Buying Database/Data Set, contact details of stock/share market buyers

Closed Posted Feb 20, 2015 Paid on delivery
Closed Paid on delivery

Searching for a data set/database of persons trading at stock markets. Only from german speaking persons (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) Name, phone number etc. The more information available the better. Payment according to quality and quantity

Benötigt werden Datensätze, Kontaktdaten von Personen die an der Börse handeln oder gehandelt haben. Personen die Aktien kaufen/gekauft haben in der Vergangenheit oder sonstwie an Aktien/Börse interessiert sein könnten. Je mehr Informationen vorhanden desto besser. Zahle je nach Qualität/Menge

Data Entry Data Mining Database Development Database Programming Excel

Project ID: #7175062

About the project

3 proposals Remote project Active Mar 29, 2015

3 freelancers are bidding on average €12707 for this job


{German, Austria, Switzerland} Top Leads provider on I can provide you with top quality leads of people from stock market. I assure you 100 % professional and working data. Let me know if you are interes More

€15789 EUR in 3 days
(10 Reviews)

A proposal has not yet been provided

€11166 EUR in 3 days
(0 Reviews)

am from cameroon i deal mostly in building a database using microsoft access so i will be very cool with this job since i have a very good internet to deal with the job task needed

€11166 EUR in 3 days
(0 Reviews)