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Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Puerto Rico market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Puerto Rico, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish task...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Dominican Republic market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Dominican Republic, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Ecuador market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Ecuador, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickl...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Peru market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Peru, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Chile market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Chile, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly a...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Nicaragua market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Nicaragua, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks qu...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Colombia market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Colombia, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quic...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Panama market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Panama, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Costa Rica market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Costa Rica, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks ...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Nicaragua market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Nicaragua, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks qu...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Guatemala market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Guatemala, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks qui...
Hello everyone, We are a Ft. Lauderdale based import/export company currently expanding into the Mexico market. We're currently seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Mexico, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly ...
Somos una Empresa Joven en Educacion en Tecnologia, nuestro Foco de negocio esta en brindar cursos en Datacenter, Telecomunicaciones y Virtualizacion. El diseño a realizar de la pagina web tiene que ser Clara, Intuitiva, sencilla y moderna; de la cual se pueda descargar los temarios y la posibilidad de subir videos explicativos o en un formato el cual ayude a nuestros clientes a saber mas acerca de la capacitacion.
El proyecto es simple y consiste en traducir tres archivos. Cualquier referencia a España o alguna de sus ciudades deberá ser reemplazada por Italia y ciudades populares de éste país. Entre los entregables hay: 1) Dos excel en español cuya traducción debe colocarse en la columna que se especifica para tales fines. 2) Un archivo TXT que contiene un texto escrito para un software compuesto por trozos de oraciones que serán utilizadas para combinarse entre sí mediante este software. Estos "trozos" están separados por caracteres especiales como : ", ; | *". Es MUY IMPORTANTE traducir el archivo SIN CAMBIAR, MODIFICAR o AGREGAR ninguno de estos caracteres. Si sucede ésto, la traducción...
hacer un cadena de ventas por internet y tener much dinero
Rediseño de 2 hojas de presentacion de una empresa basandonos en ejemplo que se proporcionara,
Saludos a todos, soy un entusiasta en y comprometido con el contenido me decepciona que muchas de nuestras páginas más visitadas relacionadas al hogar y disciplina familiar tengan ilustraciones tan penosas y poco claras, por este motivo me doy a la tarea de llenar este hueco con modelos tal cual son nuestras propias familias y costumbres, es decir familias hispánicas o blancas en lugar de asiáticas, no busco gente guapísima, solo gente normal en un hogar normal. Abajo están los links a algunos de los manuales a detallar con archivos fotográficos, gracias Por favor para considerar ser elegido manden un ejemplo de los modelos a usar así como del entorno y de su portafolio de trabajos similares. ...
One logo. name: Oil Station Slogan: Para que vuelvas a casa.
I'll go straight to the point, i dislike my current course of HTML because my teacher is a moron, can barely learn anything and expects too much with the little free time i get and frankly if i fail this semester i'll be stuck with him 4 months again (already failed last time although i tried my best), i just need a webpage about any topic that fills his requirements which are: -Being built in HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery -At least 5 different HTML pages -Log in with PHP and that shows that he is logged on -Responsive Web Design (RWD) -3 Forms with 6 fields with Js for validation -Apply any effect to any element to be played with PHP -Background images with CSS3 I know this is a lot of work but ...
Brindas soporte IT a varias compañias y hacer tratos o varias oportunidades futuras hacia los diferentes clientes que hay en diferente ramo.
Hemos intentado personalizar una infografía que hemos comprado en graphic river, pero su acabado no nos convence. Necesitamos mejorar las tipografías empleadas, tamaños de textos, colores de textos, etc., para que sera más funcional y visible en web y facebook. Reordenar elementos (los numeros no están visualmente bien ordenados). Se facilitarán textos más cortos para mejorarlo. Cualquier otro cambio que mejore la estética es bienvenido.
Brindas soporte IT a varias compañias y hacer tratos o varias oportunidades futuras hacia los diferentes clientes que hay en diferente ramo.
Data entry for 1000 Data entry Data entry. I pay $7.
Hola, soy estudiante de Grado Superior de Automatizacion i robitica industrial, actualmente cursando el ultimo año. Y me gustaría encontrar algun trabajo de Autocad a distancia, ya que es lo que pongo en practica dia a dia.
...DuSoft is small startup, implementing great ideas and creative projects in the world of mobile applications. This time we are looking for a programmer / designer to develop a graphic, creative, intuitive and friendly interface for a discount website using the sencha touch / sencha architect framework, therefore is required experience using this tools. The project is about a mobile app that collects, discounts and promotions of some trades, with simple menu options that allows to the user, search by different criteria, filters, see the latest news, mark as favorites, facebook/twiter like and nothing more. The app is not complex , the challenge is make it with attractive graphical user i...
...DuSoft is small startup, implementing great ideas and creative projects in the world of mobile applications. This time we are looking for a programmer / designer to develop a graphic, creative, intuitive and friendly interface for a discount website using the sencha touch / sencha architect framework, therefore is required experience using this tools. The project is about a mobile app that collects, discounts and promotions of some trades, with simple menu options that allows to the user, search by different criteria, filters, see the latest news, mark as favorites, facebook/twiter like and nothing more. The app is not complex , the challenge is make it with attractive graphical user i...
Crear un curso en línea offline para DVD, que pueda verse tanto en DVD, como instalarse en PC. Mediación tecnológica o diseño instruccional que incluye creación de diagramas para explicar contenido, objetos de aprendizaje como; escenarios, cuestionarios interactivos, animaciones motion graphic, videos, contenidos interactivos multimedia.
Tengo un logotipo nuevo y quiero darle movimiento para poderlo usar en video o en la pagina web, no se si implica dos procedimientos diferentes.
...salen las llamadas. El problema es que las llamadas no se escuchan bien a veces. La voz se escucha entrecortada a veces. En otros momentos la llamada se escucha perfectamente. La troncal esta configurada, las llamadas salen pero , A VECES, no se escuchan bien. Hay que colgar y volver a llamar y al hacerlo , se escucha bien y a veces no. Es decir, el problema es que se establecen las llamadas pero , a veces, no se escucha bien. Las llamadas se realizan desde republica dominicana conectandonos a traves de softphones zoiper a la centralita Voip Elastix en Barcelona (España). El problema tendria que estar en la centralita en España. Llamamos sin problema por voip desde la oficina en republica dominican (via skype o conec...
Hello friends, going to start a new project. It would be a brand new "bio" products such as bags of mixes, peanuts, almonds, etc , for this we are looking to develop a new website ( the joomla installation we do ) We want the logo design and a template for joomla to integrate the logo . Thank you very much for everything Hola amigos, vamos a comenzar un nuevo proyecto. Sería una nueva marca de productos "bio" tales como bolsitas de mezclas, cacahuetes, almendras, etc, para esto estamos buscando desarrollar una nueva web (la instalación de joomla la hacemos nosotros) Queremos el diseño del logo y una plantilla para joomla que integre el logo. Muchas gracias ...