure wallet for users to: Store, send, and receive the custom token. Interact with other cryptocurrencies if required. Features to include: Multi-factor authentication (e.g., password, biometrics). Secure encryption and private key management. User-friendly interface (for both mobile and desktop). Compatibility with existing wallet solutions (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet). 3. Website Development A professional and responsive website for showcasing the token and project details. Core Features: Homepage: Highlights token features, benefits, and call-to-actions. Tokeno...

    $2758 Average bid
    $2758 Oferta promedio
    34 ofertas