I am a Python developer with 4+ years of experience that specializes in multi-platform applications using PyQt, PySide/PyQt,Scrapy, BeautifulSoup 4, Pillow, Matplotlib, Xml, json, and csv modules, Celery
I am also working to be more of a Full-Stack developer, so that means I have more experience than indicated by just my Python background.
I enjoy working with passionate people who know what it is they need and where they are headed. I've worked with individual people and with organizations in teams of 3+ people from all over the world.
As a developer, I make a point to write my code in a consistent style adhering to the PEP8 style document. For other languages,I also make an ?effort to write good quality tests and documentation for all of the code I write.
Kindly reply me soon so we can discuss more about this.
Thank you