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Andrés G.
Data Science | Machine Learning Developer
$26 USD / Hour
Ecuador (6:16 AM)
Joined on July 21, 2016
$26 USD / Hour
In my first steps as a freelancer, I worked on projects related to automatic control, embedded systems, IoT, and intelligent systems. From the beginning of 2021, I decided to focus on Data Science. This subfield of artificial intelligence allows me to learn a lot about other fields that are not related to engineering. I'm glad to know that all my analytical skills, statistical knowledge, and programming skills are really helpful in achieving my goal of becoming an expert data scientist.
As a data scientist, I have experience in tasks such as:
✔️ Exploratory data analysis (EDA) and visualization (Dash/Plotly, Shiny, Tableau)
✔️ Getting and cleaning data
✔️ Clustering (k-means, DBSCAN, hierarchical, spectral clustering)
✔️ Neural Networks (ADALINE, perceptron, feed-forward NN, Hopfield NN)
✔️ Classification algorithms (desition trees, logistic regression, gradient boosting, SVC, random forest, k-nearest neighbors, and so on)
✔️ Regression algorithms (DT, LR, GB, SVR, RF, k-NN, and so on)
✔️ Dimensionality reduction (PCA, SVD)
✔️ A/B testing
✔️ Time series forecasting (ML, DL)
✔️ SQL and NoSQL databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Neo4j)
✔️ Statistical inference
✔️ Reproducible research
I can work in other fields that are not directly related to data science such as:
✔️ Fuzzy Logic (Mandani, Sugeno models)
✔️ Bioinspired optimization (PSO, Ant Colony Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony, Firefly Optimization, Dragonfly Optimization, Grey Wolf Optimizer) and Linear Programming
✔️ Linear programming
✔️ Autopilots for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
✔️ C/C++ programming for Arduino and Microcontrollers
✔️ Python, R, MATLAB, Java, and Bash programming languages
I prefer to use open-source tools like R or python to work. These programming languages remain on the cutting edge thanks to their active and supportive communities. I also use MATLAB a lot due to its power in math.
Mostly available on Saturdays from 8 am to 4 pm GMT -5.
Andres is an excellent professional. He have developed the algorithm with 134 constraints. Persevering to solve the work in the shortest possible time.
I will definitely hire him again!
La comunicación con Andrés fue excelente. Al final entregó satisfactoriamente el trabajo con todos los requisitos solicitados y de manera autónoma resolvió los conflictos que iban surgiendo al momento del desarrollo.
Lo recomiendo para trabajar con él, esta muy atento a responder a las inquietudes aun después de finalizar el trabajo.
- Data ingestion using RESTful API
- Batch and streaming queries with Kafka
- Azure Databricks, PySpark, SQL, Azure Data Factory
Jun, 2022 - Present
2 years, 7 months
Research Assistant
May, 2018 - Dec, 2019
1 year, 7 months
May, 2018 - Dec, 2019
1 year, 7 months
- Measurement, storage, and analysis of atmospheric pollutant concentrations, to track the sources of air pollutants
- Develop an environmental monitoring platform based on 2 UAVs (quadcopters)
- Teach courses on tools for data analysis and dimensionality reduction
May, 2018 - Dec, 2019
1 year, 7 months
Tecnológico de Monterrey
2017 - 2019
2 years
Master in Sciences of Engineering
2017 - 2019
2 years
Universidad de Cuenca
2011 - 2017
6 years
Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
2011 - 2017
6 years
Data Science-Specialized Program
Johns Hopkins University - Coursera
The Data Science Specialization covers the concepts and tools for an entire data science pipeline. Successful participants learn how to use the tools of the trade, think analytically about complex problems, manage large data sets, deploy statistical principles, create visualizations, build and evaluate machine learning algorithms, publish reproducible analyses, and develop data products.
Equidistributed Search+Probability Based Tracking Strategy to Locate an Air Pollutant Source
IEEE Access
A probability-based tracking strategy is proposed for guiding two cooperative unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) within a quest area to find an atmospheric pollutant source. This implies deploying algorithmically two phases: exploration and exploitation. During the exploration phase, each vehicle follows a trajectory based on plane coordinates generated from a Hammersley sequence. The navigation trajectories are smoothed by an TSP solver and a cubic spline planning algorithm.
Evaluating the Mindwave Head-set for Automatic Upper Body Motion Classification
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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