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Cecilia B.



Social Media

$6 USD / Hour
Flag of
Brazil (7:35 PM)
Joined on August 4, 2020
$6 USD / Hour
My name is Cecilia, I've been working with graphic design and digital marketing for almost a year and I can already reap good fruits from my study in the area. Meeting deadlines and customer satisfaction are my priorities. I am qualified in the following areas: - Image production for social networks - Social Network Management - Ad analysis - Creation of content - Neuromarketing - Leads - Email marketing - Facebook Ads - Persona identification - Business cards - Digital business cards - Professional presentations (in PowerPoint or Canva PRO) - Excel Feel free to contact me at any time through the chat. :)



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Social Media
Jun, 2020 - Present
4 years, 8 months
Porteira dos Sabores
Jun, 2020 - Present
4 years, 8 months
Atuo produzindo posts para redes sociais, identidade visual, produção de textos e interagindo com clientes.
Jun, 2020 - Present
4 years, 8 months
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