Hello, there, As an experienced AWS EC2 administrator and network troubleshooter, I am confident that I am the best fit to restore your AWS Windows instance and configure it as a SoftEther VPN server.
My extensive knowledge of AWS, including EC2 administration, ensures that I am well-equipped to address any issues that may have arisen during your upgrade and restore the instance to its previous functionality. Having worked on numerous network configuration projects, it is second nature for me to handle DNS settings, firewall rules, and optimization for enhanced performance and security.
My proficiency in SoftEther VPN endows me with a deep understanding of its functionalities and the key adjustments required to make it work seamlessly on AWS. Moreover, my experience in debugging complex technical issues will be beneficial in ensuring a smooth restoration process. With my skill set including not only the technical side but also project management and effective client communication, you can be certain that updating you throughout the process will never be an issue.