Write some Software for the HIRO H50113 V92 56K External USB Dial Up Internet Modem
$250-750 USD
Posted over 7 years ago
$250-750 USD
Paid on delivery
I need software written for the HIRO H50113 USB Modem that will take the phone number from an incoming call and send the phone number to a website where it is saved. I also want a database where it is also saved on the PC. This cost of the Modem is $25 and you will need a land phone line for testing, I can send you a modem for testing.
I need this for Windows 7, 8, & 10
I am having an expertise in handling modems be it serial port or USB port modem.
Apart from that I have a prior experience of developing multiple application software around modem or using modem. If reqd I can tell u the details.
Moreover, I am in embedded software domain also for more than 10 yrs and can assure you to deliver the quality work.
Hi, my name is Mike, I’m based in Oxford, UK. Your project description sounds interesting to me and I do have skills & experience that are required to complete it to a high standard. I can show you some examples of my work that are similar to this. Let me know when you’re available to go through it in more details.
I was working with telecommunication for few years and i made one software like this if you are sending me that Modem please send all the package with it .My estimated time is maybe little more then rest of the bidders but just want to make sure everything is working fine maybe i will finish it sooner but want to make sure i will finish it right .