“Offer me this job,” he said, “and I’ll take it and make you proud!” That’s not the traditional way to open the cover letter for a job application, but I take the “creative” in creative writing very seriously. Indeed, an employer can expect from me consistent creativity and seriousness of purpose.
After years of study, I have mastered the techniques, mechanics, and, most importantly, dynamics which make the written word engaging. I strive, in innovative ways, to craft complex ideas into accessible and readable concepts that jump off the page and into the reader’s thoughts.
In my opinion, capturing the moment is only part of the craft. Of equal or greater importance is building reader interest and involvement — making the reader an actual participant in the moment. Being able to do so is one of my greatest skills. Therefore, when that moment arrives, I am confident that the message, and with it, the story, will “pop” so as to evoke the desired emotional response.
Over the years, I have honed my writing skills to enable flawless execution in meticulous language. I will not only help you with the hook, line, and sinker, I will get you into the boat and take you to the biggest catch.