Atmel Specialists For Hire
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Hi. I am an Electronics Engineer with +5 years of experience in Embedded Firmware and Embedded Systems. ✔ I know C/C++ programming language, especially for embedded firmware. ✔ I can make PCB designs with KiCAD, Eagle, Proteus, EasyEDA, and Altium Designer. ✔ I can make a project with STM32 (STM32CubeIDE),...Hi. I am an Electronics Engineer with +5 years of experience in Embedded Firmware and Embedded Systems. ✔ I know C/C++ programming language, especially for embedded firmware. ✔ I can make PCB designs with KiCAD, Eagle, Proteus, EasyEDA, and Altium Designer. ✔ I can make a project with STM32 (STM32CubeIDE), PIC12/16/18/24 (MPLAB X IDE), ESP32 (ESP-IDF or Arduino), ESP8266 (PlatformIO), RP2040(Python or C SDK) and Atmel Microcontrollers (Microchip Studio), Nuvoton (NuEclipse). ✔ I can make simulations with LTspice, Logisim Evolution, and Proteus. ✔ I can make GUI with a Nextion or .NET Framework, ✔ I can rapidly prototype your embedded system. ✔ I can do Arduino programming. ✔ I used these things in my previous projects: UART, I2C, SPI, DMA, ADC, DAC, PWM, EEPROM, MPU6050, BMP180/280, ADXL345, HC-SR04, Joystick, L86 GPS, 7SD, Nokia 5110 Display, LCD Display, Nextion Display, DS1307+, RS485, PCA9685 PWM Module, BLDC Motor Control, BNO055 MPU, Step Motor Control, Servo Motor Control, NRF24L01, NTC Thermistor, HX711 Load Cell. less
Hire ElektroNeo
jchiu91104 jchiu91104
$275 USD / hourHigh Complexity PCB/Electronics Design SpecialistVersatile engineer focused on electronics and product design. Equipped to build prototypes in-house. I have served a wide variety of industries and have developed initial concepts and prototype devices as well as producing products that go into full scale production manufacturing. Extensive PCB design experience...Versatile engineer focused on electronics and product design. Equipped to build prototypes in-house. I have served a wide variety of industries and have developed initial concepts and prototype devices as well as producing products that go into full scale production manufacturing. Extensive PCB design experience with Altium Designer, including detailed layout incorporating 3D CAD models. My key offerings: • Electronics design and printed circuit board (PCB) layout with Altium Designer • Mechanical CAD work to supplement the electronics, including sheet metal work • Working on bare-metal firmware as well as on embedded-OS • System analysis and design, including key technical and market considerations for success IPC CID Graduate of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), B.S. Engineering and Applied Sciences (E&AS) Located in the Los Angeles-area. U.S. Citizen less
Hire jchiu91104