Website Designers para contratar en Czech Republic

  • Diseño de sitios web
  • Czech Republic


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Mostrando 117 resultados
  • Contratar     realaronvane
Contratar     realaronvane

    realaronvane realaronvane

    Czech Republic $30 USD / hora
    UI/UX Designer
    Czech Republic
    3 comentarios 3 comentarios $30 USD por hora
    UI Designer & Framer developer. I specialize in creating landing pages for both small businesses and larger companies. However, I have no problem creating UI for mobile apps and any kind of digital design. ✦ Let's kick off another project together!
    UI Designer & Framer developer. I specialize in creating landing pages for both small businesses and larger companies. However, I have no problem creating UI for mobile apps and any kind of digital design. ✦ Let's kick off another project together! menos
  • Contratar realaronvane
  • Contratar     peterkurt
Contratar     peterkurt

    peterkurt peterkurt

    Czech Republic $35 USD / hora
    PHP & Javascript Developer
    Czech Republic
    9 comentarios 9 comentarios $35 USD por hora
    I have 13+ years of experiences in web development. I am able to work with pure PHP or with usage of MVC frameworks Nette/Laravel. I have a lot of experiences in SQL databases, but I am able to work also with nonSQL databases like Cassandra/Aerospike too. In addition I can work with Cloudera + Impala for big data...
    I have 13+ years of experiences in web development. I am able to work with pure PHP or with usage of MVC frameworks Nette/Laravel. I have a lot of experiences in SQL databases, but I am able to work also with nonSQL databases like Cassandra/Aerospike too. In addition I can work with Cloudera + Impala for big data processing. Regarding front-end technologies, I am able to work with Javascript/jQuery/CSS/HTML. Best Regards Peter menos
  • Contratar peterkurt
  • Contratar     MKantor01
Contratar     MKantor01

    MKantor01 MKantor01

    Czech Republic $7 USD / hora
    Student of high school. Photoshop, Illustrator
    Czech Republic
    I am in the 4th year of the multimedia field and I would like to earn some extra money, I can use Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign at least at a basic level. I also had a four-week internship in advertising.
    I am in the 4th year of the multimedia field and I would like to earn some extra money, I can use Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign at least at a basic level. I also had a four-week internship in advertising. menos
  • Contratar MKantor01
  • Contratar     artemr3
Contratar     artemr3

    artemr3 artemr3

    Czech Republic $15 USD / hora
    Junior cybersecurity specialist, Python developer
    Czech Republic
    0 comentarios 0 comentarios $15 USD por hora
    Hello! My name is Artem Rastorguev. I am a specialist in cybersecurity and programming with experience in Python development. I recently graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
    Hello! My name is Artem Rastorguev. I am a specialist in cybersecurity and programming with experience in Python development. I recently graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. menos
  • Contratar artemr3
  • Contratar     Anastassiyag1
Contratar     Anastassiyag1

    Anastassiyag1 Anastassiyag1

    Czech Republic $5 USD / hora
    Data entry specialist
    Czech Republic
    I am a beginner data entry specialist with strong skills in Microsoft Excel. My experience includes processing and organizing information, creating spreadsheets, and using formulas for data analysis. I pay great attention to detail and ensure high-quality work. I am interested in projects related to data entry and...
    I am a beginner data entry specialist with strong skills in Microsoft Excel. My experience includes processing and organizing information, creating spreadsheets, and using formulas for data analysis. I pay great attention to detail and ensure high-quality work. I am interested in projects related to data entry and report creation. I enjoy working with numbers and helping companies optimize their processes. I am eager to grow and learn new skills to provide clients with the best service possible. menos
  • Contratar Anastassiyag1
  • Contratar     sedleycz
Contratar     sedleycz

    sedleycz sedleycz

    Czech Republic $27 USD / hora
    Frontend developer & Graphic designer
    Czech Republic
    0 comentarios 0 comentarios $27 USD por hora
    Poslední tři roky se aktivně věnuji vývoji frontendu webových aplikací ve Vue.js a Angularu, především pak tvorbě responzivních layoutů a komponent. Celou mojí kariéru se pak zabývám tvorbou webových stránek, a to jak pro drobného živnostníka, tak i pro nadnárodní korporát. Díky přesahu do vývoje frontendu aplikací a...
    Poslední tři roky se aktivně věnuji vývoji frontendu webových aplikací ve Vue.js a Angularu, především pak tvorbě responzivních layoutů a komponent. Celou mojí kariéru se pak zabývám tvorbou webových stránek, a to jak pro drobného živnostníka, tak i pro nadnárodní korporát. Díky přesahu do vývoje frontendu aplikací a webu vím přesně jak navrhnout layout tak, aby byl nejen uživatelsky přívětivý, ale i se efektivně kódoval a šetřil náklady při následném vývoji. Již několik let pomáhám klientům s vytvářením vizuální identity značky. Vždy jsem připraven navrhnout špičkové logo, vizitku nebo třeba svěží a výkonné webové stránky. Cizí mi není ani design vypečených marketingových materiálů, jako jsou různé katalogy, bannery nebo reklamní předměty. MÉ PORTFOLIO A VÍCE INFO NA MÉM WEBU: menos
  • Contratar sedleycz
  • Contratar     VmeansVlada
Contratar     VmeansVlada

    VmeansVlada VmeansVlada

    Czech Republic $3 USD / hora
    Web-designer, UX/UI designer
    Czech Republic
    I am calm and stable. I create comfortable and cozy website designs, respecting the aesthetics of a company or person. I am very inspired by projects made with love for people. Working with Figma, Tilda and Bubble, making emeail-newsletters and chat-bots
    I am calm and stable. I create comfortable and cozy website designs, respecting the aesthetics of a company or person. I am very inspired by projects made with love for people. Working with Figma, Tilda and Bubble, making emeail-newsletters and chat-bots menos
  • Contratar VmeansVlada
  • Contratar     kraloval123
Contratar     kraloval123

    kraloval123 kraloval123

    Czech Republic $8 USD / hora
    Webdesigner, logo designer a translator CZ-EN
    Czech Republic
    Věnuji se webdesignu, designu loga a překladům mezi českým a anglickým jazykem. Angličtinu ovládám na úrovni B2.
    Věnuji se webdesignu, designu loga a překladům mezi českým a anglickým jazykem. Angličtinu ovládám na úrovni B2. menos
  • Contratar kraloval123
  • Contratar     qgdesign
Contratar     qgdesign

    qgdesign qgdesign

    Czech Republic $10 USD / hora
    Grafický design Artist - Web design Developer - Photoshop Expert
    Czech Republic
    0 comentarios 0 comentarios $10 USD por hora
    I am ready to be hired by you as a Design bannerů Designer. I have a firm technical experience and the apt educational qualification that would fit best all your Design bannerů jobs. I have been successful in jobs relating to Design bannerů, Flash and Grafický design. I will also be a live starter and provide my...
    I am ready to be hired by you as a Design bannerů Designer. I have a firm technical experience and the apt educational qualification that would fit best all your Design bannerů jobs. I have been successful in jobs relating to Design bannerů, Flash and Grafický design. I will also be a live starter and provide my exceptional contribution in serving for your company and your customers. I also have a great experience working as a HTML Programmer and as a Ilustrátor Illustrator. If hired by you, I will deliver work of a high standard for your jobs. menos
  • Contratar qgdesign
  • Contratar     Maada
Contratar     Maada

    Maada Maada

    Czech Republic $20 USD / hora
    Czech Republic
    0 comentarios 0 comentarios $20 USD por hora
    Hi There, Im profesional 3D Animator and Motion Capture supervisor with more than 7 years experinece. Im working wit Mocap files, also with clasic animations. My primary target is Motion Capture system, working with it and procesing and editing files from Motion Capture to final look animation. Animating _ :...
    Hi There, Im profesional 3D Animator and Motion Capture supervisor with more than 7 years experinece. Im working wit Mocap files, also with clasic animations. My primary target is Motion Capture system, working with it and procesing and editing files from Motion Capture to final look animation. Animating _ : Using AAA animations pipeline to make the best animations. Editing animations to Ingame (blending, looping) movements, editing animations to FMV (story, constrains and so on). Also editing face animations (lipsynchr) to get final look animation ready to import to game engine. Vfx _ : Simple and dificult Vfx animations using procedural engine with physics, lights. Postproduction procedure with After Effects,real camera shooting, motion tracking and so on. (game, comercial) Motion Capture _ : Making setups whole system and cameras, calibration, developing markersets, shooting (face and full body), directing, cleaning captured data, transform datat to skeleton, making AAA animations procedure to get final clean animation. The most realistic movements ever. Demoreel is ready for you : Please feel free to contat me. Martin Valasek 3D Animator & Motion Capture Superviser mail: Tel: +420 777 941 091 skype: madrid_valasek menos
  • Contratar Maada

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