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Vivek S.
An Engineer dedicated to project completion
$10 USD / Hour
India (9:29 AM)
Joined on November 13, 2019
$10 USD / Hour
Hi, I am Vivek Singh, an Engineer. I have 9+ years of experience in Embedded system, CAD design, Electronics, project works, etc. You can view my previous work from my YouTube channel whose name is Eagle Foundation. I can complete your work in the predefined timeline.
Working as an automation engineer. My main responsibility includes the design and development of automation-based projects.
Nov, 2017 - Present
7 years, 3 months
Masters in Engineering
2014 - 2017
3 years
2014 - 2017
3 years
EPICS Record Processing and Device Support Usage in Raspberry Pi
GRD Journal
An open-source software tool kit is EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) developed and maintained by Argonne National Laboratory, US and is in use worldwide. It maintains the server client-distributed control system. Communication between server and client is done through a named piece of data called Process Variable (PV). There may be many clients and many servers. [1]. this paper presents record processing in EPICS and usage of device support in Raspberry Pi.
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